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Text 1

From Lagos and Lahore to London, it is the poorest people who are most affected by air pollution. The poor
tend to be priced out of the leafy suburbs where there are fewer highways and air quality is better.
Air pollution is caused by harmful particulates and gases released into the air. It leads to premature death from
heart disease, stroke, cancer, and acute lower respiratory infections. In 2016 the World Health Organization
estimated 7 million deaths globally because of Indoor and Outdoor air pollution.
Most recorded air pollution-linked deaths occur in developing countries. In these countries, laws are weak or
not applied, vehicle emission standards are less strict, and coal power stations are more common. In big cities
of developing countries, the poorest live in cramped informal settlements. These settlements are often near
polluted rubbish dumps. Nairobi in Kenya is just one example. The huge smoldering dump site in Dandora lies
right next to school, churches, clinics, and shops. The daily exposure to toxic fumes from the dump affect the
people's overall well-being and health.
In informal settlements, indoor air pollution is also a problem. In cities and rural areas, low indoor air qulity is
a result of burning wood, charcoal, and kerosene inside poorly ventilated homes. Again, the most vulnerable
suffer the most. They cannot afford cleaner fuels or alternative technologies.

1) Which sentence is closest in meaning to the first sentence in the second paragraph?
a. Toxic gases and dangerous mattcrs are produced by air pollution
b. The release of dangerous particulates and gases results in air pollution
c. Air pollution releases unsafe particulates and goes into the air
d. Air pollution is harmful because of the particulates and gases
e. The hazardous gases and pollution are caused by harmful particulates

2) The word "occur" in paragraph 3 is closest in meaning to ...

a. A. Experience
b. B. Evolve
c. C. Commerse
d. D. Develop
e. E. Happen

3) Which of the following is the best title for the passage?

a. The Need for Alternative Fuels
b. Health Hazard Caused by Air Pollution
c. Why Air Pollution Hurts the Poorest Most
d. The Danger of Air Pollution
e. Air Pollution in the Developing Countries

4) Which of the following is most likely the topic of the paragraph following this passage?
a. Outdoor air pollution in the cities
b. Helping the poor improve air quality
c. The influence of air and water pollution on the poor
d. The effect of air pollution on the economy
e. Climate change and its consequences

Text 2
More than a hundred and fifty years ago, slave traders kidnapped Charlie Lewis from what is now Benin West
Africa. Along with 109 other african, Lewis was taken to Alabama on the Clotilda. The Cloilda became he last
known slave ship to arrive in America. This ship was long rumored to exist but had remained elusive for
The Alabama Historical Commission, supported by marine archeologist, recently confirmed that they have
found the Clotilda along the Mobile River, Alabama. "The excitement and joy are overwhelming," say Lorna
Gail Woods. She is Lewis's great-great granddaughter and is now 70 years old Ever since a child, Woods has
been hearing stories about her family history. She grew up in Africatown. a small community ncar Mobile.
America banned the importation of slaves in 1808. However, the high demand for slave labor from the
booming cotton trade encouraged Alabama plantation owners like Timothy Meaher to risk illegal slave runs to
Africa. In
1860, his schooner sailed from Mobile to West Africa under Captain William Foster. He bought African
captured by warming tribes and transported them to Alabama. Foster then ordered the Clotilda to be taken
upstream, burned, and sunk to conceal his illegal activity.
When the Union soldiers freed the slaves in 1865, the Clotilda's survivors sought to return to Africa. However,
they did not have enough money. They collected the wages they carned from selling vegetables and working in
fields and mills and used the money to purchase land from the Meahers. They named their new settlement
Africatown and formed a society rooted in their beloved homeland, complete with a chief, a system of laws,
churches and a school. Woods is among the descendants who still live there. Finally, she says, the stories of
their ancestors were proven true.

5) According to the passage, which of the following is NOT true about Timothy Meaher?
a. Although he broke the law, he escaped punishment
b. He wanted to get money by importing slaves
c. He sailed the clotilda to africa
d. He was a landowner in Alabama
e. His family sold some of their land after slavery ended

6) Which of the following can be inferred from paragraph 2 about 'slavery'?

a. After 1808, slaves were set free by their owners
b. Slavery was a practice that was created by a demand in agriculture
c. Slavery was banned by U.S. government in 1860
d. Slaves usually came voluntarily from conflict-ridden areas in Africa
e. Unlike other landowners, Timothy Meaher was hesitant to import slave

7) According to the passage, which of the following is TRUE about Clotilda?

a. Some of the people who where transported using the Clotilda are still alive
b. Charlie Lewis was one of descendant of the Clotilda's survivors
c. Identifying the Clotilda was a rather easy feat
d. The Clotilda was no longer used after the American government banned slavery
e. Before the shipwreck was discovered, many people questioned the existence of the Clotilda

8) This passage will most probably be an assigned reading in a course on American ...
a. Literature
b. Politics
c. Anthropology
d. History
e. Geography

9) The author's purpose in writing this passage is to ...

a. Educate readers about the slavery policy
b. Reveal the resillence of the Lorna Gail Woods
c. Qustion the truth about the Clotilda
d. Describe the historical background of the Clotilda
e. Tell about the uniqueness of Africatown
Traumatics event—such an accident, assault, millitrary combat, or natural disaster—can have lasting etfect on
a person's mental health. (i) While many people will have short tem responses to life– threatening events,
some will develop (10) that can lead to a diagnosis of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). PTSD
symptoms often co-exist with other conditions, such as substance use disorders, depression, and anxiety. A
comprehensive medical evaluation resulting in an individualized treatment plan is optimal. In the US, about 9
million adult sufler trom PISD, and 37% of them are classified as having severe symptomps. Women are (14)
to experience PTSD than men.

(ii) PTSD (13) at any age is directly associated with exposure to trauma. (iii) Adults and Children with
PTSD represent a relatively small portion of those who have been exposed to trauma. This difference is not
yet well understood, but we do know that there are risk factors that can increase a person's likelihood to
develop PTSD. Risk factors can include prior experiences of trauma and factors that many promote resillence,
such as social support.

Symptomps of PTSD usually begin within three month after (12) or being exposed to a traumatic event.
(iv) Occasionally, symptoms may emerge years afterward. For a diagnosis of PTSD, symptoms must last more
than one month . Symptoms of depression, anxiety, or substance abuse often accompany PTSD.

PTSD cannot be cured. (v) Psychotherapy, such as cognitive processing therapy or group therapy, and
medications are the most common ways to treat it. Moreover, there are also self-management strategies, such
as self-soothing anfd mindfulness, that are helpful to ground a person and bring him or her back to reality after
a flashback. Serviveanimals, especially dogs, can also help soothe some of the symptoms of PTSD.

10) ....
a. On-going reactions
b. Health markers
c. Intensive responses
d. Long term symptoms
e. Instant effects

11) The phrases "most common ways" in paragraph 4, means...

a. Collective measures
b. Generally used methods
c. Path usually taken
d. Directions often followed
e. Direct approaches
12) ....
a. Experience
b. Experiences
c. Having experienced
d. Being experienced
e. Experiencing

13) ....
a. Will occur
b. Would occur
c. Must occur
d. Should occur
e. Can occur
14) ....
a. More likely significantly
b. Significantly likely more
c. More significantly likely
d. Likely more significantly
e. Significantly more likely

15) The sentences "However. PTSD are manageable." Should be in ...

a. v
b. ii
c. iv
d. i
e. iii

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