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1 LWE are the school Introduce yoursett Talk about schools Talk about timetables Ask ang tell the'time Ask personal questions and answer them Ask for permission and make requests Write about a friend @ observe these pictures of Jennifer's school life. 4 lo rom e i) o%100 10:60) PE Maths jo}00- 1100 Italien BREAK n30-4230 Science 1280:15:50 English English — LUNCH Soc | a AFTER SCHOOL CLUBS 1600-1 Basketball Baccotball © Findin the pictures 8b 9° ssguitercus =O) % 2. Gengranity teacher C) Gs urifacm Oo 3, aschoolglevaround ©) Fe atlock oO 4, p timetaoie Oo 8. canteen Oo @ True orialse? 4, Jennifer.goes to school frit Monday to Frith 2. She has lunich at schaal 5. She cocks her hunch, 4, She hes Science lessonsiin the lab 1B. Her Schaal doy is trom VE.m.10 5 p.m &., There are [Zobligat6ry subjects:at-schoot OOOCCOD 7. ‘There aro opticnat subjatis. Let's create a PowerPoint presentation about special people al school! ‘You will ¢reate 2 presentation if @ persion in your school you consider to be special view Pre Look for tigs-on how to build your project on’p. 11. You will, complete the project on-p. 18. & VOCABULARY School subjects @ @ Choose the correct option. © French «: Gedgiaphy © ICT information w: Sclence and Communication PE Technology] 4 My classmate does excallent cartwhesis in our PE lesson, in we work with different kinds of maps. 3. Hove working in the tab. is my favourite subject. 4. Our teacher is from France. 5. Our lessons are inthe, ‘computer raom on Mondays. b. Complete the following sentences. What's your teacher's name? 1. My art teacher is 2, My Musié teacher is 3. My English teacher is 4. My History teacher is 5. My Maths teacher is. Time. @ Match the times to the clocks. ep es “es wa “ee QA rate past tour QO quarter to wo QO rattpasiten QO quarer past usve OO drive tock QO midsighe © Look at the timetable and answer the questions. 1. What tiie is Science? af eleven o'cloct 2. What time is PE? 3. What time is History? 4. What time is break? SS Ge © discuss. 41. What are your favourite subjects? 2. Where aré the lessons? 3. What time arg your English lessons? 4, What tite are your Stienice lessons? 5. Where'do yau'go.at break? a, Ask and answer questions about your timetable. A: What tine. is Science? & A clever geloek: b. Write true and false sentences about your timetable. Ask your classmate to identify the wrong ones. Then, switch roles. As On Thursdays’ English i at io’o'zlock in the, gyre @: Falgel Oi Theirsdays Griglish is But o'clock inthe classroom: Ecce Juan Mantovani School by Marina Alonso Hil Tm Marina Alonso and I'm 13 years old. Im in year | ab the Juan ] Mantovani Art School in Wélobeour caretaker: Marr Santa Fe (Argentina). s Every month, ste go to different In tho future, want to be a chibs where local artists teach painter and a sculptor, sol goto Ourschool subjects are Spanish __us different things. Ibs awesome! thie special school Its for Feudonts English Socal Stasi, Science, This month T'm going to the Living aaho went to be ereabive and learn Maths and Citizenship They are Statues Club and next month I alot about art, ebligatory subjects, and co are avant to go to the Tiles Club ‘The echool day starts at 7.00 Brenig Pak tdi abe Botley: ‘Sometimes, we loave the clastroom a and finithes a 430.1 is long. ‘We have some optional subjects brit untidy. Mr Forn. the caretaker IrutIlike i. Some daye, there are too. This year Tim studying never complains and tidiee up. cial activities We visit museums. Colonial Art History. Its hard We love hil rate hospital walls or eve ‘bub its really interesting! Luckily 4.4 sntimes we help him with workshops on different artistic ‘Mise Arnau the librarian, aways {)! sae mecite Halo hime productions, gives me the books I need or helps es: Ihe to find information in tho Ye work really hard, bub we are computer, Ses olny conn ene ‘We donit have PE lessons because Thats ART in the afternoon there are a let of extracurricular activitie: We visit children or elderly people sn hospitals and narcing homes. Web to be conve @ Look at the pictures. What can you @ Correct the following information. see? Do you do these activities in B 1. Marina ist your school? 2.. Juari Mantevani is typical school e Read the text and number the 3. Marirla wants to go to the Clown Club. pictures in order. 4, Students help the teachers with the'cleaning, 5. Sturlents-at Juan Maiitavani Sehodl do 6 Read the article and answer. soliderily éctivities in the merning 1. Whats the name of the school? 2; When does the school day start? Whien doesit ed? 3, Wht do students docn the afternoon? 4, Who arethe teachers in the:clubs? © what is your school like? 5. Who |s.an important person for Marina? Why? © compare your school with Juan Mantovani School. What is the CEE ef same? What is different? 2909000000000000000006 GRAMMAR Verb: ta be Study and complete the table. Cain Fimie student. ‘ou'tetiny classmate, He'bour PE teacher ‘She's in grade. Its att past four inyoar ?. ‘Theyreinnetab. He ist in the gyrn She Iisa’ teak time. We ‘They CEE) Iminot a French teacher, Youarenta taretaker: 3 teacher inyeor9. in the classroom. Ate they Cerny ‘Am Ishe Isicho Are w Eien) Yes. lam: / No|mnot. Yes, you Yes. he is (No, heisa’t Yes, she is. / No, she Yes. ir No, it isnt, fe Yes, we Yes. they are./ No. they See Gtammmar Reference 1, Extca Practice hook: p: 2 @ 2. Complete the sentences with the affirmative of fo be. Use contracted forms where possible. 1. Myname. i8 — Jenny. 21 inyear 3. Thaschoot headmaster English 4 My newschool great. 5. My class teacher Me ‘Stevens, 6. She verynice 7 We rally happy in bur Rew Schdol. b. Complete the text about Imran with the affirmative (+] or negative [-] of to be. This) iS (-)thitteen. He® . (-TAustratian: He® Gl imran, He? (+l twelve, He Il from Manchester: He lies hisinew school. It . (4) coal. It's big and maderr. The computer room? [s) fantastic. The teachers (4) really frienily: Ms Stevens” [fib class teacher It's Ms Harris. itis important t6 pronounce he and she'correctly, ©® Listen and repeat. She's thirteen. He's welve ©® Listen and repeat. 1. He's Englich ‘2, She's Australian. Match the questions [1-6] to the answers [a-fl, 1, Are you Daniel? 2. Are youl 14 years old? 3, Isyour English teacher very old? 44, Is Mr Jones your teacher? 5, Isydur school new? 6. Are the students in your class happy? a No, he’s 23. b. No, I'm David & Yes, itsvery new, d. No, Mr Jones isn't our teacher No, I'm 18. f, Yes, they are. No, you.aren't 7 No, we-aren't 3, Ho's friendly, 4, She's hapyy. OOO0G®e Adjectives Study the box. My school ie me | go tog modern choal, > See Grammar Reference t; Extra Piecticn took, 2:2 @ Complete the sentences with adjectives from the box. @ bard wi best. fevourite «typical ow easy Klong special 4s AHSisnota YPIeal high school. 2 My subject is PE, 3. My friend is good at History. 4. Maths is We work lot to pass! 5. Ourlunch break is 6 Atour school there are hve clubs. 7. Itisi'ta difficult test, I's very Prepositions-of time Study the box. ian Tuesday. on 24th Navember IiuNovernber.imautumn, im the morning fat eight o'clock: at midoight 5:See-GraminarReletbnge', Extra Practiesbedh, oc 2 © a. complete the note with the correct prepositions, b. Reread the note and answer the questions. 1. Where are PE lessons in June? 2. What lime are PE lessons? 3. When is the Maths exam? | dbet we towers GRAMMAR o Write the prepositions. 4. At Is our ICTeléss on Wednesday? Novitisn’t. tis. Dit Friday 'A: What time'is the break? B 10.90.a,rn, ‘A: When is the:excursion to the museum? B 2 this Irs. Monday. Where is the Science class toxiay? tes, the lab: @ Ask and answer these questions with your classmate, 1 2 When is your birthday? ‘When'is our next English lace? 2 4 When are the winter holidays? When iis Independence Day? 6 Now ask and answer the following questions. Give short answers. 11. your sctiaal /big? ATR youir Sekiool. big? Be Ves, it is. your best friend / clever? 3. your English teacher / a man? a 5 PE classes / inthe gym? Maths /in the science tab? PowerPoint presentation about special people at school Tip = Think about the person you will describe in your PPT (PowerPoint) presentation. Remember to mention what he /she does. Ask him her about his / her irieteble ai school. Think about why he/ she is important fo:you. Use the'exampies in Exercise 1 of this section in your description. Use the correct form of the verb to be! WRITING Write about & friend: Paragraphs A piece of writing can have one or more paragraphs. Write'related information in the seme paragraph, You can’indent the first line of each paragraph. @ a. Match the adjectives to the nouns 1. nite, Friendly, goes 2. small, comfortable, big 3, herdeasy; fun O000 & modern, primary, old a. ‘subject b. friend ©. classroom schol b. Complete with the correct adjective from Exercise 1a. 1. If you are nice tc:people.and enjoy being with thers, you are 2. Something is wher it is vary difficult 3. When yousit-dn a ouch: you feat relaxed. 4, Tho oppositeet new is 5. Acomputer or @ phone with new technology is Descriptive adjectives Use sijectives to‘enrich your piece of writing. Adjectives describe'things, people and places: @ a. Read the ID card and the text about Jenny. ‘Names Jenny Burros ages 12 ‘Wationality:Austelion Schook Brenton chook Fevourite subjects)-F and Enaish Favourite place(s)in tha school: My friend's ame is Teeny Burrow. ‘She's 8 years old and she's Australian, ‘Tenny is a student a Brenton Seroo, Wor sckook ‘enoe and modern. ter famounte subjects are PE and Engliah, Her favourite place in ‘te school the canteen. if big ard comfortable ter best foend’s name is Ruth. She's nice 2d friendly. Rut eet in Tey cage but e's inthe same school b. Match paragraphs 1-3 to these topics. Best friend Favourite school area OOO Jenny c. Imagine you are Jenny Burrows, Describe your school timetable. Reread the text on page 9 or listen again to track 5 to get inspired! Schidel days starts at. © a. Complete the ID card with information about a classmate. Name: eee Age: a Nationality: -.onrouenesnnnstn= Favourite subjects) * Favourite placefs) in the sehoot Bese friends b, Use the information on the ID card to write about your classmate. Add details and divide the information into paragraphs. END of PROJECT | PowerPoint presentation about special people at school @ = Now that you have chosen the person you will talk about, write down all the information you will include in your PPT. = Put the information you will include in order. Remember to check the Project Tip to include everything. Make a plan like this one: Slide 1: Personal 10) Slide 2: Slide Slide hoto of the school where she or he goes / works ig / Her timetable use your mabile ar borrow one and take'a selfie with this person. © ®Don't forget to save your PPT presentation. You can share it with other people through a social network. Don’t forget to bring your computer or tablet for the presentation! Make sure that everybody can have a look at it. ar) 2 jescribe your special person and include a pic ai you with him or her! If you don't have any, é WE are the school VOCABULARY @ Complete the web with the words in @ Complete the sentences. the box 1. i _Ge0grPHY _ we fearrabbul maps, library > ‘scisnes lab 2. In we learn to.do different » canteen © lessroam sports, computer room 3. In we learn about musical instruments, a. tn ‘we'leatt about computers 5s In we learn'te do experiments. 6 Write the correct times. o & a, four o'clock b. « a e, £ © © Listen and complete. é e | Subpct | Wecressay | Thrsday © [Maths Jam ST Music © | Geegapiy | Irene ape g History Fare. © | Loch a Tp e : e © e e > % a. hy sohoe. There are? story and Geegraphye.— — READING © Read the text about Ana's school. Match the names of the places to the pictures. © Answer the questions. 00 Ana. This 16.98. soho, Bolte Park Lamm Year? 150 students, We ten subjects: Engish, Masks, Setar) — ape Tacos ICT, 6, French, Spans, _ He Bon Seniendaty Sehools iiss We warteee Yon ear -* fod ere. The food isn’t ‘baud but the cant “ey nog 0 unelnes © Write the name of the place. 1. Whiicly year is Ane in? Year 7. 41, You comerhere to learn. 2. How many students-are there in the school? school 3.. How many subjects are there? 2. Youread newspapers here. A. What sports are there? 3. You play rugby here, 5, Where are the relerence books? 4. Youeat hot food here. 6 Which things are there in the-science tab? 3: The computersiare here, 8. Yourdo experiments here. 7, (S thie food Horrible? GRAMMAR @ Look at the pictures, Write a @ Write negative sentences. sentence, a question and a short ae hms answer for each picture. a (im not 16, 2. You're English 3. Her favcorité subject is Science. 4, Jenny afd her family are irom France, 5. We're from Mexico. 1. She /8 ‘She's B / Is-she BP Yes; she is. 6. He's my classmate: © Match the questions (1-7) to the answers [a-g). What's yoirr name? When's your birthday? Where's your schdol? What's your favourite subject? Who is your Art teacher? 3, They/ at home. 4 It/ mot / PE ¥ How old are you? What time is Geotiraphiy? sMeagaupe OQ000008 af 10 o'clock in Manchester int May History 13 Victor emp an se Ms Evairis 5. They/not/atechool 6, She / net /at the © Write true answers to the questions faerie (1 to 5) in Exercise 3. My name is yay | © Put the words in order. 1. niée'/ our / is /sctioo! 2. is / subject / Maths / a / difficult 3. Arty favourite / my fis /suBject Ay got tab /we/ new) af have 5. is / gym there/ big /a 6: good /are / they / very [friends © write in, at or on. » Join the schol taotball team! wher?! Api rices* ons vet Thursdays Vesa! 6.60 pmenkivish® ba pm Chanpicnstip ay hs @ Complete the questions with Can / or Can you. 1 lendme a pencil?’ Of course, Here you are. 6 tathe toilet, please? “Yes. Be quick! 3 reaat Yes, please. Read Pert 1. a explain that again?” ‘Sure: No problem. LISTENING @ ©© Listen to Imran’s mum and put her questions in order. a. Are the teachers nice? b. What's his iiarne? «And what about lunch? fra the studénts in your class nice? ¢. |s theres computer room? f. Is thera gym? 9. Go.you Uke your new echoot? fh, & gicifriend? © Match these answers to the questions above 1, Yes, it's great: 2, His name's Mr Thomas. 3: No, Mum, just friend 4, Yes, I've yot a new friand 5. Yes, there’s-¢ big gym. 6. Ttiefood's not ba 7. Yes, very nice, espacially our. class teacher 8, Yes, with’ 30 computers, OOQ0000C0O OO OCO00®S "9 WRITING @ Complete the paragraphs with sentences from the box. They tike Music-and Art. © [mia studeht at Lincblr School, «We playitin the gymand it's fun: We'do a lot of exersisas in-class, 1. -Myname is Jeriny, I'm 14 years old. 2. My fevourile subject is Maths: It's hard bus Nove it. 3. My best friends are Daniel and Laura. They don't ike Maths. 4, like sports: My favourite.sport is biigketball © Match adjectives to opposite meanings. 1. good a. new 2 easy by boring 3. small short A, old hard 5. long 2. bad 6 tun big © What can these adjectives describe? Add one more word to each group. 1. friendly, nice 2 iriend, @ teacher. 2. hard, sifficul anexercise, atest, 3. ew, modern lab, a classroom, fun, interesting ateacher, 2 600K, @ Complete the information about Lara. Tim British # her classroom French and History © Lara Lene . erotics \ [On UK TVINUM\U Narrie: Age: Nationality: 4 Favourité subjects: Favourite place'at school: Special club: Best friend: 6 Use the information on the ID card towrite about Lara. Divide the information into paragraphs, Use adjectives to add details. Her name is Lara Lane. She is, VOCABULARY @ Complete the sentences. 1. What's yaur favourite __ John?’ “art at Schaal, 2. There is agood in my School where we'cari read banks or Sty. 3. We stucy algebra in the 4. Atmyschool, -6'clock in the canteen. 5: Tom has PE inthe Monday and Friday at school 6. Break is-et 70,0 in the __. 7. We go to the experiments, GRAMMAR @ Circle the correct option. in the library. bis class, isatone. every todo 1, Sam are 2. My birthday ib, ain beat Hor best friends baisn't cam not, a your Geography teacher? be Are he eam May. Gaon 3, in her classroom, aaren't as Heis: elshe 5. Ivegova a.new classmate by classmate new e new classmates: 6. “Are they in Year 97 “Yes, marethey buthbyare = Gare 7. ‘Is PE your favourite subject?” ‘No, aitisnt — beitis che isa't 8. Musicis Fridays. aat bein eon 9. Break is 1020am, aon bein cat 10. Maths tesis.are a.big b. hard anew 11, Jeremy arid Becca ‘classmates. aeisn't bearen’t ‘&.not are. SELF-CHECK 8 Complete with the correct form of the verb to be. Use contractions when possible. 1. Margaret Her classes are fun. 2. Hacry British. He's American. a ‘you 8-goed student, Paula? 4, Heito. | John. 5, The students in my class at school really friendly. 6: My nate is Poul and this isiAlex. We friends. Ts Myneme ‘our Science teacher. Tom: 'm 12 & My teachers 9% Tomand Lily. 10. PE veryfunny. in the library, my favdurite subject. ENGLISH IN USE @ Write appropriate questions for the answers. wo 2 Matfas. 2 2 Thirteen. a 2 ‘Argentina. a 2 In March, 5 7 At three. 6 ol Inthe computer room: 7 History. Bo ‘Ms Jameson, ° oe z Tmfing. Thanks. 10, B ‘Yes: Sally is our-Science teacher.

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