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3. When you start the PDS component loader, you are prompted to enter your name and serial

If you have purchased FrameWorks Plus or PDS PID Standalone separately from
PDS, then you should have a FrameWorks Plus or PDS PID Standalone serial number that is
separate from the PDS serial number. These products should be loaded with the individual
product's serial number.

20 Plant Design System (PDS) Project Administrator (PD_Project)


4. After entering this information, the Intergraph PDS Component Loader dialog box

SmartPlant License Manager and RIS Client are not included in the Component
Loader. They are delivered on the PDS CD, but must be installed individually.
5. When you choose a specific product to load, a dialog box showing its load options displays.

6. If you choose Local as the installation type, the software is loaded to the local disk. If you
choose Client as the installation type, the Server Name field becomes active, and the Local
install path field changes to Server install path. You must now enter the software server
name and the path where this PDS product was loaded in server mode. If you choose Server
as the installation type, the Local install path changes to Server install path.

Plant Design System (PDS) Project Administrator (PD_Project) 21


7. All client nodes must have PD_Shell and SmartPlant License Manager (SPLM) loaded to the
local disk.Other products can be loaded local or in client mode. Frequently-used products
should be loaded locally, while infrequently used products can be loaded in client mode.
8. The node from which projects will be created must have all required products loaded locally.
An exception is the 3D reference data, RDUSRDB or RDDINRDB, and the PDS 2D
reference data, both of which can be loaded on a server and referenced from the client node
during project creation. If projects are created using Express Project Creation/New User
Mode, then the required reference data must be loaded locally.
The Component Loader runs a check of the registry key string
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE > SOFTWARE > Intergraph > Common in preparing for
delivery of the RIS Shared Components. If this registry keystring does not exist, the
Component Loader creates it with a value of c:\win32app\ingr\share. If the keystring does
exist, it must be no longer than 22 characters and must not contain any spaces. If either of
these rules is violated, a warning dialog box displays, and the RIS Components will not be
delivered. See Registry Entries for more information.
9. When you select the PDS components to load and click the Load Components button, the
Online Software License Agreement displays.

10. Click Yes to continue.

11. To configure SmartPlant License Manager:
a. From the Start menu, click Programs > Intergraph SmartPlant License Manager >
SmartPlant License Manager. On Windows Vista and Windows Server 2008 and above,
right-click and select Run as Administrator.
b. Click Select License Machine for Client, and then click Select.

22 Plant Design System (PDS) Project Administrator (PD_Project)


c. Type the SmartPlant License server computer name, and then click OK.
d. Close all remaining SmartPlant License Manager dialog boxes when you have finished.
12. To configure RIS:
a. Select RIS05.07– RIS Schema Manager and right-click to select run as Administrator.
b. Define the location of your schema file.
13. To configure PDS:
a. Select PDSHELL – PDS configure and right-click to select run as Administrator.
b. Point to the cmd file you need to use.
14. To create the PDS queues:
a. Select PD_SHELL – PDS Queue and right-click to select run as Administrator.
b. Create the PDS queues.
15. Turn UAC back on and reboot the machine.
16. You need to change the temp and tmp variables to both point to C:\temp for ALL
users that might need to work on this computer.

Loading Database Products

Oracle and Microsoft SQL Server each require that a separate installation program be run after
or during the process of downloading the database products. These installation programs
involve significant decisions regarding the size of the database to be created, the maximum
number of users to be supported, the frequency of automatic backups, and other important issues.
It is recommended that a system manager who has reviewed the database installation programs
install and configure the databases. For more information on installing a database on your
workstation or server, see the PDS Project Setup Technical Reference.

Database Information
PDS uses databases to store information that is applicable to all aspects of the project, including
project control data and reference data. PDS also uses databases to associate nongraphic
information and user-definable attributes with graphic elements in the design files. PDS 3D
provides a consistent interface for the maintenance of these databases.
All databases you create for PDS are relational databases, meaning that they are based on a
relational data model - a relation being a two-dimensional table made up of rows and columns.
Most relational databases have a Structured Query Language (SQL) interface.
The PDS 3D products attach to the relational databases through Intergraph Corporation's
Relational Interface System (RIS). RIS is a generic relational database interface that isolates the
SQL interface differences in specific vendors' relational database management systems
(RDBMSs). It provides a generic networked access to all databases that are generated with
popular RDBMSs supported by RIS, including Oracle and SQL Server. For information on
installing the RDBMS systems on your workstation or server, see the PDS Project Setup
Technical Reference.
For more information, see:
PDS and the Relational Interface System (RIS) (on page 24)

Plant Design System (PDS) Project Administrator (PD_Project) 23

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