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Annex 2: technology

Cassette Walkman

Old Heavy Thick Modern Portable Slim

Simple Advanced

Facts Cassette Walkman Smartphone

When was it invented? 1979 by Sony. 1992 by IBM.

Mainly teenagers and young Almost everybody except

Who uses it? some senior citizens.
What does it look like? It is heavy, bulky and rectangular. It is slim and very portable. It is
It is available in black, silver and black and has a long ariel.
light blue.
What can it do? It can play music on casstte tapes It can connect to the internet,
and sometimes it has a radio make phone calls, play music
function too. and store files.

The cassette walkman was heavier than the Smartphone
The Smartphone was more advanced than the cassette walkman.
The cassette walkman was less portable than the Smartphone
The Smartphone was slimmer than the cassette walkman.
Annex 2: technology

Floppy disk

Old Big Flat Small Tubular New

Difficult Easy

Facts Floppy disk USB

When was it invented? 1967 1996

People used it in banks, offices People use it to store all kinds of

Who uses it? files from spreadsheets to music
and schools to save data until
early 2000s. and movies.

What does it look like? It measures 5 and one quarter It is a small tube of plastic that
inches. It is a square of thin, flat can have up to four pins. It
plastic lined with a special fabric connects to a computer or
to remove dust particles. device to transfer files by a
metal insertion.

What can it do? They have a great capacity to It can store many GB of files and
store large ammounts of data, transfer them between different
sometimes even more than a places.
USB. However, they are easily

The USB is less difficult to use than the floppy disk.
The floppy disk is flatter than the USB
The floppy disk is older than the USB
The USB is easier to use than the floppy disk. 2
Annex 2: technology

Safe Limited Accessible Risky Virtual Innovative
Traditional Restricted

Facts Cash Paypal

When was it invented? As early as 700 B.C. 1998

Every single society in the People who buy and sell online on
Who uses it? sites such as Ebay, Mercado libre
world uses cash or a similar
system. and Amazon or people who want to
send and receive money without
using a bank.

What does it look like? It can be small, round metallic It is an application represented by
coins and thin paper or plastic a small blue letter “P”.
notes printed in different colours
and different symbols depending
on the country.

What can it do? It can be exchanged for goods You can put your credit or debit
and services and is earned card details into paypal and it
through work…or crime! receives or sends money on your
behalf, thereby protecting your
financial information.

Cash is more traditional than Paypal, so the older generation prefers it.
Paypal is less risky than paying with a credit card online.
Cash is more accessible to most people than Paypal because not everyone has internet.
Paypal is more innovative than traditional payment methods. 3
Annex 2: technology

Autor: Eleanor Frances Brown

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