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Trends and fads serve as basis of most companies and business when they introduce new ideas, goods,
and services in the market. Many businesses and firms develop new ideas and convert them into trendy
items and faddish products and services for the consumers and the public. But why? What is a trend?
How do trends and fads differ? How can a fad become a trend? This lesson explains the nature and
characteristics of trends and fads.


How do trends and fads differ?


Trends Fads Characteristics of a Fad

Process of Identifying a Trend

Elements and Characteristics of a Trend

Differences of fad and trends


It's a Trend! It's Just a Fad!

Think of a product in the market today that you consider as trend and as a fad only. Get a photo of these
products and paste it on the concept map template on the next page. Then, explain why you think these
products are examples of a trend and a fad.


According to Brannon (2000, 6–7), a trend is a "look [that] has the appeal of "newness" because it has
been missing or scarce in the marketplace." It occurs when there is a building of awareness on this new
idea and its presence produces an increasing demand or need for that particular new idea among
consumers (Brannon, 2000, 7). A trend is basically a pattern or a conceptualized idea that has the
prospect of providing or having a continuing influence for a longer period of time due to its increasing
and sustained presence and effect or even demand among its consumers in the case of a product.
Trends are manifested in the form of patterns of sustained and increasing numbers for a longer period
of time. Examples of this type of trend include the increasing population growth trend in the Philippines
or the trend toward the rising number of HIV-AIDS victims in the Philippines. Another type of trend
would refer to product-use/consumption trend which shows that there is a continuous use and appeal
of the product among its consumers because of its effectiveness, popularity, high market demand, and
influence over a sustained period of time (Brannon, 2000, 7). Examples of this type of trend are the use
of smart phones and laptops among the middle class, yuppies (young professionals), professionals, and

Trend and fad are sometimes interchanged because many consider the two concepts synonymous.
However, trend and fad are actually two different concepts. Compared to a trend, a fad is a short-lived
idea or temporary event that is usually called as a "flash in the pan" because the popularity and
reception of consumers for this idea fades away easily over a short period of time. Its appeal among
consumers is relatively small as well. To put it simply, a fad has a shorter staying power in the market. It
has a particular beginning and a fixed end of influence. When a fad reaches a certain point of its
popularity, it declines and eventually disappears and dies in the market. For example, the use of a
particular color of paint, a new hairstyle, or dance move are all fads.


Fads involve a lesser number of people and has a shorter duration of time. They even have shorter
duration than fashions. Below are some of the characteristics of a fad:

1. Fad is confined to particular segments in society.

2. Fad is trivial because of its short life expectancy. It is prone to being outmoded.

3. Fad is not created but it is just revived from a style that existed all along in the lives of some subgroup
(Meyersohn and Katz, 1957 as cited by Brannon, 2000, 53).


How do we identify trends? According to Brannon (2000), tracing a trend is similar to the work of a
meteorologist who predicts and tracks weather patterns. A weather disturbance can bring heavy
monsoon rains or even lead to a typhoon. Lawrence Samuel, the co-founder of Iconoculture, Inc., a
marketing consulting firm, identified the different stages that explain how an idea or look can become a
trend. According to Samuel (as cited by Brannon, 2000, 7) a look becomes a trend if it undergoes the
following stages:

1. Fringe Stage

In this stage, an innovative idea, whether in the form a new product, service, or in other form, develops
into the market or become known to the trendiest consumers. In this stage, entrepreneurial and
business firms participate to develop and innovate ideas.

2. Trendy

In this stage, consumer and public awareness of the trend grows as the early adopters participate
together with the innovators to increase the perceptibility of the trend. During this stage, the "most
fashion-forward brands and retailers" assess the viability of the concept. They usually conduct test-
market researches.

3. Mainstream
During this stage, the "conservative consumers" join the trend, the idea's popularity and acceptance
continues to increase, and the corporations and company brands exploit the growing demand for that
idea. In this stage, the trend becomes a mainstream product or service. When it happens, a number of
things can occur:

The trend can fade away once majority of the consumers tested the product or idea. They could either
accept or reject the idea. If the idea's acceptance or rejection occurred over a short period of time and
its appeal was limited to a small number of consumers, the trend is reduced into a fad. When consumers
buy or support the trend by doing multiple purchases, the trend reaches a plateau level of acceptance
and stays at that same level. If the trend persists or stays for a long period of time, the trend is called a
classic. A classic refers to a look or trend that is always present in some form that is appropriate across
diverse occasions and accepted by diverging consumer groups. Another possibility is the fragmentation
of a trend. A trend fragmentation or microtrend happen when there is a recent development in the
trend or a reinvention which leads to the fringe stage of a trend.

Diagram 1 shows the process in identifying a trend. In any of the stage or process, a trend can face
possible oppositions, or it can also merge with another trend. It can also be deflected in a way that
alters the development of the trend.





Trend Can Fade Away

Classic Trend Persists or Stays for a Long Period of Time


Trend Fragmentation

Source: Brannon, 2000, 7.

Activity 1

Tracing the Cellphone Trend in the Philippines Trace the evolution of cell phone gadgets in the
Philippines. Use primary sources like photographs, advertisements, commercials, and other promotional
materials as examples to show the development of this trend in the Philippines. Identify the aspects of
the cell phone that changed through time. How has it changed since then and until now? Do any aspects
vary together as a recognizable pattern? Use a time line to show the development of the cell phone
trend in the Philippines.

Identifying and tracing a trend requires "only a few points to plot a line to analyze the
movement of the trend's direction. A trend can move up from mass consumers or unconventional
consumers to the more mainstream and affluent consumers. It can also move down from the rich
consumers to the mass consumers. Trends must spread in order to make them visible to possible
adopters and known to future consumers. How can trends spread? It can be known to the public
through word of mouth among personal networks. Through recommendations, connections, and
networks with other people, a trend can spread fast. When media or media network reports and creates
excitement about a particular new idea, a buzz is produced. A buzz is created when "trends pass through
media networks, moving from one format to another" (Marin and Van Boven, 1998 as cited by Brannon,
2000, 9). The trend can be featured in new magazines, newspapers, television shows, radio shows,
through the Internet and social media like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, or through YouTube. New ideas
that became trends started because of the media. For example, the rise of ramen noodle houses, buffet
restaurants, smart phones, and new communication gadgets are popular trends because of media

Activity 2

Tracing the Population Growth Trend in the Philippines Trace the development of the
population growth in the Philippines since 1946 up to the present. Use primary sources like statistics and
other important data that can help you examine the trend of the population growth in the country.
Identify the different aspects of the population growth of the country. How many are men? How many
are women? Which sex has a greater number in the Philippines? Did the trend change through time?
Are there more men than women? Try to find several recognizable patterns and trend changes using
statistical data. Use a time line to show the population growth trend of the Philippines. Explain the
nature of the trend by using statistical data.


What are the characteristics and elements of a trend?


A trend has different elements that differentiate it from a fad. By analyzing the different elements of a
trend, you can determine its difference from a fad. Below are some of the elements of a trend:

1. Duration of time

Trends have longer staying power and enjoy a longer period of popularity. The lifespan of products or
ideas that become trends do not disappear quickly as opposed to a fad.

2. Acceptability

Trends are popularly accepted by many industries and people. Trends tend to stay longer because they
receive popular support from consumers and companies who believe on these trends as accepted ideas
or patterns that can endure time.

3. Cultural basis

A trend is rooted on the people's cultural traditions, beliefs, and values. A trend persists and continues
because people have seen it as a part of their society's culture. Because a trend has a form of
connection with a society's culture, it does not have a short period of popularity. For example, here in
the Philippines, buffet restaurants have bloomed in different malls. The buffet restaurant trend has
lasted for a long time in the country because Filipinos love to eat and dine with friends, family, and
relatives during special occasions. Buffet restaurants are appealing because they provide diverse
cuisines and a variety of selections for the customers. This continuing operation of these kinds of
restaurants in the country show the Filipinos love to dine and eat sumptuous food.

4. Transitory increase or decrease

A trend shows a transitory increase or decrease of a particular idea, event, or phenomenon Brannon
(2000). There are trends that have lasted for a longer period of time, like for example the human
population growth or the number of HIV-AIDS victims in the Philippines. But all trends have the potential
to eventually slow down and decline.

Activity 3

Photo Analysis

Why do we consider buffet restaurants as trend?


How does a trend differ from a fad?


Trends and fads are different because they vary in terms of time duration, the number of industries
affected, industry acceptance, consumer adoption and perception of overall quality, reason for rise,
incubation period and life span, scope, and cultural roots.

1. Duration of time

One major difference between a fad and a trend is duration A fad product enjoys a few months of
unexpected popularity, but disappears just as quickly as it appears. The lifespan of most fads is
notoriously short, but if a fad item becomes a trend, it can remain popular for decades.

The Crocs rubber clogs footwear is an example of a fad. For many, this brand of slippers and rubber
clogs was clearly a fad as the market value of the company soared, peaking in late 2007 at nearly USD 70
a share. But once sales started to decline, the stock value plummeted to just over USD 1 a share by early

Activity 4

Photo Analysis

Crocs - Why do we consider this product as a fad and not a trend?

2. Number of industries affected

Some say that the difference between a fad and a trend is based on the number of industries it affects. A
fad often appears in a single industry and rarely crosses over into others. The introduction of a particular
style of pants called parachute pants or jeans made from a thin nylon material did not become an
accepted fashion element of young people in the 1980s. But the recent introduction of Apple's iPod, on
the other hand, went beyond the realm of fashion and has become a trend in the wireless
communications and music industries At the present, portable electronic devices have become a trend,
while clothing styles remain as fads which are trapped in particular time!
Trend Fad
Parachute pants
Apple's iPod, Portable electronic devices, laptops, Leg warmers
touchscreen cellphones, camera Hair styles

Activity 5

Photo Analysis

Why do we consider these products as trends?

3. Industry acceptance

Another difference is industry acceptance. Investing in a fad item can be risky for companies known for
setting trends. It can be very difficult to tell the difference one and the other before the product or
service reaches the buying public. Smaller companies often have the flexibility necessary to promote a
faddish item, while larger companies tend to wait until the initial smoke clears and a trend can be

For example, there has been a move toward having a healthy lifestyle. Because of this, many food and
beverage items in the market have joined the recent diet revolution. With evidences showing the
connection between weight gain and increasing carbohydrate and sugar intake, a number of fad diet
plans quickly emerged in the market. The behavior of people toward eating more healthy food like

4. Consumer adoption and perception of overall quality

Another difference between a fad and a trend is the perception of overall quality. Fad items are rarely
expected to stand for a longer period of time, but trends tend to survive the decade in which they were
created. This can be attributed to the overall quality of the trend introduced. Trends are items
introduced in the market that have greater consumer adoption due to their effectiveness. Some fads
that eventually lose following are products of false advertising so they eventually die after a few months
or years.

For example, in the fitness industry, there is an increasing trend on core exercises and the reduction of
abdominal fat. A number of faddish exercise equipment appeared on television. Some of these exercise
devices were useless or even dangerous for the user. But there are those that were found to be effective
and eventually became part of the trend toward weight reduction.

5. Reason for rise

Trends generally have identifiable and explainable increases caused by the consumers' needs and in
consonance with other consumer lifestyle trends. On the other hand, fads are determined by an
emotional need to purchase, based on publicity and fervent product opinions. The benefits are not
assured or ill-conceived, and most of the time they do not necessarily deliver what was promised to the
6. Incubation period and life span

Trends develop slowly while fads increase, decrease, and eventually die out quickly. Trends have long
staying power. Trends take longer to build and their effects may be felt for years and sometimes even
decades. For example, the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Licensed Apparel and Toys Sales started in
1989 with its licensed sales amounting to USD 25 million. It steadily increased in 1990 and 1991 to USD
500 million and $1.9 billion respectively. But in 1993, it started to decline with only USD 500 million
licensed sales.

Year Licensed sale (in millions of dollars)

1989 25
1990 500
1991 1,900
1992 1,200
1993 500
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Licensed Apparel and Toys Sales

7. Scope

A trend usually includes several brands or products that are applicable to diverse consumer segments,
while a fad normally includes only a single brand or product and has limited appeal outside of one
narrow consumer segment. A trend possesses some agility and consumers have granted it permission to
expand beyond its current platform while maintaining authenticity. A fad experiences rapid acceptance
among consumers with a weak level of commitment to the idea or concept because many consumers
hop onto the craze only to find later that the product or experience was more difficult or less useful or
beneficial than they thought it would be. Low-carb diets are the perfect illustration of the difference
between fad and trend.

Trend Fad
Healthy eating has been important to a certain Low-carb diets were fads within that trend.
part of the population for a long time
A more balanced approach of lean protein, whole Emphasis on eating food with less fat and protein
grains, and plenty of fruits and vegetables.

8. Cultural roots

Trends have deeper cultural roots than fads because fads cross borders easily. For example, in the
Philippines, many faddish food items, dance moves, hair styles, and clothes were imported and adopted
from other countries recently but eventually these fads did not stay long and just declined easily. This
happens because trends do not cross-cultural borders as easily as fads do. Trends have cultural
attachments to the society in which it is introduced. If a fad has no cultural connection with the people,
its popularity and acceptability is short-lived. An example of a food fad in the Philippines was the pearl
shake craze. This cooler drink made with powder and tasty tapioca balls or nata de coco became very
popular among Filipinos but eventually its popularity declined. Its decline can be attributed to its lack of
cultural grounding or connections to the society in which it was introduced organic fruits and vegetables
and moving away from processed foods and high-carb food soon became a trend, the different versions
of individual diet plans and weight loss programs became a recent fad.
Trend Fad
Eating more healthy food like organic fruits and Different versions of individual diet plans and
vegetables and moving away from processed weight loss programs.
foods and high-carb food.

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