My Portfolio Word Sin Revisar (1) AG3

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My portfolio-AG3

Teacher’s name: Monica Girón

Level: AG3
Student: Fabricio Vargas
Writing 1 – unit 16
Writing 1-Gun control
One of the main problems we have in the world is the illegal use of guns.
The use of guns is exclusive only to the armed forces of a country, but there are
people who use firearms to rob or even kill. For this reason, the use of firearms
is not allowed. Although the police work hard to catch the thieves who use these
guns to rob and kill, it is not enough for the illegal smuggling of weapons from
people to others and, essentially, this problem affects people who don't have
enough money to survive.
But not only do thief rob people who don't have enough money to subsist, but
they also rob rich people. Actually, people who steal come together in groups so
they can steal from rich families. For this reason, there are countries who,
definitely, need to have guns to protect themself and their families against
thieves. These three countries are U.S.A, Mexico and Guatemala, and the
government suggested that everybody have guns to protect himself. It
happened because there are a lot of people who rob and kill people, and the
government accept the use of guns for safety of people and right now almost
everyone has a fire gun.
The use of guns has pros and cons. About the pros, the use of guns is
necessary to protect oneself and stay safe. Another thing in favor of the use of
guns is that we can use it as self-defense. But on the downside, apparently,
people don't really know how to use guns safely, and they often shoot people
accidentally. Other cons are that not only are firearms dangerous, but people
also can use them to threaten other people.
In conclusion, I think that guns are dangerous for our life and for me, it’s better
to use a camera to find at the thieves as fast as possible or have a spray for
Writing 2-Connectors-Unit19
My First Experience - AG3

The first experience that I remember so well started when I was 6 years old.
I went out with my parents to “Chabuca Granda” in the afternoon. We went
there because my parents wanted to show me the place and the act that was
going to be there. First of all, we went to eat picarones on the street and when
we finished, we went to see the act in the middle of the place. We saw people
acting and dancing in the middle; Also, there were people singing and telling
jokes. After that, we went to take photos and take a walk.

When the night arrived, we went to see the stores and the products they had.
Then, I wanted to buy something, but my parents didn’t want to buy me
anything, so I told My mother that I drink a soda and they bought me. After my
parents bought me a soda, my mother told me to enter a craft store, but when
we entered, I left and got lost.

I didn’t know that I was lost because I was focused one drinking my soda, and I
went to sit in a chair. After I finished my soda, I didn’t know where I was. I only
saw people walking and people cooking in the street. I started to cry because I
didn’t find my parents and anybody went to help me. After I was lost 30 minutes,
a lady gave who was selling a dessert stopped me; then, she gave me a
dessert, and she told me: “don’t worry, I’m going to call your parents”. She
called the police officer, and they brought my parents. When the police officer
found my parents, he told them, "we found your son, come with us".

Finally, my parents found me eating a dessert that a lady gave me and when I

saw my parents, I saw that they are worried, so I hugged them. For me, this

experience was “the first that I remember and the most traumatizing.”

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