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Nisrina TOEFL Structure

& Written Expression

Ms. Nisrina S+ 2
TOEFL Structure V
& mat g
Pr er
& Written Expression ph epo ial
ra si s:
se ti
s on

TOEFL ITP Structure and

Written Expression
Tips 1: Make sure a sentence/ a clause has at least
a subject and a verb
Sample questions:

For instance:

- A schedule of the day's events can be

obtained at the front desk. (Correct)

- Last week went fishing for trout at the

nearby mountain lake. (Incorrect)
Tips 2:
Use the correct
Either active/ passive voice

A sample question:

Use the correct TENSES
Either active/ passive voice

6. If we ______ a practical point of view, then the most

important property of the rays is the production of
physiological effects on the cells of the human organism.
A. are taking
B. take
C. takes
D. to take
Tips 3: After modal like can, could, should, will,
would wajib verb base (verb 1 tanpa s/es).
Written expression part
Tips 3: After modal like can, could, should, will,
would, etc. wajib verb base (verb 1 tanpa s/es).
Tips 4: Make sure the subject and the verb agree to
each other

What do I mean by agree to each other?

It means, see the singular + plural
For example: My mother and I want to go to Surabaya next week.
Other sample questions
Let's practice analyzing

Analyze whether the sentences below are correct (C) or incorrect (I).
Just write down C if they are correct, and I if they are incorrect! :D
Answer Key

Exercise 1 AMERICA
1. I. There is no subject
2. C
3. I. There is no verb LATIN
4. I. Double verb (has & provides) AMERICA

5. C
6. I. Double subject (text & it)
7. C.
8. I. Missing verb
9. I. Missing subject
10. I. Double verb (is & processes)
Do you guys have any
Just feel free to let me know or ask here :)
Don't hesitate to ask any questions
Your questions might be helpful for the others too
Who knows?
Tips 5: Ignore all the prepositional phrases,
especially after the subject

Why? What is a preposition?

So that you can directly A preposition is a word
focus on the subject and which shows relationship
the verb without being between among other
distracted by the words.
prepositional phrases.

What are the examples of

What is the prepositional phrases?
prepositional phrases?
It is a phrase that begin
with a preposition.
1. In the morning
2. After going to the
party, ...
3. In front of the class, ...
List of prepositions
Tips 5 sample questions

Written expression part

Tips 5 sample questions
Let's practice analyzing sentences

Exercise 2: Analyze whether the sentences below are correct (C) or incorrect (I).
Just write down C if they are correct, and I if they are incorrect! :D
Exercise 2: Answer Key
1. C. 6. C.
2. I. Missing subject 7. I. Double subject (Shopping & It)
3. C. 8. C.
4. C. 9. I. Missing subject
5. I. Missing subject 10. C.



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