Welcome To Mcdonald

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Wolcom to macdonalds

2In MCDonald`s offer fast food

In macdonalds ofer fast fud

3Exist thirty thousand restaurants in all worlds.

Exzist tsiry tdausen restuan in oll world

4In McDonald’s we can find appetizers as:

in macdonals wi quen fain apitaizer as:

Apple pie to oven

apol pai tu aoven

Cookie Chocolate

kuki chocolate

Chip worldwide famous

chep worlwaid feimes

Apple slices

apol slais

Sticks whit cinnamon sugar

stik wit sinemen suger

5in MCDonalds we can find main courses:

in macdonals wi quen fain mein kours

6 Breakfast:


Big breakfast with hotcakes

Big brekfest wit jogueks

Sausage burrito

Sasich burrito

Fruit & maple oatmeal

Frut end meipol outmil



Quarter pounder deluxe

kuorer pounder delaox

Mc double

Mc dabol

Quarter pounder whit cheese bacon

Cuarer pounder wit chis beiken

Buttermilk Crispy chicken sandwich

Baremilk crispi chiquen sanduich

8Combo meal

combo mil

Cheeseburger meal

chisburger mil

Bacon, egg & cheese Mc griddle meal

beiken eg end chis mc gruerol mil

Chicken McNuggets Meal the ten pieces

Chiken mc naoguet mil the ten pis

Sausage McMuffin whit egg meal

Sasich mc maofin wit eg mil

9Happy Meal

Japy mil

Happy meal with hamburger

japy mil wit jamburger

Happy meal with chicken McNuggets four pieces

japi mil wit chiken mc naoguet for four pis

Happy meal with chicken McNuggets six pieces

japi mil wit chiken mc naoguet for six pis

10In McDonald’s we can find beverages and desserts:

in mcdonals wi quen fain baburich end dizert

Hot caramel sundae

Jat kaeremel sandey

Hot fudge sundae

Jat fadyi sandey

Strawberry shake

Straoberry sheik

Coca- Cola


Fanta orange

Fanta uoranch

Iced tea

Aist ti

Water Dasani


11The restaurants open in the morning to seven and close in the night to ten

De restuant open in de morning to seven end clos in the nait to ten

12Three reasons to go there

Thry rison to go der

The meal is very delicious

de mil is very dilishesh

The service is fast

the servis is fast

You can find a restaurant in anyone place

yu quen faind a restuant in enyguan pleis

13In McDonald’s you can celebrate a birthday, especially the Childs.

In macdonalds yu quen celibreit a berthey ispeshaly the chaild

14At McDonald’s offers:

At macdonald ofers

At area especially for party decorate

At eria ispeshaly for pary decoreit

Animation all party

Enemeichon ol pary



Gift exclusive on guests and birthday boy

Gift exclusiv on gest end berdey boy

Cake on birthday

Keik on berdey

Main courses

mein kours

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