Cadet Training Agreement 19 July 2022 DC Lano

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This Cadet Training Agreement hereinafter referred as the “Agreement”, entered into this
day of , 2022 at City of Manila, by and between:

JERIC RYAN B. LANO single/married, of legal age and with registered

address at ZAMBOWOOD ZAMBONGA CITY with SIRB No. A0046803 and
SRC No. , hereinafter referred to as the “CADET”



organized and existing under the Philippine laws, with business address at P.
Banua Street corner Natividad Street, Tetuan, Zamboanga City 7200
hereinafter referred to as “SHIPMANAGEMENT COMPANY” on behalf of

The SHIPMANAGEMENT COMPANY hereby provides an on-the-job training to the

CADET in accordance with the agreed training plan and schedule of activities for a fixed period
of twelve (12) months, commencing on 20 JULY 2022 and ending on 20 JULY 2023 under the
following terms and conditions:



a) The SHIPMANAGEMENT COMPANY recognizes that the CADET is a student of

maritime education seeking complete a Bachelor’s degree who must undertake the
CHED-required shipboard training program in order to complete the academic
requirements and qualify him for graduation for a Bachelor's degree from the School.
The SHIPMANAGEMENT COMPANY also recognizes and declares that the CADET
is not part of the ship's labor complement.

b) The SHIPMANAGEMENT COMPANY shall provide the CADET with the opportunity
to be trained on-board its managed vessel.

c) The SHIPMANAGEMENT COMPANY shall ensure that the CADET completes and
passes the CHED-required training program under the supervision and guidance of
the Master, Chief Engineer and/ or designated training officer on-board in accordance
with the structured cadet training program contained in the CHED-approved Training
Record Book.

d) The SHIPMANAGEMENT COMPANY shall ensure the safety and well-being of the
CADET during the period of training until the repatriation of the CADET.

2. Of the CADET:
The CADET acknowledges that he is given the opportunity to train on board the vessel
and that he shall have the following responsibilities:

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a) Faithfully comply with the requirements of the On-Board Cadet Training Program,
which shall be documented in the CHED-approved Training Record Book;

b) Perform all duties, assignments, designated tasks, and comply with the
requirements, regulations, policies, and procedures of the ship in relation to and as
defined in the CHED-approved Training Record Book;

c) Complete and pass the On-board Training Program within the period stipulated;

d) Abide by all lawful instructions of the Master, Chief Engineer and/ or designated
training officer onboard and other officers deputized by the Master to supervise the
conduct of the Training Program;

e) Comply with all Company policies, including all policies on the safety and security of
the ship, the protection of the marine environment and grievance procedures;

f) Diligently perform his training duties relating to the ship, all persons on board the
ship, the ship's stores and cargo, whether on board, in lighters or ashore;

g) Conduct himself in an orderly and respectful manner towards shipmates,

passengers, shippers, stevedores, port authorities, and other persons on official
business with the ship;

h) Observe and abide with all the laws and regulations of the flag State and the port
State while on board the ship or ashore.

i) Strictly abide by the terms and conditions of this Agreement.


1. Assigned /Vessel: MV ALFRAZAN

2. Position: DECK CADET

3. Duration of Training: 12 months

4. Hours of Training: not less than 8 hours but not more than 10 hours per day

5. Hours of Rest: not less than 10 hours in any 24-day period

6. Point of Departure: ZAMBONGA


1. Transportation to and from the project site and in the following cases shall be borne by
the CADET:

a) Upon termination of the Agreement;

b) If the CADET is unable to continue working due to work-connected or work-
aggravated injuries or illness;
c) Force majeure; and,

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d) In such other cases when this Agreement is terminated through no fault of the

2. Coverage for personal life and accident insurance while onboard and/ or on duty shall be
for the sole responsibility of the CADET.

3. Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) which must be worn at all times while on board
shall be borne by CADET. The PPE’s shall be in conformance with the
SHIPMANAGEMENT COMPANY’S specifications and quantity.

4. The SHIPMANAGEMENT COMPANY shall have the right to discipline or disembark the
CADET and expel him from the Cadet Training Program for any violation of law, or of the
vessel's rules and regulations, or for any conduct unbecoming of a maritime professional,
or for any act which is inimical or detrimental to the Company's welfare and reputation,
or the vessel's safety and security, or the safety and security of any person or cargo on

5. The CADET acknowledges that the SHIPMANAGEMENT COMPANY has the unqualified
right to discontinue the Cadet Training Program and disembark the CADET at any time
due to the CADET's failure to meet any of the requirements of the Cadet Training
Program including, but not limited to the following grounds:

a) Failure to perform duties assigned, or meet designated tasks, or comply with

requirement regulations, policies, procedures, or conditions, or pass necessary
assessment criteria defined in the Training Record Book;
b) Medical reasons arising from a previously undisclosed illness, or mental or emotional
incapacity, and the CADET is declared unfit for sea duty and the unfitness cannot be
c) Any action on board that jeopardizes the safety or security of the ship, its crew,
passengers, other CADETS, and any person on business with the ship;
d) Any action taken that pollutes or otherwise causes harm to the marine environment;
e) Such other justifiable circumstances that will warrant expulsion or disqualification from
the program.


The Training of the Cadet shall terminate when he completes the period of training on-
board the ship and disembarks from the ship. The Training of the cadet is also terminated
effective upon the following reasons:

1. When the CADET terminates the Cadetship Training Agreement for any grounds (i.e.
2. When the CADET cannot carry out his duties under the Cadetship Training Agreement
for serious medical reasons occurring during the period of engagement, or is
incapacitated due to illness, injury or medical condition;
3. When the ship is wrecked, necessitating the termination of training before the expiration
of this training Agreement;
4. When the ship is sold, laid up, or the voyage is discontinued necessitating the
termination of training before the expiration of this training Agreement; and
5. When the ship is declared unseaworthy by a classification society, port state or flag
state, which declaration necessitates the termination of training before the expiration of
this Agreement.

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This Agreement shall be construed in accordance with the laws of the Philippines. Any
dispute arising from the implementation of this training Agreement shall be resolved
amicably through conciliation and mediation. Any unresolved issue/s regarding the CHED-
required shipboard training Program shall be elevated for arbitration in accordance with
CHED guidelines.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have hereto set their hands this
at Manila, Philippines.




General Manager Name Of Cadet/Signature



BEFORE ME, this day of 2022, personally appeared the

following persons:

Name ID

Michael G. Armamento

Jeric Ryan B. Lano

known to me and to me known to be the same persons who executed the foregoing instrument and
acknowledged to me that the same is their own and free voluntary act and deed.

This instrument, consisting of four (4) pages, including the page on which this acknowledgement is written,
has been signed on the left margin of each and every page thereof by the concerned parties and their
witnesses, and sealed with my notarial seal.

WITNESS MY HAND AND SEAL on the place and date first above written.

N otar y P ublic

Doc. No. :
Page No. :
Book No. :
Series of 2021

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