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ENTREPRENEURSHIP- The capacity and - Babysitting

willingness to develop, organize, and manage a - Bookkeeping

business venture along with any of its risks in order - Dance instruction
to make a profit. - Tutoring
of marketplace and to meet those needs by ENTREPRENEUR
supplying a service or product.
• Independent
• Have determination and perseverance
• An entrepreneur assumes risks. • Goal-oriented
• Creative
• Employees are people who work for someone
• Able to act quickly
• Know what they want, and are able to focus on
• Both may make decision, but only the achieving it
entrepreneur is directly affected by the • Have a need to achieve and set high standards
consequences of those decisions. for themselves
Entrepreneurs and Inventors
• Entrepreneurs are their own bosses
• According to Hirsch (2008), there is a great • Entrepreneurs can choose a business that
confusion about the nature of an entrepreneur interests them
versus an inventor. • Entrepreneurs can be creative
• Entrepreneurs can make lots of money
• Inventors are people who create something for DISADVANTAGES OF ENTREPRENEURSHIP
the first time. They are highly driven individuals • Entrepreneurship is risky
motivated by their own work and personal • Entrepreneurs face uncertain and irregular
ideas. They are well-educated, with college or, incomes
most often, post-graduate degree education, • Entrepreneurs work long hours
and occupational experiences that contribute to • Entrepreneurs must make all decisions by
creative development. themselves
pursuing a new venture Hirsh (2008)
- Apparel and other textile products 1. Identification and evaluation of the opportunity
- Chemicals and related products 2. Development of the business plan
- Food products 3. Determination of the required resources
- Printing and Publishing 4. Management of the resulting enterprise
- Stone, clay, and glass products CONTEMPORARY ECONOMIC ISSUES
2. Wholesaling
- Apparel  INVESTMENT
- Groceries and related products - Investment is the use of savings to become
- Machinery, equipment, supplies future income.
- Lumber, construction materials - A product that people buy with the hope that
- Hardware, plumbing, heating equipment they will be beneficial or will generate income
3. Retailing in the future.
- Grocery stores - More specifically refers to the use of funds to
- Hardware stores acquire capital goods (items that are
- Shoe stores necessary to produce other goods and
- Gift, novelty, and souvenir stores services)
- Furniture stores - Vital for economic development and growth.
4. Service - Investment is the value of fixed capital
- Appliance repair, automotive repair assets (plus stocks) produced in an economy
over a period of time – investment refers to
the creation of capital goods. Investment 5. Life Insurance- Life insurance companies
spending is an injection into the circular flow sell insurance policies that also act as a
of income. savings account
- Long-term investment – ex: buying a
property or engaging in real estate.
- Short-term investment – ex: savings and • A payment of factor of production in excess of
time deposits. its opportunity cost.
Different Kinds of Investments • It is what is paid to any input in more than you
• Direct Investments would have had to pay it.
1. Business Investments- Buying a small
business may be the most demanding kind Types of rent
of investment. Investors may be required 1. Inframarginal rent- “Infra” means below or
to work hard to earn an acceptable return. under. “Marginal” means at the margin or
2. Real Estate- People invest in real estate the end or last. It is quasi rent earned by a
when they buy homes, land, or rental perfectly competitive firm in the short run
properties. (Davis 1997)
• Indirect Investments  The quasi rent earned by a perfectly
1. Savings Account- Savings account is a competitive firm in the short run. If price
common kind of investment. Funds equals marginal cost, then it earns nothing
deposited in a savings account at a bank, on the marginal unit, but if marginal cost
credit union, or savings institutions earn increases with output due to a fixed factor,
interest at a specified annual rate. then price exceeds marginal cost
2. Bonds- A form of long-term investment for inframarginal units.
issued by a corporation or government 2. Pure economic rent- Any payment made to
where the purchaser becomes a creditor of a factor of production or anything that is
the company. When you invest in bonds, fixed in supply
you're lending money to a company or - Pure economic rent is a surplus amount
government. In return, you get regular earned by various sources (e.g. land, capital
interest payments, called coupon and labor) by behavior as per standards of
payments. If you hold the bond until its present use. in the market is exactly
maturity. The date on which a debt inelastic in long run. It is the price used to
or investment and all outstanding interest pay for land and other natural resources
payments must be paid in full. , you get which are totally fixed in supply.
back the face value. 3. Quasi rent- In a perfect competition, firms
3. Stocks- represent ownership in a publicly- sell their product for just what it costs to
traded company. When you buy a produce it, so they earn no profit.
company's stock, you become part-owner 4. Monopoly rent- They are payments made to
of that company. For example, if a a monopolist that are more than the
company has 100,000 shares and you buy minimum that the firm would accept.
1,000 of them, you own 1% of it. Owning - Monopoly rent refers to the situation wherein
stocks allows you to earn more from the a monopoly producer lacks competition and
company's growth and gives you thus can sell its goods and services at a
shareholder voting rights. price far above what the otherwise
Common Stocks- represents shares of competitive market price would be; at the
ownership in a company. expense of consumers.
Preferred stocks- a type of corporate
security that has features of both bonds Unemployment- when a person, who is actively
and common searching for employment, is unable to find work.
4. Mutual Funds- These are companies that Often used as a measure of the health of the
invest in a variety of securities and sell economy.
shares in those securities to all types of
MINIMUM WAGE- The lowest salary that • Competition makes way for creative
employers can legally pay their workers. Governed thinking.
by the Labor Code of the Philippines and is • Competition helps identify potential threats
implemented by the Department of Labor and to your business.
Employment. • Competition stops complacency.
CUSTOMER- An individual or business that
Types of unemployment
purchases the goods or services produced by a
• Frictional Unemployment- It arises when a business. Businesses often follow the adage “the
person is in-between jobs. customer is always right” because happy
• Cyclical Unemployment- Rises during customers are expected to continue buying goods
recessions and declines during periods of and services from companies that meet their
economic growth. needs.
• Structural Unemployment- It comes about
through technological advancements, when
• CUSTOMERS are defined by their purchase
people lose their jobs because their skills are
of goods, or their contracting for services,
already outdated.
while the CONSUMER is the end user.
• Cyclical unemployment is a type
of unemployment that occurs when there is not
• Categorizing your customers according to
enough aggregate demand in the economy to
demographic and geographic groups.
provide jobs for everyone who wants to work. In
• This is done to meet the demands of
an economy, demand for most goods falls, less
different types of consumers.
production is needed, and less workers are
• Demographics – describe the kind of
customers you have in terms of gender,
• Structural unemployment refers to a mismatch
age, and income.
between the jobs available and the skill levels of
• Geographic segments – refers to
the unemployed.
consumers belonging to a certain place.
They can be classified as urban or rural
o Taxes are considered inflows for the
areas, western, eastern, southern, and
government and outflows for firms.
northern parts of a certain country or region,
o Businesses apply either a percentage tax on
and it may also refer to different provinces
gross receipts (3%) or value added (12%).
or cities.
COMPETITION- A rivalry in which every seller tries SUPPLIERS AND SUBSTITUTES
to get what other sellers are seeking at the same • Suppliers – are the entities who supply
time like sales, profit, and market share by offering goods and services.
the best practicable combination of price, quality, • Substitutes – are products that can be used
and service instead of another.
COMPETITOR- Any person or entity which is a SWOT Analysis
rival of another. A company in the same industry or • A tool for business analysis which every
a similar industry which offers a similar product or organization needs to get through greater
service. heights of success.
Advantages Of Competition • Strength, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and
• Competition makes your customer service Threats
better. • Strength – the positive internal
• Competition fosters innovation. characteristics that the organization can
• Competition helps identify your strengths exploit to achieve its strategic performance
and weaknesses. goals.
• Competition is good for consumers. • Weaknesses – internal characteristics that
• Competition reminds you to focus on your might inhibit the organization’s performance.
key customers. • Opportunities – characteristics of the
• Competition provides the opportunity to external environment that have the potential
serve. to help the organization achieve or exceed
its strategic goals.
• Threats – characteristics of the external
environment that may prevent the
organization from achieving its strategic

- Advantages
- Unique and low-cost resources
- Factors that mean that you “get the sale”
- Disadvantages
- Limitations
- Need for improvement
- Factors that cause loss of your sales
- Chances to improve performance
- Good opportunities that you can spot
- External troubles for the business
- Obstacles that you face
- Activities your competitors are doing

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