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jenis soal : closed book and dictionary 8. This night is very cool.

Don’t sleep on the …

I. Choose the correct answer by crossing ( X ) a, b, c or d ! 9. Now, I…………..………………a  student of a Senior Hight School
1. Q : Good night! … a. am b. is c. are c. was
A : good night!
a. Have a 10. Zidan……………………………the best player in the World Cup 2006
nice a. is b. am c. are c. was
dream b.
Tank you 11. We………….……….studying english now. They are playing football
a. are b. has c. had to c. did not
Go 12. It ……………a cat but it is a dog
od a. is not b. has not c. had not c. did not
ht 13. The boy…………….English every night, and I do too.
d. a. studies b. study c. studied c. studying
Se . Choose the correct answer by crossing A, B, C or D!
   (Pilih jawaban yang tepat dengan menyilang huruf A, B, C atau D!)
yo 3. This book cost is fifteen thousand rupiahs.
u     A. Rp. 50.000,00
    B. Rp. 15.000,00
2. Q : …. do you study?     C. Rp. 75.000,00
    D. Rp. 85.000,00
A : I study at Wijaya Elementary school.
a. Where b. Why c. What d. When 4. The opposite of big is ....
    A. clever
3. Mrs. Lidri is a teacher. She is teaching in the …     B. dilligent
a. Library b. Garden c. Classroom d. Office     C. long
    D. small
4. Lina : Good afternoon, Siska! … Play dolls! 5. Sandi is a hunter. He likes ....
Siska : Good afternoon, Lina! Okay, I like it!     A. hunting
    B. climbing
a. Let’s b. Okay c. Good bye c. See you     C. writing
    D. reading
5. It is a … 6. We buy stamps in the ....
    A. post office
    B. airport
    C. hospital
    D. railway station
6. We save our pencil in the … 8. Ant is small but elephant is ....
7. There is a test in the school. Don’t …     A. long
    B. big A. piano
    C. slim B. guitar
    D. small C. violin
D. drum
9. Indonesia is in ....
    A. America 25. It is a quarter to ten.
    B. Europe       A. 9.45
    C. Australia       B. 9.15
    D. Asia       C. 10.45
      D. 10.15
10. I need a cup of .... for breakfast.
      A. fried rice 26. It is eleven o'clock.
      B. tea       A. 11.00
      C. potato       B. 10.30
      D. bread       C. 12.00
      D. 12.30
11. It is ....
A. two o'clock 28. It is a ....
B. three o'clock
C. four o'clock A. spagHetti
D. five o'clock B. fried chicken
12. It is .... C. hamburger
A. nine o'clock D. pizza
  B. a quarter past nine
  C. a half past nine 30. My father likes .... in the morning
  D. a half past ten A. jogging
14. I .... a glass of milk every morning. B. playing basket ball
      A. drink C. playing volley ball
      B. eat D. swimming
      C. sweep
      D. sing  39. The students borrow books from the ....
      A. hospital
15. I like to eat ..... for breakfast.       B. airport
A. bread       C. post office
B. fried rice       D. library
C. porridge
D. potato 40. My mother is going to .... to buy vegetables and fruits.
16. I like to play ....       A. school
A. basket ball       B. market
B. volley ball       C. hospital
C. table tennis       D. post office
D. golf
43. The sun sets in the ....
       A. south
20. I like to play ....        B. north
       C. west 54. He kicks the ball with his ....
       D. east       A. foot
      B. hand
44. Surabaya is in .... Java.       C. nose
      A. west       D. lips
      B. north
      C. south 55. The color of sky is ....
      D. east       A. yellow
      B. black
45. We can see camel in the ....       C. red
      A. zoo       D. blue
      B. swimming pool
      C. school 56. The color of jasmine flower is ....
      D. hospital        A. black
       B. white
49. I can see with my ....        C. yellow
      A. eyes        D. red
      B. nose
      C. hands 57. The color of Indonesian flag is ....
      D. foot        A. white and red
       B. red and white
50. I have ten ....        C. yellow and white
      A. eyes        D. blue and red
      B. nose
      C. hands 58. The color of strawberry is ....
      D. fingers        A. red
       B. black
51. We smell with our ...        C. brown
       A. nose        D. purple
       B. mouth
       C. hands 59. There are ... days in a week.
       D. eyes        A. four
       B. five
52. I can hear with my ....        C. six
      A. eyes        D. seven
      B. nose
      C. ears 60. We have flag ceremony on ....
      D. hands        A. Sunday
       B. Monday
53. I write a letter with my ....        C. Tuesday
      A. nose        D. Wednesday
      B. foot
      C. hand 61. Before Friday is ....
      D. head       A. Saturday
      B. Sunday
      C. Thursday 69. Thirty divided by three equals ....
      D. Wednesday       A. ten
      B. twelve
62. There are .... months in a year.       C. fifteen
      A. twelve       D. five
      B. twenty
      C. seven 70. twenty plus twenty five equals ....
      D. ten       A. forty
      B. thirty five
63. We celebrate Kartini Day on ....       C. forty five
       A. January       D. fifty
       B. August
       C. February 71. Santi will listen the music. She switches on the ....
       D. April       A. radio
      B. fan
64. The first month is ....       C. refrigerator
       A. January       D. lamp
       B. February
       C. October 72. Pelabuhan Ratu is the name of the ....
       D. December       A. zoo
      B. museum
65. The last month is ....       C. beach
       A. January       D. hospital
       B. December
       C. April 73. Borobudur .... in Central Java.
       D. August       A. zoo
      B. airport
66. Today is Friday. Yesterday was ....       C. crater
       A. Wednesday       D. temple
       B. Tuesday
       C. Saturday 74. Nancy goes to Australia by ....
       D. Thursday       A. car
      B. plane
67. I have holiday on ...       C. bicycle
      A. Sunday       D. motorcycle
      B. Monday
      C. Tuesday 75. I have a pen. It is .... pen.
      D. Wednesday       A. my
      B. she
68. nine times four equals ....       C. he
      A. 34       D. they
      B. 36
      C. 46 76. We have a big house. This is .... house.
      D. 16        A. She
       B. He
       C. our 87. Where is the fan?
       D. they 88. Where are the maps?
89. How many pictures are in the classroom?
77. She has a cat. It is ... cat. 90. What is the tittle of the text?
      A. He
      B. her III. Fill the blanks bellow!
      C. we       (Isilah titik-titik di bawah ini!)
      D. they
91. The capital of East Java is ....
78. The ice is .... 92. He .... guitar.
      A. cold 93. eight times nine equals ....
      B. hot 94. sixty minus twenty equals ....
      C. warm 95. I buy a toy car in the .....
      D. very hot 96. My father wants to make a cup of coffee. He needs coffee and ...
97. I can buy meat in the ....
79. Joko Widodo is the ..... of Indonesia. 98. I will go to Kalimantan by plane. I must go to ....
      A. vice president 99. The fourth month is ....
      B. minister 100. The seventh month is ....
      C. prime minister
      D. president pictures : google
Pilihlah satu jawaban yang kau anggap paling salah
80. The opposite of weak is ....
      A. strong 1. I  am is a good student in this senior high school. I don’t want to
      B. big
      C. small
do something bed
      D. long A                B                                        C           D

II. Read the text carefully then answer the questions based on the text! 1. Your father  are in the hospital now. Do you want to go there with
     (Bacalah teks dengan seksama kemudian jawab pertanyaan berdasarkan
your mother?
A                   B                C                     D                       E
                                                         Dania's Classroom
1. Now, My sister have a good boy friend, and I  also have a
This is Dania's classroom. There are thirty students in her class. They are fourteen
boys and sixteen girls. The classroom has fifteen tables and thirty chairs. It also good girl friend.
has one whiteboard, two cupboards, five pictures, a fan, a vase and two maps. A               B                    C                 D                      E
The classroom is very clean and beautiful. The fan is beside the cupboards and
the maps are in front of the picture.
1. Mr. Heri Sutopo are a good moslem in this school, and I want to
81. How many students are in Dania's classroom? be like  him
82. There are ... boys in the classroom. A               B                     C                      D                       E
83. There are ... girls in the classroom.
84. How many tables are in the classroom?
85. How many chairs are in the classroom?
1. We can studied English well in this school because we have a
86. How many maps are in the classroom? good laboratorium
A                       B                              C               D                     E

Early to bad early to rise, make man happy healthy, wealthy and wisely
93 Seventy two
1 B 11 D 21 A 31 D 95 Toy store
2 A 12 C 22 C 32 B 96 Sugar
3 B 13 C 23 B 33 A 97 Butcher
4 D 14 A 24 B 34 C 98 Airport
5 A 15 A 25 A 35 A 99 April
6 A 16 A 26 A 36 C 100 July
7 D 17 A 27 B 37 C
8 B 18 C 28 D 38 A
9 D 19 D 29 C 39 D
10 B 20 B 30 A 40 B

41 B 51 A 61 C 71 A
42 D 52 C 62 A 72 C
43 C 53 C 63 D 73 D
44 D 54 A 64 A 74 B
45 A 55 D 65 B 75 A
46 C 56 B 66 D 76 C
47 A 57 B 67 A 77 B
48 B 58 A 68 B 78 A
49 A 59 D 69 A 79 D
50 D 60 B 70 C 80 A

81 Thirty
82 Fourteen
83 Sixteen
84 Fifteen
85 Thirty
86 Two
87 Beside the cupboards
88 In front of the pictures
89 Five
90 Dania’s Classroom
91 Surabaya
92 Plays

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