BSBDIV501 Assessment 2 Final

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BSBDIV501 Assessment 2

Task 1- Review diversity policy

Report of current Diversity Policy of Acumen Restaurant

The strategy relates to all Acumen staffs and administrators.
Gaps in current Diversity Policy
Our purpose is providing a complete working environment culture where all our workers are valued and observed for
their excellent characteristics, ideas and points of view. We identify the abilities and points of view that individuals may
bring to the work environment by race, gender, nationality, age, disability, sexual direction, sex personality, intersex
status or other contrast.
We are trying to provide workplace that values diversity and which maintains all workers to arrive at their maximum
capacity. Our responsibility is shown through working environment attachment and diversity procedures,
arrangements, activities and policies. These include:
 Method to flexible work plans like low maintenance work and adaptable hours.
 Training and mindfulness projects and backing for directors, staff and groups counting Indigenous Cultural
Awareness and Disability Awareness and Certainty training.
 Celebrate occasions of diversity to progress mindfulness and consideration.
 Diversity explicit worker networks planned for staff to associate, express their perspectives and encounters and
offer data.
Kinds of diversity includes:
Legislative Requirements
 Age Discrimination Act 2004
 Australian Human Rights Commission Act 1986
 Work Health and Safety Act 2011
 Fair Work Act 2009
 Racial Discrimination Act 1975
 Sex Discrimination Act 1984
 Disability Discrimination Act 1992

1. Staffing Selection: Applicants will be measured based on the skills they have consistent to the requirements of the
work and are prepared in their duties as an Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) manager and go through formal
evaluation of their abilities.
2. Training: Our Diversity Training for innovators and staff includes a section that tends to the issue of oblivious

Informal Procedure
Activities will rely upon the conditions of the complaint. Conceivable activities include:
• Line-administrator talking about the issue with the single against whom the protest is made.
• Line-administrator working with a meeting between the groups try to define the issue and move ahead.
Formal Procedure
The development contains a formal inspection of the complaint and a select about proper activities and outcomes. In
the main case, this will be comprised by the HR Manager. The inspection includes gathering data about the complaint
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and later making a finding reason on the manageable data. When a finding is made, the HR Manager will make
suggestions about the complaint.
 To guarantee harassment
 Formal technique: Lodging a lawful grumbling under arrangements, for example, segment 28A of Sexual
Discrimination Act 1984.
 Informal technique: Reporting to the board
 Policy
Staff will be informed about the strategy through messages or by meetings.
The Restaurant respects persons and qualities their contrasts. It is focused on establishing a workplace that is
reasonable and flexible, advances individual and expert development, and advantages from the capacities of its
assorted labor force.
 We motivate candidate from all basics to apply to work at Acumen furthermore, to apply for advancement
openings once utilized by Acumen.
 Acumen effectively advances the work of individuals with an inability to mirror the diversity.
 Support existing specialists with a weakness so they don't leave the working environment for some
unacceptable reasons.
Task 2

PPT Attached

Task 3
Survey Questionnaire
1. Do you all vote for taking orders on laptops or tablets?
a) Yes b) No c) Don’t know d) Uncertain
2. Should we need to work on the interior of the restaurant?
a) Yes b) No c) Don’t know d) Uncertain
3. Should we work on our menu?
a) Yes b) No c) Don’t know d) Uncertain
4. How can we improve our advertising and marketing campaign?
a) Yes b) No c) Don’t know d) Uncertain

5. According to you, which thing in most liked by the customers?

6. What new technologies should be incorporated in the restaurant?

Assessment 3 Case Studies

Case study 1
 I will inspect the complaint first.
 Then I will talk over the issue with the male chef and other male colleagues of that female cook.
 Then I will conduct a meeting between the parties for resolving the problem and moving forward if somewhat
do not come in worth.
2. Appendix B: Diversity Policy

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Complaint Report

Details of complainant (s)



Details of complaint

15th May 2020

Date/ timeline

Male chef
Persons involved Male colleagues of Ava

Key issues Improper comments about her gender.

Unfair task delegation.

Mutual understanding between both coworkers by providing final warning


Complainant acknowledgement:
I acknowledge that this report accurately records the details of the complaint I have made. Signature: Ava Date:
15th May 2020

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Recommendations (for office use only)

Next steps:

 Further investigation Actions to be taken to resolve complaint  Complaint closed

Details of recommendations for next steps:

Training for a week

Report completed by (name and position):

Mark, Manager

Signature: Mark Date: 15th May 2020

3. Email
From: Manager
Subject: Training session

Respected Sir,

Greeting. This is about the training session that we want to conduct in the workplace. On May 20 th,
2020, Ava a female cook of the restaurant records a complaint about the male chef and other male
staff for discriminating on her gender. So, it is important to conduct the training in the workplace for
guiding them about several legislations about discrimination. Our Diversity Training for staff and
directors and includes a section which addresses the problem of unconscious partiality. The training
includes methods in which staff can build their abilities for overcoming bias and also address the
organizational issues in the company. The workshop will be held by the skilled legislative trainer.

Thank you

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Acumen Restaurant

Case study 2
1. Two personal biases are:
 Arrogance bias
 Personal similarity bias

2. Two actions or attitudes include:

 I will take some time for selecting the right applicant by providing them equal chance to share
their abilities and will try to control my self-assurance level.
 I will try to change the attitude about personal similarity through recruitment choices and will
not support people alike to me.

3. Three ways include:

 Creating business policies which attract diverse candidates.
 Giving unconscious prejudice training to all staff members included in the staffing process.
 Targeting points where various candidates assemble.

Case study 3 A brief promotional write up

ACUMEN RESTAURANT (Chain of Restaurants - Success of Diversity Initiatives)

Diversity is more about civilization and race. Acumen is a diverse workplace which is composed of staff
and customers with flexible features comprising, but not limited to, political and religious beliefs,
geographical location, gender, sexual orientation, socioeconomic background, education, and ethnicity.
 Its connecting staff work together for serving their client’s preferences.
 Its flexible work hours and flexible arrangements make clients contented, satisfied and happy in
the welcoming environment of the restaurant.
 The restaurant supports Business’s ongoing promise to identifying, endorsing and supporting the
diversity in the working environment.
 It’s celebrating the diversity events and days for promoting awareness have made the restaurant

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