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(a) Award ONE mark for a response that indicates sugar dissolves:

• the sugar dissolves;

• it forms a solution.
Do not give credit for an insufficient response:
• it mixes with water.

(b) Award ONE mark for a response describing the evaporation of the water:

• the water evaporates;

• it changes into water vapour.


• it boils.
Do not give credit for a response that includes incorrect science
implying the sugar evaporates with the water:
• the mixture will evaporate/change to water vapour.
Do not give credit for an insufficient response describing what
happens to the whole mixture not just the water:
• it bubbles;
• it goes golden brown.

(c) Award ONE mark for:

• temperature


(d) Award ONE mark for:

• Wood is a poor conductor of heat


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(e) Award ONE mark for a response stating that the mixture has cooled:

• the tray cooled the mixture down;

• the temperature of the mixture has dropped;

• it cooled down.


• it has frozen.
Do not give credit for an insufficient response:
• it goes hard because water evaporates;
• it dries up [enough water does not evaporate when it is
poured into the tray];
• the mixture solidifies/goes hard/ sets.
Do not give credit for an insufficient response referring to a
• they put it in a tray;
• the tray has been in a freezer (given).

M2. (a) Award ONE mark for correctly completing all four rows of the table:

Solid Beaker

soil B

vitamin tablet D

plastic beads A

salt C

(b) Award ONE mark for a response indicating the solid dissolved:

• salt/it dissolved;

• it formed a solution.
ONE mark may be awarded for a response stating that the vitamin
tablet dissolved if the pupil has identified that the vitamin tablet is in
beaker C in part a).
Do not give credit for an insufficient response that does not explain
what happened to the solid:
• it disappeared.
Do not give credit for an insufficient response:
• it mixed with the water.

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(c) Award ONE mark for:

• Beaker D.
ONE mark may be awarded for:
• vitamin tablet.

(d) Award ONE mark for:


(e) Award ONE mark for an indication that Safara should evaporate the water:

• evaporate the water;

• by evaporation.
ONE mark may be awarded for a response explaining the beaker
should be moved to a warmer place and/or left to dry:
• move the beaker on to a (sunny/warm) window sill;
• put the beaker on a radiator;
• by heating it.
Do not give credit for an insufficient response where it is
ambiguous what is evaporating:
• evaporate the mixture;
• evaporate it [it refers to the salt].
Do not give credit for an insufficient response:
• filter the solution.

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M3. (a) Award ONE mark for an indication that the salt will dissolve in
the water but the sand will not:

• The salt will dissolve/form a solution

The sand will stay as it is/do nothing/sink/go to the bottom
of the jar.
ONE mark may be awarded for indicating that the salt will dissolve
in the water but the sand will not:
• The salt will dissolve
The sand will not (dissolve).
Do not give credit for an insufficient response:
• The salt will disappear
The sand will stay (in the water) [implies the salt
is no longer present].
1 (L4)

(b) Award ONE mark for a response indicating that the sand
remains in the filter while the water and salt go through:

• The water goes through the filter paper

The salt goes through the filter paper (with the water)
The sand stays in the filter paper.
ONE mark may be awarded for:
• The water goes through
The salt goes through (with the water)
The sand does not go through.
Do not give credit for an insufficient response describing the sand:
• The sand blocks the hole up
• The sand stays in the funnel
[implies it has passed through the filter paper to
the funnel]
• The sand stays the same.
1 (L5)

(c) Award ONE mark for:

• evaporation

1 (L4)

(d) (i) Award ONE mark for:

• steel paperclips
and rice
1 (L4)

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(ii) Award ONE mark for indicating that the steel paperclips will
be attracted to the magnet and the rice will not:

• the steel/paperclips stick(s) to magnets but rice does not

• the paperclip will be pulled out of the rice.

ONE mark may be awarded if part (d)(i) has been answered
incorrectly but an appropriate description is given that explicitly
names and explains how steel paperclips and rice can be
ONE mark may be awarded for a response indicating that steel is
attracted to a magnet but that does not refer to the rice or for a
response recognising that only one of the materials is magnetic but
without identifying which one:
• steel is attracted to magnets
• because one is magnetic (and one is not).
Do not give credit for a response that includes incorrect science
which implies other pairs of materials can be separated by a
• the magnet picks up the brass pins but not the peas.
1 (L5)

M4. (a) Award ONE mark for:

• filtering;

• filtration.
ONE mark may be awarded for:
• filter.
Do not give credit for an insufficient response:
• evaporation.

(b) Award ONE mark for explaining that sand remains in the filter and/or the
water passes through:

• the water goes through the filter but the sand cannot because it is too big;

• the holes in the filter paper let the water through, but the sand is too big;

• only the water can go through the filter;

• the sand stays in the filter.

ONE mark may be awarded for a response that recognises that
the sand does not dissolve or that the sand has larger particles
than the water (and therefore will not go through the filter with the
• because it does not dissolve;
• the particles of sand are larger than the particles of water.

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ONE mark may be awarded for a response that describes the
water evaporating to leave the sand behind.
Do not give credit for an insufficient response:
• the sand can be separated because it has large particles [no
comparison with water].

(c) (i)(a) Award ONE mark for naming the process of separation:

• sieving/using a sieve.
ONE mark may be awarded for:
• sieve.
ONE mark may be awarded in 7c ia if sieving is named in part 7c
ib and the response to part 7c ia is general or not attempted.
ONE mark may be awarded for:
• blowing/air.
Do not give credit for a response that includes incorrect science
describing filtering with paper:
• using filter paper.

(b) Award ONE mark for a correct description of the sieving process
indicating that the flour passes through while the rice stays in the sieve:

• The flour goes through the sieve.

The rice stays in the sieve;

• The flour goes through the holes.

The rice is too big.
ONE mark may be awarded for the correct description of blowing
the flour away:
• The flour gets blown away.
The rice stays.
ONE mark may be awarded for a correct description of sieving if
7cia is insufficient or incorrect.
Do not give credit for a response that includes incorrect science
clearly indicating that a filter is being used:
• The flour stays in the filter;
The rice stays in the filter.
Do not give credit for an insufficient response that does not
describe what happens to both the flour and the rice:
• The flour... .
The rice stays in the sieve.

(ii)(a) Award ONE mark for naming the process of separation:

• using a magnet.
ONE mark may be awarded in 7c iia if a ’magnet’ is named in part
7c iib and the response to 7c iia is general or not attempted.

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(b) Award ONE mark for a correct description of the separation
indicating that the steel/nails will be attracted to the magnet
and the brass/screws will not:

• The steel nails will be attracted to the magnet.

The brass screws will not;

• The steel nails will go/stick to the magnet.

The brass screws will stay behind.
Do not give credit for an insufficient response that does not
describe what happens to both the nails and screws:
• The steel nails will be attracted by the magnet.
The brass screws...

M5. (a) Award ONE mark for an unambiguous indication of:

• sugar C;

• small grains.

(b) Award ONE mark for an indication that she is checking for
consistency/reliability of her results:

• to check (her results);

• to make sure (of her results);

• to see if her results were about the same each time;

• just in case the first one was not right;

• to see if the times were right;

• to make the results better.


reference to averages [not always relevant, as unusual results can affect the
average, but allowable in this case as the data for each of tests 1–3 are similar]:

• to get the average time.

Do not give credit for an insufficient response:
• to be exact [she is checking for similar results,
not exact results];
• to check/make sure it was fair; [given in the stem].
Do not give credit for a response indicating that repetition would
improve the design of the test or make it work better [a badly
designed test will not be improved by repetition].

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Do not give credit for a response that does not indicate
understanding of reliability:
• three times is better than once;
• one is not enough;
• because it is science.

(c) (i)(ii) Award TWO marks for a general comparison describing the relationship
between the two variables of grain size and time taken to dissolve:

• the bigger the grains, the longer they take to dissolve;

• the smaller the grains, the quicker they dissolve.


reference to ease of dissolving in place of time:

• the smaller the grains, the easier they are to dissolve.



If you are unable to award TWO marks, award ONE mark for TWO
specific comparisons describing the relationship:

• small grains dissolve fast and big grains dissolve slowly;

• the biggest grains take longest to dissolve and the smallest grains
are quickest.

Award ONE mark for a single comparison of the variables:

• the biggest grains dissolve slowest;

• small grains are faster.


reference to ease of dissolving in place of time:

• large grains are harder to dissolve.

Do not give credit for a response that changes a variable (eg
confusing grain size with mass):
• the more sugar the longer it takes;
• the bigger the grains, the longer it takes, because there is
more sugar to dissolve;
• the smaller the grains, the quicker they dissolve, because
there’s less sugar;
• the bigger the grains, the longer to melt.
Do not give credit for a response that includes incorrect science:
• the bigger the grains, the longer it takes because it needs more
energy to dissolve.

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M6. (a) Award ONE mark for:

• B, C, A.


• 14, 18, 23.


(b) (i),(ii) Award TWO marks for generalisations (consistent with the data)
about the relationship between the two variables of temperature and
volume which use two comparatives:

• the higher the temperature, the less water left in the jar;

• the lower the temperature the more water left in the jar.


• the higher the temperature the more evaporation;

• the lower the temperature the less evaporation.



If you are unable to award these TWO marks, use the following requirements to
check if the response should be awarded ONE mark.

Award ONE mark for describing one or more of the bars on the chart:

• there is more/most water left in the cool room;

• there is less/least water left in the hot room.


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