TEFL-TESOL. Unit 1. Assignment

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Qualification: Level 5 TEFL – Unit A

Type: Portfolio
Signatories: Student, Assessor, IQA*

Unit Submission Cover Sheet

This form must be completed for each final unit submission

Qualification / Unit:

Candidate Name:

Assessor Name:

Final Submission Date:

Candidate Declaration:

‘I confirm that the work/evidence presented for assessment is my own unaided work.’

I have read WCL’s Terms and Conditions and understand that if I am found to have
‘copied’ from published work without acknowledgement, or from other candidate’s work,
this may be regarded as plagiarism which could lead to failure in the relevant unit.

I agree to this work being subjected to scrutiny by textual analysis software if required.

I understand that my work may be used for future academic/quality assurance purposes in
accordance with the provisions of the General Data Protection Regulations (EU) 2016/679’

Learner Signature:

Assessor Declaration:

‘I confirm that all work was conducted under conditions designed to assure the authenticity
of the candidate’s work, and am satisfied that, to the best of my knowledge, the work
produced is solely that of the candidate.

I have judged the submission against the assessment and grading criteria for this task and
award the candidate the grade:

Assessor Signature:

Qualification: Level 5 TEFL – Unit A
Type: Portfolio
Signatories: Student, Assessor, IQA*


 All evidence and work products must be clearly labelled, referenced in this assignment and
attached to your account to the relevant task. Do NOT copy paste documents and images
into this template.
 Your answers must include clear explanations and address all the assessment criteria for
this unit. Evidence should be sufficient to satisfy the requirements. Do not provide extra
 The range of direct evidence MUST include observations of practice, examination of
products of work, questioning.
 Simulations are not allowed.



1) Understand the current role of English as a global language

1.1) Evaluate the extent of the Anglophone world, providing a range of examples of:
- Countries in which English is a first or native language
- Countries in which English holds legal status as the primary language
- Countries in which English holds legal status as a secondary language
- Countries and regions in which English is widely spoken as a business language
- Regions and international bodies in which English is upheld as a recognised language

For these criteria, you should write an essay. Word

count: 150 minimum.

Qualification: Level 5 TEFL – Unit A
Type: Portfolio
Signatories: Student, Assessor, IQA*

1.2) Explain the importance of English in economic, social and cultural terms.

For these criteria, you should write an essay. Word

count: 150 minimum.

Qualification: Level 5 TEFL – Unit A
Type: Portfolio
Signatories: Student, Assessor, IQA*

1.3) Explain why English is often a highly desirable language to learn for non-native speakers.
For these criteria, you should write an essay. Word

count: 150 minimum.

Qualification: Level 5 TEFL – Unit A
Type: Portfolio
Signatories: Student, Assessor, IQA*

1.4) Explain the origin of English as an Indo-European language, the status of English as a
Germanic language and the large influence of Romance languages on it.
For these criteria, you should write an essay. Word

count: 150 minimum.

Qualification: Level 5 TEFL – Unit A
Type: Portfolio
Signatories: Student, Assessor, IQA*

2) Understand modern methodologies and best classroom practice

2.1) Evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of teaching methodologies/philosophies, including:

 Behaviourism
 Audiolingualism
 The ’Natural Way’
 Humanistic Approaches

For these criteria, you should write an essay. Word

count: 250 minimum.

2.2) Evaluate how teachers can match methodology to learner needs.

Qualification: Level 5 TEFL – Unit A
Type: Portfolio
Signatories: Student, Assessor, IQA*

For these criteria, you should write an essay. Word

count: 150 minimum.

Qualification: Level 5 TEFL – Unit A
Type: Portfolio
Signatories: Student, Assessor, IQA*


a) Books I referred to...

b) Websites I referred to...


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