Quadratic Equations ML KHANNA

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204 OLA.T.J.E.E.

Mathematics : Algeobra minus sign in place of plus

10, Lagrange's ldantity W
as we
r ä l i o 5 as instead o
like instead
we like an
of onlyt
divided by X- athen ther
he remai,
IMn polynomial is
in 1
a wajuality yense an always multiply n divtr "
uanlity Inal ud lay a
ive quantity Vattor The"l =9 then f(x) =(x-u)D[xi
Niultiplying bya ivnqnutityor aking s.iprn.al w IIM-0 ie.f
Ve unality Is ivisible by X -
In tase a ben double
of J(x)=0 lhen bos,
lo 0.
andf"(u) are
bx +CX +d=0
$13.Cubic Equation ax +

I lh - m alwuyn Il it roots bs n,5,7 lhen

I will l ztunly wlen h -0, -1, 1..

11. Aatio Proportion.

814. Biquadratic Equation
We have alnaly nlatd olnewhn in this o k +CX + dx +0 =0
That il
x +

Sz uf= (a + B) (7 +ö) +aß + ð=

S, =aly =

uß (7 +ö) + 7ö(u+B) =-


Froblem Set (1)

Symmolric lunetions of roots of a quadratic equation.
Formation ol
InQ 1 and 2 il a thee rmols ol
quadralic equalions with given roots.
one atn
ux bx +
= 0, b) fa,pare Ihe rools of x* + ax +b=0, then prone
lind the valurs of following:
thatis a rool of the equation

bx +(2h -a) x+b =0.

6. (a) f
a and f are the roots of x*
that -P(x+1)-c=
Q.x 3 anl 4 if u and
arn the ratn of the erquation show (+1) (B+ 1) = 1 -c. Hence prove tha
aN r - 0 finl the orqual on whonet rools arn as +201+1, +2)*1=1.
given brlDw a 20t+ +c
B +2B+C
(b) In
triangle POR, 2R

(6) ' tan a are the roots

=ftan and
of the equation
x +bx +c =0, (a*0), then
(a) a+b=cc
. ta usp, but u - 3 , p" =54-3, find the (C) a+c=b (b) b+cEa
quation wlioa roots arn a/ Snd p/u. (d) b=c
(AIEEE 2005; I..T. 1999)
Theory of Quadratic Equations
c) tne rools ot the
equationx +px-q =0 are 11. (a)) Given that a,Y
iutu 30° and tan 15°, then the value are roos
the roots of the tia
a) of 2+q -pis AX

4X + 1 =0, and B,ö

(b) 1 Bx-6x+1 =0, find the values of A and B such
(c) 2
(d) 3
(d) If sin8 and (AIEEE 2006) hat a, , y and ð are in H.P (Roorkeo 2000)
cos 8 are the roots of the equation 6 The number of quadratic equations which uro
x* + mx +
n=0, then prove that m* +2in =0 unchanged by squaring lheir roots is
(e) If aB.Y are the 2 i) 4
roots of the equation (ii) 6 (iv) None of these.
ax +b =0, then ++7 12. (a) If a and B are the roots of lhe oqualion
a + +2 -3x-6 =0, find the equation whose roots are
(a) 2x
30 p
2a a +2, +2

C) 3 (b) The roots of the quadratic equation

d) 2a
8* -10x+3=0 are o and p" whero p"° > : lhen
7. 1a one root the
-2(i+1) x+(2-i) =0 is 2-i, then show that the equation whose rools are (+ip) and
the other root is - i.
(b) Find the roots of the
quadratic equation
8 sec" x-6 sec x+
a) x -x+1=0 (b)x +x+1 =0
c) X-X-1=0 (d) x* + x-1=0
(c) Find t h e roots of the equadon 13. If aand B are the roots of the equation x" - 2x +3=0,
alb -2c) x"+b{c-2a) x +c(a-2b) =0 if
find the equation whose roots
ab +bc + ca=0 are
8. (a) If the roots of the (a) a+2, B +2
equation (x-o) (x-b) -

k = 0be
cand d, then prove that the
(X-C) (x-d)+k =0, are a and b.
of the
equaion 14. a) ifobe a root of the equation 4x +2x-1=0,proVe
(0.c.E. 1998;1.1.T. 1992) that 4 - 30 is the other root.

(6) If o, are the roots

of the equation (b)" Form a quadratic equation whose roots are
(X-a)(X-b) +C=0find the roots of the equation
(x-a) (x-B)=C. (Roorkee 2000)
9. a) and
Ramesh Mahesh solve an equation. In solving (c) o,p are the roots of the equation x -2x+3=0.
Ramesh commits a mistake in constant term and
Determine the equation whose roots are
finds the root8 and 2. Mahesh commits a místake
in the coefficient of x and finds the roots P=o-3 +5a-2 and Q=p° -p° +p+5.
1 . Find the correct roots.
-9and (Bihar C.E.E. 1999
15. Let a,b,c be real
numbers with a*0 and let o, p be lhe
roots of the equation ax + bx + c =0.
(b) Two candidates attempt to solve a quadratic of the
Express the roots of ax* + abex +c° =0 in terms of
form x + px +9=0. One starts with a wTong
value of p and finds the roots to be 2 and 6. The a,. .T.2001)
other starts with a wrong value of q and finds t h e * u t G , p De the roots of ax* +bx+c = 0 and y,8 those

roots to be 2, -9. Find the correct rools. of lx* + mx + n =0, then find the equation whose
(c) The coefficient of x in the quadratic equation roots are ay +pö and oð + By.
x+ px +q=0 was taken as 17 in place of 13, its (b)* If a+ B =3 and a* +B° 7, then
were found to be-2and-15. Find the roots

a and p are the

TOots roots of 9x -27x +20 =0.
of the original equation.
2ax +b* 0 is (c) Pinda quadratic equation whose roots a and B are
Prove that A.M. of the roots of x*


of the connected by the relation

mean of the roots
equal to the geometric
equation x* -

2bx + a =
0, and vice-versa. a+B=2and -24+15
be roots of the equation 1+B 1+a
42 -1)
(6)" Let pand q
x - 2 . x + A=0 and let rand s De t n e r o o t s OL E : a , ß are t h e r o o t s o f t h e e q u a t i o n x - px +q=0,

then find
equation x -18x+ B=0. the equation the roots of which are

p < q < r < s a r e in

arithmatic progression, then (a-B°) (a -B°) and a"ß* +a*p°
(1.1.T. Re-ex. 1997) (Roorkee 1994)
A ana B
Matematios Algebta :

II Uha rools OI pX t +2=0 arer

Ihwnlinl tha
mpnaths whun al
h 22. (u)
earch olher, lhen reciprocal
(b) p=-2
p=t2 (d) p=2.
(Roorkee 1D00
Hbo defined
and l) Lel P,Q,
P=atb+ ab" -a'c - ac,

Q-bo +be -db-ab2

R=du +c'a-cb -cb2
Thow of wlhere a, b,c are all*Ive and the
q-0, lind the
valun P+Ox+R=0 has equal roots then abca equat
)I a and f are the rooln of ho
A.P. b G.P.
-01hon prove that gualon HP (d) None of these
(c) Let uand ßare the roots ofequationx
The equalion whose rools are a ".B is
20p q+ °Ts|° (a) x" - *-1=0 (b)x -x+1=0
(c)+x-1 =0 (d) x +X+1 =0
Tla lf
a, } be tho roots of
ax 2»x
h e those of Av"
=0 and a t 0, (Screening 199
d) Ifx+x+1 is lactor of ax +bx*
2x +C=0, Ihen prove
the real root of ax +bx* +cx+d =0 is

(6..T. 2000)
(a) -dja (b) d/a
Another lorm: (c) afd (d) none of these
Two ualratics N +bx +t =0 and 43. 1a) Pnd the condition that the roots of the egquatig

ax +bx +C =0 be such that

m+ In0 hav , and rools
respectively. Ifa, . y.ðbe in A.P andA, and A, be () One root is n times the
the diseriminants ol these quadralics,
then prove
(1i) One root is three times the other.
hat (ii) Both roots are
(6) If0one roo of
equation the
() "The ratio of ihe roots of the equation (a-5a+3) x* +(3a-1)x+2 =0 be double the
tN Bx = 0 is sanie as the ratio of the rools of olher, then the value of a is:
the equation Ax* + Bx t C=0. If D, and D, are (a)
3 b) _2
the discriminants of x+bx +C=0 and
(c) (d)
Ax Bx C=0 respectively, then show that
24. If the
3 (AIEEE 200)
D, :D, b:* roots of the equation ax +bx +c =0 are o
20. Leta, bo the rools ofx" - x+ p=0and y,öbo tho roots
formand prove that (a +b +c]* =b* -40.
of x-4x +9=0.lfa,9.y.oare in G.E, Ihen tne nlegral 25. Let ab,.c.d be real numbers
values ol pand q respectively, are in G.P. Ifu, v,w
system of equations satisty' ue
(a)-2,-32 2,3
+2v+3w =6, 4u+5v +6w= 12, 6u +9v=4
(c) -6,3 (d)-6,-32 (11.T. So. 2001) then show that the roots of the
21. (a) Ifa and p be the roots of x" + px -q'=0 and y, öthe
rools of x" + px +r=0, prove that x +|[b-c) +(c a +(d-by'1x -

(a-)(a-ö) =(-7) (-ö) =q+ and 20x +10 +u+v+W=0

If aand S are the roots of x px+1 =0 and y.8
(b) each other. x-9 =0 are of
are the roots of x" + qx+1 =0, show that 26.
(a)" f one root
recipro (1L.T.11999)
-p=(-7) (-)(a +8) (8 +8) of the
square equation ax +
bx+CEU e the
ot the
b+ac +@C 3abc.other, then
proe that
Theory of Quadratic Equations O 207

n e equation xs + px +q =0 is 3 2 . (a) If the ratio of the roots ot tne

quare of the * + p x +9 =0 be equal to ratio of he roots o
other. then that
P-93p-1)+q* =00 x+x+m =0, then prove that pfm=rq.
(Screening 2004)
(c) For the equation 3x* +

px+3=0. p>0. if one of (6) If the ratio of the roots of a, ** +b, x+C, =0 be
the roots is square of the other. then pis equal to the ot
(a) 1/3 equal to the ratio of roots
3 a2+b*+C2 =0, then prove t h a t , , a r e
d ) 23 (L.1.T. Sc. 2000) 2 C2
27. (a) If x=2-2 23 then the value of in G.P
x-6x +6x is 33. (a) If a.ß are the roots of the equation
b) If root X+1=x x{l-A x) and A . 2 be the t o values
one of the
axDx *c=0 1s equal to the n equation
of thhe olA determíned from the equation+ T-2,
other root. then show that
(ac i - (a"c) *** +b=0 show that +
28. (a) t tne roots ot the
equation -+ * +=i
T-1.E.E., W.8. 1993)
X*P q r are the ratio of the the
equal in magnitude but
(b) Ifx" roots
of equation
opposite in sign show that + nx +n =0 be p:q then prove that
P * q r and that the product of the roots is equal
the roots or the equation
34. (a) Find the value of p for which x+1 is a factor of
3x-2(k -1) x(k* -3k 2)=0 e or *Find+(p-3) x
- (8p-5) +(2p-9) x+6. x*
opposite signs. then prove that 1 < k <2 the remaining factors for this value of p.
(a)Solve the equation (b) If x* -3x+2 is a factor of x" -

px* +q =0, prove

(a-6) (a-c)
-c) {b -

a) C-a) c-b) 35. (a) The roots

X and x2 of the equation
b) If the equation px+12=0 possess the property Xj *2 .
(k - 5k -6) x* - (k* - 3k +2) x+[k* - 4) = 0 Find the value of p.
is satisfied by more than two values ofx, then (6) Knowing that 2 and 3 are the roots of the equation
determine the value 2x +mx - 13x+n =0, determine mand n and
of k. find the third root of the
30. (a) f the sum of the roots of ax" +bx +c =0 be equal equation.
to sum of their squares prove that 2ac = ab 36. (a) If x*
+b +

3and xbe real, then prove that
b)" Tf_the sum of the roots of the equation
Dx +C=0 is equal to sum of tha squares of
a *=4v5
their reciprocals. then show that bcs.ca*.abs are
(b) If x* +x+1 is a factor of ax +bx*
in A.P or are in H.P +CX +d, then
ac (Roorkee 2001) prove that the real root of ax + bx* + cx+d =0 is
1.a) a are the roots of the equation -d/ a
i. (x* - x) +x+5=0. If 1 and ,2 are the two
(c) If a+iß is one of the roots of the
values of i. for which the roots a. ß are connected equation
X+qx+r=0, then 20 is one of the roots of the
by the relation
a 5 find the value of equation
*-gx +r=0 (b) *-qx- r=00
(c) x+ qx- r=0 (d) none
of the "**I V3, then find the value of
)fa B be the roots equation
(x* -

x) +2%. x+3 =0 and ,2 be the two (a) 4x+8x+35.

values of . for whicha and ß are connected by the (6) If2+iv3is a root of x* +
px +q =
0where p.q are
relation+E- then find the equation whose real, then (p.g)
38. (a) If =(.. (J.E.E, W.B. 1992)
+2i then that
Toots are .4/2 and à2/1 x+7x-13x +16 =-29.
208 O
LLT.JEE. Mathematics:
b Find the (c) Find
Ihe values of real parameter 'a' lor whivy
quadratic is
*v3and hence equation
one of whose
find the value of
t equation
1) +40 (tan" 1) tan 84 116 tan
-7x 13x-2 for x=2+ expressi (lan 0+
v3 distincl rools in (0, 7/2)
ind has four
all the rools of the equation dralic
4x- 24x *
57x" 18x- 45
aR. (al' lf a* least u
=0if one of them is
3 ax +2bx +C=U nas al onee
rool in
J. (a)
(D.c.E. 1998; M.MR.
Let a
+6c=0 (ab,c e) then prova
ip:.a. Be R, be a root of the equauo" If 2a+3b
=0 ha
quadralic equation ax +bx +C has
x *r =
0:q.r eR. Find a real cubic
independent of a and p. whose one rool is 2.
equauo one root in 0,11
at e

(b) Roorkee 1999)47. (a) Ifb> a then the equauon-gl¥-b)-1

Find a quadratic
equation whose one roo
(a) both roots in (a,b}
square root of 47
40. Solve the 8-3. (U.E.E.W.B. 1995) (b) both roots in (-o, a)

following equations (c) both ro0ols in [p, + o)

tax- 13x" 15x+ 189 =0 if one root exceeds (d) one root in (- oo, a) and other in (b,+e
other by 2.
(b) f a and ß(a <5), are the roots of the equai
(b)x -2x4x -6x -21 =0 if two of its rools are
+bx +c=0, where c <0 <b, then
equal in
magnitude but opposite in sign. x
the sum of two roots of the equation (a) 0<a<p (b) ac0<p<la|
4x-8x- 13x +2x +3=0 is zero, find all ts (d) a<o<la|<p
roots. (L.T. Sc. 20
48. (a) Prove that the value o A for whi
41. Solve: x -2x* +8x-3=0
2x-2(2 +1) x+A [ +1) =0 may have one ro
42. 1show
1.aG 1 are the n, nth roots of unity, then
less than Aand other root greater than Àare givna
(1 -

a,) {1- a){1-a)...1-0g-1

by 2.>0 or à<-1
(M.N.R. 1992)
(6)* For the equalion x" -(k +1) x+{k" +k-8)=0¥
43. (a) If a and B be the roots of the equation
2 and other is less than2
xax-b=0 and V, =a +B", then show that one root is greater than
then prove that k lies between -2 and 3.
Hence obtain the value of
Vn- aV -bVa-1. 49. (a)" lt a,b,C are real numbers, a*0. If a 1s a root d

-B. a x +bx+C =
0,Bis a rool ofa'x* -bx-c=0and
D)If a B are the roots of *" +px +q=0 and also of Oca<p, then the equation a"x* +2bx +22

x p x +q" =0 and
are the roots of has a root y that always lies between cand .
(b) If 1 lies between the roots of the equation
x"+1-(x+ 1)" = 0, then prove that
n must be an
3X-3sindx-2cos" a=0 then a lies in uE
(U.E.E.W.B. 1992)
even integer. interval
44. Letf (x) = Ax* + Bx +C whereA, B,C are real numbers
integer, (b)
whenever xis an
Prove that iff (x) is an inleger
B c are all integers.
then the numbers 2A, A +
and (
that if the numbers 2A, A + B and C
Conversely, prove
are all intergers then J X) 1San integer whenever xis an 50. Let -1sps1. Show that the equation 4x -3x
(1.1.T. 1998)
teger. has a uniqueroot in the interval (1/2,1Jand 1den
(A1.. o
+bx +C =
0 has two real
(a) Let a.b.c
Let a,b,c be real. lf
be ax 200
n<-1 and B>1, show
>1, then snov
a < - 1 and
a and , Solutions to Problem Set
1+C+<0. (.L.T. 1995) Since a and Bare the
that1+ 1.
roots of
roots of the
(b) If the ax +bx+c=0
a +a-3 =0
x- 2ax+ ac"
than 3, then +bu+c=0 or
and less
are real (b) 2Sas3

(a) ac2 oß +bp+c=0

(c) 3<as4
(1.T. 1999) or
auadratic Equations O
Theory of

Problem Set (2)

Nature or ru0s 0T a quadratic equation. Common roots of two quadratic equanois

Sgn of quadratic expression ax + bx +¬.

nd the condition that in the equations
(6) Eliminate x from the equations -bx
x+bx+C=0 and dx +bx+c=0 a-c=(d/ x)
a+c=(b/ x)-dx, and

One root De common. aand f are the roots of ax +bx +C =0
A TOot of first be reciprocal of a root of the second. that
Both have the same pair of roots. S(x)= a, x +b, x*C1, then prove
the equations X + f (a).f (p)=Ila-ca, (ob, a,b]bc, -b,e)]

and px+q=0
+px+9=0have a common root show that it 8. If a,ß are the roots of ax +bx+c= 0, G-ß are the
must be equal to PPq are the
roots of
a, x +b,x+©, =0, show that a,a
b) f the equations f(x) = ax +3bx* +3cx +d =0

and 8(x) = ax + 2bx+c=0 " a CC

have a common root, then show that and
9. (a) If the x +bx +ca=0
bc-ad) = 4 (ac-b5) (bd -c) equations
+CX+ ab =0 have a common root, then their
k if the
l) Find equations 4x-11x+2k =0 and other roots are the roots of the equation,
-3x-k = 0 have a common root and obtain + a x + bc = 0.
the common root for this value of k. [D) If the equations X +abx + C=0 and

b) Dertermine a such that x -11x +a and root, then

x+acx+b =0. have a common

x-14x+ 2a may have a common factor. establish that their other roots are the roots of the

la) Find the value of a so that the equations equation x* -alb +c) x +o°bc = 0.
(2a-5) x 4x-15=0 10. Ifone root
ofthe equation x + ax +b =0is a root
and (3a-8) x - 5x - 2 1 = 0
equation x*
+CX +d =0, prove that the other roots
satisfy the equation x +x (20-c) + (a - ac +d) = 0.
have a common root.
equations x - * - p = 0 and 11. (a)" feach pair of the three equations
fb) If the
x +2xp-12=0 have common root, find it. +Ps x+91 =0,x +Pp X+92 =0 and
e) Find the condition on the complex constanta, pif x + Pa X+ =0 has a common root, then prove
2+Z+=0 has real roots.
that p+P+Ps +441 +92 +93)
* Hab,care in G.P, then the equations ax + 2bx+C=0
=P,P2 + PzP3 + PaPa)
(D If every pair of equations x +ax+bc =0,
anddx +2ex+f =0 have a'common root if, x +bx+ca=0, x + CX+ ab =0 has a common
are in
root, then find the sum and product of these
) A.P (i) G.P. common roots.
tin) HL.P. iv) None of these.
(c) If the three equations x +ax+ 12=0,
Another form: x +bx+15=0 and x* +(a+b) x+36
X+2bx+c =0 and px +2qx+r=0
have a
have a
Ommon root a n d , i n A.P then prove that p.q,r
common possible root, then find a and b
and the roots. (J.E.E.W.B. 1993)
P 12. If each
are in G.P.
pair of equations a,x +b,x+C =0,
y,ð are a,x +b,x *+C2 =0 and
agx +b,x+C3 has
a are the roots of x +
px +g=0 and =0 a

common root, then show that
tae roots of x* ++5=0;
-v) (a-8 (B-) (B-8) in terms of have a

Deduce the condition that the equations

Common TOOL.
220 O1M.TJ.E.E,
Mathematics: Algebra
real roots of
The number
o ne
16 is equatiog
b 2
nqunlionn ax + 2hx te-0, dx* 2¥ x+" + E0 4

v ommon ool, ot which the

Determine the values mtor
(ac) x +(2hf - at provnx + that the equatlon 18. fa) uation
qual roots
- dc) (- dd)=0 has 5x 4x+2+m[4x"

14. (aj' If tho will have
oquationn * + ux +b
=0 and (i) Equal roots

* tix +
a 0 hava n
common rool, then ha (i) Product of roots
as 2
numorlcal valuo of u +h is the roots as 6.
( ) ftho .. (1i) Sum of
erquations x" +bx +c=0and bx* +1 =0 + cx
(b) All the values of mfor which both the roots of the

nave common root, then either b+c+1 =0or equation X - 2mx + m - 1 = 0 are realer thag

b++1=bhe+b +c
Got a,f be the roots of the
but less than
4, lie
in the interval
equation x -

px +r=0
(d) -2<m<4 (AEEE 2000
2 be the rools of the
(c) 1<m*,
2 equation (c) The product of the roots of the equation
X" -

q* +r=0. Then tho value -3Ax +2e -1=0 15 7. t the roots be real,
of ris
then A =2
(a)p-9)(-p) (b) -P(2p-q (d) The expression a x +DX +C has the same sign as

(e)-2p) (2 -p) (d) (ep-9) (24-P of aif

(a) b -4ac >0
T. 2007)
15. the oquations
ax +bx +c=0 and (b) b-4ac =0
x+3x +3x +2 0 have two common roots, then (c) b-4ac S0
show thata=b =c. (d) band c have the same sign as ot a
Nature of the rools (Kurukshebra 1995)
18. (a) f the
rools of the graph he function
the equaon y= 16* +8 (a+5) x-7a-5 is strictly above the
( c - ah) x -2(* -bc) x+ (b° - ac) =0

be equal, prove that either a = 0

x*axis, then 'd must satisfy the inequality
or a+b+c° =3abc.
(d) none of these
(b) For what values of m the roots of the equation
*-2x (1 +3m) +7[3 +2m) =0 will be equal ?
19. (a) If the roots of the equaton,
(b-c)x +[C-a) x+ {a-b] =0 be equal, then
17. (a) If the two roots ofthe equalion
prove that ab,care in arithmetical
(4-1)(* tX+1)" - (A +1) (x* +x +1)=0 are
(Bihar C.E.E. 199)
real and distinct, then prove that 4 lies in the
(6) If a{b-c) x* +b[c-o) x+c(a-b) =0 has
interval (-2) U
[2, roots, prove that a,b,c are in harmonical
(b) Find the values oft, e-for all eal
20. (a)
Prove that the roots of
solutions of the equation 2sin t=2 K*1 (x-o) (x-b) +(x -b)
3x-2x-1 are (x-c)+{x-c)(x-a=U
always real and they will be equal ifand only
(1.1.T.:2005) =b=c.
() The equation (6 -x) +[8- x)' =16 has (5) Examine the nature of the
roots of the
Sum of roots 28 (6-x)* -4(a-x) (c-x) =0
la) Product of roots 2688
where a,b,c are real.
(b) (CDiscuss
the nature of the
rots of the
(c) Two real roots +2(3A +5) x+2(9X°
rools 21. (a) The
(d) Two imaginary equation ax +bx+c=0 where
roots of the equation a,b, are
Determine the nature of the r c
+(x-bj° +{x-c)"
=0. numbers
and ab >0connected by the relation 4a +2b +C*
(x-a) has real roots.
Quadratic Equations O
Theory of
Al Ifab,c are posive and are in A. P, prove that the +bx+C') =0 and
x is a

Toots of the quaaratic equation ax" ( f (ax +bx +c) y +{dx* that
+bx+c =0are of , then prove
real for-7|2 4.
(ac-dc) =[ab' db} (bd -bc)

of the
values of k, the roots
Ic)fa,b.c are*ve and a = 2b+
then roots of the (d) For what integral =0 are rational
equation ax *x +C =0 are real for equation kx +(2k -

x1) +{k -2)

-11 247 - 1 2
c 27. (a)

ifthe rools of the equation x*

-20X+ ab= 0 be real

and then prove that

the roots o
will be
X-2(a+b} x+[a* +b°) +2c* =0
that the roots of imaginary.
(a +b°) x* -2b (a+c) x+[6 +c°)=00 (b)* Consider the quadratic equations
ax +2bx + C =0 and
will be real ifa,b,care in G.P. and in this case
these =0
roots will be equal as well.
(a+c) (ax +2bx +c)-2(ac -b)\x +1)
If ab.c be distinct real and + ive If the roots of one are real (complex) hen the roots
are in HR, then the roots of
of the other are complex (real).
ax x +=0 are real and distinct. Is this 28. (a)" fthe roots of the equation x ox+b=0 real -
statement true or not and differ by a quantity which is less thanc (c > 0),
23. (a). Dscuss the nature ot thhe roots of the equation
thenb lies between a c and
4ax +3bx+2c =0 where a,b, c ER and are 4 4
connected by the
relation a+b+c=0. (b) If the roots of the equation
(b)* f the roois of the equation +x* +1)
(a-1)(x +x+1)° =(a+1) (x*
a +2(1-b)] x* +2a(1+b) x +2b (b -1)+af =0 are real and distinct then, prove that a' - 4>0.

be equal, then prove that a = 4b. Show that

29. (a) if p.q.r.s are
real numbers and
at least of equations
4. la) If the roots of the equation P=2(g+s), then
x+px+q=0, x +x+S=0 has real roots.
one the
( +b)x-2(bc+ad) x+c +d`)=0
(b) If Plx)= ax* +bx +c and
be real, then prove that they will be equal as well
Qx)- ax +dx +c where ac 0
andthen= c
then P[x) Q(x) =0 has al least two real roots.
(6) Prove that if the rools of the equation 30.Ifa<bec<d,then the roots of the equation
(a +b°) x* + 4abcdx + [c" +d")=0are real then X - a x - ) +2[*-b] (x-d) = 0are real and distinct.
they can't be unequal. Irue (ii) False
c f ab,c be real then prove that the rools of the 31. la) The equation 2(log3 ** -|log3 xl+k =0 has
equation x+a + x+b
+ x+C ,X*0
are four solutions; determine the interval in whichk
real. (6)" If and
a p are the roots of x* + px+q=0 and
3. Discuss the nature of the roots of the equations
a. are the roots of x* - **s=0, then the
fa) la+c-b) x+ 2Cx +b +c- o) =0
equation x" -4qx + 24 -r=0 has always two
b) tb+c) x* - (a+b +c)x+a=0
real roots.

(o) 2(a +b) x +2(a+b) x+1 =0. 32. (a) If the roots of the equation x
+af =8x +6a be
14Show that the roots of the equation real, then prove that a lies
between -2 and 8.
+C-a) x* +{C+a-b) x+[a+b-c)=0are (M.P.C.E.E. 1999)
such that (b) Prove that if the roots of 9x
Tational if a,b,c be all rationals
+4ax+4 =0 are
atb+c=0 imaginary, then a must lie between-3 and 3.
Prove that the roots of the equation (c The equation x*
+2(m-1) x+m+5=0 has at
(a+2b 3c] x +
(b +20c-30) x+(C + 2a-36) least one+ ive root. Determinem. the range for
are rational, if ab,c are raionals nenee 9 a n d a t - 2 show that the roots of the

determine the roots of the equation. equation

l| 222 O LI.T-J.E.E. Mathematics: Algebra
(+a-2) x(20 +a+3) x4-1-0 ar domn lio bel wenn
annd b, u<.
ralional. Hence solve the
(6 Let A, B,C be throe angles such thal (m-3)* 21mX In()
tan Blan C= ion, 1henh provs that m
p. Find all possible values of p nro renl uned +
such that A, B,C are
lho anglos of a 4
(1.1.T. 1997) (c) theepunlioi x +2[9+1)* * - 39h,
(c) If lan A and tan B aro the roots of tho
quadralic egalivn rooln,
then ihow Ihal
equation * - px
+q =0, then the value o the rooly o he
sin (A+ B)is (d) Iboth
-Giax +2-21 +9 -0 excouud3 then s.
(a)P b)P that d 11
p + (p+q
Algebralc Expressions
(c) 1- (d)
(1-49) + p 37. Find lor whal rsal
values ol XthG
34. (a) If p.q,r are real and ptq, then rools of the (a)-2.x-3
cquation (p -9) * +5(p +q) x -2(p -q)=0 are 2x" + 5x3 are positive or Hegalive.
(i) Real and equal (i) Complex (c) If +2ux + 10-3u> 0, 1or all x e , h6n
(ii) Real and unequal (iv) None of these (b) -5<a<2
(b) The rools of
px 2p+r=0
+ and
u>5 (d) 2<ac5
9-2 pr x+q=0 are simultaneously real then
() p=9. r:0
(Screening 2
(i) plq=q/lr 36. la) Por real values of x, prove hal lhe value of the
(ii)2= tpr iv) none of these
11x +12*t cannot lie betwesa
C If x* -4x + log 1/2 a does not have two distinct expression2
x+4x+ 2
rools, then the maximum value of a
5and 3.
(a) (b) +(a--b) x+{1-a-b) =0, ab eR. Find the
condition on a, for which both roots of
(c) (d) none
16 equation are real anid unequal. (UT 209
33. (a) If the roots a, p of ax* +bx +c =0 be real, then (c) Determine the values of x which satisfy
establish the relation belween the coefficients inequalities x-3x +2>0 and x*-3x-4S0
under the following conditions: .
(a)' If xbe real prove that the
G) Rots are equal and opposite. expression X+2
i) Roots are of opposite signs.
2x +3x+6
(ii) Roots are both - ive. takes all values in the interval
(iv) Roots are both + ive.
13 3
(b) Show that the value of
(b) Let a>0, b>0, then both roots of the equation
ax + bx
+C=0 tan xar S1n xcOS 3X
tan 3x cos x sin 3x
(i) are real and negative
ii) have negalive real parts whenever delined never lies between 1/3 .
(iii) none of these.
01.T. 1997, 9
(c) If the roots of the equation bx" +cX+a=0 be
imaginary, then for all real values of x, the
(C)x is real, the maximum value of 3X +9x+17
3x* +9x+7
expression 3b"x* + 6bcx + 2c* is
(a) less than-4ab (b) greater than 4ab (b)
(c) less than 4ab (d) grealer than -4ab (c)
(AIEEE 2009) 7 (d)
40. (a)
36. (a) Prove that the roots off Prove that for real
values of
(AIEEE 2006

+2[a+b-2c) X+1=0
x the expre
(a-b]" x (x-2) (x+4 not iie between and 1.
O 223
Theory of Quadratic that
is real, provided
ofall values when

l If xis real, the

expression * capable and 7.
takes al value b e t w e e n 1
X-3 p has any that t
quadratic expession
values which do not liebetween 4 and 12. b)Supposef (x) is such a

.If x is
Teal, find the maximum
u m and minimum S
positive lor all
real x .
real x,
(x)+/"" (x),
then for any
values of
tg (x)=f (x)+f 0.
(1.4.T. 1990)
prove that g (x) >

+2x+3 x os lies
(b) P r o v e t 1or y real values of x t h e expression 47. (a) f x i s real. prove uaa - 2 xc o sß + 1

w i l l have any value if b' > 4c and

between sin co/co
a+c< ab. does not lie
Prove thal the expression
(a) If x is real show that t a k e s values (b)
between tans (r/ 4-0) and tan (r/4+0).
f r o m t o 3. variables which satisfy the
(c) Let x, y, z be real
and z=6. Find
equation xy +yz +2X =7
the range in which the variables lie.
(b) Show that 3 * +4 can never be greater than
* *3X*4
la) t x be real, then the expression
nor less than 1/ 7for real values of x.
*0 x-sin e
(c) Find out the range in which the value of the
does not lie between 2asin" (8/ 2) and
function ****lies for all real values of x. 2a cos (0/2).
of real
Justify your answer. (B.1.T.S. 1999) (b)* A function
f: R>, where R
is the set
43. (a)* Find the values of x for which the following numbers, is defined by f (x) =GX *5X-8
inequality holds x >3
the interval of values ofa for which fis onto.
(2x-3)(x+4) Find
Is the function one-to-one for a = 3 ? Justity your
(b) Find the values of x, which satisfy the ifquality
answer. (1.1.T. 1996)

x+2 4x-1
49. (a) Let y (x+1)(x-3
44. Find the set of all x for which -> x-2
ZX +5x+2) (x+1) Find all the real values of x for which y takes real
45. (a) Show that if xis real, the expression
x -bc (b) Determine all real vaues of x for which the
2x -b-
has no real values between b and c.
expression takes

Por real x, the function 9Awill

(D) X-C real values.

assume all real values provided 50. For real values of x, if the expression (ax-b){dx-c)
(i) a>b>C (ii) a <b<c (bx- a) (Cx-d)
(iv) a <c<kb all real values then
(11) a>c>b assumes (a-b*) and (c -d*)
bx +C =0are real must have the same
f the roots of the equation ax" +
and of opposite sign then the roots of the cquation 51. (a) Find all integral values of x for which

o (x-B) +B(x-a)
=0 are
(5x-1)<(X+1) <7X 3)
(a) positive
(b) Solve 12x_s1.
(b) negative
(c) real and of opp. sign 4x 9

a) imaginary
52. (a)" If x is real,
find values of k for which

(a) Show that the expe
D +3x -
w i l l be
+kX*2is valid.
x++115 valid.
224 O LT.J.E.E. Mathematics
(6) For Problem Set 2
real values
B v nof x, it is givonthar
that ROSolutlons to
rool which will
1. (a) lel abo a
atisly bolh-
+X+1| (xqualions
Find the limits for x.
53. For
what values of m is the
and da" +batt=0.

Solving by the method of crOss multiplic

x+x+1| plication
a 1
(b) -3 *mx-2 bd-bc cd-da ub'-db
satisfied for all the values of x?
54. The (u.E.E.W.B. 2000)
inequality (x-3m) (x- m-3) <0 is satisfiod
in for x
[1,3].Determine the values of mfor this to hold good. ab-b'e_ P
55. The real numbers xX2, Xg satislying the equationn Ccf-Ca Q
x x*
+Bx +y=0

are in A.P Find the intervals in C-Ca.2

which Band y lie. T. 1900)
7ab-db R
56. (a) xamine
wbether for real values of
- y")-bxy has real linear factors.
aand b Since =
bc-bc cd-ca
(0tx and y (real) satisfy the relation cd-da ab'- db
*y 6X-8y then determine the intervals in Required condition is
which x and y will be. In other words find out
(br-b) {ab'- db) =(cd -co)
greatest and least values.
or PR=Q2
57. (a) If++= then prove that
a b.Ca+b+c The value of the common root is given by (1).
Note: The value of common root.
any two of ab,cmust be equal and opposite. All
the quantities a, b,c being assumed to be real. Make the coefficient of x in the two oquations
(b) Resolve into factors the expression same or unity and then subtract the two.
(a+b+-a -b-c a +a+C=0
58. (a) If 2x* -3xy -2y° =7, then prove that there will
a +a+=0
be only two integral pairs (x.y) satistying the
above relation. Now subtract
(b) If2x°y +y" - 6x* -12-0, then prove that there

will be only four integral pairs (x, y) satisiyving the

above relation.
a ac
59. If x and y are + ive integers, then find the solutions of ab-db as PR-Q
the following equations separate.y: (b) fa be a root of first
i) 7x+12y =220 (ii) 14x-11y= 29.
root of the second.
equation then 1/a will
60. (a) a, b,c are lengths of sides of an scalene triangle. If
' a a +ba+c =0
equaion and
x+2(a+b +c) x+3% (ab +bc + ac) =0 d.(1/ a) +b.(1/a) +d=0
and distinct roots, then the value of A is
or Ca +b'a+d =0
has real
given by:
(a) bd -cb od
c c - ad)* [bd =

(d) A21 is the

cb') (ab' bc') -

4 (1.1.T. 2006) required

(c) If both the rootscondition.
of x* 10Cx-11d = 0 and c,d are
(b) If ab are the roots

product will be common then their

1ax-11b =0, then find the same. >
roots of
x S-bla=-bld ald=b/b

are the
are distinct
value of atbtC+d
. [a.b,G,d P=c/ a=cld or
(1.T. 2006) Hence the .ald =cic.
numbers) condition is a/ d
=blb' =ciC.
Quadratic Equations O 241
Theury of
a+b+C+d =10 (a +c) +c +(ab +cd) =(10+ 10)
co we have to ind he value (3 a
we get the
value of a+b+ ota+c
by r9
that bu (3) or a +c-11 (b +d) =20ac by
(1), (2).
Prom relations ana Z) ) on
adding. we have or
(a+c) -11 x9 (a+c) =

and (5)
b+d=9(a+o) or -99-22(121) =0 by(4)
and multiplying relations in (1) and
..4) =0
(2) or t-(121 -22) t - 22(121)
(ac) bd = 2C = 121

.(5) (t-121) (t +22)

=0 =121 =atC|
Multiplying ) Dy a and (2) by c and adding. Hence from (3),
10 x 121 = 1210
a+b+c+d =10 (a+c) =

Problem Set (3)

bjective Q u e s t i o n s and

10. If the equations k (6x +3) +

uadratic equation with rational coefficients can both the roots

6k(2x* +1) + px + 4x* - 2 = 0 have
have common, find the value of 2r- p
a) both
roots equal and irrational 11. a and ßare the roots of 4x +3x +7=0 then the value
b) one roots rational and other irratíonal

one root real and other imaginary

d) none
o (a)-3/4 (b) (c) 3/7 (d) 7/4
fthe roots of ax +bx +C=0are in the ratio m: n, then 12. f one root of x* - x-k =0 be square of the other, then
a) mna ={m+n)c" (b) mnb ={m+ n) ac
k v2 (c) 2tv5 (d) 5t v2
mnb" =
(m+ n)° ac (d) none of these. (a) 2tv3 (b) 3t
13. If 8, 2 are the roots of x + ax + ß =0 and 3, 3 are the
Ror real x, the expression [(x + m)° -4mn]/ [2 (x- n)]
can have any value except roots of x +ax+b =0 then the roots of

) between mand m+n (b) more than

m +2n x+ax+b=0 are
between 2m and 2n (d) all values are possible. (a) 8,-1 [b) -9,2 (c)-8,-2 (d) 9,1
14. of the equation
fthe expression y" +2xy +2x + my -3 can be Ifdifferenceofroots x +px +8 =0 is 2,

resolvedinto two rational factors, then m must be then pis equal

(a) 2
(6)#4 (c) 6
9 dny posSible real number (d) +8
15. If 2, 3 be the roots of +mx° -13x
b) any negative real number 2x + n = 0 then the
values of
2 (d) 3 mand
( a ) - 5 , - 30 (6)
n are
- 5, 30
(C) 5,30
(d) none
fone root of 5x* +13x+k =0isreciprocal ot the one 16. The greatest
negative integer satisfying
* - 4X-77 <0 and x" >4 is.
a) k=0 (b) k =5 (c) k= ( d ) k =6
(EAMCET 1991)
Let a [a) and f(6) be the roots of the equation of
Theequation 2x +3x+1 =0 has an irrational root 1+a-1) x* +(W1+a-1) x+(81+a- 1) =0, a>-1
(b) False lim, a{a) and
lim B{a) are

Oe root of the equation x px +12=0 is 4. while


px+q=0 has equal roots, the value

(a)and1 (b) and-1
uation x
olg is

4 49/4 4/449
(c)-and2 (d)-and3
b) (ITJEE 2012)
le) 4 18.
Let a, ß are be real and be
(d) none of these
z +22+ß=0 has

two distinct roots

complex number. If
factor of ax* then
a) o
px+1 is a +bx +C, Re(z)= 1 then it is necessary that
on the line

+c- ab (b) af -c° =- ab

(a) B e [0, 1[
f-c ab (d) none of these (c) IB|=1 (6E-10[
(a pE[, o[(AIEEE 2011)
x=2+22 +2 then the value ofx -6x +6x is
19. Let p
and q be real number such that
a) 3
2 (c) 1 none p*-9. If a and f are non-zero p*0, p" *q and
complex numbers
242O L.TJ.EE. Mathematics: Algebra
or 49-= 0.
- =0
quadralic P
satislyinga +p=- pand a +p =7, thon a
449/ 4.
equation having andas its root is 8. Ans. (C) given cubic
1S a lactor of
+ px+1
ta) (p +q) x - (p * 2q) x+{p* +g) =0 + px + 1) (ax +c)
ux +bx +C={XlirBt whoste (cxeflitj
(b) (p° +q)x* -(p" - 24)x+ {p" +q) =0 is ol aegree
The other factor
ine coefficient
(c) tp -q)** - (5p" -2q) x + (p° -q) =0 chosen keeping in vjew
(d) conslant lerm
(p -q]x* (5p +2)x +(p° -

Comparing the
coetficient of x* and x,
(IUT-JEE 2010)
ap +c=0 p=-c/a
The Value
of b for which the equations x +bx-1=0
and x"
and a+ cp =b or a+C =b
+ x+b =0 have one root in common is
(a) - 2 (b)-i3 (c) iVs d ) v2 - c = ab.
9. Ans. (b). See Q. 27 (a), P.
of distincl real of The two equations can be
10. written as

4x +12x

=0 is x* (6k +2) + * + (3k -1) =0

(a) 2 (b) 3 (d) 4 x (12k + 4) + px + (6k -2) = 0.

(IT JEE 2011)
Divide by 2
Solutions to Problem Set (3) 1) =0
1. Ans. (d).
(6k +2)+x+[3k -

Note that Comparing (1) and (3), we get

in conjugate pairs of
roots occur
the form a
tpi and irrational
roots occur in conjugate
2r-p =0.
pairs of form At VB in surds.
11. Ans. (6) is correct.
2. Ans. (c). =
B n 12. Ans. (C).
Refer Q. 26 (a), Page 206, we have
or a
.a+-aby Ratio Prop.
nm+n V\mn k-4k -1 =0.
k is as given in (c).
(a+) =aß(m+n) 13. Ans. (d)
or mn- =im+n)*£
-a=10,b =9 x -10
14. Ans. (C). x*+9 =0.
mnb = ac (m+ n 15. Ans. (6).
3. A=(y - 2m) (y -2n) is + ive.
Solve f (2)=0,f (3) =0 for mand n.
y shall not lie between 2m and 2n 16. Ans. -3.
(c) is correct.
4. Treat (x+7) (x-11) <0, (x +2)
quadratic in y
-7x<1l and x<-2or (x-2)>0
as a
3) 0
*yIX m) + (2x Mark these regions on real line and

A= (2x+ m)" - 4 (2x -3)
intersection. u
4x +4xm-8x+ m +12
4x+4x (m-2) {m* +12) +

= |4x+4x (m-2) +{m -2)"]+[{m" +12) -(m-2

12x {m-2)] [12+ 4m-4
+ +
For rational factors A should be a
pertect square
Ans. (b). 6. Ans. (b).
or m-2.
The Fig. 1 3
7. Ans. ldj.
intersection of two
Since 4 1s a root of x"
+px +12 =0, we have
We 7<x<-2 regions is given Dy
16+4p+12 =0 or p=-7. are to
find the or 2< x<11
Further, since the rools ot X +PX +9=0 Hence we greatest ive integer.
choose 7<x<-2.

wehave nereloreand allThe
above thenegative
greatest integers
greateet g e r s 66 to
to --3*
3 will satisty
Therelore the greatest Theory of Quadratie Equations 243
d. (b). integer is -3.
+-1)x +[(a+ 1)2 N
Let l + a = p " +la+ 1 / - 20.
Ans. [b.
Then (p

) x*+(p" xtxb-0
pt1)* +(p" +p+ )x*+ -1)x+lp-1)=0
+l=0 b+1-1-b 1-b
Asa 0 . p - |

x+3x+ 1=0 X b+1{b+1)

*-1and x=- 2
-(b+ 1) 1-
+1(1-b)=(b+ 1
Let rools bep*iq and p-iq. R b-b° +1-b-b +2h+1
Some roots lie on the line Re(z) = 1 »b" +3h =0
product of rools= p + =B=1+q2 P=1 b=0,b --3
b=0,t 3i
Bell.ol 9*0*rools are unequal) First lol us
supposo lhal all four roots real
Ans. (D]. ar an
Product= 1 sum (a+p)* -20 Let ftx) =x* -4x +12x +x-1 =0
fl)=4x' -

12x* +24x +1
Since a+=9 P(a" +p° - Must have threo distinct real roots
((a+P1-3p) =- P
p+l=3afs Most
f"() =0 = 12x° -24x +24=0
have two distinct real roots which is
contradiztion because 12x° -24x + 24 = 0
Or * - 2 x +2=0
sum= D<0
Hence f[x) 0
(p" +q) =
can nol have all four equal roots.
Asf(0) 1,f(1) =9,f(-1) 15
Required equation to = -

S(x)=0 must have Iwo distinct real roots are in

-1,0 and other in (0,1
p +q


Matching Entries
Notch the entries of List-A and
) lf one root of the
equation ax* +bx +c =0 be square of the other, then 1. bx -2a/a x +a =0
lta, ßbe the roots of the equationx* +*+1=0, then the equation
whose roots are a"B is 2.
) A
quadratic equation whose roos ai 3.
+ac (a+c) =3abc
at Ja-h
14 Ifa,p,7 are the roots of x +ax hen +B+. 4. x+x+1=0
+D=0,E+B +
le) f ax +bx +x+ d, then the real root of
+*+1is a factor ofE =

equation E =0 is 5.
244 LT. J.E.E. Mathematices: Algebra List-B

s ot the equation (b-c) x +(c - o) x + ( a - b ) =u u qual, 1. Imagnary

then ab,e are in
which series
quation a (b-c) x* +b(c -a) x +c(a-b) =0 De tya
then ab.care
in which series
c t the roots
- 2x+ ab =0 be real and unequal then the roots o H.P.
(ab 2) =0 are .
(d The number of real roots of the
(sin 2 A.P.
cos 2") =

(2 +2 *)is ...
n e
1. y o r y>3
expression ex* bx+ C15 3
c has the same sign as of aD

he graph of the fanction 7a-515

16x +8 (a+ 5) X

above the xaxis then a lies in the interval
2. b-4ac S0

t is real then 2x+ 4 3.-15<a<-2

takes values in the interval.
(d) tan x cot
3x. * E
R. then y does not lie in the
4. Let ap. y be three numbers such that - a n d a+ß+7=2 then
d (p)
(b) aß (q

d) S)
5. Let a. B be the roots of the equation ax + bx +C=0, then match the roots of the equation in left with roots given
Column-II Column-II

(a, (x-b)" +b{x -b) + ac =

(P) 20, 23

(b) ax +2hx + 4c =0
(c) 4a x -

b +4ac =
0 (r) ad + b, aß +b

(d) aX -abx+C=0 (5) t B+

2a u

P. 206 (c) 4. Proceed as in Q. 42 P. 222
1. (a) 3. Q. 26 (a)
. Q. 22 (c)P.. 206 (d) > 1.Q. 39
(b) P. 222
D 4. Ans. (a)>
Q . 1 4 [b) P. 205 (T). (b)> (s). (C)> (p). (d)> 1g
(d) P. 2 0 4

.Q. 6

5. Q.
(a) P.
P. 2 0 6
or ( - z G * n
(b) 3. Q. 19 (b) P. 220
1. Q.
27 (a) P. R.H.S,
(d) 2.
L.H.S. <1,

3. (a) 2.
$ 6P.
( b ) > 3. Q. 18 (d) P.
la) (7

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