The Brazilian Seismographic Network RSBR Improving Seismic Monitoring

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The Brazilian Seismographic Network (RSBR):

Improving Seismic Monitoring in Brazil

by Marcelo B. Bianchi, Marcelo Assumpção, Marcelo P. Rocha, Juraci
M. Carvalho, Paulo A. Azevedo, Sérgio L. Fontes, Fábio L. Dias, Joaquim
M. Ferreira, Aderson F. Nascimento, Marcos V. Ferreira, and Iago S. L.
The Brazilian Seismographic Network (RSBR) began operat- seismological stations in the country can be found in Bianchi
ing in 2011 with the joint effort of four different institutions: et al. (2015).
Universities of São Paulo (USP), Brasília (UnB), Rio Grande Seismology restarted in Brazil in the late 1960s with the
do Norte (UFRN), and the National Observatory (ON). installation of the station NAT in 1965 by the U.S. Geological
Initially funded by Petrobras (Brazilian State Oil Company) in Survey (USGS), as part of the WWSSN, and the T-shaped ar-
a large-scale infrastructure project that started in 2009, RSBR is ray station in Brasilia in 1967 by the British Geological Survey.
now sponsored by Brazilian Geological Survey (CPRM). Another boost to seismological research in Brazil occurred in
Station installation began in 2011 in southeast (SE) Brazil and the 1970s due to a need of seismic hazard studies related to
finished in 2014 in the Amazon. The network is composed of nuclear power plants and several occurrences of dam-induced
84 stations (as of December 2017) operated by those four in- seismicity (Assumpção et al., 2002). That helped consolidate
stitutions. CPRM now coordinates the general maintenance the first four seismology groups (University of Brasília [UnB],
and compilation of the Brazilian Seismic Bulletin. RSBR has University of São Paulo [USP], Federal University of Rio
lowered the detection threshold down to mb 3.5 for earth- Grande do Norte [UFRN], and the National Observatory
quakes in Brazil as a whole, and in some areas, such as northeast [ON]). Even though collaboration and data exchange occurred
(NE) and SE Brazil, detection thresholds are about mb 3.0. among the four groups, each one developed independently
Besides monitoring Brazilian and South American seismicity, with local projects to monitor natural and induced seismicity.
RSBR serves as a backbone for temporary deployments to International partnerships with the global monitoring system
study crustal and upper-mantle structure. were also established to install the stations BDFB (USGS
network), SPB (GEOSCOPE), PTGA, RCBR, and SAML
(Incorporated Research Institutions for Seismology).
INTRODUCTION With financial support from Petrobras and the long-term
vision of its directors, Brazilian Seismographic Network (RSBR;
Deployment of seismographic stations in Brazil date back to see Fig. 1) was born as an effort to better integrate the four nodes
1899, when the National Observatory, in Rio de Janeiro, (ON, UnB, UFRN, and USP) and establish a network of seismic
attempted to install a German Rebeur-Ehlert triple pendulum stations to (1) monitor Brazilian seismicity with improved capa-
(Bianchi et al., 2015). The first station (RDJ) started regular bilities and (2) serve as a base network with open data to support
operation in 1906 with a Bosch-Omori seismograph. Other new research projects in Brazil. Each member is responsible for
instruments (Wiechert, Mainka, and Milne-Shaw) were in- installing, operating, and maintaining their stations, as well as
stalled later. RDJ recorded the famous 1906 San Francisco sharing data and exchanging technologies and experience in
earthquake and the 1922 mb 5.1 São Paulo earthquake, felt in building this network in such a large country. Other institutions
most of São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro states. Despite this prom- have joined the effort, such as São Paulo State University
ising early start, seismographic recordings were discontinued in (UNESP, Rio Claro), Institute of Technological Research (IPT,
1944. Running seismographic stations in a country with low Sao Paulo), University of Mato Grosso do Sul (UFMS), and
seismicity has always been a difficult task. When the two largest University of Montes Claros (Unimontes, Minas Gerais).
Brazilian earthquakes occurred in 1955 (mb 6.2 on 31 January RSBR data are freely open to anyone, not just its founding
and mb 6.1 on 1 March), no Brazilian stations were operating. members, a policy established in the very beginning. RSBR is
RDJ resumed operation in 1957 in collaboration with the more than simply a project to run a network of stations; it is a
Lamont–Doherty Geological Observatory (now Lamont– national project of combined efforts to build seismological
Doherty Earth Observatory). A more detailed history of infrastructure and knowledge for the country.

452 Seismological Research Letters Volume 89, Number 2A March/April 2018 doi: 10.1785/0220170227

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−75° −70° −65° −60° −55° −50° −45° −40° −35° −30°





USP (23)
UnB (26)
−30° UFRN (17)
ON (18)
RSBR Operators Satellite
500 km

▴ Figure 1. Brazilian Seismographic Network (RSBR) composed

of four subnets: BL (run by University of São Paulo [USP]), BR (by
University of Brasilia [UnB]), NB (by Federal University of Rio
Grande do Norte, UFRN), and ON (by National Observatory
[ON]). Most BR stations have direct satellite link, the others trans- ▴ Figure 2. Epicenters of the Brazilian catalog with magnitudes
mit data in real time using various methods (wireless internet ser- m b ≥ 2:8 from 1767 to 2016. The gray polygon indicates the limit of
vice providers, mobile links, etc.). White lines are country borders the catalog. Circles are shallow events (depth < 60 km), squares and
outside Brazil and state boundaries inside Brazil. The flag indi- diamonds are deeper events related to the Nazca subducted slab.
cates the location of the four operators.

deployment in Brazil, the following magnitude thresholds

THE BRAZILIAN SEISMIC CATALOG AND THE (solid and dashed gray lines in Fig. 3) can be approximately
NEW RSBR NETWORK defined. The global network of stations in the 1940s and
1950s should have been capable of recording any magnitude
A major compilation of all historical and instrumental seismic
6 in Brazil. The two largest events in Brazil in 1955
activity up to 1981 was published by Berrocal et al. (1983,
(mb 6.2 and 6.1) were recorded by more than 100 stations
1984). Since then, joint efforts by the four main institutions
worldwide. The deployment of the global WWSSN stations
have allowed an update and completion of the Brazilian earth-
quake catalog. Other groups such as IPT and UNESP also in the early 1960s should have enabled detection of events
joined the effort. Events until 1995 were published in the Bra- above mb 5.0. This is indicated by the lower detectability near
zilian Geophysical Journal, but are now available at UnB, USP, 1962, letter W in Figure 3. The installation of the WWSSN
and ON websites (see Data and Resources). Currently, infor- station NAT (Natal) in 1965 and the highly sensitive array
mation on Brazilian earthquakes is also compiled by Brazilian station in Brasilia, around 1967, together with renewed interest
Geological Survey (CPRM), which publishes daily bulletins. in seismological research in Brazil, lowered the detectability
Figure 2 shows all epicenters of the Brazilian Catalog with down to magnitude around mb 4.5 (letter S in Fig. 3). In
both historical and instrumental data, which is called the raw the late 1970s and early 1980s, the Universities of Brasilia
catalog. The magnitude scale adopted in the Brazilian Catalog and São Paulo installed several stations, mostly in southeast
is the Brazilian regional magnitude mR measured with the (SE) and northeast (NE) Brazil, mainly to monitor dam-
maximum P-wave particle velocity in the whole P wavetrain induced seismicity. In 1980, UnB installed five stations in the
(Assumpção, 1983) and equivalent to the 1-s teleseismic mb Amazon. This increased coverage led Assumpção et al. (2014)
scale in the 3.5–5.5 range (Assumpção et al., 2014). Historical to infer a detectability improvement down to mb 3.5 around
events had their magnitudes inferred from felt area or maxi- 1980 (letter A and dashed gray line, Fig. 3). Although this de-
mum intensity. The gray line in Figure 2 is the catalog limit tectability improvement may be adequate for most of Brazil, it
defined by the original compilation of Berrocal et al. (1984). is probably optimistic for the Amazon region. Figure 3b shows
Completeness of the Brazilian Catalog varies in space and that the number of events detected in the Amazon increased
time. Figure 3 shows the time distribution of the magnitudes, significantly after 2014, when most RSBR stations in that re-
which can be used to infer completeness thresholds. Based on gion were installed. For the Amazon, the solid gray threshold in
the magnitude distribution (Fig. 3) and the history of station Figure 3 may be more realistic.

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(a) W S A 1980 − 2011


Magnitude mb




1940 1960 1980 2000 0.1


2 3 4 5 6
Magnitude mb

2012 − 2016



2010 2012 2014 2016

▴ Figure 3. Temporal distribution of the catalog magnitudes,
showing evolution of the detectability limits. Circle sizes are
scaled according to the magnitude. (a) 1940–2016 and (b) a close
up of recent years, 2010–2016. W indicates installation of the
WWSSN enabling earthquakes in Brazil with magnitude m b ≥ 5
to be detected by the global net as from about 1962. S, indicates
installation of the array station in Brasília and increased interest 0.0
in seismology in the country, enabling events m b ≥ 4:5 to be de- 2 3 4 5 6
tected. A, increased number of stations in Brazil, especially in Magnitude
northeast, southeast, and the Amazon, lowering the magnitude
threshold to about 3.5. RSBR indicates installation of RSBR sta- ▴ Figure 4. Magnitude distribution (number of events per year)
tions in the Amazon in 2014, which increased the number of in the Brazilian Catalog. (Top) Between 1980 and 2011, before in-
events detected in northern Brazil. Dashed gray line indicates stallation of the RSBR network began; and (bottom) 2012–2016,
detectability thresholds as inferred by Assumpção et al. (2014) after installation of RSBR had begun. Note twice as many events
and solid gray line indicates more realistic detectability for in the magnitude range 3.5–4.5 in recent years. (Inset) The main
northern Brazil. stations operating in each period.

Figure 4 shows that the installation of RSBR improved the The events above the threshold lines in Figure 3, which we
detectability down to mb 3.5 for Brazil as a whole. Since 2012, call the uniform catalog, are more useful to show the spatial
RSBR has been detecting twice as many events per year in the variations of seismicity in Brazil. Figure 5 compares the RSBR
3.5–4.0 magnitude range. For some regions, such as SE and NE stations with epicenters of this uniform catalog.
Brazil, where station density is higher, detectability is near
mb 3.0 or less. Although in the past cooperation and data ex- THE BRAZILIAN SEISMOGRAPHIC NETWORK
change among all seismology institutions enabled monitoring
of the seismicity all over the country, each institution had its Instrumental Characteristics
own network of stations, both for long-term operation as well The RSBR is composed of four FDSN subnets: (1) network
as for temporary deployments in aftershock studies. The estab- BL operated and maintained by USP, (2) network BR by UnB,
lishment of RSBR has made cooperation more efficient in (3) network NB by UFRN, and (4) network ON by National
detecting and locating epicenters, both in Brazil and abroad. Observatory, as seen in Figure 1. The 84 stations were installed

454 Seismological Research Letters Volume 89, Number 2A March/April 2018

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(a) BR BL

Median dB value



Archean –
fold belts

Median dB value
basins −120




▴ Figure 5. Epicenters (red circles) of the Brazilian catalog fil- (c)

tered for completeness thresholds, according to the solid gray
limits in Figure 3 (called the uniform catalog). Green triangles Median dB value −120
are the RSBR stations. Gray squares are stations of the
international networks (GT, G, and IU). Colors indicate main geo- −140
logical provinces: pink, cratons; gray, Neoproterozoic fold belts;
yellow, intracratonic basins. The solid blue line in the ocean is the −160
200 m bathymetry indicating the continental shelf.
between 2010 and 2016. Stations were distributed according to (d)
different needs: more stations in areas with higher seismicity, −100
Median dB value

such as NE Brazil where felt events are relatively more fre-

quent, and along the south and eastern coast to better monitor −120
earthquakes in the oil-rich continental shelf (Figs. 1 and 5).
Average station spacing varies from about 100 km along the −140
SE and eastern coast, roughly 200–300 km in central Brazil,
to about 500 km in the Amazon. The fewer stations in
northern Brazil are due to logistical difficulties in the Amazon, −180
but more stations are planned for that region in the near future.
All RSBR stations are broadband (120s – 50 Hz) record- 0.1 1 10 100
ing at 100 samples/s. Most stations were installed at the surface Period (s)
of hard-rock outcrops. The sensor is protected by a small brick
vault, which is then covered by earth to improve thermal ▴ Figure 6. Power spectral density of station noise, grouped by
insulation. In some cases, especially in steep terranes, the earth subnetwork, as indicated by the line colors. (a,b) Noise levels of
around the sensor vault is contained by a wooden box. The the vertical and (c,d) the two horizontal components. Individual
datalogger is installed in a small cabin about 5 m away with stations are shown in (a) and (c). (b,d) The median values for each
modem, antennas, batteries, and solar panels on top. Sensors subnet are shown by the solid line, the 25% and 75% quartiles by
include Trillium 120PA (BL, BR), RT131B (NB), and STS2.5 the boxes, and the total range by the whiskers.
(ON). More details of each station (coordinates, dataless,
photos, and other information) can be found in Data and
Resources. over 99.9%. In SE Brazil, BL stations have, on average, 96%
Almost all stations are online with data transmitted either efficiency for 2G/3G transmission and 98% for station con-
by direct satellite link or by other means such as wireless link to nected through local wireless providers. Only a few stations
a nearby provider, or by a mobile internet link. Satellite stations are still offline, such as Trindade Island (ON.TRI01). Imple-
(BR net and some BL stations) have a transmission efficiency mentation of internet link for the NB network is under way.

Seismological Research Letters Volume 89, Number 2A March/April 2018 455

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Table 1 Brazil and abroad) to include new picks from
ArcLink (Near-Real Time, Archive Data) and SeedLink (Real Time) Internet offline stations, which are sent to the Inter-
Server Addresses Used for Network Data Distribution national Seismological Centre in the United
Kingdom. RSBR real-time data are regularly
Service Internet Port used by National Earthquake Information
Node Network Code Server Address SeedLink ArcLink Center USGS and other agencies in their mon-
ON All 18000 18001 itoring of global seismicity.
UFRN NB 18000 18001
UnB BR 18000 18001 CONCLUSIONS
USP BL/BR 18000 18001
Given the vast size of Brazil and its low seismic-
ity, the development of a national network was
always a big challenge. With Petrobras support
Data are shared among all five institutions. The ON has and joint efforts from the four main research institutions, the
been responsible for organizing the waveform database and RSBR network has become a reality. The CPRM has joined the
redistribution. Data from all RSBR stations are freely available. team of seismological institutions and now supports the basic
USP provides federated (FDSNWS) webservices for down- maintenance of the network and disseminates RSBR informa-
loading event parameters and waveforms. ON also provides an tion to the public and government agencies. The network de-
FDSNWS service (see Data and Resources). The other insti- sign fulfilled its initial goal of monitoring Brazilian seismicity
tutions plan to provide similar webservers in the future. for events larger than magnitude mb 3.5. Besides monitoring
Brazilian and South American seismicity, RSBR serves as a
Noise Characteristics backbone for temporary deployments to study crustal and
Figure 6 summarizes the noise levels of all RSBR stations for upper-mantle structure.
the last month of archived data. In some regions, such as in the Major challenges for the future are sustainability of the
Amazon basin, it was difficult to find bedrock in secure places, present network, deployment of more stations in the Amazon,
or a quiet spot far from forested areas or cultural noise. Some- and replacement of the present equipment for the next gener-
what high noise at high frequencies was unavoidable in highly ation of instruments, such as post-hole sensors, and more
forested areas. This shows up in the higher ranges of the noise reliable internet links all over the country.
levels at high frequencies for the BR network. In the micro-
seismic frequency range (about 1–10 s), stations of the BR and DATA AND RESOURCES
NB network show slightly lower noise: most of BR stations are
in the Amazon far from the ocean and the NB stations in NE Data from the Brazilian earthquake catalog, as used in
Brazil are near the equator, where sources of microseisms are Figures 2, 3, and 5, can be downloaded from University of Bra-
fewer than in the South Atlantic (Queiroz et al., 2017). sília (UnB), University of São Paulo (USP), and the National
Although noise at long periods is reasonable for most stations, Observatory (ON) websites:; www.sismo.iag.
there is clearly room for improvement in installation proce-;, respectively (last accessed October
dures, especially by avoiding steep terranes along the coast (ON 2017). Data from all RSBR stations can be downloaded, using
network). standard Seedlink or Arclink protocols, from the servers shown
in Table 1. USP provides federated (FDSNWS) webservices for
Data Processing downloading event parameters and waveforms at http://www.
Data from all online stations are collected by USP, UnB, ON, and, respectively
and CPRM, and processed with SeisComP3 software for au- (last accessed January 2018). ON provides an FDSNWS ser-
tomatic detection of events and determination of epicenters vice at (last accessed January 2018) for all
and magnitudes. A magnitude plug-in was developed to calcu- RSBR waveform data.
late the regional magnitude mR . All automatically detected
events are revised to improve epicenter and magnitudes. In ad- ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
dition, daily plots of several key stations are visually inspected
to recover regional events in Brazil (usually with magnitudes Although Brazilian Seismographic Network (RSBR) resulted
less than 3.5) that were not detected by the automatic Seis- from the joint efforts of four institutions and direct financial
ComP3 system. At present, epicenter and magnitude determi- support by Petrobras, many other groups also contributed sig-
nations are regularly published by USP, UnB, and CPRM. nificantly to the installation of several stations. The authors
This joint effort is the first attempt at providing a near- thank colleagues from Institute of Technological Research
real-time national service for earthquake information. Tests are (IPT), Federal University of Mato Grosso do Sul (UFMS),
being made to improve detection parameters, aimed at reduc- São Paulo State University (UNESP), Unipampa (Universi-
ing false alarms and the number of missed events. After about dade dos Pampas, Caçapava do Sul, Rio Grande do Sul), UFRR
two years, USP analysts also check all located events (both in (Federal University of Roraima, Boa Vista), and Unimontes for

456 Seismological Research Letters Volume 89, Number 2A March/April 2018

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help during station installation, as well as all government or- Atlantic, J. S. Am. Earth Sci. 80, 304–315, doi: 10.1016/j.
ganizations, hydroelectric companies, and farm owners for jsames.2017.09.035.
allowing installation of seismic stations on their lands. The au-
thors thank Eletronuclear for allowing Angra dos Reis station Marcelo B. Bianchi
to be part of RSBR. The Brazilian Geological Survey (CPRM) Marcelo Assumpção
is now a supporting member of RSBR playing a key role in the Seismology Center, IAG
network maintenance since 2016. The authors thank Edson University of São Paulo
Milani, Gilmar Bueno, and Marco Thoaldo (Petrobras direc- Rua do Matão 1226
tors) for the investment in the RSBR infrastructure, Luis 05508-090 Sao Paulo, Brazil
Gustavo R. Pinto and Marco Túlio N. Carvalho for the
CPRM support. The following colleagues greatly contributed
to the implementation and operation of RSBR: Bruno Col- Marcelo P. Rocha
laço, Cleusa Barbosa, Emília Basílio, Jackson Calhau, José Juraci M. Carvalho
R. Barbosa, Luis Galhardo, Marlon Pirchiner (USP), George Paulo A. Azevedo1
Sand (UnB), Eduardo Menezes (UFRN), Darcy Nascimento, Seismological Observatory
Charles Rite, Ronaldo Carvalho, Stéphane Drouet, and Thiago University of Brasilia
Santanna (ON). 70910-900 Brasilia, Brazil

Sérgio L. Fontes
National Observatory, MCTI
Assumpção, M. (1983). A regional magnitude scale for Brazil, Bull. Rua General José Cristino 77
Seismol. Soc. Am. 73, 237–246. 20921-400 Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Assumpção, M., J. Ferreira, L. Barros, F. H. Bezerra, G. S. França, J. R.
Barbosa, E. Menezes, L. C. Ribotta, M. Pirchiner, A. Nascimento,
et al. (2014). Intraplate seismicity in Brazil, in Intraplate Earth- Joaquim M. Ferreira
quakes, Chapter 3, P. Talwani (Editor), Cambridge University Press, Aderson F. Nascimento
Cambridge, United Kingdom, ISBN 978-1-107-04038-0. Geophysics Department
Assumpção, M., V. Mârza, L. Barros, C. Chimpliganond, J. E. Soares, J. Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte
Carvalho, D. Caixeta, A. Amorim, and E. Cabral (2002). Reservoir Campus Universitário Lagoa Nova
induced seismicity in Brazil, Pure Appl. Geophys. 159, 597–617, doi:
10.1007/PL00001266. 59078-970 Natal, Brazil
Berrocal, J., M. Assumpção, R. Antezana, C. M. Dias Neto, H. França,
and R. Ortega (1983). Seismic activity in Brazil in the period 1560– Marcos V. Ferreira
1980, Earthq. Predic. Res. 2, 191–208. Iago S. L. Costa
Berrocal, J., M. Assumpção, R. Antezana, C. M. Dias Neto, R. Ortega, H. CPRM - Geological Survey of Brazil
França, and J. Veloso (1984). Sismicidade do Brasil,
IAG-USP/CNEN, Sao Paulo, Brazil, 320 pp. (in Portuguese). SBN-Q2
Bianchi, M., M. Assumpção, H. A. Detzel, J. M. Carvalho, M. P. Rocha, 70040-704 Brasilia, Brazil
S. Drouet, S. Fontes, J. M. Ferreira, A. Nascimento, and J. A. V.
Veloso (2015). The Brazilian Seismographic Network: Historical Published Online 14 February 2018
overview and current status, Summ. Bull. Int. Seismol. Cent. 49,
nos. 1/6, 70–90, doi: 10.5281/zenodo.998851. 1
Now at Federal University of Western Pará, IEG-UFOPA, 68040-255
Queiroz, D. E., A. F. Nascimento, and M. Schimmel (2017). Microseis-
mic noise in the Saint Peter and Saint Paul Archipelago, equatorial Santarém, Brazil.

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