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ai a. 5. Eq. of axis y=0. Eq, of tangent at vertex x=0. Length of LR. = 4a. Extremities of LR. (a,20) and (a,— 2a). Focal distance of any point (x, y) is a+ x. pene (V.Imp) Note : Two parabolas are said to be equal when their latus rectum are equal. (@) General Equation of a parabola In case the directrix of the parabola be given to be the line ax-+by +¢=0 and its focus is the point (A, ) and if P (x,y) be any point on the parabola then by definition, the distance of P from focus is equal to its distance from directrix. ie. SP=PM or SP* = PM? (xh? +(y— 7 =| eb Vid? +b?) or (a? +b?) [x + y? ~2hx—2ky +h +k?) =(ax+by +0" On simplification it will be seen that second degree terms are b?x? + at y? ~2abxy i.e. i.e. they form a perfect square. Above is the characteristic property of the equation of the parabola. Another form : x? =4ay. ‘The shape of the parabola x* = day is shown in figure. Vertex (0, 0), Focus (0, a), Directrix (bx- ay)? a, of Axis x=0. Tangent at vertex y=0, Extremi LR. (2a, 4), (2a, a). _Problem Set } + SSE ee ay LD (2a, a) TW. Y= dar #aday Fig.3 Other forms: y? =-4ax, x* =-4ay ‘The general equation of a parabola with axis parallel to x-axis is of the form ay” +by +e=x as it reduces to the form (y-k)? =4A(x-h) i.e,the parabola passing through the points(~1,3), (1,2)and (-2,1) and whose axis is parallel to x-axis. Putting the above three points in (1) and solving for ab,c the required parabola is sy? +2x-21y +20=0 (1) Standard equation of a parabola y? Find the vertex, focus, directrix, latus rectum and tangent at the vertex for the following parabolas : 6) 0) 4) (c) y? +4x-Gy+13=0 (a)* 9y? -16x—12y -57=0 (NR. 1995) {a)* 5x? +30x+2y +59=0 4. (a) (0) (x-)? =-40(y-H. {a) The equation of the directrix of the parabola y? +4y +4x42=0is (a) x (b) (b) x=1 (1) omen ~ 4ax. 3 Oe (x= 2 The equation of parabola is given by y” +8x-12y +20=0. Tick the correct options given below : (@) vertex(2,6) _(b) focus (0, 6) () latus rectum 4 (4) axis y=6 Find the equation of the parabola whose focus is the point (2, 3) and directrix is the line x—4y+3=0. Also find the length of its Jats rectum, Ifthe line x— yi —ke+8 is the directrix of the parabol? then one of the values of kis © (a) (e) (ay (b) iC} (a) @ (b) fa) tb)" © (a) (b) (@) 8 ) 8 (4 (@) V4 ( Find the equation of parabola whose focus is the point (~ 6,6) and vertex is at (~ 2,2). The extremities of the latus rectum of the parabola are (7,5) and (7,3). Find its equation and the points where it meets the axes. Equation of the parabola whose_axis is y =x distance from origin to vertex is v2 and distance from origin to focus is 2v2, is (Focus and vertex lie in Ist quadrant) : (a) (x+y)? =2(x+y-2) () (x-y)? =8(x+y-2) (0) (x-y)? =4(xty-2) (@) (x+y)? =4(ety-2) (117.2008) Find the equation of the parabola whose focusis at the origin. Write down the co-ordinates of the foci of the parabolas y* = 4a(x—a) and x* = day and hence the equation of the circle on the join of these foci as diameter. Find the equations of the parabolas the extremities of whose I.R. are (3, 5) and (3,3). Find the equation of the parabola whose axis is parallel to y-axis and which passes through the points (0,4), (1,9) and (2,6). Find the equation of the parabola whose vertex and focus lie on the axis of xat distances aand a, from the origin respectively. If (2, 0) is the vertex and y-axis the directrix of a ‘parabola, then its focus is (4, 0). Find the co-ordinates of a point on the parabola y? =8xwhose focal distance is 4. What will be the ‘co-ordinates ifthe focal distance of a point on it be 8? Consider a circle with centre lying on the focus of the parabola y* =2px such that it touches the directrix of the parabola, Then points of intersection of the circle and the parabola are (p/2, p) and (p/2,- p) (UL. 1995) The focal chord of y* =16x is tangent to (x-6) + y* =2, then the possible values of the slope of this chord, are (@ 4-1 (b) -1/2,2 (0) -2,32 (d) 1/2.2 (Sereening 2003) An equilateral triangle is inscribed in the parabola ¥y* =4ax whose vertex is at the vertex of the parabola. Find the length of its side. Prove that in the parabola y* = 4ax, the length of the chord passing through the vertex and inclined to the x-axis at an angle @ is (4acos 6)/sin” 6. 9. The Parabola 1 [[l| (ci If 4, and, aro the lengths of perpendicular chords of the parabola drawn through the vertex, then (7,,)" = 16a (12° + 19), Find tho length and equation of a perpendicular +e Aropped from thefcus ofthe parabola y == ontoa straight line cutting off the intercepts a=b =2 on the co-ordinate axes. 10.* From the focus of the parabola y? =2px as centre a circle is described so that a common chord of the ‘curves is equidistant from the vertex and the focus of tho parabola. Write the equation of the circle. 11. (a) The xand y-co-ordinates of a point Pin the x- y 12. (a) 13. (a) 14. (a) plane are given by =(vc0sa)t, y=(vsina)t 3 gt*, where.t is a. parameter, g,v and are given constants. Show that the locus of the point Pisa parabola, Find the co-ordinates of the vertex of the parabola. (b)_ The path of a projectile in vacuum is a {a) straight line (b) circle (0) ellipse (@) parabola. ‘The curve described parametrically by xe +t+Ly=t? t+ Lrepresents (@) a pair of siraight lines (0) anellipse — ~ (©) a parabola (@ ahyperbola (147.1989) (b) The locus of the mid-point of the line segment joining the focus toa moving point on the parabola y* =4ax is another parabola with directrix (@) x=-a (b) x (o) x=0 (@) x=2 2 (UA. e, 2002) Prove that ‘9x? ~ 24xy + 16y* -20x-15y -60=0 represents a parabola. Find its focus and directrix. (b) The locus ofthe vertices of the family of parabolas seyeore yates pois 3 5 (a == (b) a = ta) y=8 ay =38 64 05 © q © a5 (@ oy" ee aveee 2006) If a#0 and the line 2bx+3cy +4d =0 passes through the points of intersection of the parabolas y* = 4ax and x* = day, then (a) d? + (2b + 30)* (b) d? + (ab +20) =0 Il] sce O INTJ.E.E. Mathematics ; Co-ordinates Geometry (0) d? + (2-30) =0 2 (a) (a) d? + (ab 20)? =0 (AIEEE 2004) (b) Let Pe the point (1,0) and Qa point on the locus y? =8x. The locus of mid-point of PQ is (a) x? +4y4+2=0 (b) x*-4y+2=0 c (0) y?-4x42=0 (a) y? 44x42=0 (AIEEE 2005) 15. Consider the two curves Cy ty? =4x,C, :x* + y* -6x+1=0.Then, (a) C, and C, touch each other only at one point (b) C, and C, touch each other exactly at two points (6) C, and C, intersect (but do not touch) at exactly two points (a) C, and C, neither intersect nor touch each other (147.2008) ‘Solutions to Problem Set (1) a. (a) ay? -6x-ay=5 or 4(y? -y) =6x+5, ory or (y- Above is of the form ¥? = 4Ax. Make perfect square. =6(x+1) X45 +4 (b) 3. fa) where Y=y~1/2, X=x+1, 4A=9/2 A=¥8 or x#1=0, y-1/2=0 or (-1,1/2) Focus: X=A,Y =0 or x+1=9/8,y-1/2=0 or (-5/8,1/2) x+1=-9/8 (b) X=A or x=-5/8 and length 44 =3/2 Axis: =Y=0 TV.: X=0 or x=-1 (b) Vertex (2, 4), Focus (5, 4), Directrix x+1=0, Axis y-4=0,LR.=12, (0) y?+4x-6y+13=0 or (y-3)? =—4(x+1) Vertex (~1, 3), Focus (-2, 3), Directrix x=0, 4 TW. x+1=0, Axis y-3=0,LR.=4A=4 © (8 a(R as(ay Axis 3y ~2=0, T.V.16x+61=0 5x” +30x+2y +59=0 5(x? +6x+9) 2y -59) + 452-215, or (xt3)?=-2.(y+7) Above is of the form X? = 4AY whore X=x4+3Y=y+7,4A=-2/5, or A=-1/10 (h,4),(h,k-a), y=k +a0te. Ans. (d). ‘The given equation can be written as veende Form Y? = 4AX where 4A=~4 or A=-1 -(- The directrix is X=-A or x-} or x=3 2 Ans. (a), (b), (d). y ~12y =-8x-20 Add 36 to both sides (y-6 =-8(x-2) or Y? =4AX where Axis isY Vertex X = or y-6=0 or y=6 Y=0 ie. (2,6) Focus X= A,¥=0 or x- or x=0,y=6 « (0,8) By definition the distance of any point on the parabola from the focus is equal to its distand® from the directrix. ea +p 9) = ALAS, square 17 (x? + y? - ax Gy +13) = x? +16y? +! —aaxy-24y +! y ill 968 O LLT.-J.E.E. Mathematics : Co-ordinates Geometry 1 Problem Set (2) ” It may be observed that if we replace m by ~f in equation (9), we get the equation of the normal (10). Normal to x? day Interchanging x and y in (9) the equation of normal is x= my~2am- am! at(-2am, am*) (h)* Condition for the line y= mx + ¢ to be normal. si ‘The slope of the given line y= mx-+-c is m ‘The equation of the normal whose slope y=mx~2am~am', Comparing the two we got the requited contig as isms ¢=-2am-am", and the foot of the normal is (am*,~2am), ‘Tangents and Normals (a) Prove that the line ix+ my $n=0 will touch the parabola y? = 4axiif, (b) The line y= mx-+1 is a tangent to the parabola sam y? = 4xif @) m (b) m=2 {c) m (d) m=3. (M.N.R. 1990) (a) Prove that the line x+ my + am? =0 touches the parabola y? = 4ax, Find also the co-ordinates of the point of contact, (b) The point, on the curve y’ x, the tangent at which makes an angle 45° with x Prove that the line y=mx+c is a tangent to the parabola y? = 4a(x +0) ifc=ma+a/m {a) Prove that the straight line y = x + 2a touches the parabola y? =4a(x+4) and find its point of contact, (b) If the line 2x+3y=1 touches the parabola y” =4axat the point P, then prove that the focal distance of point P is 13 / 18. (a) Find the equation of tangents drawn to y’ +12x=0 from the point (3,8). (b)* The angle between the tangents drawn from the origin to the parabola y* = 4a(x~ a) is (a) 90° (b) 30° (6) tan? (a) 45° A (MN. 1994) (c) Angle between tangents drawn from the point (1,4) to the parabola y? = 4x is x x fa) i (b) fa (F a) E 3 e 2 (Screening 2004) (a) Find the equations of tangents to the parabola y? =16x which are parallel and perpendicular to the line 2x ~ y +5=0, Find also the co-ordinates of their points of contact. (b)" Find the equation of tangent to the parabola y? =4x+Swhich is parallel to theline y =2x+7, 2 ind the equations of tangents to the parol y? = 12xwhich makean angle of 45° with theling ye3x+7, ‘Two straight lines are perpendicular to each other. One of them toiiches the parabola y? = 4a(x+ 4a) and the other touches y? = 4b (x +b). Prove that the point of intersection of tho lines lie on the line x +a+b=0. (a). Find the equation of the common tangent to the parabolas y? = 4ax and x* = 4by. (b)* Find the equation to the common tangent to the parabolas y* =2x and x* = 16y. (©) Find the equations of the common tangents of the circle x¢+y*-6y+4=0 and the parabola 2 yx (Roorkee 1999) (a) Theequation of the common tangent touching the circle (x-3)* + y* =9 and the parabola y* = 4x above the x-axis is (a) Vay=3x+1 (by V3 (9) By=x+3 (@) Vay (o* =-(x+3) (@x+0) (LT. Se. 2001) ? and @ common tangent(s) of x? + 4x— dis (are) : (x-1) dy (a) Find the equations of common tangents to the parabolas y* = 16x and the circle x* + y* =8. (0) Ais the vortex and $ is focus of the parabola y= 4ax, A circle with contre at A and radius 3a cuts the parabola in P and Q. Prove that PQis righ! bisoctor of AS. (6) Theequation of the common tangent to the curve y? =8xand xy =~1is (0) 3y=0x42 (hb) yo2x4t (o) 2y=x+8 (d) y=x42 (14.7. Se, 2000) (d) A tangent and a normal are drawn at tho poi! | P (16,16) of the parabola y? =16x which cit) the axis of the parabola at the points A and 5) respectively. If the centro of the circle throug! | 10. 1. 12, 13. 14. 15. 16. 7. 18. P, Aand BisC, then angle between PC and axis of xis: ad (a) tan“? 2 (b) tan 13 tan“? 3 (d) tan“? 4 (co) tan’ (d) tan a .* Prove that the two parabolas y? = 4ax and x* = 4by intersect at an angle tan (a) Find the points of intersection of parabolas y?=4ax and x’ =4ay; also find the angle between the tangents to both at these points. Prove that a circle cuts a parabola y? = 4axin four points such that the line joining one pair of these four points is equally inclined to the line joining the other two points. Prove that the distance between a tangent to the parabola y*=4ax and a parallel normal acosec sec” a where 0: is the inclination of either to the axis. If perpendiculars be drawn from any two fixed points on the axis of a parabola equidistant from the focus on any tangent to it, show that the difference of their ‘squares is constant. ‘Two perpendicular straight lines through the focus of the parabola y” = 4ax meet its directrix in T and 7” respectively. Show that the tangents to the parabola parallel to the perpendicular lines ‘intersect in the mid-point of TT’. (a)* Prove that the chord of the parabola y? = 4ax ‘whose equation is y — x V2 + 4a¥2=0is anormal to it and its length is 6 V3a. Show that the line x+y=3 is normal to the parabola y? = 4x and find the length of the chord cut off by the line from the parabola. (b) (c) Ifx+y=kis normal to y* =12x, then k is fa) 3 (b) 9 {c) -9 (d) -3 (LT, Se. 2000) Ifthe normal at P (18, 12) to the parabola y* = 8xcuts it again at Q, show that 9PQ =80 (10). (@) Find the equation of tangent and normal to the parabola y* =6.x, at the point whose ordinate is 6. Equation of normal to the parabola y = x” -6x+6 which is perpendicular to the straight line joining the origin to the vertex of the parabola is : (@) 4x-4y-11=0. (b) 4x-4y +2: (©) 4x-4y+1=0 (d) 4x-4y-21= Find the equations of the normal and tangent to the parabola y* = 4ax, at the extremities of the (b) f@) 19. 20, 2. 22, 23. 24. 26. 27. 28. 1. The Parabola O 969 I Jatus rectum and show that tangents at the ends of Jatus rectum meet at right angles on the directrix. (b)* The point of intersection of the tangents at the ends of the latus rectum of the parabola y* = axis, : (14.7. 4994) Show that the normals at the points (4a, 4a) and at the upper end of the latus rectum of the parabola y? = 4ax intersect on the same parabola. Show that whatever be the value of the line y=(x-11)cos@-cos 38 is anormal to the parabola y* = 16x. ‘Show that latus rectum of a parabola bisects the angle between the tangent and normal at either extremity. ‘Three normals to y* =4x pass through the point (45, 12); show that one of the normals is given by y =x~—3and find the equations of the others. Prove that the locus of the mid-point of the portion of the normal to the parabola y? =4ax intercepted between the curve and the axis is another parabola. Find its vertex and length of latus rectum, ‘Through the vertex O of the parabola y? =4ax a perpendicular is drawn to any tangent meeting it at P and the parabola at Q. Show that OP.OQ = constant. .* Find the centre and radius of the smaller of the two circles that touch the parabola 75y? =64(6x—3) at ( 4) and the xaxis, 3°5 (MN. 1994) Irthe tangent tothe parabola y? = 4axmeets the axis in T and the tangontat the vertex AinY,,and the rectangle TAYG is completed, show that the locus of G is y? +ax=0. Array of light is coming along the line y =b from the positive direction of x-axis and strikes a concave mirror whose intersection with the xy-plane is a parabola y? = 4ax. Find the equation of the reflected ray and show that it passes through the focus of the parabola. Both aand bare positive, (Roorkee 1995) At any point P on the parabola y? - 2y -4x+5=0,a tangent is drawn which meets the directrix at Q. Fir the locus of point R which divides QP externally * 1 2 Solutions to Problew © ratio (a) Condition of tangency * A=a,k+my+n=0. yacer-2 mm (¢)_ Number of tangents and normals through a given point. (i) Weknow that y = mx +a/ mis alwaysa tangent to the parabola in terms of m.the slope of the tangent. If it passes through the point (h,k), then kemh+a/m or *mh-mk+a=0. Above is a quadratic in mand gives two values of mshowing thereby that there will be two tangents passing through the point (hk) whose slopes ‘m,,.m,, are given by the equation (1), If they are lar, then, or Locus is x= ai.e., directrix. Hence perpendicular tangents to a parabola intersect on the directrix. Equation of pair of tangents to a parabola drawn from the given point. In usual notation it is given by SS, = 77. (ii) We know that the equation of normal at (am*,—2am) is y = mx-2am~am* If it passes through the point (h,k), then Problem Set (3). The Parabola © 977. lil k =mh—2am- am’ =0 ‘or am? +0m? +m(2a-h)+k=0. (A) ‘Above is @ cubic equation in m and will give us threo values of m If they be denoted by ‘m,,m, and m, then we can say that normals at (am? , 2am, ),(am},—2am,), (ami,—2am,) will pass through the point (h, k). Hence from any point (4,k) three normals can be drawn to a Barabola whose slopes are given by (A). *Also my +m, +my ~-(B) <= coeff. of m* i.e. Sum of the slopes of these normals is zero. Again if y,,y2,3 be the ordinates of the feet of the normals then =~2am,,¥, ‘Vy +4 7g =—2almm, +m, +m) =0. Hence sum of the ordinates of the feet of the normals that pass through any point (h, k) is zero. ‘Again from equation (A) we have * mm, +m,m, +mym, =(a-hi/a amym,m, =-k/a Remember result (A), | (B), (6) and (0). (Q) -(D) Point of intersection of tangents and normals and focal chord. (a) Prove that any two perpendicular tangents to a parabola intersect on the directrix. (&)* Prove that tangents at the extremities of a focal chord of a parabola are perpendicular and they intersect on the directrix. (a) A circle is described on any focal chord of a parabola as diameter. Prove that locus of its centre. is the curve y* =2a(x~). (b) PSP’ is a focal chord of the parabola y* = 4ax. From the vertex A(0,0) and focus (a0) perpendiculars py, p,,Py»P4 are drawn on the tangentsat P and P’ Provethat p, P, Ps Pa =2* (c) A triangle ABC of area A is inscribed in the parabola y* = 4ax such that the vertex A lies at the vertex of the parabola and BC is a focal chord. Prove that the difference of the distances of Band C from the axis of the parabola is 2A/a. (@ A circle drawn on any focal chord AB of the parabola y? = 4ax as diameter cuts the parabola again at Cand D. If the parameters of the points A,B.C,Dbet,,t,,t3 and, respectively, then the value oftst, is (a) -1 () 3 (b) 2 (@) none 3. (@)* Find the locus of the point of intersection of the tangents to the parabola y* =4ax which (i) include an angle « (ii) an angle of 45°. (b)* Theangle between a pair of tangents drawn froma point Ptothe parabola y? = 4 a xis45°. Show that the locus of the point P is a hyperbola. (1.7. 1998) (c) Two tangents of the parabola y? =8x, meet the tangent at its vertex in the points PandQ. If PQ=4, prove that locus of the point of intersection of the two tangents is y* =8 (x +2} )* Prove that the area of triangle inscribed in a parabola is twice the area of the triangle formed by the tangents at the vertices of the triangle. (U1. 1996) (b) Determine the area of the triangle formed by three tangents to a parabola y” = 4ax, if it is given that their slopes are in HP (c) Tangents to the parabola y? = 4ax drawn at the points A(t,) and B(t,) meet atthe point C, then prove that area of triangle ABC is 50° (t, ~f,)°» Normals are drawn to the parabola y* = 4ax at points A,B,C whose parameters arett, arid t respectively. Ifthese normals enclose a triangle PQR, then prove that 2 its area is F(t.) ty ta) “TG ha #0)? er ra i 978 O ILT-J.E.E. Mathematics : Co-ordinates Geometry ‘ iso a ar Arora ce ly Hts)*. 6. (a)* If the point (at?,2at, ) is one extremity of a focal chord of the parabola y?=4ax, find the co-ordinates of the other extremity and show that 2 the length of the chord is of' + +) = 1 (b)* If pbe the perpendicular distance of a focal chord PQ of length / from the vertex A of the parabola y? = 4ax, then prove that / varies inversely as p*. 7. (a) PQ is a variable focal chord of the parabola y? = 4ax whose vertex is A.Prove that the locus of the centroid of triangle APQ is a parabola whose Tatus rectum is 2 a (b)* Prove that in a parabola semi-latus rectum is the harmonic mean of the segments of a focal chord. (0.0.€. 1998) \[Remember above result] (¢) Find the latus rectum of a parabola whose focal chord PSQis such that SP =3and SQ=2 8 Prove that portion of a tangent to a parabola cut off between the directrix and the curve subtends a right angle at the focus. 9. Prove that the tangent and normal at a point P on the parabola y*=4ax are the bisectors of the angle between the focal radius SP and the perpendicular from P on the directrix. 10. Prove that any tangent to a parabola y* = 4ax and perpendicular to it from the focus meet on the tangent at the vertex. 11.*From any point P on the parabola y? =4ax perpendicular PN is drawn on the axis meeting it at N. Normal at P meets the axis in G. Prove that the subnormal NG=semi-latus recutm. —(M.N.R. 1994) 12, The normal to the parabola y* = 4ax at a point P on it meets the xaxis in G. Show that PandG are equidistant from the focus $ of the parabola. 13. The normal at a point P to the parabola y* = 4ax meets its axis at G. Q is another point on the parabola such that QG is perpendicular to the axis of the parabola. Prove that QG* ~ PG? = constant. 414, Prove that tangent at one extremity of a focal chord of “ the parabola y* = 4axis parallel to the normal drawnat the other extremity. 15. (a)* Achord of the parabola y* = 4ax subtends a right angle at the vertex. Find the locus of the point of intersection of tangents at its extremities, (b) Tangents are drawn to the parabola y? = daxfrom € point P such that its chord of contact subtends an angle of 60° at the vertex. Prove that the, of the point Pis 4(y* - 4ax) =3(x+ 4g)? lou, 16. (a)" Iffrom the vertex ofthe parabola y* = 4axa airy chords be drawn perpendicular to each other any, with these chords as adjacent sides a rectangle, completed then prove that the locus ofthe very of the farther angle of the rectangle is the parabo),. y? =4a(x-80). F (b)* Through the vertex of a parabola y? = 4xchonis OPandOQ are drawn at right angles one-another. Show that forall positions of P, cuts the axis of the parabola at a fixed point. Als) find the locus of the middle point of PQ. (U1 1999 (c)* Show that the locus ofa point that divides a chord) of slope 2 of the parabola y* = 4xinternally in the ratio 1; 2 is a parabola. Find the vertex of this! parabola. (1.7. 1995) 17. (a)* Prove that the circle drawn on any focal chord ofa! parabola as diameter touches the directrix. (b) Prove that the circle on any focal radius as_ diameter touches the tangent at the vertex. | 16." Prove that the length of the intercept on the normal at the point (at?,2at) of the parabola y* = 4ax made by! the circle on the line joining the focus and P as, diameter is aV(1+t7). 19. (a)* L,M,N are three points on the parabola y? = 4ax. whose ordinates are in geometrical progression. ‘Show that the tangents at L and N will meet on the| ordinate of M. ‘The abscissas of any two points on the parabola y” = 4axare in the ratio :1. Prove that the locus | of the point of intersection of tangents at these| points is y? =u +7) ax, (b) 20, (a) Ifthetangentat the yoints P and Qon the parabola y? =4ax meet at T and S is the focus, prove that ST? =SP.SQ. | (b) Tangents PQ,PR are drawn to a parabola| y? =4ax. If p,, pp, py be the perpendiculars from | P,Qand Rto any tangent toit, then prove that p, is | the geometric mean of p, and p,. | 21." If tangents to the parabola y* =4ax at the points | Pand Q intersect at T, prove that TP and 7Q subtend | equal angles at the focus. . 22. (a)* Prove that the orthocentre of the triangle formed bythree tangentstoa parabola lie on the directrix. (t)* Tangents to the parabola y* =4ax at any three points enclose a triangle ABC. Prove that the circumcircle of the triangle ABC passes throug focus of the parabola, | 23. (a)* Find the locus of the point of intersection of two 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. mutually perpendicular normals to the parabola y? =4ax and show that the abscissa of the point ‘can never be smaller than 3a. What is the ordinate when the abscissa is smallest ? (b) Find the locus of the point of intersection of normals drawn at the extremities ofa focal chord of the parabola y? = 4ax. (6)* Prove that the locus of the point of intersection of normals drawn to a parabola y® =4ax at the extremities of a chord which subtends a right angle at the vertex is y? = 16a(x 6a). (@)* Ifthe tangents at two points of a parabola y? intersect in (h, k), then the corresponding normals jax. intersect in the point (ene ak), a’ a (b)_ The point of intersection of normals at points A and Bofa parabola y* = daxliesontheline y =-a then prove that the point of intersection of tangents at Aand B will lie on the curve xy = a". {a)* If the normal at any point P (at?,2at,) meets the curve again in Q(at3,2at,), then prove that thet, -2/ty. Also prove that minimum value of t} is.8. (b). The normal chord of a parabola y? = 4ax at the point (p, p) subtends a right angle at the focus... Prove that the normal to y* = 12x at (3, 6) meets the parabola again in (27,- 18) and the circle on the normal chord as diameter is x* + y* -30x + 12y,-27=0. In the parabola y? = 4ax the tangent at the point P, whose abscissa is equal to the latus rectum meets the axis in and the normal at P cuts the curve again in Q. Prove that PT :PQ = 4:5. (@)* A variable chord PQ of the parabola y* = 4x is drawn parallel to the line y = x. Ifthe parameter of the points Pand Q on the parabola be t, and t, respectively then t, +f, =2. Also show that the locus of the point of intersection of the normals, at Pand Qis2x— y = 12a, which is itself a normal to the parabola, PQ is any chord of the parabola y” = 4ax whose right bisector meets the axis in M and the ordinate of the mid-point of PQ meets the axis in L ten rove that LM is constant and equal to semidatus rectum of the parabola. tf ‘Tangents at P and Qto a parabola y* = 4ax meet a third tarigent in Rand S. Prove that the middle point of RS ligs on the tangent which is parallel to chord PQ. (o) (r 29, 30. 31. 32. 33. ~The Parabola © 979 Ii (@) Through a fixed point P on the parabola perpendicular chords PQand Pare drawn, Prove that the chrod QR passes through a fixed point. (a)* PQ is a chord of the parabola drawn in a fixed direction. Prove that the locus of the point of intersection of the normals at Pand Qisa straight line which is itself a normal to the parabola. (b)* The ordinates of points Pand Q on the parabola y? =12xare in the ratio 1:2, Find the locus of the point of intersection of the normals to the parabola at Pand Q. (Roorkee 1998) {a)* Aisa point on the parabola y? = 4ax, The normal at A cuts the parabola again at the point B. If AB subtends a right angle at the vertex of the parabola, find the slope of AB. (b) If a normal chord subtends a right angle at the vertex of the parabola y* = 4ax, show that it is inclined at an angle tan™* ¥2 to the axis of the parabola. 4 (a) The length of normal chord which subtends an angle of 90° at the vertex of the parabola y* = 4x is: (a) 63 (b) 72 (©) 8v2 (@) ove (b) A focal chord of parabola y* = 4xis inclined at an angle of x /4with the + ive direction of x-axis, then the slope of normal drawn at the ends of focal chord will satisfy the equation : (a) m?-2m-1=0 (b) m* +2m- (o) m-1=0 (d) none (c) If two different tangents of y? =4x are the normals to the parabola x” = day, then : ai. =e @ lal Olal 2, 37. (a)* Determine the locus of a point P (h, k) such that the slopes of three normals drawn to the parabola, y’ =4ax from P be connected by the relation tan“ m? +tan! md +tan™! m? =a, (b)* Prove that from any point(h, k) three normals can be drawn toa parabola, The tangents drawn at the co-normal points A, B,C enclose a triangle PQR. Prove that the abscissas and ordinates of the vertices of the triangle are the roots of the equations ie +(h20) x? ak? =0 and y* +a(h—2a) y +a°k =0 respectively. 38. (a) For the semi-cubical parabola x=2°, y=3?, rove that the locus of the point of intersection of Perpendicular tangents is y = x” +1, ! Co-ordinates Geometry fae a 1 m4 (b) Ifa cireto passess through the feot ofthe norms), drawn from a point to the parabola y* = 4ax, then it passos through origin as well. IC the normals at Pand Q whose parameters ary {, and meot on the parabola, then prove tha, product of their slopes is 2 and the line joinin these points will pass through a fixed point on the ‘axes, Also find the locus of mid-point of PQ, | (b)* If the normals at points P and Q intersect on thy parabola itself, then ordinates of Pand Q are the roots of y? + ky +80” =0 where k is ordinate of the point of intersection of the normals. From a point (at, ~ 2at) on the parabola y* = 4ax two chords PQand PR are drawn which are normals to the parabola at Qand Rt respectively Prove that the equation to QR is ty = 2(x+2a) and if m, and m, be the slopes of the normals, then mm, =2 (4) Tangents PTand QT to the parabola y* = 4x. intersect at and the normals drawn at the points PandQ intersect at the point A(9,6) on the parabola, Show that the equation of the circle circumscribing the quadrilateral PTQR is (x-2)(x-9) (7 +3) (¥-8) 40.* The tangents at Pand Q to y? = 4ax meet in T and the corresponding normals meet in R. Ifthe locus of T is a straight line parallel to the axis of the parabola prove that the locus of tis a straight lipe normal to the parabola. 41, Prove that the circle circumscribing the triangle formed by any three tangents to a parabola passes through its focus. Solutions to Problom Set (3) 1. (a) Any two tangents to a parabola at the points ** and‘t,' are ty=xtat}, ty=x+tatz. Since they are perpendicular a 39. (a)* (or get oo bt ‘Their point of intersection is {at,t,a(t, +t,)}=Caalt, +t.) Clearly it lies on the directrix x=~a. (b) Fora focal chordt;t, =~1. (§ 2c, P.966). Restasin Qu. 2 (a) PQbeing focal chord = t,t, =-1 Contre of circle on PQas diameter is axsalt? +13), 2y =2a(l, +t) Now (? +t? =(t, +,)* -2at,t, Eliminatet, tz. y?=2a(x-@) E, Mathematics Co-ordinates yokem(x-h) wf) We have to determine the valuo of m its slope, If it meets the parabola in P(at?,2at,) and Qlat},2at,), its equation is V(t; +t,) -2x=2atyt, =0 2 hty Since (h, k) is mid-point of PQ. Jat, + aly eo(B) Its slope =: k hee os ne oe Putting tho value of m in (A), the required equation is, ‘ks, Goometry — or k(y~k)=2a(x-h) (V.Imp) ky ~2a(x+h)=k? ~4ah ty or T=, in usual notation, Above is equation of the chord whose, Mid pjy (hk) and its slope is 24, ; Alo the equation of the polar of the pon ky =2a(x +h) whose slope is also Fa Honco we conclude that the chord why ‘mid-point is (h, k) is parallel to the polar ot, point (h, k). Darrperrsrerereene verre Herre Te TR Te een sect _Probiem Set (4) aap sta Chord of Contact, Polar, Chord with a given Mid-point. 1. Prove that the locus of the mid-point of a system of parallel chords of a parabola is a ine parallel to the axis of the parabola, d the locus of the mid-points of the chords of the parabola y* = 4ax which pass through a given point (cB). 3. (a) Find the locus of the mid-points of the chords of the parabola y* = 4axwhich subtend aright angle at the vertex. (b) Prove that the locus of the mid-points of the chords of the parabola y?=4ax which pass through the vertex is the parabola y? = 2ax, 4. (a)* Ifthe perpendicular drawn from P on the polar of P with respect to the parabola y? = 4ax touches the parabola x” = 4by, prove that the locus of Pis the straight line 2ax -+by + 4a” =0, (b) Prove that the locus of the poles of the chords of the parabola which are al a constant distance b from the vertex, is y* + 4a* (1- x*/b*) =0, Prove that the locus of mid-points of the normal chords of the parabola y? = dax is y* /2a+ 4a''/y? = x-2a, 6. (a)* Show that the locus of the poles of the normal chords of the parabola y* =4ax_ is J" (x4 20) + 40° =0, (b)* Prove that the locus of the point of intorsoction of tangents drawn at tho oxtromitios of a normal chord to the parabola y* =4ax is the curve ¥* (x+20) + 40° =0 (6) Find tho locus of points of intersoction of tangonts drawn at the ends of all normal chords to the parabola y? = 6 (x1), (Roorkee 2001) 7.* ‘Tangents are drawn from any point on the line x+4a=0, Prove that their chord of contact wi subtend a right angle at the vertex. 8, Prove that the locus of the poles of tangents to th parabola y* = 4ax wart. the circle x? + y? = 2axis x ty? ax, 8. Prove that the locus of the poles of focal chord of th parabola y* = 4axis the directrix, 10. Prove that the locus of the poles of the tangents tot: parabola y* = 4ax w.rt. the parabola y? = 4bx is th 2 parabola y? 11.* From the point (-1,2) tangent lines are drawn to th parabola y*=4x, Find the equation of chord o Contact, Also find the area of the triangle formed b chord of contact and the tangents. (Roorkee 1994 12.* From a point A common tangents are drawn to th aie ah 2 cirelo x! + y? =< and parabola y* =4ax. Find th area of the quadrilateral formed by the commor tangents, the chord of contact of the circle and the chord of contact of the parabola, (1.7, 1998 PNP” is a doublo ordinate of the parabola y* = 4ax, provo that the locus of the point of intersection of the normal at P and parallel to the axis through P* is the equal parabola y? = 4a(x- 4a), 14.* Provo that the longth of the chord of contact of the {angents drawn from the point (x, , y,) to the parabola (yt + a0?) y? 13, y? = Aaxis 4ax,)} . Hence show that the area of the triangle formed by these tangents and their chord of contact is 1 yt ry By? - 4ax,)°*. Evi - sey) 15.* Prove that the locus of the middle points of tangents drawn from points on the directrix to the parabola y? =4axis y? (2x+a)=a(3x+a)?. 16. From a point A, common tangents are drawn to the ° circle x? + y? = and ‘the parabola y? = 4ax, Find the area of quadrilateral formed by the common tangents and the chords of contacts of the circle and the parabola. [= © Solutions'to Problem Set (4) We know that the equation of the chord whose mid-point is (h, k) is k (yk) =2a(x-A) (1) Since the chords are parallel their slope 2a 22. constant = maj r msay 20m ory = 24 which ™ Hence the locus of mid-point is y is a line parallel to the axis of the parabola. 2, Ifthe chord (1) passes through (o,), then k(B-k)=2a(a.-h). Hence locus of mid-point (h, k) is or (a) Let Pbet, and Q bet, and since PQ subtends a right angle at the vertex O (0,0) therefore as in (c,) P.9671,t, =—4.If(h, k) be the mid-point, then 2h=a(t? +t?) and 2k =2a(t, +t) . or 2h=al(ty +2)" ~ Ate] 1 eB 3 or 2h=al* +8] or 2a(h-40)=k @ “Locus is y? =2a(x- 4a) (0) LetOP be the chord through the vertex. If(h, k) be its mid-point, then 2h=0+at?, 2k =0+2at k=at zheak= or k?=2ah_ sak or kPa a Hence the locus is y’ Polar of (i,k) w.r.t, y? = 4axis ky =2a(x+h) or m=2a/k Any line through P (h,) perpendicular to above is k -ks- kee. y agar ‘The above line touches the parabola x* = 4by. It will cut it in two coincident points. Eliminating y, we get at aa {r-Eex-n)} " 2a 2ax* + Abkx— 4bk (2a+ h) =0 A=8? -4AC=0 16k?b? +32abk (2a+ h) =0 or bk +2a(2a+h) = Locus is 2ax-+by + 4a” =0 (b) Polar of (h,k) is ky =2a(x+ h) sa or 2ax~ky+2ah=0 Its distance from the vertex (0, 0) is b. Vad? +k?) or 4a%h? =b? (4a? + k*) F ye tacal qe 1 taney +4 (1-2) 5. Let the equation of the normal be (1) y=mx-2am-am* If its mid-point be (h, k) , then it is same as (y-k)=2a(x-h) Comparing (1) and (2), we get =24and k - 29h = —2am- m= Pand k 2h = —2am— am (2) 3 Eliminating the variable m between the above two relations, we get 3 22) | a{ 8a k ra Let the equation of the normal be : y=mx-2am- am? 3) If (h,K) be its pole, then its equation is Ay =2a(x+h) , 20 y42qh or 22 x42qh rye Bxezat . Comparing (1) and (2), we get m=22,~2am- am? k

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