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Oral Presentation Outline

Use the outline format below to plan your presentation. You may
use this sheet of paper (and only this) when recording your
presentation. Take into account the following instructions:

• Use signal words/phrases to help you remember major key

points you want to make.
• Avoid using complete sentences as you will be tempted to
read these.

• Introduction

Hi everyone!

Your name(s):

Title of presentation: Analysis and development of a

feedback and stocking information system for a business field.

Presentation topic, purpose or objectives, and main idea:

The meeting of the topic today is the explanation of different

points which refer to the effectiveness that a Stocking Software can
have in the business environment.

The explanation will be divided into two parts which are: Body
and Closure. Both have different subpoints that we will explain
• Body

Background information about topic:

Specific details, explanations or descriptions of topic (there

may be more than three).

• Explanation and detail of example #1:

Synthesize an information system that can avoid unnecessary

waste of time becoming a system with high performance or
superior to others.

It is evident that there are many systems in the world that
have many functionalities, but this one has the advantage that it is
specialized to a previously defined workplace.

• Explanation and detail of example #2:

For the company, at first, it can be complicated to enter

information into the system, but once the system is installed it will
only be a matter of time before the information is in the program.

Companies have been working for a long time and without an
information system, may have a lot of significant information
written down on paper inside folders.

• Explanation and detail of example #3:

An information system that allows you to organize and update the
information of each product that is registered within the system.

A very common problem in small companies are they think they can
carry out processes such as sales and purchases of products by
keeping these records in their heads.

• Closing

Closing statement or summary about your topic or assignment:

project closure

In conclusion, the project Analysis and development of a

feedback and stocking information system for a business area,
aims to reach companies that require an improvement in
efficiency, performance and safety.

Question requests from audience:

Any questions?

How long can the development of this software take?

On average from 6 to 12 months, it is also significant to review

what other solutions we can achieve in the company through
this software, in addition to the work that can be solved with the
stocking software.

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