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Cit x ty -gexpmoes (ay) then veya, fx-x ; ; ; A308 say), fet ag ) S ena © hae oat sei oi) ; " es oo = 1@ point (a! m HE *{E] ~1<0. then Gea sy Oh al the poi Ae ‘Normal will be X=¥ 4 Y=¥ ? x-a_y-b With this notation the equation of the tangent can be or S=AL Yat the point (a,b). veritten as OE (ad) fad) Equation of tangents and normals to given curves. Find the equation of the tangent to the curve at 4 (a) The equation of the normal to the curve any point (x.y), ‘. x! + y" =6ay at the point (3, 3) kaa (0) Tho equation of the normal to the curve 2y=3~x7 at the point (1, (©) Tho values of parameter ‘a’ so that the line (8-0) x+ay+a? ~1=0 is a normal to the curve 1. Ay = 1is/are : @ Ba () (-=,0) ©) 03) (2) none 5. (a) Normal to the parabola y?=4ax in the form 2 y=aux—2am— am! where mis the slope of the +b) zt. normal. oY (b)* Three normals are drawn from the point (c,0) to @ Does the straight line* +-=2touch the curve the curve y* = x Show thatcmust be greater than 2 ye i t (2) +{Z) =2rmttouies then determine te Binks Fecha co-ordinates of the point of contact. 2 (@) x=asin?Qy=acos"@, oc ° 4 5a") Tangent and Normal, (b)* Normal to x2 + y*3 = @%" in the form Poos = xsin@= acas 28 (a) Show that @is the angle which the from the origin'on the o Angle between the tangents to the curve =x -5x+6 at the points (2,0) and (30) is fa) x/2 (b) 5/6 (© xia (@ x/3 (AIEEE 2008) Find tangent and normal to @) ylern=x (a-n (0) 7 @a-x)=x' atthe points where x=0 Normalto y= x° - 3xwhichis parallelto2x + 187 =9, page oe Tangent to ar'+y?+x+2y=0 which are Perpendicular to the line 4x - 1. (2) Tangent to parabola y* = 4x +5 which is parallel (b)* Determine the constant c such that the straight line joining the points (0,3) and (&,~2}istangen to the curve y=—2, : 1 (MR 1983) 42, (a) The straight line x + y= awill bea tangent to the ellipse x*/9+ y?/6 =1if @s (i) +5 i (i210 (ive (aus.1982) () On the ellipse 4x? + 9y* =1, the points at which the tangents are parallel to the line 8x=9y are mG) sci 1 al 5 ) a & ) (UT. 1999) 13. (a) Determine the equation of tangent at vertex ofthe parabola (x+4)* =~ 4(y-2) {b) the normal to the curve y = (x) at the point (3,4) makes an angle 3x/4 with the positive x-axis, then f*(3)= m1 o-2 of @ (LIT. Se. 2000) : 2at' 14, (2) ‘Tangent and normal to the curve x= 221, att 3 y= 224 at the point for which t =4 ae? 2 (b)* Normal at any point to the curve x= 0080+ a@sin 8 in 8- aBcos®, et Also show that itis ata constant distance from the curve are given by x=3c0s6-cos"@, y=3sin@—sin’ @ Find the equation ofthe normal at origin. 18, (a) The rectangular co-ordinates of @ point on the - ee (b) The parametric equations of given curve x=0(2cost +c0s2!), y=a(2sint -sin 2). Prove that the equations of tangent and normal at any _ t asin ® point t are sin} + yeos=asin > and cos! ysin 30c0sS! respectively. Also 2 t establish that S.T. =yoot and SN.= yan (0). Prove that the portion of the normal 1} the curve x=2asint +asint cos" t ye-a0s't which is intercepted between the co-ordinate ‘nee is of constant length. ‘Tangents to y =(x° -1)(x-2)at the points where the curve cuts the axis Find the equation of the tangent to the curve y=x" +1at the point (1, 2) Find the slopes of the tangents of the curve y=(x+1)(x-93) at the points where it cuts the axis of x Tangents and normal to the curve ¥(x-Olx-9-x+7=0 at the point where it cuts the axis of x. (b) Normal to the curve y? = x° at the point whose abscissa ris 8. (©) Normal to the curve y = x" - 2x? + 4at the point where x=2 18." Find the points on the curve9y? = x* where normal to the curve takes equal intercepts with the axes. (Roorkee 1998) 16. (a) ) @ 17. (a) 19. (a) Find the point on the curve yex'-6x' +13x" -10x+5 where the tangent is parallel to the line y=2x. Show that two of these points have the same ‘tangent. (0) Find the points on the curve x? + y? -2x-3=0 the tangents at which are parallel to xaxis. (@) Find the points on the curve y = x°, the tangents at which are inclined at an angle of 60° to xaxis. 20. (2) Normals at the points on the curve y= x/(1- x") ‘where the tangent makes an angle of 1/4 with weaxis, t which points on the curvey=2x/(1—2"), ee — | © (0 i ' e (: ce adi So, 2002) 21. (a) The curve ye +x=0hasa vertical tangent at the point @ (11) (ii) no point (ii (0,1) (iv) (4,0) (b) Aand B are points (~2,0) and (1, 3) on the curve . ¥=4-x7 If the tangent at P on the curve be Parallel to chord AB then co-ordinates of point P 115 24 are{ 22. (a) Prove that all points on the curve y? =4a{x+asin(x/a)) at which the tangent is ) parallel to the x-axis lie on the parabola y? = 4ax. (b)* Tangents are drawn from origin to the curve y-=sin x Prove that their points of contact lie on 2 wyPayty? ()_ Ifthe point on yextana-} (a>0) u? cos? where the tangent is parallel to y=x has an 2 ordinate“, then prove that sin? a = 3, 4a 4 23. (a)* Show that the line * af =1 touches the curve a yebert yoxis, (b)* The line x/a+y/b=1 touches the curve y=be"*!* a the point ( (ab/a) (iti) (a.a/6) 24, (a) Show that the curve (+) 2 a at the point (a,b) at the point where the curve crosses the ii) (- a.b/a) (iv) None of these. y touches thestraightline* + a whatever the value of n may be. (b) Ifthe line * +. a = 1be a tangent to hyperbola ay=c* then show that ab = 4c, (6) function y = f(x)has a second order derivative (3) =6(a=1). Ifthe graph passes through the point land this point tangent tothe raph is = 1,then function is : y (@) (x-1° (0) (x-9 (6) (c+? (4) (x+)* {AIEEE 2004) 25, (a) Show that tangents to the folium of descartes vey =Sany at the poin( where it meets the are parallelto the axis of y, determine the point on the curve at which tangent is parallel to x-axis (b) Find the equation of the normal to the cu x! + y? =Bxyat the point other than origin whe it meets the curvey? = 4x. Weewes 26. (a) Find the equations of the tangents drawn to th curve y? ~2x* - 4y +8=0 from the point (1, (Roorkee 11 (b) Find the equations of tangents to the curve y = x*7 which are drawn from the point (2,0). (o) Find the equations of tangents to parabola y? =4ax which are drawn from the point (2a,3a). 27. (a)* Find all the tangents to the curve y=cos(x+y),-2eSxS2n that are parallel to the line x+2y =0. (b) IFf (x) satisfies Uf) fa) Stay — ag) V xy.m €F then find the equation of tangent to f Cr . point (1, 2) 26. (a) Find the equation to the tangent to x" (4am’,8am*) and also the point in which the tangent cuts the curve again. (b)* If the tangent at the point (at?, at*) on the curve ay’ =x° meets the curve again at Q, then the corrdinates ofare(2t%,—2 at). 29. (a)* Show that the normal at the point (3t,4/t) of the curve ay=12 cuts the curve again at the point ‘whose parameter, is given byt, a (b) Show that the normal to the rectangular hyperbola xy =c* at the point ¢ meets the curve again at the point’ such that °¢’=—1 (©) Show that the tangent to the curve Say? ~2xy =1at (1, 1) meets the curve again at the point (~ 16/5, 1/20). (@) I the tangent at the point (p.q) to the curve x' +y° =k meets the curve again at the point (ab, rove that 2+ 2 a 1 30. (a)* rien is anormal tothe curve ee sae (ii). "Find the equation ofthe straight ine which i tangent al one point and normal at another point of the curve y=Bt -1, year? 43, Show that the normal to the curve 5x* ~10x* +x+2y+6=0 (Roorkee 1991) At P(0,~3) meets the curve again at two points, Find the equation of tangents to the curve at these points. (Roorkee 1992) {33. Find the oquation of the straight line which is tangent at one point and normal at another point of the curve x=3t?, y=2tt, (Roorkee 2000) The parametric equations of a curve are given by x=sec* t, y=cot Tangent at Pt = n/4meets the curve again at Q; then PQ=(345)/2. 35. fa)" The curve y=ax’ +bx’+ox+5_, touches the axis atP (~2,0}and cuts the y-axis ata point Quwhere its gradient is 3. Find abc. (tT. 1994) The line y=x is a tangent to the parabola y=ax’ +bx+cat the point x=1.If the parabola passes through the point (~1,0), then determine abc. If the tangent at any point (1, 2) on the curve y= ax" +bx-+7/2 be parallel to normal at (-2,2) on the curve y=x" +6x+410, then prove that (b) © (@) Thecurvey =ax* +x? +3 ae(-o,0) or ae(3,~) ©) Hence the normal whoge slope ism wil beat the point (am*, ~2am) so that its equation I vy +2am=m(x- at) ; or y=mx~2am= am, : Refer part (a), the equation of normal to 7° = 40% in terms of slope mis y=mx~2am- an For y? = x weshal pul 4a~=1 s0that its equation j y=mx-}m-1 a4 It passes through (c,0) o=me-1m-1 a! a4 or m(m’ ~4¢+2)=0 Above gives m=0 so that the normal correspon ding to this value of m is y=0 ie. x-axis. The slopes of the remaining two normals are given by mm +0m+(2~40)=0, For reality of roots B-4AC20 +. 0-4(2~40)20 or 40-220 or 2}, Also if the normals be perpendicular, then mym, =-1 or 2~4¢=~1 or 3=4¢ . ch From the equation of the curve x’ = 4y, we get dy /dx= 3/2. rae oe 2 Pe tythen n=—1/ x=-Ym and y=2/4=1/m', tb em(x+2) Narmalisy- n{x+2). fit passes through the point (1,2), then ara 142 )emea el Mm =-1or m=-1, Required normal is y -1=-1(x-2) xty=3 ee W the tangent passes through the point (x,y) then y, = mx, +4 m or mx, -my, +020 Above is quadratic in m (slop ofthe tangont) which shows that there will be two tangents which pass through the point (x,,),) If those ‘angents are perpendicular then mm, == 1 or =r1 oF =a Hence thoit point of x 4 intersection (x,y) lies on directix x=~ a (b) Ans, (i), y-Miosnteaf[-—1,) my2 Hence the equation of tangent is ree eee i z 1 or m=y=a{my ale Above is the equation of tangent in terms of its slope m. If it passes through the point Oak then m= (me2) 5 mtx, ~my, =am? +0 Above is a quadratic in m which shows that there will be two tangents which ass through (x,,,). If the two mm, =-1 or | | | or mt (x -q~my, -a=0 | tangents be perpendicular, then _ a ot a=x,-a of x, Thus the two perpendicular tangents meet at x=2a (b) Ans. (a) Yoox 5-100 ad=ia0) ¥ (a+ x)=3" (a-x), ‘The point whose x= a,then y? (2a) =a 2a yad’ | oc jeu Woon the jot aro (a4, (a4 a 2 (ona) any Flsy)=y? (ata) Qa? y")ag Wo fe ty tars ax?) de fy, ay (avy) @ ahs Bene atk oy wa Ak alam) gg a Tangent is ya 3 (= oF 2y~xagl Since slope of tangent is ; therefore slope of ‘normal will be~2 Normal is Y-=-2(x-o) or y+ox=30 Similarly we can write Nangent and normal at Qla-ahas x+ay+a=0 and 2x y—Sa=O respectively, (b) Do yourself as in fa). & yst-a , Vege yex'-3, aa Slope of normal is ~1/4¥ = __1_~ lope of normal is yt at Since is paalel to 2x+ 18y =9 whose slope i ~y9, a cts: Bae wt Sots o a4. xenng Fence two uch points r(22)and(~2.~2 slope : of the normal at which is ~19. Hence ther equations are i yods. a x+9y=20 and 10, ‘Tangent being ar or 13x-16y=20 1, Normalatt=2is (7-$ J or 16x+13y=90 y=tand x=-1 (b) dx/do=- asin + a8cosd +i" dy/d8= a0os8- a00s8+ a8 mS, coe Tangent is y-1=2(x+1) or (b) Ans.c=4 Equation ofthe line is x+y it will cut it in two tangent to y[x+1)=6, coincident points (3 ~ x) (x+1)=¢ as or x2 -2x4¢~3=0 will have equal roots Sip al =f in B -4AC=0 a Normal is y -(asin8- 0800s @))=~ 5g” or 4-4(c-9=0 of c=4 xfx-(acos6+ o8sin 8) a {a} Ans. (G). Ifthe given line is a tangent to ellipse it 4 re Biminating y, or ysinds xcos8= ofc? @+sin? =2 Its distance from the origin is clearly 25x? ~18ax+9(a° -16)=0 2 sare 9 ___-gie.constant a ee . V(cos” 6+ sin’ 8) x 18a? -4x25x9%(a" - 16)= i a pea 15. (a) x=30os0-cos? @,y=3sinO-sin’ @ 16° =400 or @ 4 éx/do=-3sin 8 +3c0s" Osin® {b) Ans. (b) and (4). J i jaa oe =-3sin 6(1-cos? @)=-3sin’ 8 : dy /d=3c0s8-3sin’ 80058 sigitlty sin? @)=3c0s" @ , 05" * = slope of tangent 2 ene refill @ 0. Vertex'is(-42)etc. a (b) Ans. (d). Slope of the normal at (3,4) is the value “Gi coe of e : Hence te equation ofthe normal 7 : y-(dsin Osi? =(sin’ fos” 8 , 4 [x-(8c0s8-cos? 6] or ycos? @- xsin? @ =3sin @cos® @ ~3cos0sin® @ 4 ( ( 4 ( ( « ( Dividing throughout by sin’ @cos* @, we get é yomec? 8-xsec’ =3(cosec"@ -sec"®) i c c t e ¢ astja-0.2 sot 1f0=/4then sec(x/4) =cosec(n/§) = 12. ee? gery? 2 Nommalis y.2¥2-x.2¥2=0 _ & or y-x=0. a It clearly passes through the origin. ba ve Oy Cae a(2cost -2cos2t) 78275 *i6.m0 2 16 18° de x —a(esint +2sin2t) 2. Slope of tangent is 13/16 and that of normal is 16/13 2a.2sin int Tis y-a(2sint—sin 20) Slope of the normal en Ue 208 { + COS: ea a Kay line making equal intercepts on axes will have t t 1 a 2 ety sein! you! SIOpa Se anaaL ie E eg = eg (6,-16¥2)to y?=x* can be easily found as m=) =) >! xtW2 y = 104 the tangent is vertical ~~» » > > > = ya4ayate (©) Ans, x+4y=18. 18, gy? =x! me y. Bye 3x7 or a et et ge ans). B= (sina cosa} cosa en (sinc.-cosa}” cos’ & oF xix Aloe” =x+y: xtyst & x ‘This relation is satisfied by (1, 0) only. dy a i a slope of AB, 23. (a) y=be™*!" Itcuts y-axis at (0,5). 2and hence y = 15/4. vy? =4alx+ asin (x/a)] (a) 2y.dy/de= dal +008 (x/a)} (2) If the tangent is to be parallel to axis then dy/dx=0 Tangent at (0,b}is y -b =~ (b/a) -(x-0) Hence from (2), we get cos (x/a) =~ 1 or br+ay=ab or xa+y/b=1 sin(x/q)=0 (0) Ans. (iv) Putting in (1) we get y* = 4a(x+0) dy __by-xa__B (given) &k a@ qa or y?=4ar a” an a1 2 x20. y=b ie @ Hence all such points tangent at which are i parallelto xaxiswilllieon theparabola y? =4ax. 4 (@) Equation of tangent is : ae Lot the tangent be drawn at the point (x,y). ts Godt late equation is ¥ - y =“ (xx) de But y=sin x = =008 X Y¥ -y=cos x(X-2), Since it passes through (¢, 0), y or © =cos xand y=sin x or y?+x ) Hence the points of contact lie on Pe seat Since the tangent to the given curve is parallel to (0) Ans. (a). ‘y=f{(3) bas a second order derivative of 1st degree and hence it must be a cubic. sy fQ)=ar the tortd waft) Putting for xin the given equation, we have Sameer Det 7 » f(x) =6ak+2b=6(x-1) 0) Comparing, =1,=-6 = b=-3 » (4) ce. -. ee aeneneapaniananna From (2) we have 3o(4) +2b(2)+ 12(}+4(-Jee=3 x c=3 Again the point (2, 1) lies on y 1=8a+4b+2+d 144(-3)42.3+d 23. (a) (y? -ay) At the points where the curve meets y* = ax, the value at a =e and henge tangent is perpendicular to xaxis or parallel to If the tangent is to be parallel to axis then ay nis. =ay Solving with the given curve, we get x8 +(x°/a?)-3x.7 =0 or x° (x -20°)=0 x=0,2a Now y=x"/a Hence the required points are (0, 0) and ef a2? gh i.e, indeterminate. Hence the required point is the other point. {b). Solving the two we get (0.0), (4,4). (4.~ 4}. Out of these, first we do not require and the last does not satisfy the first curve. Hence the point under consideration is (44) at’ which Hence the equation of normal is y~ x=0. 26. (a) Wetind the equation of tangent at any point (hk) on the curve (a) dak y i ae , 2 atthe) = & k-2 . Theequation ofthe tangent at(h, k)is given by 2a (g_ y-8= 3 0) Now tangent (2) passes through (1,2). @ 27. (a) or =(k~2)? <3? ~ah? cor 3h? 3h? =k? dk = 420. Also (hk) lies on (1). Hence kP — ah" 4k +8=0 Adding (8) and (4), wo get h ~ah +4=0. Factorizing the LAHLS., we shall obtain (hea(h-aes0 4 he-dhed But h=~1 gives imaginary values of K as can be seen from (4), Now putting f= 2in (4), wo got Fnak-020 2 ke2tevd ‘Thus the points are : (4.24248) and (2.2 -2¥3) Putting for h,k, the slopes of tangents. are 23,-2N3. Equations, y-(2+2N3) =2V9 (x2) and y~(2-¥a) 2-23 (x-2), Let the point of contact be (A, k) where keh* wll) Tangont is y =k =4h* (x~h) wal) It passes through (2,0) ~k=ah’ Qh) or hah? —4h" by (1). or 3h*-h =0 h=00r8/3 k =000r(9/3)* ss Points are (0, 0) and [8/3,(8/3)*] Putting in (2), tangents are vont () = (3 Any tangent to parabola i y = m+ te, Ans.x=y+0=0, x=2y+4a=0 sin(x+y)4 vf] (0) & Since use parlaea slope =~ 4. Pting in (0) sin (x+y) =1=sin (1/2). cos(x+y)=0 7 y=cos(x+ y)e0 sin(x+y)=1 = sinx=1 vo ys0_ or secy= i +tan® y=y1+y/ (3) cosecy = y1+cot? y be 1)_yity? | 1 alia a) ei 1+ y? by (1) and (4) PG=y i+ y? by (2) and (3) F Mii eed ass Condition for a given line to touch a given cu sone > ll ve. La the lin bea tangent tothe given curveat( )) then write the equation of the tangent as Y ~y=(dy/dx) (X-%), Compare this with the given line « x+by +e=0and then eliminate xand y. Length of sub-tangent and sub-normal BREET Se TTR erEM TEs MoM IEE en ey Eroblem Subtangent =7™M = y cot y=y-+(dv/dx) =¥/¥ Subnormal = MG = y tan y= y Seman 1. InQ.1to6 find theangle of interse (a) x? +y? =a? v2 and x -y () x°y=tand y=x* ion of the curves =a 2x and x* =16y, common tangent 2 (©) The common tangent(s) of y=x' and y=-x? +4x-4is (are) (3) y=4(x-1)—(b) y=-4(x-1) () y=0 (d) y =30x-20 (117. 2006) 3. (a) y? =4ax and x? = (b) y?=8x and x? 4 @ (b) y? =16x and 2x" + y’ by. Ly 12 and x? +y 5. (a) y=x' and6y=7-x" (b) y=4x? and y (WEE W.B, 1996) y=|x?-1| and y=|x* -3] at their points of intersection. (Roorkee 1998) 7. (a) Ifthe curves and y* =16x intersect at right angles, show that a” = 4/3. (b) The tangent and normal at the point Pat”, 2at) to the parabola y? = 4ax meet the xaxis in'T and G respectively, then the angle at which the tangent at P to the parabola is inclined to the tangent at P to the circle through P,7,G is @ tan"? (ii) oot? 1? (iiijtan™ é fiv)cot™* t (Q* Find the acute angles between the curves “ s |. (a)* Provethat the curves y =e ™ sin brand y Angle of intersection of two curves, length of tangent, normal, sub-tangent, sub-normal and intercepts on the axes. 2 and (a) Show that the curves x» -3y" 3x?y—y? =2cut orthogonally. Out of the four curves given below choose the (b) curve which intersects the parabola y* = 4ax (0) y=ax (d) x7 =4ay Find the condition that the following conics may cut orthogonally (a) ax? +by?=1 and dx’ +b'y? 2 () + a 2 x (c) Show that z +k, b’ +k, and + +k, b+k, intersect orthogonally. |. Show that the curves y? = 4ax and ay” = 4x’ intersect, each other at an angle of tt and also if PG, and PG, be the normals to the two curves at common point of intersection (which is not origin) meeting the axis of xin G, and G,. then G,G, = 4a touch at the points for which bx = 2nn + x/2. (0) Prove that the curves y =x" -3x" ~8x—4 and y=3x'+7x+4 touch each other and the equation of the common tangent is x- y +1=0. (c) Cosine of the angle of intersection of curve y=(3%"')In xand y=(x* -1)is: i ( ( ‘ ‘ r r C ‘ é é e e « « « « 12,* Show that the angle between the tangents at any point Pand the line joining P to the origin isthe same a ll points of the curve log (x? + y*) = ktan™ (y/2}. 13. (a) Find the condition that the line Ax + By = maybe a normal to the curve a"~' y=" (b) Ifax+by =1is a normal to the parabola y* = 4px then pa’ +2pab? =b* 414. Find the condition that the line xcosa+ y sin a= may touch the curve a ye 2 eee fea (a) ae wae sii-1)/y ate i x = @ (3) () : 45, (a) Find the condition that the line xoosa+ysina=p may touch the curve xy" =a"*" Prove also that the portion of the {angent intercepted between the axes is divided at its point of contact in a constant ratio. (b) In the curve x"y"=a"*", prove that sub- tangent at any point varies as the abscissa of the point 16, (a)* Ifx,,y, bethe parts ofthe axes intercepted by the {angent at any point (x,y) onthe curve a 2 ey + (ey =1show that A ie (b) The tangent at any point on the curve at +y* =a culs off intercepts pand on the co-ordinate axes then show that the value of +g" is equal toa” 17. (a) Prove that the portion ofthe tangent tothe curve x9 5 y*8 <2 which is intercepted between the axes is of constant length Also determine the length of tangent and normal at any point t where x= asin’ t, y=acos’ t (b) Ata point(q/8,q/8)on the curve x™* + y" =a" (0>0) tangent is drawn. If the portion of the {angent intercepted between the axes be of length V2, then a= 4 Prove. A 16, fx, and y, be the intercepts on the axes ofxand y cut offby th tangent othe curve (= y (2) tha a tat) 7, yatta} show wu(2) (4) 4 % J 19. (a)* Prove that the sum of intercepts of the tangent to the curve Vx +Jy = Jaupon the co-ordinate axes is of constant length. (b)* A curve C has the property that if the ta drawn at any point P on C meets the co-ordin axesat Aand B,then Pis the mid-point of AB curve passes through the point (1,1). Deter the equation of the curve. out. 20." Find the sbacisaot the pint on the curve ay? = 2, | normal at which cuts off equal intercepts frm tha aes, 5 21." Find the abscissa ofthe point onthe curve x7 =(6+ the normal at which cuts off numerically equal inlet anes of crore sy easint, 22. (a)* In the curve x= aloost + log tan (t/2), ¥ = show that the portion ofthe tangent between the point of contact and the xaxis is of constant length. 0) Show tha he potion ofthe angentfor hear, a-\d -y af 7 + log ey) between the point of contact and the x-axis is a Find the of the curves y = f (x), tangent to @ oa nit fone vai betwen tha point of contact and xaxis. (14.7. 2005) 23. For the curve xy =c”, prove the following : (a)* The intercept between the axes on the tangent at © any points biseted athe point of contac. (b) The tangent at any point makes with co-ordinate axes a triangle of constant area. 24, For the catenary whose equation: isy=coosh 7 prove the following = (i) length of normal = y?/c. (ii) perpendicular from foot of ordinate of P to the tangent at P is of constant length, = 25.* Prove that in the curve y = alog (x° - a"), sum of the tangent and subtangent varies as the product of the co-ordinates of the point of contact. 5 26." Prove that length of the normal varies inversely as bi from origin on tangent to ellipse <2 27." ee 28. It sub-normal ofthe curve xy" =a" is of length, then prove that n == 2 ~

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