General Biology

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2008 KU International Summer Program Course Title Credit Hours Biology Textbook Kimballs Biology Pages Writer John

W. Kimball General Biology 3 Instructor Instructors E-mail Neil A. Campbell Publisher Jay Ko Benjamin Cummings

Course Description

A comprehensive introductory course investigating the major areas of modern biological inquiry. Includes scientific method, biological molecules, cell structure and function, development, genetic engineering, stem cells, cloning and physiology. The class activities will include lectures, discussions, presentations, writtings, and reportings. Each student will develop skills of aquiring biological information from a variety of resources and analyzing the information. Upon successful completion of this course, the student should: 1. Understand and be able to correctly use the vocabulary of biology. 2. Be familiar with the way scientists investigate problems in biology; understand the scientific method. 3. Understand the basic concepts and mechanisms of cellular biology. 4. Be able to identify structure and function of tissue types, major organs, and organ systems of animals and understand how organ systems are interconnected and work together to maintain homeostasis in the organism. 5. Have the skills to understand and question the biological information presented in mainstream media and understand the biological principles behind health issues. 6. Ability to read and analyze scientific articles This is a 3 credit hour course. Course grades will be determined out of potential 100 points. A = 90 -100, B = 80-89, C = 70-79, D = 60-69, E = below 60

Course Objectives

Assessment Criteria

The distribution of the points is : Assignment : 10% Exams: 40% Presentation: 40% Class contribution : 10% Absence : Because attendance and participation are part of grade, missing a class will result in a loss of points. If you are ill or have valid excuse, your absence can be excused only by submitting acceptable evidence of excuse.

Office of International Programs, KONKUK UNIVERSITY

Course Syllabus

General Biology Sessions 1 Topics Introduction Exploration of Biology Websites Animals vs. Plant Readings/Chapters Syllabus Ch. 31 & 36

Body, System, Tissue, Cell, Organelle DNA, RNA, Protein Mutation & Cancer Development

Ch. 7

Ch.16 Ch. 43 Embryonic Development (Kimballs biology Pages) Ch. 18 & 19 Embryonic Stem Cells (Kimballs biology Pages) Ch. 42 Sex Hormones (Kimballs biology Pages) Selected Research Article Scientific Methods (Kimballs biology Pages) Selected Research Article

Genetic Engineering Stem Cell & Animal Cloning Ethics in Biomedical Research Physiology: Sex Hormones & Reproduction

Exam and Research Article Selection Scientific Hypothesis, Experiments, Data Analysis, and Publication Visits to Biomedical Laboratories




Research Project Presentation

*Ch: Readings from 6th Edition of Campbell Biology ** Selected Research Article: Each student will choose a research article and present.

Office of International Programs, KONKUK UNIVERSITY

Course Syllabus

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