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Problem Set (1) Determinants whose value is zero. Evaluate the following determinants without expansion as far as possible. 43041 ~«6 1 @ |a 7 4 7a 2 123 ) |3 5 7 8 14 20 1 e o 2 @ lo oF 1 Ont ee. (WN. 1991) where w is an imaginary cube root of unity. 2 2 A ty MOF, H+ y0F2,0" (b) fa=|x,+y,0 x0 +y, xt+y0rz,07| * 440 xo ty, x +y0+z,0" where 1,0,” are cube roots of unity then A is equal to fa) 0 (b) 1 (d) none of these . 8 - Then the value of the od determinant] 1 -1-@7 ©? Jis fae ee (@) 30 (0) 30(0-) . (0) 307 (4) 3@(1-@) a1, se. 2002) (@) 1£4, and A, be the determinants Aeceteceem Pa eh 3 1 o*and}1 1 o*|, 1 of |g? @ 1 then prove that oe Bi where o,0? are the imaginary cube roots of unity. (e) Ifwis imaginary cube root of unity then prove that the value of 140? ~0 —q* | is equal to ~ 300 -o? a b cra © ath be bolb +e) ca cale+a) ab ab(a+b) 1 ab (a) Prove that) 1 be 1 ca Seiso le AYA? ee vu WY 6 (a)* Find the value of bie? fhe hte (b)* Evaluate} ca? ca ota ah? ab ash the determinant without expansion bP-ab pig be-ae ab-a? —a-b Bb? =ab be-ac c-a qh—g? (b) Ifa.b,cbeall+ iveand p,q. € R then evaluate the determinant (a? 407?) (a? =a") Aa] Hb") T=") 1 (reer) ferent) 1 7, Evaluate: 1 1 z z (y+2) - fa x (ea xtayte oe 2 8. Skew Symmetric determinant of odd order is zero. 0 Pace fa)" )-b 0 a ¢ -a 0 0 a-b a-c @ Jo-a 0 me c-a c-b 0 Haxt +bx* +ox7 +dx +6 43x x-1 x+3) =| x41 ~2x x-4] thene=| X-3 xt4 3x 10. a) The determinants i ted 1b cal and |1 bb 1 ¢ ab te. are not identically eq (i) True, (ii) False. 1a fly be bte {a,) Provethat) 1b b?}=|1 ca c+a 4c co] {1 ab a+b Lod te a (b) Evaluate : i Boca L 2 co wb 12, 13, 14, (c)_ Find tho value of the determinan 14 8 1c 1 oa @ a +bed 2 (ay Hvotuato:]? BF BP ada 1 ¢ eG! sabd 1 4 din dirob (b) Without expanding prove that the determinant sinA cos A sin(A+0) sinB cosB- sin(B+0)|=0. sin cos sin(C +0) 1 log, y log, 2 (a)* Evaluate :/Hog, x 1 logy 2 log, x los, 1 x, yz being tive. Jlog, 272 log, y logy z (b) Evaluate] log, yz 1 logy 2 log, xyz 108, - (U7. 1993) ‘In Q. 13 to 15 evaluate the determinants (c) Mobeimaginary cube root of unity then evaluate 2430! +02 20? 1 1 140! 430% 20 2% 20? 340! 40% fof ¢ 2 eg gst wi ee 5 sf 8 @os @ 7 205 240 219 () |240 225 198 219 198181 18 40 89 (@) [40 89 198 89 198 440 37 (b) }16 329) 7 5 4 mow 7 10 2% 22 6 410 le 8 2 3 Be ae ot aa 4.273 “a 5 @ |r 3 6 10 15 14.20 20 35 15 15 35 69 16. (a)* Prove that ab © a a ath atbtc atb+ced |_ 4s a 2a+b Sa+2b+c sa+ab+2o+d |~" a 3a+b Gatad+e War6b+%e+d a ath atbec (b) Letas|sa data Satab+se |, 6a 9a+6b 11a+9b +60 where a=i,b =o, and ¢=0*, then prove that A equals i lo? +20 2a%1 1 (c) Provethat}2a+1 a+2 1)>=<0 3 Sie according as a>=<1 17." Find the value of the determinant Vis+V3 we VS Vis+V26 5 ‘10| 3+v05 VIS (Roorkee 1992) 18. (a) If a,b,c (all + ive) are the pth,qth and rth terms respectively of a geometric progression, then prove that loga op 1 logb gq 1] =0 loge or 1 (b)* IfT,, be the pth term of a G.P of +ive terms then evaluate logTps1 logTpss l0BT p45 Log T p42 1OBT +5 108 T p47 logT pss 108T p47 18 T p+ 19.*If the pth, gth and rth terms of an H.R be a,b,c respectively, then prove that be ca ab ss|p qr aaa (ut. 1997) 20. (a) Prove that for all values of 8, sin@ cos sin 20 infox2® 2n 4n)|og- 042% an anya sin + =) cos (0 2) sin (204 is) 0 in(o-2% 2e an o-2t 2 Ax sin ( =) cos(0 ) sin (20 in) (UT. 2000) 1 sin3@ sin? @ (b) A=] 2cos0 sin 6@_sin® 20] equals 4cos*@-1 sin 98 sin® 99 fa) -2 {b) ~1 (a (ao (c) Let ABC be an equilateral triangle inscribed in the circle x7 + y? = a? Suppose perpendiculars from ss to the major axis of the ellipse 1 the ellipse = (a>b) me a BF ae respectively at P,Q,R so that P,Q,H lie on the same side of the major axis as A, B,C respectively. Prove that the normals to the ellipse drawn at the points P,Qand Rare concurrent. 2000) r x Rast) 2 at. (ay ID, =}2r-1 oy n n(3n-1) ar-2 ot 2 then prove that $= D, =0 m 2r-1 ig 1 (b) WD, =| n= a n+1 |, cos? (n*) cos? (n) cos* (n+1) nzr20, D,. 2er) 46") (22. (a)* y Zz 3" -1 57-1 then prove that $. D, =0. mm (b)* If x y z 4, 7 2x3" axat 2.271) 3.(3"=-1) 4.(4"-1) Find the value of A. at (M.N.R, 1996) a-t on 6 23. (a)* LetA,=|(a-1)? 2n?— 4n-2 (a-1)* 3n* an? -3n show that $ A, =c, a constant. om x (b) Evaluate 5 U,if nL a 1 5 n®? 2N+1 2N41 3 et 3N = SN" (M.N.R, 1994) (c) If f,g,h are polynomials of second degree in n having (n+2) a common factor then prove that 2, 4r is independent of n where * S ae . . 24, (@) tb) 25. (a) 26. (b) (©) (a) (b) © (c) 02" —p2" is always an even integer form ¢N are Gnine2) of art 3.2"'-6 g {d) Batriangle having sides as a, and 0 -B. Finqret} nlasniney fh 27. Ifthe number of distinct real roots of xe1 x42 xt] sin x cosx cosx Provethat |x+2 x43 x+b/=0 cosx sin x cosx|=0 xt3 xed oxte osx cosx sin x whore ab,care given to be in AP. in tho interval -ZsxsEis if ante 4 1 x xt @ 0 2 Fxye| 2x x(x-t) (etx 1 (a3 (147.80, 2001) ax(x—2) x(x—1(x-2) (+) x(8-D] gg 1f A,B,Che the angles of a triangle, then prove that then f (100) is equal to <1 cos cos B @) 0 ba (a) |cosc -1 . cos {c) 100 (a) ~100 (ur. 1999) cosB cosA 1 sin? A cotA 1 =1+005B cosC-+c0s B cos B Evaluate| sin? B cotB 1 |, (b; JcosC-+eosA -1+c0sA cos A gotG coc ''1 cosB-1 ° cosA-1 0-1 : 29.* If a,b,c be the sides of a triangle ABC, then prove that where A,B,C are the angles of a triangle. @ bsinA ‘csinal sin? A sin? B sin’ C As|bsinA 1 cosA|=0 Prove that|sinA sin sinC csinA cosA 1 cosA cosB cos 30." If Ay, be the areas of two triangles with vertices (.0).(c,0),(a.) and (ac—b*, ab ~c*),(ba~c* boa), ~sin (A~B) sin (B-C)sin (C- A) sin(A+#+C) Reais a where A,B,C are any three angles such that (cb-a?,ca—b"), then evaluate on B Ae Gee : =1 2431 5~4i in A sinB sin€ 31. (a) GivenA=|2-31 8 = 14i Prove that A aes cos B cos Seat : fee eee aes. Without expanding prove that A is real, =sin (A~ B) sin (B -C)sin (C- A)cos(A+B +C) (b) Ifx,y,zare complex numbers, then Also determine when A =0. sy <8 cos? x COS x-SINX —sinx 0 ~x/is equal to Fjs|cosxsinx sin? x cosx x 0 sin x -cosx 0 (a) purely real (b) purely imaginary Prove that f (x) =1is an identity. (©) complex (@ 0 2cos? x 8iN2x —sin x; 6-3 WA=| sinax 2sin? x cosx |, 32."1f] 4 i x+iy,then sinx -cosx 0 2 3 then prove that f"? [A+A’]dx= x eee One : (9) x=0,y=3 (d) x=0,y=0 (417. 1998) where a’ =d /dx(4). 33. (a) Ifthe two determinants D, and D, given below be If the max. and min, values of ‘equal, then prove that 1tsin? x cos’ x sin 2x cos” 0+c0s* ¢+cos” y=1 where Az] sin? x 1400s x sin 2x 1 cos8 cos sin? x cos* x 1+sin x. D,=|cos@ 1 cosy], cos cosw 1 areaand B, then foe a 0 cos8 cos (a) a+B D,=|cos@ 0 cos, cosé cosy 0 (b) o° -B'7 =26 bg bg by cy a, +pb, by +c, c, +10, + pb, by +qc, cy +70, a, + pb, by +9, cy +10 prove that D’ = D(1+ pqr). (Karnataka C.€.€. 1993) (0) Leta, b, cbe such thatb(a+c) #0.1f ° sthen and D’ a at+1 a-1 -b b+1 b-1 ¢ c-1 ctl att b+1 c+ +| a-1 b-1 c+ Ena -n* 1% then the value of n is (a) any integer (b) zero (©) any even integer (d) any odd integer (AIEEE 2009) Zo B40As|z x y zz 35. (a) Leta then show that A lies in the interval (2,4). cosa. -sina 1 (b) fas} sing cosa 1], then prove cos(a+8). -sin(a+6) 1 that 4 €(1- ¥2,1+ v2}, 36. (a) Ift,,ty,t3,t4,t, bein A.P of common differenced then the value of fh GG D=| t,t, t,t, | isad*. True/False? tats ty ts (b) ft, .ty.ty are in AP and 7;,7,,T, are in H.P then prove that the value of 4-Tl 4-h 4-h 2-T b-h t-T% -T, t3-T ty -t; is zero. (c) If ab,c are three non-zero distinct numbers in A.P, then prove that (ba (c-a) (a-b)(c-) (a-b)(b-c) (c-a)a-b) (b~c)(a~b) (b-c)(c-a) (a-b)(b-c) (c-a)(b-c) (c-a)(a-b) is always tive. 37. (a) IfA,B,Chetheangles ofa triangle, then prove that sin2A sinC sinB sinC sin2B sin A sinB sin A sin2C =0 Evaluation of determinant, by row-column operations. Prove the following : 1 @* (b), 2 (a) ©) 3 (a) ) 4. (@) (b)* Problem Set (2) _ @+, 9b ac b+c c+a a+b] Ja © (c) Onefactor of =| ab b* +2 cb is a+b bte c+al=2\c b ca ch gt 4 c+a atb bte b a nab wo ¥ 2 Pe b (b) 1/0 tb 7 () (a? +A) (07 +A) (C7 +2) 7 (a) none yte 2 y cr) c Zz atx sayz 5. Ja-b b-c ca vox xty bec cta a+b yee x x a-b-c 2a y sex yleanz 6 (@ | 2% b-c-a z z x+y (Karnatak C.€. 1999) x id 2 Be atb+20 a b = © ce )*| oc b+c+2a b e bec? © a ctat2 @ a |=4abe a 2 =2(a+b +0)". > 7 e cs asa? -b? 2ab = 7 (a) 2ab 1-a? +b? 2a a b axtby b c bxtey 2 ~te and Bt ax+hy bxtoy 0 =(1+a +b7), =(b? ~ a0) (ax* + 2bxy + cy”). a ie 3 a be ac+e? (b)* |(a+2)? (+1)? (c+ 1)? a+b Bb? ac | =4a"b*c*, (a-1?(b-1?_— (@~1)? ab B+be Bo? Bact ab ac \ b ab ota? be reya ca cb - a+b % % a at ? ar 14g gy a, =| 3b? ct +a? bt | = 4a7b*c? % 1404 % rad ce a +b? % 4% lta, =1+a, +a +4, +a,. to 1 4 1 tor | 2 tee a 1 10010 ae 1 04004 aed sobed(1+2+24243)=s-r ab cd if ab,c.d are the roots of x" + px? gx? tm 9.* Prove that if,f,y#0, then 10. @+ab, a,b, a,b, ab, B+ a,b, — ayby Ab, Agbz_ + Oyby by, Gaby, agb: = oy 1+ 28 4 28 al ao BY ltx 2 3 4 1 24x 3 ale @ | 4 2 ade i =x! (x+10). 1 2 3 4ex x aaa a x a@ al_ _@? 0) eX FA latxt3q)(x—a". aqoaa x Ea’ Sab Lab 1.*LetA=|Zab Ea* Lab Eab Lab Ea 12. 13. Prove that A is non-negative and establish the relation, between a,b andcif A=0. @+1 ab ac ad (| bear be bd ac be Hd od ad bd edd? 41 aa BP oe a Je a e @ Be at a é Be of dtat =1ta? +b? +07 4d? (b)* Prove that @+x ob a¢ ab b* +x be [=x* (a? +b? +c? +4) ac be tax ax by cl ia b © @ |e oy Blelx y 2 a1 oa] ly we ow (b) Wa" =—2and atd’x (1+b*)x (1407) x fOd=|+d)x 14b?x (140%) x] (+a*)x (14b?)x 140% then f (x) is a polynomial of degree fa) 3 (b) 2 (o) 1 (a) 0 (AIEEE 2005) [bo be’ +b'o be (co) |ca cd+ca cd ab ab’+db db’ = (be -b'6) (od - 0) (ab’ - db) 14. Prove that Od bP cl Jo aa bp cy @ o yt gt|_laa 0 cy bp By oO g2| [oB cy 0 aa 2 pt at o| ler BB aa o 15. (a)* If p+q+r=0, prove that pa qb re] a qe ra p= par|c 1b po qa| b P (b)* Ifarp,b4q,c#r and) a a then find the value of —P— p-a q-b r-c (un 1991) a b-y c-q () Wla-x b c-2=0,thenS+24¢ a-x b-y ¢ zye Soot ax 1 2 2xt1 1 8 16, (at |x? x2 42x a x 2x+1 x+2 1 . » 1 3 8 1 x?42x axt1 1 (b) | 2x+1 9 x42 1]=(x-1). 3 31 (x-2? (x1)? 2 afi? (xe x (xea? (reat oO x yz w[-x 0 wes 2g P\ (ax—by +09). -z -b -a 0 367 a _|6 786 2 (b) A=| 789 =(a—2b+e)*. abco Is this statement true or false 7 a+ b-c c+b 19. ate b c-a| +b +0) (a® +b? +07), a-b b+a c (b+0)” @ @& 20.) b* (+a? BF |=2abc(at+b+c)°. a (a+b? (a+b)? ca cb (b) If y=sin px, prove that 21, (a) ca (b+0)? ab eee be ob +a? S=l¥s Ya Ys Ye Yr Ya - 3 =2abe(a+b +c)’. where y, means rth differential coefficient of y. (b)* If 28=a+b+¢,prove that 26.* Prove that Pf (s-a? (s-q? -be bP tbe c? +be (s-b)* ia (s-b)? @+ac -ac c* +ac|=(be+cea+ ab). (s-o* (s-o)® a+ab be+ab ~0b =233 (sa) (s-b) (8-0). eee eed ar ~~ +0 22." Without expanding at any stage show that oe ae ae. ao x +x xt] x-2| a(x? +y? +27) (a? +b? +07) (ax+by +02). 2x? +3x-1 3x, 3x-3|=xA+B sPaoee3 2X1 2x-1 (b) Let a,b,c be real numbers with a® +b? +c’ ‘Show that the equation where AandB are determinants of order 3 not ax-by-c bx+ay cxta involving x. bx+ay -ax+by-c cy+b |=0 23. (a)* Without expanding as far as possible, evaluate ota cy+b — ~ax-by+o sin? A sin AcosA cos” A represents a straight line. (1-7, 2001) 28. (a) The value of n for which the determinant °c, %, c, ie OC gatCrasteteCr | aU is sin? B sinBcosB cos” B sin’C sinCcosC —_cos*C given that A+B+C= a (b)* If A,B,C be the angles of a triangle and ™ ined na] 2 (b) 3 c0s(A~B) cos(B-C) cos(C-A) | i a cos(A+B) cos(B+C) cos(C+A) sin(A+B) sin(B+C) sin(C+A) (b)* Show that *C, “Grr “Chae then prove that the triangle is an isosceles Pats re triangle. ee ee 24, (a) If A,B,C be the angles of a triangle and a Cray Chae \ 1 1 1 x HG 2g 14sin A 1+sin B i+sinc |=0 c, 41 42 ae ie Cr Cay Cran Ifboth nand rbe greater than 1, find the value of x if sin Asin? A sin B+sin? B sinC+sin® C then prove that A must be isosceles. 1 cosa costa, (* (b)* Prove that}1 cosB cos” B xe Ig 1 cosy cos* y Cae ees o+B BtY ye Ge eee w2sin sin PY gin V4 SU GreeG aac [sin (@-B) +sin (By) +sin (y—)] (a) If nandp be two +ive integers such that sin sin2a sin 3a nz p+2and 25. (a) Provethat|sinB sin28 sin 38, ACp Cay 3 aCpsa siny sin2y sin 3y Diup" Cp Cpa Cae = 16 (sin asin sin 7) sin SP sig BET ac, PC. "Ch. ns, sin 724 (sin (.-p) +sin 8-1) +8in (y~a)) then prove that D(n, p) = sat D(n-1,p-1) 29. (a) Ifn>2then sum the series i 2g MAG mae LCV} -3 1 ff 2 -1 0 (b) If 3" is a factor of the determinant 1 1 1 "ce, mG, atte, | "EG, MG, BG, then the maxium value of nis 3, *C, *C, *Cy 30.* Evaluate) 7C, %C, "C, c *C, FC, (Roorkee 1990) 31. (a)* Suppose three digit numbers 428,389 and 62C where A, Band Care integers between 0 and 9, are divisible by a fixed integer k. Prove that A36 ie ihe (117.1990) ‘b) If abc, inn and pgr be any three-digit numbers each of which is divisible by k, then show that abe 1 m_niis also divisible by k. pat 32. (a)* For a fixed positive integer n, if nl (n+! (n+2)! (n+! (042)! (n+3)! (n+2)! (043)! (+4)! determinant + then show that [2s A sh divisible by n. i (at) (b) Fora fixed +ive integer n, let D= (n-1)! (n+2)! (n+9)!/n(n+1) (n+1)! (n+3)! (n+5)Y(n+2)(n +3) (n+3)! (n+5)! (n+7)/(n+4) (+5) then is equal to a +O +3)! () -8 (b) -16 (9 -32 (a) ~64 (ur. 1992) 33.* Let a>0,d >0. Find the value of the determinant 1 1 1 a a(a+d) (a+d)(a+2d) 1 1 1 +d (ard(ara) (ara arad 1 uu w (a+2d) (a+2d)(a+3d) (a+3d)(a+ 4d) (117.1996) '— a) (x —b) (xc) (x—d) then prove that x x Raf d= xf) d 34. f= we eo a x x x c x vvvvvev

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