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1. Why is human Capital important Index important for a country?

Because, with the quality of human resources a country has, countries can use it
to assess how much of their previous income was due to gaps in human capital,
and how fast they can turn losses into profits.
For this reason, the State must have a share in assisting these people in
increasing the knowledge, skills and health that humans accumulate throughout
their lives, enabling them to realize their potential as productive members of
society. That way we can end extreme poverty and create a more inclusive
society by developing human capital.

2.  In this next 5 years of our government, the emphasis is on human

resources. In your opinion, how can this help us as a nation to compete in
the global business environment?

Managing Human Resources as the basic capital of activities in an organization or

company requires a specific strategy in order to grow and develop according to
their needs. Various forms of organization, either profit-oriented or not, must be
supported by qualified human resources.
For this reason, the government must prioritize:

1. Education level so that the knowledge gained is broader.

2. Skills and proficiency of experts
3. Increase the capital owned relatively little.
4. Increase one's laziness and indiscipline.
5. Increase attitudes that do not encourage production.

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