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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education

Hiniusang Pagbangon ug
PagPADAJUN sa Edukasyon

The Contextualized Learning Recovery and

Continuity Plan of DepEd-Agusan del Sur

 D.O Plaza Government Center, Patin-ay, Prosperidad, 8500 Agusan del Sur
 depedagusandelsur@deped.gov.ph
(085) 839-5456
June 2022 to May 2023


Schools Division Superintendent


Since the disruption of Covid-19 in educational system, pivotal decisions

were made to bridge education without compromising health and safety by shifting
to remote learning modalities. The Department of Education crafted the Basic
Education Learning Continuity Plan (BELCP) to guide schools in the delivery of
education in times of pandemic featuring the streamlined Most Essential Learning
Competencies (MELCS). However, learning loses were noted during remote
learning modalities. In a UNICEF survey majority (84%) of Filipino adults believed
that children are learning less in the remote learning. Early research points to the
disruptions to in-person learning experienced in school year 2020–21 could result

 D.O Plaza Government Center, Patin-ay, Prosperidad, 8500 Agusan del Sur
 depedagusandelsur@deped.gov.ph
(085) 839-5456
in students losing between 3 and 11 months of learning (Dorn et. al. 2020;
Kuhfeld and Tarasawa, 2021).
In order to meet the daunting challenges of learning lose with consideration
of equitable resources the School Division of Agusan del Sur crafted TAMDANAN
SA PAGLAUM: Hiniusang Pagbangon og PagPADAJUN sa Edukasyon . This serves
as the blue print of recovery and learning strategies of the Division that will
compass the schools in transcending against learning pitfalls and get learners
back to learning trajectory.


 Enrolment

Division of Agusan del Sur has 423 elementary and 110 secondary schools
with 174,637 total enrolment composite of kindergarten, elementary, junior high
school and senior high based on the recently concluded school year. (See Table 1
for breakdown of enrolment). However, tracking enrolment data during pre-covid
days as compared during pandemic time a decreasing trend can be noted. (See
Figure 1 for comparative data).

 D.O Plaza Government Center, Patin-ay, Prosperidad, 8500 Agusan del Sur
 depedagusandelsur@deped.gov.ph
(085) 839-5456
Junior Senior
High High
Category Kindergarten Elementary School School Total
Schools 15,294 91,135 53,520 14,952 174,901
Schools 564 1,373 3,852 4,428 10,222
LUC/SUC 19 186 205
TOTAL         185,328

Table 1. Enrolment in K to 12 for S.Y 2021-2022

 D.O Plaza Government Center, Patin-ay, Prosperidad, 8500 Agusan del Sur
 depedagusandelsur@deped.gov.ph
(085) 839-5456
Figure 1. Enrolment Data for Three School Years

Figure 1 accounts on enrolment data of the Division of Agusan del Sur for
the past three school years showed an increasing trend. Despite the interruption
of COVID 19, a positive 5807 variance of enrolment can be noted from pre-COVID
(SY 2019-2020) compared to pandemic time (SY 2020-2021).

 Flexible Learning Modalities

Through the Division’s contextualized learning continuity plan dubbed as

PADAJUN ANG EDUKASYON catapulted continuation of learning operations with
Online Distance Learning, Modular Distance Learning Modality (Printed/Digitized),
Radio and TV Based Instructions.

 D.O Plaza Government Center, Patin-ay, Prosperidad, 8500 Agusan del Sur
 depedagusandelsur@deped.gov.ph
(085) 839-5456
Figure 3. Data on Distance Learning Delivery Modalities

In the onset of the pandemic schools chose single modality but eventually
explored to blended learning options to respond in the varying contexts of the
schools, learners and covid alert level classification. The presence of local radios
and TV station in the province were optimized to encourage these as
supplementary modalities for all schools.

 Literacy Level

 D.O Plaza Government Center, Patin-ay, Prosperidad, 8500 Agusan del Sur
 depedagusandelsur@deped.gov.ph
(085) 839-5456
 Mastery Level

Figure 4. POST Test Reading Result in English, Filipino and MTB-MLE

 D.O Plaza Government Center, Patin-ay, Prosperidad, 8500 Agusan del Sur
 depedagusandelsur@deped.gov.ph
(085) 839-5456
Post Reading Results from the consolidated data in the School Monitoring
Evaluation and Adjustment S.Y 2021-2022 reflected that there are almost of the
same percentage of non-readers (ranging from 1% to 2% of learners in Grade 3 to
Grade 7) and frustration level learners (ranging from 11% to 18% of learners in the
same grade levels) in both English and Filipino. While the literacy level of learners
in the MTB-MLE which was generated through the result of the division’s
contextualized Early Grades Reading Assessment in Grade 1 to Grade 3 showed
that there are 2% to 4% of non-readers for Grades 1 to 3, and a 13% to 19% of
frustration level readers.

 Progress Level

 D.O Plaza Government Center, Patin-ay, Prosperidad, 8500 Agusan del Sur
 depedagusandelsur@deped.gov.ph
(085) 839-5456
Figure 5. Learners Progress Level

The learners progress level at the end of the school year 2020-2021 shows for
elementary learners greater percentage or 45% of learners had satisfactory level
while secondary level got 41% of learners had Very Satisfactory level.

Moreover, the data covered 3354 elementary and 607 learners who had fairly
satisfactory progress level and 139 elementary and 89 secondary learners who did
not meet expectation.These learners were subjected to End of the school year
classes .(See Figure 6 End of School Year Classes)

 End of School Year Classes

 D.O Plaza Government Center, Patin-ay, Prosperidad, 8500 Agusan del Sur
 depedagusandelsur@deped.gov.ph
(085) 839-5456
Figure 6. Status of End of School Year Classes

Data on the Number of Learners who were identified and recommended to

undergo Remedial and Enrichment showed that out of the learners who were
enrolled, had successfully completed the School Year and are to move to the next
Grade Level on the incoming School Year, there are a total of 4,056 learners who
showed learning gaps or difficulties and had been graded with 75 to 79 in some or
all of their subjects, and if not, either failed in either one or two of their subjects.

 D.O Plaza Government Center, Patin-ay, Prosperidad, 8500 Agusan del Sur
 depedagusandelsur@deped.gov.ph
(085) 839-5456
 Issues and Concerns on the Six Dimensions of the Learning Continuity

Safe Operations
● Schools cannot open limited face-to-face classes due to
non-compliant with the School Safety Assessment Tool
● Shortage of classroom for isolation room and clinic.
● Delayed submission of SSAT documents, vaccination of
teaching and non- teaching personnel, and commitment
of LGU to provide MOA for the safe re- opening of schools
● Unavailability of water supply in the school.
● Lack of health essentials.
● Lack of handwashing facilities.

Focus on Learning
● Limited opportunity for the learners to deliver performance tasks.
● Lack of SLMs and LASs to complement the demand for distance
● Low numeracy and literacy for kindergarten to Grade 3
● Frustration Readers for Grade 7 in English and Filipino
● Lack of Home Facilitators which led to late submission of modules.
● Conflict of schedules in Radio/TV time slots for the
students to follow the lessons.

Hiniusang Pag-alagad para sa EduKalidad

● Lack of QA on the crafted RBI and TVI scripts.
● Difficulty in the distribution of SLMs and LRs due to limited
● Limited teacher dynamics and school processes are
caused by increasing COVID-19 cases.

 D.O Plaza Government Center, Patin-ay, Prosperidad, 8500 Agusan del Sur
 depedagusandelsur@deped.gov.ph
(085) 839-5456
● Lack of support from the parents in the retrieval of modules.

Reaching the Most Marginalized

● High incidence of enrolled learners no longer
participating in school due to employment opportunities.
● Remote areas are very difficult for home-bound learning
and distribution of SLMs.
● Difficulties in home-based learning because parents
have doubts and/or difficulties in providing instructional

Well-Being and Protection

● Negative attitude of teaching and non-teaching

personnel toward vaccination.
● Negative attitude of learners and parents’ toward
● Increased burnout among teaching and non-teaching personnel.

Education Financing
● Limited MOOE Fund is used for printing materials,
health essentials, and wellness.

 D.O Plaza Government Center, Patin-ay, Prosperidad, 8500 Agusan del Sur
 depedagusandelsur@deped.gov.ph
(085) 839-5456
II. Learning Recovery and Continuity Plan

A. Learning Recovery and Continuity Plan Framework

Leaning on the three pillars of the Enhanced Learning Continuity Plan
of Deped Agusan del Sur, PA for Paving Access which aims to ensure
complete access of learners to learning opportunities, DA for Delving
Actions on empowering programs and projects towards providing quality
education for better learning outcomes and JUN for Joint Undertakings
toward best Normal that promotes the AGSUR (Achieving Goals through
Strengthened Unity and Responsibility) thrust of the division, PADAJUN
ang Edukasyon sa DepEd Agusan del Sur will always be its battle cry as it
is now gearing on creating key strategies to help learners back to their pre-
pandemic learning path. With the keyword PADAJUN, an Agsurnon word
which literally means to continue and now infused with healing strategies
for learning, this Learning Recovery and Continuity Plan is designed to
enable AgSurnon learners to recover their learning trajectories.

Anchored on the Learning Recovery and Continuity Plan Framework of

DepEd Caraga, which summarizes the key elements of the RAPID
Framework of the World Bank into three key dimensions for Learning
Recovery and Acceleration, DepEd Agsur LRCP envisioned a learner that
recovers from all the learning deficits during the period of learning loss
through its intervening strategies.

The three dimensions adapted from DepEd-Caraga LRCP are

enlivened by DepEd AgSur’s pillars PADAJUN. Each key dimension has been
strengthened to ensure that every learner in the province will be reached.

 D.O Plaza Government Center, Patin-ay, Prosperidad, 8500 Agusan del Sur
 depedagusandelsur@deped.gov.ph
(085) 839-5456
 PADAJUN for Learning Acceleration, Remediation, and Intervention
 PADAJUN on cultivating Health, Well-being, and Resilience
 PADAJUN on providing Professional Development

Considering the first key stage of the recovery plan of the RAPID
framework as the most crucial part to realizing this LRCP, reaching every
child and keeping them in school will be given great emphasis. Establishing
this facet of the learning recovery process is vital in realizing each element of
the framework as the objectives of each pillar will focus on opening the
gateways of every school and delving into actions that will ensure all
children are returning to and remaining in school. SDO Agusan del Sur’s
goal of recovering learning loss through magnifying classroom learning by
giving emphasis to bringing foundational concepts of learners from a curve
due to the pandemic into its normal trajectory. DepEd AgSur’s LRCP
framework shows no boundaries among its components as it signifies
interconnectedness among its thrusts thereby creating key strategies to
realize its goal for the learner of this school year.

Encompassing all the key elements of the framework are the joint
undertakings of stakeholders and education financing, which play a great
role in serving as the backbone and the support system to realize learners’
learning recovery. 

 D.O Plaza Government Center, Patin-ay, Prosperidad, 8500 Agusan del Sur
 depedagusandelsur@deped.gov.ph
(085) 839-5456
Figure 7: The Learning Recovery and Continuity Plan Framework of
DepEd-Agusan del Sur

B. Key Dimensions of DepEd-Agusan del Sur’s LRCP

KEY DIMENSION 1: Learning Acceleration, Remediation, and Intervention



The COVID-19 virus has created the greatest disruption to educational

systems in history, affecting nearly 1.6 billion students in more than 190

 D.O Plaza Government Center, Patin-ay, Prosperidad, 8500 Agusan del Sur
 depedagusandelsur@deped.gov.ph
(085) 839-5456
countries on all continents and sparking global fear. Closing of schools and
other learning places has had an influence on 94% of the world’s student
population (United Nations, 2020). Closures are frequently associated with
significant “learning losses”, which have been recorded in North America,
Western Europe, and Africa, among other places (Alexander et al., 2007;
Andrabi et al., 2021; Angrist et al., 2020b; Cooper et al., 1996; Davies &
Aurini, 2013; Jaume & Willén, 2019; Slade et al., 2017). According to The
Glossary of Education Reform (2013): the term learning loss refers to any
specific or general loss of knowledge and skills or to reversals in academic
progress, most commonly due to extended gaps or discontinuities in a
student’s education.” Formal education—whether in-person or online—
provides students with critical information and skills for growth and
development. As a result, discontinuing formal schooling may have a
detrimental effect on children’s learning results (Bao et al., 2020).

The study conducted by Kuhfed Megan, 2022 on the impacts of

COVID-19 on the learning of students showed a great leap in the
degradation of academic performance of learners in major subjects.
Similarly, the Division Monitoring, Evaluation, and Adjustments (DMEA)
results of DepEd Agusan del Sur on the Mean Percentile Scores (MPS) on
summative exams of the learners showed a percent decrease in most of its

EOSY 2021-2022 report of schools for learners that need enrichment,

remediation, and advancement for summer classes showed that 21% of
schools in DepEd Agusan del Sur had identified learners for these

 D.O Plaza Government Center, Patin-ay, Prosperidad, 8500 Agusan del Sur
 depedagusandelsur@deped.gov.ph
(085) 839-5456
interventions. Data also shows that almost 3% of all the learners in the
province, from all grade levels, have indicated learning deficits that need to
be addressed before the opening of classes for the next school year. On the
other hand, a recent report during the regional CLMD Convergence on the
delivery of the most essential learning competencies during school year
2021–2022 exhibited that 10% of the Most Essential Learning Competencies
(MELC) in the division were not attained.

Dimension 1 of the Learning Recovery and Continuity Plan of the

division directs its response to the most important aspect of deliverables of
the department. Strengthening Learning Acceleration, Remediation and
Intervention aim to help struggling learners to attain academic success.
Learning Acceleration is an instructional process that aims to improve
learners access to and mastery of grade level competencies. It enables
students who are lagging to meet or surpass the specified grade level
standards. On the other hand, reteaching the material to students who have
previously struggled to understand is referred as Learning Remediation. It
is designed to close the gap between what students know and what they’re
expected to know. Interventions, in the context of the DepEd AgSur LRCP
are tools in plugging learning gaps. It is a process that uses inquiry-based
educational approach to address specific skill deficiencies to regain learning

 D.O Plaza Government Center, Patin-ay, Prosperidad, 8500 Agusan del Sur
 depedagusandelsur@deped.gov.ph
(085) 839-5456
Figure 8: Algorithm for Learning Acceleration, Remediation, and

Figure 2 depicts an algorithm on the differences of the three learning

strategies adapted from the regional LRCP. DepEd Agusan del Sur’s aim of
recovering learning from the periods of learning loss give rise to various
drives of the division directing towards learning recovery.

Revolving on the critical priorities identified by UNESCO on its

COVID19 Education Response, this dimension come up with the following
key strategic objectives: (1) Ensure all children return to and stay in school,
(2) Ensure the conduct of learning assessment and analysis of needs and
gaps, (3) Formulate intervention projects/activities on the different subject
areas (4) Ensure the implementation, monitoring, and evaluation of
intervention projects/activities (5) Analyze learning gains, (6) Prioritize
teaching the fundamentals, and (7) Increase the efficiency of instruction
through learning recovery programs.

 D.O Plaza Government Center, Patin-ay, Prosperidad, 8500 Agusan del Sur
 depedagusandelsur@deped.gov.ph
(085) 839-5456
KEY DIMENSION 2: Health, Wellbeing and Resilience



World Vision (2022) underscores the paramount importance of an

optimum health and holistic wellbeing among learners for a maximum
acquisition of learning to take place- the ultimate goal of the educative

Despite of its viewed significance the recent report of the United

Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) posits 70% of learners and teachers
experience deprivation of basic mental health services, nutrition, sanitation,
hygiene during the pandemic which had inadvertently resulted to poor
nutrition, declining mental health and deteriorating wellbeing.

The impacts of disrupted services are compounded by students and

school personnel missing out on peer support and vital school programs and
activities to school closures, cancelled events (Craig, S., Ames, M. E., Bondi,
B. C., Pepler, D. 2020).

The aforesaid findings align with the situation of SDO Agusan del Sur
in terms of health and wellbeing as reflected in the Division Monitoring and
Evaluation SY 2021-2022 (DMEA) and the reports coming from the office of
the Medical Officer. Recently updated database from the aforesaid office
revealed SDO Agusan del Sur has only 91% vaccinated personnel against
the 100% target and 8 non-teaching personnel, 297 teaching personnel and

 D.O Plaza Government Center, Patin-ay, Prosperidad, 8500 Agusan del Sur
 depedagusandelsur@deped.gov.ph
(085) 839-5456
18 learners tested positive with SARS Covid 19 virus. In addition, only 64%
of teachers were trained on Mental Health Interventions and Psychological
Support which is homologous with the percentage of learners who received
MHPPS or the Mental Health and Psychosocial Support which only posted

Schools’ division of Agusan del Sur has identified five (5) key
strategies to realize it’s rally towards promoting Health, Wellbeing and
Resilience among its learners, teachers and personnel anchored on its
contextualized “PADAJUN” LRCP Framework conjoined with key elements of
the RAPID Framework for Learning Recovery and Acceleration. SDO Agusan
del Sur believes that these key strategies aim to bring the learners back to
their learning trajectories and be resilient for the forthcoming pandemic like
blows by strengthening programs projects and activities that promote
health, wellbeing and resilience.

The Second dimension focuses on the following key strategic

objectives (1) Develop psychological health and well-being among K-12
Learners, Teaching and Non-Teaching; (2) Build School Heads, Teachers and
Student Resilience; 3) Bolster school-based nutrition services and feeding
program; (4) Safeguard Student Safety ; and 5) Implement school-based water
sanitation and hygiene (WASH) Responses.

Promoting psychosocial health and wellbeing among learners and

personnel through strengthening of the implementation of Division wide

 D.O Plaza Government Center, Patin-ay, Prosperidad, 8500 Agusan del Sur
 depedagusandelsur@deped.gov.ph
(085) 839-5456
projects and the conduct of various health related remediation activities
assure focus of learning among learners.

This entails bolstering School Based Feeding Programs, Dental Care,

activities propelled by National Drug Education Program (NDEP) , Barkada
Kontra Droga (BKD), Adolescent Reproductive Health (ARH), Department of
Health (DOH) and many other programs which support psychosocial health
and wellbeing among learners and personnel. Building teacher resilience is
another top priority of the second dimension which mainly focuses on giving
access among teachers and learners on MHPPS or the Mental Health and
Psychosocial Support, Physical Fitness Related Programs, Spiritual
Upliftment Activities and the Development of Adversity Quotient which will
make teachers future proof and adaptive to the possible recurrence of
pandemic like disasters.

Intensifying implementation of Health and Nutrition Program such as

GPP (Gulayan sa Paaralan) SBFP (School Based Feeding Program),
Deworming Activities and Wash in Schools (WinS) also assures bringing
back learners from their learning trajectories after the pandemic by making
them healthy and ready for new meaningful learning.

Ensuring safety of learners and the implementation of school-based

water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) are also included in this dimension,
where learners are given access to clean potable water and functional toilets.

 D.O Plaza Government Center, Patin-ay, Prosperidad, 8500 Agusan del Sur
 depedagusandelsur@deped.gov.ph
(085) 839-5456
While COVID-19 has threatened to put SDO Agusan del Sur down, it
is now recovering from the pandemic by capitalizing health, wellbeing and
resiliency among everyone in school community.

Key Dimension 3: Professional Development



Research shows demonstrating the effectiveness of professional

development programs, has significant implications for any organizations,
(Alam et.al.,2010). Due to COVID-19 pandemic, education proved to be
difficult due to lack of training, resources, and funding to adequately provide
what every student and teacher needed (World Bank Organization, 2022)

Professional development for teachers is more than training or classes

as it is an agent to change classroom practice. It is essential and beneficial
for experienced teachers to go through continuous and regular chances to
learn from one another. Teachers remain up to date on new research on how
children learn, new tools & resources, emerging technology so on through
continuous professional development (San, 2017).

Ongoing professional development such as support for teachers,

mentoring, and technical support from experienced digital technology
professionals are critical to implementing educational recovery strategies.
Teachers need support from education systems and school leaders so that
they can support their students and accelerate learning while gaining
learning losses during the pandemic.

 D.O Plaza Government Center, Patin-ay, Prosperidad, 8500 Agusan del Sur
 depedagusandelsur@deped.gov.ph
(085) 839-5456
Based on the Division SMEA report for the S.Y 2021-2022, 1,337 or
26% of teachers are not trained with content, pedagogy/instruction,
localization/contextualization, assessment, and learning resource materials.
This implies the pressing need for additional training opportunities for
teachers to be equipped with the necessary Knowledge, Skills, Attitudes, and
Values to promote effective learning.

In response, Schools’ Division of Agusan del Sur has identified 4 key

strategies to bridge the gap of the losses on the Professional Development
Dimension with the guidance of the division contextualized framework
dubbed as “PADAJUN”. PADAJUN framework supports key objectives such
as (1) Support teacher's resilience, (2) Support teacher's instructionally (3)
Support teachers technologically, and (4) Support school heads and
supervisors instructionally and administratively.

The professional development dimension aims to support the

teachers, school heads, and supervisors' essential knowledge, skills,
attitudes, and values in adapting to the learning recovery program of
Agusan del Sur. These KSAVs will help close the gaps, catch-up learning
deficit, and promote psychosocial support imperative to the challenge of

 D.O Plaza Government Center, Patin-ay, Prosperidad, 8500 Agusan del Sur
 depedagusandelsur@deped.gov.ph
(085) 839-5456
C. Priorities and Action Steps

Dimension 1

Strategies/ Activities Time Target Outputs Resources Need Fund

Objectives frame Source

Human Material Financial

 D.O Plaza Government Center, Patin-ay, Prosperidad, 8500 Agusan del Sur
 depedagusandelsur@deped.gov.ph
(085) 839-5456
1. Ensure all Monitor the August 22 – All schools (public, SGOD – Monitoring Travel Division
children return reopening of July 27, private, and SLCs) Planning tool Expenses MOOE
to and stay in schools and its 2023 are open to all CID
school continuous learners and School
operation. compliant to Heads
requirements to the
safe opening classes.

Monitor the July 25- Monitored the SGOD – Monitoring Travel Division
implementation of August 22, implementation of SOCMOB tool Expenses MOOE
back-to-school 2022 back-to-school CID
campaigns such as campaigns such as School
OBE and BE. OBE and BE. Heads

 D.O Plaza Government Center, Patin-ay, Prosperidad, 8500 Agusan del Sur
 depedagusandelsur@deped.gov.ph
(085) 839-5456
Monitor the Year round All schools strictly SGOD – Monitoring Travel Division
implementation of implemented no- Health & tool Expenses MOOE
no collection collection policy, Nutrition
policy, feeding conducted feeding
programs and programs, and
support to 4Ps supported 4Ps
beneficiaries. beneficiaries.

Monitor the status Gathered data on the SGOD - Monitoring Travel Division
of the status of Planning tool Expenses MOOE
enrollment/partici enrollment/participa Office
pation rate in all tion rate in all CID
schools. schools.

 D.O Plaza Government Center, Patin-ay, Prosperidad, 8500 Agusan del Sur
 depedagusandelsur@deped.gov.ph
(085) 839-5456
Monitor the Increased percentage SGOD Monitoring Travel Division
conduct of school of parents’ CID tool Expenses MOOE
programs, participation in all
activities, and school programs,
projects in projects, and
strengthening activities as
parents’ compared to
partnership. previous data.

Monitor the Established SGOD Monitoring Travel Division

consultation and Memorandum of CID tool Expenses MOOE
collaboration of Agreement (MOA)
schools with other and Memorandum of

 D.O Plaza Government Center, Patin-ay, Prosperidad, 8500 Agusan del Sur
 depedagusandelsur@deped.gov.ph
(085) 839-5456
stakeholders Understanding
(MOU) between
school and
Conduct of capacity
building activities for

Monitor the Inventory of school SGOD - Travel Division

preparation of facilities and PFSED Expenses MOOE
school facilities equipment and
and equipment for learning materials.
conducive learning Implemented repair

 D.O Plaza Government Center, Patin-ay, Prosperidad, 8500 Agusan del Sur
 depedagusandelsur@deped.gov.ph
(085) 839-5456
and continuous and maintenance of
school operation. school facilities and
equipment based on

Require the Approved class CID Printer Division

submission of programs and SF-7s. School Paper MOOE
reports on the Heads
conduct school
assignment and
basic profiling
through an

 D.O Plaza Government Center, Patin-ay, Prosperidad, 8500 Agusan del Sur
 depedagusandelsur@deped.gov.ph
(085) 839-5456
issuance of

2. Formulate and Monitor the Please see Annex A for the Catch-Up Education Implementation Plan
Implement implementation of
Catch-Up the Catch-Up
Education Plan Education Plan

 D.O Plaza Government Center, Patin-ay, Prosperidad, 8500 Agusan del Sur
 depedagusandelsur@deped.gov.ph
(085) 839-5456
Ensure the August 22- Monitoring CID Monitoring Travel Division
conduct of September accomplishment School Tool Expenses MOOE
learning 10, 2022 report on Heads
assessment and utilization of
analysis of needs learning
and gaps thru assessment tools
the following:

• Monitoring of
the utilization
of learning

 D.O Plaza Government Center, Patin-ay, Prosperidad, 8500 Agusan del Sur
 depedagusandelsur@deped.gov.ph
(085) 839-5456

• Orientation Accomplishment CID Monitoring Travel Division

of school report of School Tool Expenses MOOE
heads and orientation Heads
teachers on
the purpose

 D.O Plaza Government Center, Patin-ay, Prosperidad, 8500 Agusan del Sur
 depedagusandelsur@deped.gov.ph
(085) 839-5456
of diagnostic

• Analysis of Data analysis CID Monitoring Travel Division

the data report and School Tool Expenses MOOE
obtained from program/ project Heads
administering recommendations
the diagnostic

 D.O Plaza Government Center, Patin-ay, Prosperidad, 8500 Agusan del Sur
 depedagusandelsur@deped.gov.ph
(085) 839-5456
• Conduct Field validation CID Monitoring Travel Division
other data report, needs School Tool Expenses MOOE
validation assessment report Heads
FGDs, etc.)
to fill in any

• Listing of Needs assessment CID Monitoring Travel Division

the identified report School Tool Expenses MOOE
learning Heads

 D.O Plaza Government Center, Patin-ay, Prosperidad, 8500 Agusan del Sur
 depedagusandelsur@deped.gov.ph
(085) 839-5456

Monitor the SGOD Monitoring Travel Division

conduct of the CID Tool Expenses MOOE
following: School
Monitoring, Heads
report and
inventory of needs-
based intervention
• Formulation of
the customized
and need-

 D.O Plaza Government Center, Patin-ay, Prosperidad, 8500 Agusan del Sur
 depedagusandelsur@deped.gov.ph
(085) 839-5456
based catch-
up education
plan for
learning needs
and unique
learning needs

• Implementatio M & E Report on SGOD Monitoring Travel Division

n of the varied the implementation CID Tool Expenses MOOE
customized of varied School
needs-based customized needs- Heads

 D.O Plaza Government Center, Patin-ay, Prosperidad, 8500 Agusan del Sur
 depedagusandelsur@deped.gov.ph
(085) 839-5456
intervention based intervention
projects/activi projects/activities
ties on all in all learning
learning areas areas

• Provision of Technical SGOD Monitoring Travel Division

technical Assistance and CID Tool Expenses MOOE
assistance in Accomplishment School
the Report Heads
n of varied

 D.O Plaza Government Center, Patin-ay, Prosperidad, 8500 Agusan del Sur
 depedagusandelsur@deped.gov.ph
(085) 839-5456

• Evaluation of Monitoring, SGOD Monitoring Travel Division

the Evaluation and CID Tool Expenses MOOE
effectiveness of Adjustment Report School
the of implemented Heads
implemented intervention
customized projects/activities

 D.O Plaza Government Center, Patin-ay, Prosperidad, 8500 Agusan del Sur
 depedagusandelsur@deped.gov.ph
(085) 839-5456
intervention Research findings
projects/activi on the effectiveness
ties of the projects

Analyze Data analysis CID Monitoring Travel Division

data/learning report and School Tool Expenses MOOE
gains obtained program/ project Heads
from recommendations
administering the

 D.O Plaza Government Center, Patin-ay, Prosperidad, 8500 Agusan del Sur
 depedagusandelsur@deped.gov.ph
(085) 839-5456
3. Prioritize Include and Submitted IS report. CID IS Tool Travel Division
teaching the prioritize the Expenses MOOE
fundamentals honing of skills in
reading, math,
science and
technology, critical
digital skills, and
through strategic
lesson planning

Ensure the Technical Assistance CID TA Tool Travel Division

 D.O Plaza Government Center, Patin-ay, Prosperidad, 8500 Agusan del Sur
 depedagusandelsur@deped.gov.ph
(085) 839-5456
monitoring of the report Expenses MOOE
coverage of content
that must be
learned prior to
content in learning

Ensure that the Instructional CID TA Tool Travel Division

focus instruction is supervision report School Expenses MOOE
on closing the gaps and technical Heads
between desired assistance report

 D.O Plaza Government Center, Patin-ay, Prosperidad, 8500 Agusan del Sur
 depedagusandelsur@deped.gov.ph
(085) 839-5456
and actual
students learning
in all subjects

 D.O Plaza Government Center, Patin-ay, Prosperidad, 8500 Agusan del Sur
 depedagusandelsur@deped.gov.ph
(085) 839-5456
 D.O Plaza Government Center, Patin-ay, Prosperidad, 8500 Agusan del Sur
 depedagusandelsur@deped.gov.ph
(085) 839-5456
The identification of priorities and action steps by the division in the crafting
of the learning recovery plan is vital in ensuring the accuracy, efficiency and
timeliness of the actions or interventions to close the various learning gaps created
by the disruptions of the regular operations and mechanisms in the delivery of
quality education by the DepEd Agusan del Sur division. The in-depth analysis of
the previous and current situation and status of teaching-learning delivery,
participated by key personnel of the department such as the Division & district
personnel, the school heads, teachers, and stakeholders revealed a bigger picture of
both the challenges and best practices, as well as promising solutions and
executable targets for recovering learning losses and learning continuity in the best

At the center of the division learning recovery plan is Dimension 1

which focuses on learning acceleration, remediation, and intervention. Three
(3) major strategies under the first dimension emerged to be crucial and
priority for hitting the overall target of the BELRCP of the division. As the
pandemic situation becomes less and less restricting, the division seem to
see the light at the end of the tunnel.

SWOT analysis reveals an opportunity to resume the face-to-face

classes - the most known learning modality reported to support better
quality education outcomes than the other alternatives. The strategy of
ensuring that all children return to and stay in school is a fundamental step
in the learning recovery measures. As such, the division will ensure the
reopening and keeping of public and private schools, including SLCs and
CLCs open through issuance of memoranda, physical monitoring and
implementing standards for the safe opening of classes.

 D.O Plaza Government Center, Patin-ay, Prosperidad, 8500 Agusan del Sur
 depedagusandelsur@deped.gov.ph
(085) 839-5456
Back-to-school campaigns are expected to inform the public of the
mechanisms and important dates for sending all types of learners across
curricular levels back to school. Enhanced with warning systems for DRRM
such as weather forecasts, health and safety protocols, the school shall
exhibit its readiness or preparedness to accommodate and secure incoming
learners. Having identified financial and economic challenges among
learners and their families, boosting the no collection policy, feeding
programs and facilitation of 4Ps benefits shall serve as strong support for
them to pursue their education despite the hindrances identified. The
services of the large division transcend across varying geographical
boundaries and diverse characteristics of learners. Child mapping, tracking,
and profiling allows the schools in the division to identify and adjust
services to cater diverse learners, thereby ensuring easy and convenient
access to schools and education. Parents-school partnership shall be vital in
for the learners to connect and sustain their educational goals and
engagement. Moreover, other external stakeholders shall bridge further the
learners' connection to schools and hope to continue education. Analysis of
current physical situations of schools also reveals possible hindrances for
learners to pursue education. The pandemic and calamities that
significantly caused facilities and equipment damages could hamper the
smooth opening of classes. The division shall ensure the preparation of
school facilities and equipment for conducive learning environment and
continuous school operation through programs, projects, and activities such
as the conduct of Oplan Balik Eskwela and Brigada Eskwela. Across
curricular levels, the division shall establish organized and well-prepared

 D.O Plaza Government Center, Patin-ay, Prosperidad, 8500 Agusan del Sur
 depedagusandelsur@deped.gov.ph
(085) 839-5456
teaching and non-teaching workforce, schedules, mechanisms, and
standard operating procedures to further facilitate learners in coming back
to school and to in-person classes.

The second strategy of the division is to formulate and implement a

catch-up education program to realize the targets of the division recovery
plan to ensure an increase in the efficiency of instruction. Essential to
facilitate the low-performing learners' "catching-up on lessons" mechanism
is a more focused remediation approach. Special feature of the strategy of
grouping learners according to their level of proficiency, not on their age or
grade level for a dedicated time of the day shall also address the emerging
concern of schools on extending school-time and teachers' load. Through
this strategy, the special grouping of students based on diagnostic
assessment shall introduce reading and numeracy sessions for 1-2 hours in
a day to accelerate their learning progress until they are ready or achieve the
level of competency suitable to their age and/or grade level. In the regular
delivery of day-to-day lessons, as well as that of special classes and
remediation, quality-assured teaching and learning materials shall be made
accessible. Ensuring the utilization of printed and digitized learning
materials such as e-book references, modules, video lessons and radio-
based lessons using the tablets shall be part of the priority action to ensure
various modalities, preference and suitable platforms are taken into
consideration for learners' easy access. While the group catching-up lesson
sessions are in place, the division shall also ascertain the conduct of
individualized instruction to identified learners that need support on specific
learning areas. Diverse learners' needs presented to be of concern as these

 D.O Plaza Government Center, Patin-ay, Prosperidad, 8500 Agusan del Sur
 depedagusandelsur@deped.gov.ph
(085) 839-5456
may greatly vary in learning area, focus, interest, and learners' personality.
Thus, an individualized approach shall address further the learning gaps
experienced by the unique needs of students. Independent learners shall not
be neglected throughout the recovery process. They too, together with the
low-performing learners must be given attention and continued learning
interventions. Maximizing the utilization of self-learning modules for
independent learners shall sustain and even improve more their academic
performance as the recovery actions are in place. Finally, every moment or
time of the day can be an opportunity for learners to learn and improve
especially during the recovery phases. To ensure maximization of learning
time among learners, the utilization of other formats of learning materials
such as RBI, TVBI, SLMs (printed and digitized) during learners' free time,
weekends, and absence from classes (if applicable) shall supplement their
learning whether they are at school or outside of the school.

The teachers shall first assess and analyze learning needs and gaps.
Essential to the identification of the current learning status or knowledge of
the learners shall be the conduct of diagnostic assessments. Thus, the
division shall develop and utilize learning assessment or diagnostic tools
with its results to be the bases of identifying important learning gaps.
Crucial to the process is the actual assessment administration for both
diagnostic and achievement tests. The administration shall be standardized,
and mechanisms must be established. Diagnostic assessment results are
baseline data for deciding more specific interventions to bridge learning gaps
among learners and achievement tests/ assessments are measures of the
degree of our target accomplishments. Thus, the teachers shall be carefully

 D.O Plaza Government Center, Patin-ay, Prosperidad, 8500 Agusan del Sur
 depedagusandelsur@deped.gov.ph
(085) 839-5456
oriented of the purpose and standard mechanisms of the administration of
diagnostic and achievement/summative assessments. Careful and accurate
diagnostic data results analysis must be done, and to further ensure the
validity of results, other validation methods shall be done. The scientific
analysis of data shall reveal priority learning needs - an important basis for
identifying specific learning gaps and in identifying accurate interventions to
close the gaps.

The schools shall formulate contextualized catch-up education

program which may vary across learning areas, curricular levels, and school
setting. Learning recovery targets may be new to some or many school
personnel and therefore capacitating the school heads and teachers in
formulating and implementing customized needs-based learning recovery
strategies is crucial. The capacity-building activities shall also include
designing and implementing in-school and after-school learning support
mechanisms and development of various formative assessment tools.

Truly important strategy in the implementation of the catch-up

education program is ensuring the implementation, monitoring, and
evaluation of learning recovery and continuity. SWOT analysis and needs
assessment results of the division revealed varying issues, challenges and
needs of learners across key stages and across learning areas. The
implementation of varied customized needs-based catch-up education
strategies shall focus on but not limited to the following PPAs in the
division: Literacy skills in Mother Tongue, Filipino, and English, particularly
in the key stage 1 to 3; and Math, Journalism, STE in the key stages 3 and

 D.O Plaza Government Center, Patin-ay, Prosperidad, 8500 Agusan del Sur
 depedagusandelsur@deped.gov.ph
(085) 839-5456
4. Monitoring the implementation of the needs-based recovery strategies and
the provision of technical assistance in the implementation, as well as the
evaluation of their effectiveness shall be part of the essential actions to
ensure a holistic approach in filling up the learning gaps of learners.

Important also in the catch-up plan is ensuring analysis of learning

gains. This important strategy will serve as basis for evaluation of the
effectiveness of the implemented interventions. In this strategy,
achievement/summative assessment tools shall be developed, administered,
analyzed, and validated as to its result. The cyclical process shall ensure the
learners are gaining what is intended to be gained throughout the learning

The third strategy focuses on ensuring the prioritization of the

foundational skills and conceptual pre-requisites in teaching plans.
Foundation skills were noted to be neglected during the implementation of
distance learning because of the absence of a More Knowledgeable Person
(MKP) in many households. By including and honing the skills of learners in
reading, math, critical digital skills, and socioemotional competencies
through lesson planning, hitting the targets and filling up the specific
learning gaps and losses shall be dealt with accurately and holistically.
Furthermore, some pre-requisite contents in many learning areas were also
noted to have been neglected because of less control and loose monitoring
among teachers handling distance learning. This shall be addressed and
recovered through assessment of status and ensuring coverage of content
that must be learned as prerequisites.

 D.O Plaza Government Center, Patin-ay, Prosperidad, 8500 Agusan del Sur
 depedagusandelsur@deped.gov.ph
(085) 839-5456
action steps by the division in the crafting of the learning recovery plan is
vital in ensuring the accuracy, efficiency and timeliness of the

 D.O Plaza Government Center, Patin-ay, Prosperidad, 8500 Agusan del Sur
 depedagusandelsur@deped.gov.ph
(085) 839-5456

Strategies/ Activities Time Target Resources Needed

Objectives Frame Outputs (Human/Material/
 Monitor the conduct of the following
1. Strengthen programs/ projects: August 2022 to July DMEA Report SGOD
psychosocial  School-Based Feeding program 2023 CID
health and  Dental Care program
well-being  National Drug Education
among K-12 Program (NDEP) /Barkada
learners, Kontra Droga (BKD)
teaching, and  Adolescent Reproductive Health
non-teaching (ARH)
personnel  Mental Health
 Comprehensive Sexuality
Education Programs

 D.O Plaza Government Center, Patin-ay, Prosperidad, 8500 Agusan del Sur
 depedagusandelsur@deped.gov.ph
(085) 839-5456
 Bakuna
 Project HIMSoG (Hiniusang
Inisyatibo sa Pagbuntog sa
Malnutrisyon, Sakit ug Gutom
alang sa mga Agusanon)
 We CARE (Compassion, Action
and Resource Enhancement)
August 22-26, 2022
 Monitor the conduct of psycho-social ______ number of PDO2, Div. HG COOR,
support among learners from K-12 learners Guidance Advocates
2. Build Teacher  Establish screening and detection August 2022- NovemberPersonnel data Division Medical
Resilience mechanisms 2022 Team
 Online profiling for teaching and ITO
non-teaching personnel October 2022 -
December 2022
 Sustain Mental Health and ___ of teachers
Psychosocial Support (MHPSS) January 2023 availed the 10M ONLY for 44
activities MHPSS districts
 Establish online platform for
All teachers and

 D.O Plaza Government Center, Patin-ay, Prosperidad, 8500 Agusan del Sur
 depedagusandelsur@deped.gov.ph
(085) 839-5456
 Direct all school heads to implement of August 2022 – July 2023 non-teaching
RA 4670 or Compulsory Medical Exam personnel availed Division medical
shall be free of charge for all teachers School Heads
 Physical fitness August 2022 – July 2023Teachers attended
physical fitness
 Hold Spiritual October 2022 –
Upliftment/Development of Adversity December 2022
Quotient Seminar 85% participated theDivision medical Team
activity Div MAPEH coordinator

 Hold seminar on Preventing Financial 85% participated the

Stress seminar
 Provident Loan as capital for
start- up business
Div. EsP Coordinator
Provincial MRVF Team

Accounting personnel,
3. Bolster school-  Require and monitor all schools to August 2022 – July 517 schools Division Medical Team
based nutrition intensify the implementation of Health 2023 implemented the Div DRR

 D.O Plaza Government Center, Patin-ay, Prosperidad, 8500 Agusan del Sur
 depedagusandelsur@deped.gov.ph
(085) 839-5456
services and and Nutrition Programs: programs Div Nutrition and
feeding  Gulayan sa Paaralan Program Health Team
program (GPP) Division TLE
 School-Based Feeding Program Coordinator
 Deworming
 Dental Care

4. Ensure learners’  Direct all school heads to implement August 2022 – July 516 schools SDS
safety DepEd Order 44 s. 2015 on safety and 2023 complied to the School Heads
friendly environment in public and directive Div. ALS Coor
private schools, ALS, CLCs PSDS/PSDI
August 2022 –
 Require all schools to comply e-School September 2022 ____ schools SGOD
Safety Assessment Tool (SSAT) complied to the CID
August 2022 requirement School Heads
 Ensure the implementation of the
guidelines on the prevention of COVID IS Reports of PSDSs/
19 and other infectious diseases under PSDIs CID

 D.O Plaza Government Center, Patin-ay, Prosperidad, 8500 Agusan del Sur
 depedagusandelsur@deped.gov.ph
(085) 839-5456
DO 34, s. 2022 dubbed as School PSDSs/ PSDIs
Calendar and Activities for the School
Year 2022- 2023
5. Ensure the  Monitor intensified implementation of August 2022 – July 2023516 schools Div. WinS focal Person
Implementation WAter, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) implemented PSDS/PSDI
of school-based in schools WinS Div. Medical Team
water, SEF
sanitation, and Adopt-a- School
hygiene (WASH)

 D.O Plaza Government Center, Patin-ay, Prosperidad, 8500 Agusan del Sur
 depedagusandelsur@deped.gov.ph
(085) 839-5456
fundamental in ensuring the holistic learning of our learners. According to
the World Health Organization (WHO), children learn best when they are
safe, healthy, and adequately nourished. Children's involvement and
retention are increased, attendance and participation are likewise
augmented, especially to the most vulnerable students who are the most
affected sector of the society in this pandemic.

Strategy/Objective 1: Strengthening psychosocial health and well-

being among K-12 learners, teaching and non-teaching personnel,
several activities are laid:

 School-Based Feeding Program. This is already institutionalized but this

time this must be strengthened and be monitored by the division office to
ensure all schools are religiously implementing this program of the
Department of Education, assuring that the identified learners under this
program shall achieve the desired weight and nourishment. All schools
then shall submit or provide the division office the accomplishment report
and other data for proper documentation.

 Dental Care Program. This program is already implemented even before

the new normal set-up. This time this should be fully implemented for
proper hygiene of students which is crucial in building confidence of the
learners, thus motivated in going to school every day. School/district

 D.O Plaza Government Center, Patin-ay, Prosperidad, 8500 Agusan del Sur
 depedagusandelsur@deped.gov.ph
(085) 839-5456
dentists together with the division dentist must coordinate for proper
scheduling as the DepEd Agusan del Sur lacks dentists. Reports and other
proper documentation must be forwarded to the focal person in the division

 National Drug Education Program (NDEP) /Barkada Kontra Droga

(BKD). This is in the classroom level all the way up to the school level
specially on Barkada Kontra Droga (BKD). All schools shall see to it that
the BKD is fully functional, and that focal person shall suggest activities
and other school level plans in reiterating to our learners the importance of
a drug-free school and community, therefore creating a conducive learning
environment. Reports then shall be submitted to the division focal person
for monitoring and possible suggestions for improvement.

 Mental Health. The conduct of this activity is timely for the crucial
transition of educational set-up in the reopening of all schools for the face-
to- face classes. All schools then are advised to design school level
activities, seminars, symposia or even classroom maneuverings just to
produce learners ready to face adversities and prepare the mental being to
respond positively to whatever uncertainties may lie ahead. For monitoring
and technical assistance of the division focal person, the field is hereby
requested to submit reports and other data to the aforementioned.

 Comprehensive Sexuality Education Programs/ Adolescent

Reproductive Health (ARH). This program has been integrated in some of
the basic subjects in K-12 Basic Education and shall be fully implemented
this school year. The learning materials are already centralized coming

 D.O Plaza Government Center, Patin-ay, Prosperidad, 8500 Agusan del Sur
 depedagusandelsur@deped.gov.ph
(085) 839-5456
from the central office. The field then is directed to monitor and evaluate
the implementation in the classroom level and suggest mechanisms to
improve its full and proper execution. All school heads may forward their
observation through proper documentation to the division focal person for
further reference.

 Bakuna. In alliance with the Local Government Unit (LGU) through IATF
and its Medical Team, all fields must coordinate on the massive vaccination
among students who are not yet fully vaccinated and booster shots for
some students who completed the basic vaccination. The school focal
persons shall also work hand in hand with the division office by submitting
reports as reference for further action.

 Project HIMSoG (Hiniusang Inisyatibo sa Pagbuntog sa Malnutrisyon,

Sakit ug Gutom alang sa mga Agusanon).This is division-initiated
programs, however activities can still be replicated to the field. All schools
must have to benchmark from these activities and incorporate to the
existing programs they have in schools. The field then is hereby advised to
submit accomplishment reports to the division in-charge.

 We CARE (Compassion, Action, and Resource Enhancement). Another

division-initiated program to make sure all, including our teachers are
properly assisted in their journey as a teacher and as a human being. All
schools then is encouraged to replicate activities in their level which they
think essential in helping and assisting teachers. Proper documentation
should be observed to be forwarded to the division focal person.

 D.O Plaza Government Center, Patin-ay, Prosperidad, 8500 Agusan del Sur
 depedagusandelsur@deped.gov.ph
(085) 839-5456
 Monitor the conduct of psycho-social support among learners from K-12
levels. In this activity, the field is hereby directed to initialize activities:
symposia, classroom orientation or any other activities that are embedded
in the lessons which are vital in helping the students in coping with the
negative impact of the pandemic in their lives and prepare them for in-
person classroom setting. All schools then must submit accomplishment
report or narrative and other data for substantive documentation to the
division office.

Strategy/Objective 2: Build Teacher Resilience: activities are broken

down into:

 Establishing screening and detection mechanisms

 Online profiling for teaching and non-teaching personnel. This activity
is important for our teaching and non-teaching personnel in
stablishing reference and data-based information on their health and
well-being. All schools must adapt this maneuver for them to have a
well-established health data of their own teachers for further reference
which is of huge help in giving medical assistance a worst-case
scenario should happen. These data may link with the division office’s
data base.

 D.O Plaza Government Center, Patin-ay, Prosperidad, 8500 Agusan del Sur
 depedagusandelsur@deped.gov.ph
(085) 839-5456
 Sustaining Mental Health and Psychosocial Support (MHPSS)
 Establishing online platform for MHPSS. This online program on
mental health for teaching and non-teaching personnel is also vital for
all school heads to have a grasp of information of these school
personnel useful in giving mental and psychosocial support if needed.
For consolidation and reference, school heads should also submit
reports to the division focal.
 Directing all school heads to implement of RA 4670 or Compulsory
Medical Exam shall be free of charge for all teachers

This free medical examination for all teachers must be prioritize as

this will be the basic requirement for teachers to render effective
teaching and learning delivery to our learners. All school heads must
also submit narrative report or accomplishment report to the division

 D.O Plaza Government Center, Patin-ay, Prosperidad, 8500 Agusan del Sur
 depedagusandelsur@deped.gov.ph
(085) 839-5456
 Conducting physical fitness activities. This activity entails several
basic sets of physical exercise regimen for our teachers and students
alike. All school heads must devise activities through the school focal
to implement regularly for mental and body fitness. The division office
shall also be notified and be informed trough submission of
accomplishment report.
 Conducting Spiritual Upliftment/Development of Adversity Quotient
Seminar. This program on the spiritual upliftment must not only
focus to learners but most specially for our teachers as they too have
been affected with exhausting and demanding tasks in life as whole.
Accomplishment reports should also be forwarded to the Division focal
and other related entities.
 Conducting seminar on Preventing Financial Stress. Provident Loan as
capital for start- up business. Holding seminar on preventing stress
financial stress would mean that any Private Lending Institutions
(PLIs) should conduct refreshing orientation on proper disposition of
finances. Consolidation of this activity and its accomplishment must
also be provided for reference

 D.O Plaza Government Center, Patin-ay, Prosperidad, 8500 Agusan del Sur
 depedagusandelsur@deped.gov.ph
(085) 839-5456
Strategy/Objective 3: Bolster school-based nutrition services and
feeding program. The Schools Division of Agusan del Sur shall require and
monitor all schools to intensify the implementation of Health and Nutrition

 Gulayan sa Paaralan Program (GPP)

 Deworming

These potent program/activities: Gulayan sa Paaralan Program is also

dubbed as self-sustaining program of the school that can be replicated in
the community. While deworming is also key for ensuring healthy learners
ready to learn in school. Both accomplishment reports are needed by the
division focal persons respectively for monitoring and evaluation.

Strategy/Objective 4: The Division of Agusan del Sur also intends to

ensure the learners' safety in all the 516 schools in its area of concern.

To do this, the office of the school’s division superintendent shall direct all
school heads to enforce the implementation of DepEd Order 44 s. 2015 on
safety and friendly environment in public and private schools, ALS, CLCs. A
division memorandum reiterating such mandate shall also be disseminated
in August 2022. Thus, all public schools District Supervisors and In Charge

 D.O Plaza Government Center, Patin-ay, Prosperidad, 8500 Agusan del Sur
 depedagusandelsur@deped.gov.ph
(085) 839-5456
shall take charge of monitoring the school heads of all schools of the

Furthermore, the division will also further direct all schools to comply with
the guide e-School Safety Assessment Tool (SSAT). The protocols in this tool
shall also be harmonized with the new guidelines set by the DepEd Central
Office. Thus, the division shall ensure the implementation of the guidelines
on the prevention of COVID 19 and other infectious diseases under DO 34,
s. 2022 dubbed as School Calendar and Activities for the School Year 2022-

The fifth strategy that the division will take is to ensure the
implementation of school-based water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH) in all

The Office of the Superintendent through the Health and Nutrition Section
of the School Governance and Operations Division (SGOD) with the help of
school nurses, PSDS and PSDIs will monitor the intensified implementation
of WAter, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) in all schools whole year round.

Several projects and activities shall also be initiated and implemented to be

funded by the regular DepEd budget, Special Education fund and adopt a
school income generating activities shall strengthen the support to schools.

Though it is expected that we cannot enforce instant success for these

programs and projects to take effect at once or in just a wink an eye but
what matters the most is that the division of Agusan del Sur is committed to

 D.O Plaza Government Center, Patin-ay, Prosperidad, 8500 Agusan del Sur
 depedagusandelsur@deped.gov.ph
(085) 839-5456
achieve the learning trajectory of learners through viable and doable
strategies and objectives.

 D.O Plaza Government Center, Patin-ay, Prosperidad, 8500 Agusan del Sur
 depedagusandelsur@deped.gov.ph
(085) 839-5456
Dimension 3: Professional Development

Strategies/ Planned Activities Timeframe Target Outputs Resources Responsible

Objectives Needed Unit
cial/ Material)
1. Provide unified *Orientation on Tamdanan August 17, All Responsible Meals and OSDS, CID,
understanding on sa Paglaum: Hiniusang 2022 (batch Personnel/ Snacks, Printing SGOD
the Division Pagbangon ug 1) Unit/Section were and
Learning Recovery PagPADAJUN sa oriented and have noted Reproduction
and Continuity Edukasyon (The Division August 18 down target/ planned Materials
Plan, and provide of Agusan del Sur (batch 2) activities assigned to
assistance to Learning Recovery and them. Fund Source:
schools in the Continuity Plan) August 19 Division
development of  Batch 1 – EPS, (batch 3) Menu or Options of INSET/MOOE

 D.O Plaza Government Center, Patin-ay, Prosperidad, 8500 Agusan del Sur
 depedagusandelsur@deped.gov.ph
(085) 839-5456
their respective PSDS, PSDI, Division Learning Delivery or
School LRCP Coordinators (F2F) Hybrid Learning
 Batch 2 – All School Delivery Models
(for August 22 to
Heads (F2F)
October 30, 2022)
 Batch 3 – All
Teaching and Non-
Teaching Personnel
Note: Inclusion of the Menu
of Learning Delivery Models
that school heads can
choose from
*Simultaneous Workshop August 19, School Contextualized School All School Heads,
on the Development of 2022 Learning Recovery and INSET/MOOE to be monitored
School LRCP Continuity Plan Funds by and with TA
from the
2. Equip school * Seminar-Workshop on the Phase I. Instructional Plan for Meals and CID (Chief, EPS,

 D.O Plaza Government Center, Patin-ay, Prosperidad, 8500 Agusan del Sur
 depedagusandelsur@deped.gov.ph
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leaders and select Development of a Catch-Up Between the Catch-up Program Snacks, Printing PSDS/PSDI, Div.
teachers in Program (Phase 1 to 3) August 15- per Learning Area for and Coors.)
developing Catch 19, 2022 all Grade Levels (Week Reproduction
Up Program for all 1 and Week 2)/PFA or Materials Pax: School
grade levels Psychological Support Heads, Subject
Activities, MELCS INSET Funds Experts
Unpacked or
Objectives-Activities for
the Week

Phase II. List of the identified

(After the critical points in the
analysis of MELCs for Catch Up
results of Program
Diagnostic Instructional Plan for
assessment) the Catch-up Program
per Learning Area for
all Grade Levels (Week
3 to October 30, 2022)

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Phase III. Lesson Exemplars for
(2 weeks Full Face to Face
prior to Nov. Delivery
*Division Virtual August 19, Unified understanding Internet CID, Division IT
Orientation on the 2022 on the implementation Connection Officer
Implementation of Division of the Catch-up
Contextualized Catch Up Program Pax: School
Program August 19 Heads, Teachers
and Repository of the
onwards Materials and
Instructional Plans to
be used in
implementing the
Catch-Up Program
3. Re-orient *Virtual Reorientation on within the Unified understanding Internet EPS
teachers on the the proper administration 1st Quarter of teachers on the Connection
conduct of of the following assessment purpose and proper Pax: PSDS/PSDI,
standardized tools: administration of School Heads, All

 D.O Plaza Government Center, Patin-ay, Prosperidad, 8500 Agusan del Sur
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assessment tools  EGRA standardized DepEd Teachers
such as EGRA,  EGMA assessment tools concerned
and Phil-IRI
 Phil-IRI

4. Re-integrate *Training-Workshop on as Teachers shall have Meals and EPS/Div. Coors

teachers with Kto12 Critical Content and scheduled demonstrated mastery Snacks,
curriculum and Pedagogy in Teaching (a by of the content and Supplies Pax: Teachers
instruction specific learning area) proponent competence in teaching Materials identified with
specifically on areas the subject. need on Critical
such as content INSET Funds Content and
knowledge and Pedagogy
pedagogy/instructio *Induction Program for for Year 1 Beginning teachers feel SGOD,
n, curriculum and Beginning Teachers November- supported as they PSDS/PSDI
planning, learner onwards transition from pre-
diversity, service to in-service Pax: Beginning
assessment and Teachers
reporting, socio- *Reskilling of School L&D October L&D Coordinators INSET Funds SGOD

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emotional and 21st Coordinators as INSET & 2022 upskilled and reskilled
century skills LAC Key Players on managing and Pax: Select
facilitating L&D School L&D
programs Coordinators
*Seminar-Workshop on the October Repository of LAC INSET Funds SGOD
Development of LAC 2022 Materials (session
Materials on the PPST guides, slide decks,
Indicators (including video lectures) on
TPACK) specific contents
*Seminar-Workshop on as Improved learning INSET Funds EPS/Div. Coors
PRIMALS PLUS scheduled outcomes by addressing
by teachers’ pedagogical
proponent priority needs
*LAC sessions on as Specific needs of School Funds CID, SGOD,
 Classroom-based scheduled teachers were School Heads
Formative and by the addressed.
Summative school
Mastery and
competence in teaching
is being demonstrated

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 PRIMALS PLUS by the teachers to
 ELLN (including facilitate successful
Reading and teaching and learning.
Numeracy Strategies)
 PPST Indicators

*Seminar-Workshop on as Mastery and INSET Funds EPS, Program

Teaching Grammar scheduled competence in teaching Management
Communicatively by grammar Team
proponent communicatively is
being demonstrated by
the teachers to facilitate
successful teaching and
Virtual Orientation on as Increased access on the Website LRMDC, CID
Accessing SDO Agusan del scheduled developed and quality Subscription
Sur’s Online Repository of by assured learning
quality assured learning proponent materials MOOE/LR
materials (Budget of Work, (may be SARO

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Catch-up Program, SLMs, done after
launching of
the online
website of
SDO AgSur)
Seminar-Workshop on the as Mastery and INSET Funds Div. Coor for
Critical Content Skills on scheduled competence in teaching Science, Program
STE by STE Subjects Management
proponent Team
Developed LAS for STE
5. Reskill content *Seminar-Workshop on the Phase I. Unified Summative Test INSET Funds EPS, PSDS/DI,
experts on Development of Unified Three weeks (in SOLO Model) and School Heads,
developing summative tests (in SOLO prior to Performance Tasks for Content Experts
summative Model) and performance Quarter 1 all learning areas in all
assessments and tasks (integrating portfolio, grade levels for Quarter
performance tasks project-based assessment) I and Quarter II
Phase II.

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Three weeks Unified Summative Test
prior to (in SOLO Model) and
Quarter 3 Performance Tasks for
all learning areas in all
grade levels for Quarter
III and Quarter IV
6. Equip Master *Capacity Building of Newly November – List of Newly hired Meals and CID, SGOD
Teachers on Promoted Master Teachers December Master Teachers who Snacks,
instructional  Effective mentoring 2023 attended the CapB Supplies and
supervision and coaching Materials
 Skill as RPMS raters Learning Application
Observation Report

Mastery and
competence of Master
Teachers as Mentors,

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Instructional Leaders,
TA Providers
7. Equip teachers *Issuance of a Year round Teachers utilized ICT in School Funds CID, Division IT
with the KSAVs on memorandum on (as the need the classroom. Officer, School
the effective use of strengthening ICT support arises) ICT Coordinators
technology/ICT on to teachers in the school List of teachers with
classroom through the ff.: conduct of ICT-related needs and
instruction and LAC session, ensuring a 1 mentors, and actions
reporting laptop: 1 teacher ratio undertaken

*LAC session or one-on-one

mentoring and coaching or
support groups, on skills in
ICT use e.g. Presenter skills
- Powerpoint presentation,
MSWord, MSExcel;
utilization of Google or
Microsoft workspace- drive,
email, docs, forms etc.
8. Capacitate school *Create and capacitate pool October Capacitated schools’ Meals and CID

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leaders on effective of trainers on diagnosing 2022 heads and teachers on Snacks, Printing
monitoring and and addressing learning diagnosing and and Pax: Select
evaluation, and loss and designing addressing learning Reproduction, School Heads as
provision of customized need-based loss Supplies and Trainers/
technical assistance learning recovery measures Materials Learning
(acceleration, remediation Facilitators
and intervention) or INSET Funds
designing a contextualized
school or classroom-based
intervention program for
learners at risk
October Capacitated newly Meals and CID (EPS,
*Division-led Municipal-
2022 designated school Snacks, Printing PSDS/PSDI, Div.
based Capacity Building of
heads as TA providers and Coors.)
Newly Designated School
Heads as Technical
Supplies and Pax: School
Assistance Providers
Materials Heads
Reskilling of School Heads November School Heads INSET Funds Select Lunduyan
on Coaching and Mentoring 2022 appreciated the value of Completers

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effective coaching and /CID/PSDS/PSD
mentoring I / APEC Schools
n ICT Coor/SH's

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New challenges demand new approaches, hence, the need to upskill
and reskill our teachers through providing them with a more need-based
continuing professional development tailored fit to the demands of time is a
must, rather than an option.

With the primary goal of bridging or closing the learning loss and gaps
caused by the two-year distance learning brought about by the COVID-19
pandemic, all teachers, together with the school heads and supervisors,
must be equipped with the requisite tools to be able to implement, monitor
and support the implementation of new strategies to be able to successfully
provide appropriate remediation/enrichment/intervention strategies and
address the need to “recover” learning loss or forgotten learning.

For Key Dimension 3, SDO Agusan del Sur hopes to employ the 3-
point strategy namely: (a.) Provision of Instructional Support; (b.) Provision
of Technological Support; and (c.) Provision of Support to School Leaders.

First strategy is PD activities on instructional support for teachers

who are considered as the key actors in planning and implementing
academic intervention/ remediation/ enrichment. The completion of the
Self-Assessment Tool for Teachers and School Leaders shall provide the
schools, district and DepEd a more definite data on their specific needs.
Teachers also should be given and oriented with the menu of learning
delivery or evidence-based approaches that they may employ as bridging

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strategies for recovery and acceleration. In addition, they should be reskilled
or upskilled on developing appropriate and reliable assessment tools as
assessment for and of learning; on recording, interpreting and utilizing
assessment data; and on the various reading and numeracy strategies.

Second strategy is on providing technological support to teachers as

ICT plays as a significant tool in the learning recovery and continuity. This
starts with tracking of teachers per school with/without access to
technology e.g., owned, provided by school, and issuance of a division
memorandum on providing and ensuring 1:1 teacher: laptop/gadget. Since
ICT is better learned when doing it hands-on and immediately applying new
learned skills in the workplace (job-embedded learning), one-on-one
coaching or technical support with a colleague who is ICT proficient or
expert while experiencing it hands-on is the best way to learn and become
ICT proficient, too. After putting up the online repository for all the
developed, quality-assured, and pooled learning materials, a virtual
orientation on the how’s and where to access (guidebook/instructional
manual) shall also be set.

Third strategy is on providing support to the TA providers – the

school leaders – school heads and supervisors. Guided by the premise that
you cannot give what you do not have, newly designated school heads and
supervisors or division coordinators, including highly proficient teachers
(Master Teachers) will be oriented with the Division Learning Recovery and

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Continuity Plan so they too can aid in the development of school
contextualized LRCPs. They must also be equipped with the rigors on the
development and proper administration of reliable assessment tools, on the
technological pedagogical and content knowledge, on the three key
dimensions relating to (1) acceleration, remediation, and intervention in
addressing learning loss, (2) safe learning delivery, (3) nurturing self and
others to be able to become effective mentors/coaches and to provide the
necessary technical assistance.

D. Phases of Implementation

Phase 1: Immediate and short-term strategies/interventions

The recovery of the educational learning process is dependent on the

timely and rapid deployment of appropriate educational planning techniques
and interventions. The first immediate action should be to determine the
availability of resources, both manpower, and materials, to ensure that a
safe and healthy learning support system is established once students
gradually return to their usual classroom environment. School heads are
encouraged to contextualize and implement proposed strategies for

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addressing learning loss and other appropriate and quickly actionable
approaches while ensuring that students and staff’s health and safety are
not compromised. Strategies and activities to accelerate academic and
student well-being recovery shall commence before the opening of classes
and shall be implemented until the first quarter of School Year 2022-2023.

Phase 2: Long-term strategies/interventions

Review and analyze student data from Phase 1 strategies/

interventions. Adjust and begin long-term planning of recovery and
acceleration strategies/interventions for Quarters 2 to 4 of SY 2022-2023

Phase 3: Sustainable improvements

Continue the improvement cycle for strategies/interventions

implemented in Phases 1 and 2 by reviewing and analyzing the collected
data to inform the next steps and engage in long-term sustained strategies
for SY 2023-2024 and beyond.

E. Shared Responsibility

1. Roles, Functions, and Accountabilities per Level of Governance

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a. Schools and School-based Learning Centers/Community
Learning Centers

Schools and school-based learning centers/community learning

centers are the frontline of any education system. This is where the real
process of teaching and learning takes place, and teachers are the ones with
the direct authority to provide instructional innovations and interventions.
For learners to successfully recover from the disruptions caused by the
COVID-19 pandemic, teachers need to be sufficiently empowered and
supported. As schools reopen, teachers must address not only learners’
academic recovery but also their emotional and socio-economic well-being.

b. District Offices

District supervisors will focus on providing professional and

instructional support to the school heads and teachers/facilitators of
schools and learning centers and curriculum and instructional supervision.

c. Schools Division Office

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Schools Division Office, as the primary provider of administrative
oversight to schools and their operations, must coordinate their roles and
actions to address the most pressing issues at the school level, particularly
in terms of learner and personnel safety. SDO will also focus on efficient
policy and plan implementation, equitable and efficient deployment and
utilization of resources, human resource management, progress monitoring,
providing targeted technical support to schools and learning centers, ensure
synchronicity of activities, and building partnership.

2. Stakeholders’ Engagement

Engaging our stakeholders is important to our undertakings,

especially when we need your ‘finger on the pulse’. We want our
stakeholders to work with us, and not against us. Engaging them build
community relations and be responsive to them.
Stakeholder and external partner engagement should be strengthened
in all four phases of the Learning Recovery and Continuity Plan
implementation. Plans and strategies to close learning gaps and accelerate
learning will be more effective and long-term when LGUs, NGAs, NGOs,

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parents, alumni, and anyone else willing to help students reverse the impact
of the pandemic on learning are supported.

3. Communication Plan

A communications plan is a written strategy of communication actions

designed to achieve certain organizational goals or objectives. You want your
message to be heard by the right people, at the right time, and in the right
context. It assists to increase positive awareness of the goals, plan of actions
of the organization and boosts positive public relations. Strategic
communication helps to ensure that any messages coming from an
organization are being received appropriately by your different target
audiences through an appropriate communication channel.

This LRCP must be communicated to all internal and external

stakeholders-an essential step to ensure shared responsibility. This LRCP
shall be published through a Division Memorandum to disseminate to all
internal stakeholders. This can also be presented in the Division
Management Committee meeting. Similarly, schools and school-based
learning center/community learning centers need also to disseminate their
contextualized Learning Recovery and Continuity Plan.

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Communication Target Responsible Schedule
Channel Audience Person

Dissemination of the CID personnel Lorna P. Gayol August 16,

Division LRCP SGOD CID Chief 2022
(Tamdanan sa Paglaum: personnel
Hiniusang Pagbangon og Division Section
PagPADAJUN sa heads
Edukasyon) to the
Division personnel (Face
to face meeting)

Orientation on the CID personnel Lorna P. Gayol August 17,

Division LRCP SGOD CID Chief 2022
(Tamdanan sa Paglaum: personnel
Hiniusang Pagbangon og Division Section
PagPADAJUN) sa heads
Edukasyon to the PSDSs/DICs
Division Management School heads
Committee (Face to face
by batch)

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Dissemination of the Division Lorna P. Gayol August 18,
Division LRCP Personnel CID Chief 2022
(Tamdanan sa Paglaum: PSDSs/DICs
Hiniusang Pagbangon og School Heads
PagPADAJUN) via Teachers
Division Memorandum Parents

Submission of the RD, ARD SDS Minerva T. August 22,

Division LRCP Chiefs of Albis 2022
(Tamdanan sa Paglaum: Functional
Hiniusang Pagbangon og Divisions
PagPADAJUN) to the
Regional Office

Presentation of the Provincial and SDS Minerva T. August 22,

Division LRCP Municipal Albis 2022
(Tamdanan sa Paglaum: Government
Hiniusang Pagbangon og Units
PagPADAJUN) to the Heads of the
Local School Board different line
(Face to face/virtual) agencies, NGAs

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III. Monitoring and Evaluation Mechanism

While the current standards offer us with a good head start, it is by

no means a perfect system. Monitoring and evaluation enhance the
effectiveness of DepEd by establishing clear links between past, present,
and future interventions and results. The DepEd Order No. 29 entitled
“Adoption of the Basic Education Monitoring and Evaluation
Framework” (BEMEF) serves as guide to all DepEd operating units
across the governance level in the conduct of Monitoring and Evaluation
(M&E). Furthermore, decentralized M & E System is promulgated to
ensure relevant, efficient, and effective provision of quality basic
education services to all learners.

A. Context

An overarching Monitoring and Evaluation Framework is the

DepEd M and E Framework as adopted per DO 29, s. 2022. In
evaluating the basis for identifying key evaluation questions, it is
imperative that all basic education plans shall subscribe to the agency’s
Intermediate Outcomes (IOs) and Enabling Mechanisms (Ems) when
applicable. This framework sets out the proposed minimum monitoring
and evaluation requirements to enable effective review of the LRCP.

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Further, an integrated M & E system shall be operationalized to ensure that
each governance level can be efficiently and effectively perform its mandated
roles and responsibilities.

1. Division M&E System

SDOs are mandated to provide timely and demand-responsive technical

support to all schools and CLCs. To effectively perform its mandated tasks in
the governance of basic education, it will require a functioning division-level
M&E system. The system, including processes, tools and templates, and
reporting requirements, will be designed to address the accountabilities of
the SDO management and technical staff.

2. School M&E System

A school-level system for doing M&E work will be established for use by
the school head, teachers, community stakeholders, and learners to
manage the learning process inside the classroom and school. The
school M&E system will be designed to address the school’s decision-
making needs and information requirements and those of its
stakeholders. M&E processes, tools and templates, and reports will be
designed based on school needs and mandates.

3. ALS M&E System

Recognizing the critical role of ALS in addressing the access and learning
needs of OSC and OSY, DepEd will establish and operationalize a
monitoring system specifically devoted to ALS concerns and its target

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The Schools Division M & E system shall focus on determining

effectiveness and inclusiveness of schools in providing the basic education
services, thus customized M and E processes, M and E tools and techniques
shall be integrated (vertically) and horizontally across units.
The Quarterly Program Implementation Review (QPIR) shall be
conducted to assess performance progress and identify any problems that
may arise, and to immediately make corrective actions on bottlenecks
affecting the implementation of the programs/projects. Operational issues
raised in the QPIR should be immediately resolved at the appropriate level of
governance-. However, policy or program level concerns shall be forwarded
to ROs.
Annual or Year-end review shall be done to verify the achievement
of Intermediate Outcomes (IOs). This aims to provide feedback on the
effectiveness of strategies, outputs, and activities as contained in the LRCP.
Further, this will show the efficiency of the division in the delivery of all the
commitments outlined in the LRCP. This will be participated in by internal
and external education stakeholders.


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The primary objective of monitoring is the utilization of inputs
(activities) and outputs, (intermediate) outcomes are also being taken into
On the other hand, evaluation usually occurs during post-activity
schedules and paves way for an assessment of its long-term performance
and efficiency. Evaluation is output-centric. The connections between the
planning cycle, inputs, outputs, and output of the assessment is presented

Focus of
Focus of Evaluation

Output measurement shows the realization of activities. It is

important to note here that while the outcomes may be the focus of the
evaluation, we also need to consider if it’s in-line with prior strategies
as denoted by the solid arrow line connecting them. The dashed line also
denotes the frequent and regular repetition and review of the connected
processes. Outcome measurement shows in what degree direct

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objectives and anticipated results are realized. Without defining clear
and measurable strategies, objectives and activities at the design stage,
M&E becomes an impossible endeavor. This requires the development
of measurable indicators: Specific, Measurable, Achievable / Agreed
upon, Relevant/Realistic, Time-bound (SMART) that permit objective
verification at a reasonable cost.

The purpose of this framework is to provide a consistent

approach to the monitoring and evaluation of the LRCP’s Programs
and Projects, so that sufficient data and information is captured to
review the progress and IOs contribution of the strategies and crafted
interventions. Lessons learned will also be used to inform best practice

Below is the Logic Model for the LRCP as adopted from DepEd
CARAGA LRCP contextualized within the context of AgSur LCRP SY 2022-

Logic Model for the LRCP

The Logic Model (see Figure) in conducting qualitative and

quantitative M&E approaches. M&E may include both quantitative
and qualitative data using the Program and Evaluation Logic

Specific programs to be crafted should have a corresponding M&E plan

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with well-defined indicators of change, outputs, and expected outcomes.
However, in evaluating IOs, specific programs shall be prioritized with due
considerations on time and cost elements in conducting evaluation.


S Activities (IOS) IMPACT
What do WhatParticipation
do What Short Term
What are the Medium
What are Term
we invest? we do? we termLong Term medium-term
Human Conduct of reach? results?
strategies, Number of
Resources, Teachers, conducted
interventio Number of
Situati budget, time, learners, strategies, instructional and
ns, parents,
on and interventions, independent readers,
Priorities programs, education vaccinated
Needs, Vision, mission, schedules, constructed hygiene
meetings, leaders and learners and
analyzed and core values materials and facilities, and gender-
trainings, clients. teachers and segregated CR.
gaps, Resources, local supplies, assessments.
stakehol dynamics,
equipment, assessment. Number of Quality social actions
engagem outcomes technology, recovered skills, practices
and partners and competencies. (handwashing),
ent Formative behavior (attendance
Diagnostic and to school), and
summative action.
assessment .result Etc.


Assumptions External Factors

Evaluation Types


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Annex A
Catch-Up Education Program
Implementation Plan


Since the disruption of Covid-19 in educational system, pivotal

decisions were made to bridge education without compromising health and
safety by shifting to remote learning modalities. The Department of
Education crafted the Basic Education Learning Continuity Plan (BELCP) to
guide schools in the delivery of education in times of pandemic featuring the
streamlined Most Essential Learning Competencies (MELCS). However,
learning loses were noted during remote learning modalities. In a UNICEF
survey majority (84%) of Filipino adults believed that children are learning
less in the remote learning. Early research points to the disruptions to in-
person learning experienced in school year 2020–2021 could result in
students losing between 3 and 11 months of learning (Dorn et. al. 2020;
Kuhfeld and Tarasawa, 2021).

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To meet the daunting challenges of learning loss with consideration of
equitable resources the School Division of Agusan del Sur crafted
TAMDANAN SA PAGLAUM: Hiniusang Pagbangon og PagPADAJUN sa
Edukasyon. This serves as the blueprint of recovery and learning strategies
of the Division that will compass the schools in transcending against
learning pitfalls and get learners back to learning trajectory.

Program Description

This Catch-Up Education Plan is an educational intervention to

address the learning losses brought about by remote learning modalities
during the Covid-19 pandemic.

This Catch-Up Education Program aims to provide:
a. alternative educational ways to learners with learning losses such as,
but not limited to literacy and numeracy skills;
b. foundational preparatory/grade level readiness to learners entering the
new grade level but are lagging behind/have not mastered the pre-
requisite competencies in the learning areas, and
c. learners with opportunities for their wholistic development that are
created and implemented through partnership among the school,
community, and stakeholders of basic education.

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Specifically, all Kindergarten to Grade 12 learners whose final grades

belong to:
a. Did not meet expectation (70-74)
b. Fairly Satisfactory (75-79)
c. Satisfactory (80-84)


A. Planning Mechanics
1. The school shall take the lead in planning for the implementation of
this catch-up education program. The use of school data is
extremely important in reaching learners who will benefit from this
program. The following activities are to be conducted:
a. Prepare individual profile of learners and consolidate according
to their learning needs/gaps.
b. The generated data will be utilized to determine viable and
appropriate educational interventions that are responsive to the
needs and diverse types of learners. Identify suitable and
available locations for implementation, potential
teachers/facilitators/volunteers, instructional resources and
possible partners to support the program.

B. Program Implementation
1. Organize and orient all the teachers and parents of the
beneficiaries and other involved stakeholders.

📌 D.O. Plaza Gov’t Center, Patin-ay, Prosperidad, Agusan del Sur
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📞 (085) 839-5456
2. Provide clear roles and responsibilities of everyone involved in
all program activities.
3. Articulate the resource-sharing arrangements, e.g. DepED
will take charge of the instructional materials through school
MOOE, meanwhile, LGUs/NGOs can tap their own funding
sources for expenses such as the honoraria of
teachers/facilitators, school feeding program, learning sites
and other needs of the beneficiaries.
4. The schedule of implementation should be clearly discussed.
Below is the suggested timetable of activities.
Responsible Period of Implementation
August September October November December
Division Conduct of Conduct of
Office orientation initial
District Mapping of assessment
Offices least learned
Schools competencies
and profiling
of learners
District Submission
Offices of data to
Schools the Division
Start of the Continuation of the catch-up activities
Division Assessment
Division Provide strong support on activities in the Conduct close
Office school’s catch-up activities monitoring and
Provide technical assistance evaluation
Consolidate data and submit reports to the Coordinate with
Regional Office Regional Office in terms
of technical and logistic
Document program

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📞 (085) 839-5456
accomplishment report
and submit to the
Regional Office

5. The schools shall start conducting catch-up activities after

the learners have been identified, assessed, and properly
referred to or placed in their appropriate educational
6. The catch-up program shall be conducted after classes, or the
school may opt for a shortened period of classes to give ample
time for intervention activities.
7. The catch-up program can also be implemented by pull out
system wherein another teacher/facilitator will be assigned to
cater the learners in the catch-up program.

C. Program Delivery Mode

1. School-based catch-up classes can be done to those identified
learners after regular/shortened class periods.
2. School-based classes can also be done to those who will opt
for pull-out system if there are available classrooms. If there
are rooms used for a half a day, these can be utilized as
classrooms for pull-out classes in the catch-up program.
3. Home-based catch-up classes can be done to the learners
preferably with gadgets. Their learning can be remediated and
enhanced through TVBI using video lessons and digitized
learning sheets through the use of tablets, RBI lessons
through tablets/radios, and using the printed activity sheets
and other reading materials.

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🌐 deped.agusandelsur.gov.ph
📞 (085) 839-5456
D. Curriculum for the Catch-Up Program
The Most Essential Learning Competencies (MELCs) were provided by
DepED as the primary reference for all schools in determining and
implementing learning delivery approaches that are suited to the local
context and diversity of learners, while adapting the challenges posed by
The MELCs enable teachers to focus instruction to the most essential
competencies that all learners must acquire, thus, developing them to life-
long learners.


To ensure full support on the program implementation, the schools may

design measures when appropriate, to wit:
1. Formulate MOA with other stakeholders or members involved in the
program for continued support;
2. Explore possibilities to grant service credits to teachers willing to serve
with reference to DepED Order No. 23, s. 2003, Updated Guidelines on
Grant of Vacation Service Credits to teachers; and
3. Provide assistance in terms of contingency needs of the teachers,
facilitators, e.g. basic supplies and instructional materials, etc.


To ensure effectiveness of the implementation program, the Schools
Division Office is expected to:
1. Conduct close monitoring as well as provide technical assistance to
ascertain compliance of the catch-up program as planned;

📌 D.O. Plaza Gov’t Center, Patin-ay, Prosperidad, Agusan del Sur
🌐 deped.agusandelsur.gov.ph
📞 (085) 839-5456
2. Gather feedbacks from the program implementers as basis for
planning, improvement, and policy formulation, and
3. Prepare and submit the required consolidated reports.


ACCELERATING LEARNING RECOVERY worldbank.org retrieved from


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📌 D.O. Plaza Gov’t Center, Patin-ay, Prosperidad, Agusan del Sur
🌐 deped.agusandelsur.gov.ph
📞 (085) 839-5456
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School Calendar and Activities for School Year 2021-2022

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Amendment to DepEd Order No. 030, s. 2020 (Amendment to

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🌐 deped.agusandelsur.gov.ph
📞 (085) 839-5456
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🌐 deped.agusandelsur.gov.ph
📞 (085) 839-5456

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