Quiz 1 Hydro Ce141-2

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This is the temperature at which air becomes saturated.

The definite surface of discontinuity that appears between a warm air mass and an advancing cold air mass is called:

A certain watershed has four rainfall stations scattered in it referred to as STA.

The line dividing land draining to stream from land draining away from the stream.

The hydrological process wherein part of precipitation is captured by the foliage (leaves, branches) of plants.

Lifting cools air masses so moisture condenses.

Precipitation is generally lower in coastlines.

In hydrology, this is the major energy supply for vaporization (latent heat) that influence evaporation.

This relates to the paradigm and/or methods applied to our resources such as our water resources that ensures the satisfaction
Used to get areal precipitation estimates by assigning weights to rainfall by means of constructed polygons.

Assuming all losses are negligible, if 10mm of rain falls on an area measuring 10 hectares

In a certain Climate Station, the air temperatures is measured at 25 degree C. The wet-bulb (used to measure dew poing temperature) has a
reading of 18 degree C.
For dry air the rate of decrease of temperature with elevation is called dry adiabatic lapse rate and is approximately equal to:

A part of the hydrologic process wherein infiltrated water is percolated deeper to the groundwater

Movement of large air mass system wherein the warm air mass advances to a cold air mass.
This is the ratio of the vapor pressure and the saturation vapor pressure

The mechanical lifting of air mass over the windward side of mountain ranges is called convective lifting

The effect producing changes in wind direction and velocity due to the rotation of the earth from west to east is called?

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