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1.1 What is data, information and knowledge? 3

1.2 What is knowledge management? 4


2.1 History of Lazada 5

2.1 Lazada mission, vision, objective and business goals 6


3.1 Knowledge management Implementation at Lazada 7 -10

3.2 SWOT Analysis of Lazada Knowledge Management Tools 11-12


4.1 Challenges 13

4.2 Achievements 14





Lazada Group is a Southeast Asian e-commerce company founded in 2012 by Rocket

Internet. Alibaba Group was bought Lazada’s controlling stake to support Alibaba's expansion

plans in Southeast Asia in April 2016. The unwisely decision making was made the

management of Lazada was not performing well. The controlling stake of Alibaba in Lazada has

been led to a massive shake-up of the internal culture of Lazada. The people in Lazada may change

in their behaviours, mentalities and attitudes along with the systems and processes that introduced

by Alibaba Group even though the internal organization and structures are remaining the same. The

dynamics of how people will change within the company will be interesting not only for the current

employees themselves, but also ex-employees and long-serving customers.


1.1 What is data, information and knowledge?

Data: Facts and figures which relay something specific, but which are not organized in any

way and which provide no further information regarding patterns, context, etc. I will use the

definition for data presented by Thierauf (1999): "unstructured facts and figures that have the least

impact on the typical manager."

Information: For data to become information, it must be contextualized, categorized,

calculated and condensed (Davenport & Prusak 2000). Information thus paints a bigger picture; it is

data with relevance and purpose (Bali et al 2009). It may convey a trend in the environment, or

perhaps indicate a pattern of sales for a given period of time. Essentially information is found "in

answers to questions that begin with such words as who, what, where, when, and how many"

(Ackoff 1999). IT is usually invaluable in the capacity of turning data into information, particularly

in larger firms that generate large amounts of data across multiple departments and functions. The

human brain is mainly needed to assist in contextualization.

Knowledge is information that has been retained with an understanding about the

significance of that information. Knowledge helps you to take new information: The first stage in

which factual knowledge gives you a thought is when you are taking in new information, whether

by listening or reading. There is much more understanding of oral or written language than knowing

vocabulary and syntax. Knowledge sharpens our skills like reasoning and problem solving. A strong

base of knowledge helps brains function more smoothly and effectively. We become smarter with

the power of knowledge and solve problems more easily. Everyday Life knowledge is important

and useful in day to day events.. According to Krathwohl (2002), knowledge can be categorized

into four types: (1) factual knowledge, (2) conceptual knowledge, (3) procedural knowledge, and

(4) metacognitive knowledge.

1.2 What Is knowledge management?

Knowledge management (KM) is the interdisciplinary process of creating, using, sharing,

and maintaining an organization's information and knowledge. Knowledge management is the

process of capturing, storing, sharing and effectively managing the knowledge and experience of

employees to increase the workforce's overall knowledge. Its primary goal is to improve efficiency,

productivity and retain critical information within the company. A knowledge management process

is the way in which a business manages knowledge, including its capture, storage, organization,

verification, security, distribution, and use. The best four components of knowledge management

are people, process, content/IT, and strategy. Regardless of the industry, size, or knowledge needs

of your organization, you always need people to lead, sponsor, and support knowledge sharing. You

need defined processes to manage and measure knowledge flows.

The purpose of the Knowledge Management process is to share perspectives, ideas,

experience and information; to ensure that these are available in the right place at the right time to

enable informed decisions; and to improve efficiency by reducing the need to rediscover

knowledge. There are three major types of knowledge management systems: Enterprise wide

knowledge management systems, knowledge work systems and intelligent techniques. The benefits

of proper Knowledge Management for your business that is improve the decision-making process,

increase customer satisfaction, promote innovation and cultural change, speed up access to

knowledge and information, avoid redundant effort, accelerate customer delivery and stimulate

growth and innovation. An effective knowledge management strategy should: contribute to overall

organizational goals, balance people, processes, and technology, build timely organizational

capabilities, use common processes and technology to encourage collaboration and Transform the

perception of KM by creating tangible results.


2.1 History of Lazada

Lazada Group was founded in 2012 by Rocket Internet in Singapore with the clear intention

of building the business model of in Southeast Asia to grab the tempting online

consumer market. Lazada is the top online shopping and selling website in Southeast Asia, it has a

total of 155,000 sellers and 3,000 brands serving 560 million consumers in the region through its

marketplace platform and unsurprising the gross amount are still increasing steadily, supported by a

wide range of tailored marketing and service solutions they are present in Indonesia, Malaysia, the

Philippines, Singapore, Thailand and Vietnam. As the pioneer of the e-Commerce ecosystem in the

Southeast Asia, Lazada offers the widest range of products in categories from consumer electronics

to household goods, toys, fashion, sports equipment and groceries.

Lazada put focus on delivering an excellent customer experience, it does offer

different payment methods including cash on delivery, online banking and it also provide

comprehensive customer care and hassle-free returns through its own delivery arm supported by

different types logistics partners. According to Lazada recent years performance, it did bring

Lazada a big change in their management team. Its sites launched in March 2012, with a business

model of selling inventory to customers from its own warehouses. In 2013, it added a marketplace

model that gives the permission to the third-party retailers to sell their products through Lazada’s

site. 20 competitions from Amazon and Alibaba also make Lazada difficult to grow and keep stuck

in between.

Lazada have made the decision to let the Alibaba group invest in Lazada. However, Lazada

did underestimate their ability as Lazada could be a strong competitor to Alibaba Group if

they choose to restructure their management team and develop stronger competitive advantages

that could not imitate by other competitors

2.1 Lazada mission, vision, objective and business goals


 Lazada’s mission is giving directly to Southern Asia consumers plentiful suppliesof goods

with best competitive price

 To bring the world to Southeast Asia and provide a gateway for Southeast Asian brands to

reach international consumers, Lazada's cross-border business features homegrown brands

and sellers from markets that include China, Hong Kong SAR, Korea, Japan, the United

States, and Europe.


 Lazada’s vision is to become leading reputable sales websites in Southern Asia.

 Accelerate Southeast Asia’s progress through trade and technology.


 The Lazada’s objective is to update the guide system with only use the catalog to online

shopping management.

 Lazada’s objective is not to be merely a basic shopping platform but to provide technology,

logistics, and payment solutions for the growth of local businesses and consumers.

 A unique purchasing experience is also essential to shift away from the traditional “search,

click, and buy” model. Poignant called this “shoppertainment.”.


3.1 Knowledge management Implementation at Lazada

Lazada is a business-to-business-to-consumer marketplace paradigm in which merchants

offer goods on its platform. Tacit knowledge is cognitive or technical knowledge, which consists of

“mental models, values, beliefs, perceptions, insights, and assumptions” (Smith 313). Lazada

mainly relies on technology to facilitate the development of its tacit knowledge as employees share

their experiences and learn. The company also manages its explicit knowledge through training,

seminars, providing manuals, and protecting such knowledge through patent. Technology has

helped the firm to personalize information, capture and share tacit knowledge, and manage social

relations and conversations. Example Knowledge management Implementation at Lazada

 Online Purchase

Lazada Company is using online purchase as their current system to allowed get

knowledge management. Customer has to register an account on and get

confirmation email from Lazada. The first step customers can make comparison of the products

that they want to buy including price, quality and so on. Based on the below figure 1, show that

there have few step to payment by the way customer can choose information about quantity,

colour and the customer can see the order summary and the total amount of money they have to

pay. The contribution of the online purchasing becomes more flexible anytime and anywhere to

customers. Nowadays, customers work irregular hours or very busy, the customers probably do

not have time to visit the store. Online purchasing will allows the customer to buy things

without disturb their schedule. This is because, are available 24 hours a day and 7

days a week. So, the customer can do their purchasing anytime and anywhere as long the

customer have internet access.

Figure 1

 Online payment

Payment Methods that is online payment system in accordance with the segment of

the company is sales of e-commerce. Before the payments were made buyers must first fill

out the identity of buyers in the column of customer information. Column customer

information contains billing address, email, email password, first name, phone number,

another number, date of birth, gender, address type (whether it's the destination is the

address of the office or home address), address, province, city, zip code , district or village.

Then the buyer that the transaction in by e-credit cards as means of payment.

Online payment also one of the allowed gets knowledge management implemented

by By allowing users to purchase goods by online, allowing users

to pay items on their own terms as well. The customers have choice to make payment.

Lazada had provide so many method to make online payment which are Master Card, Visa,

cash on delivery, Maybank2u, CIMBclicks, and AMonline. Online payment is more

convenient to customers According to below picture figure 2, is clearly illustration the A

procedure to make online purchase with online payment by choosing the items. For

example, the customer chooses to make a payment and no need to wait in online. This online

payment also leaves them more time to get everything done. In previous, when the customer

used to make online purchased and they want to make a payment they only have traditional

method which is the customer use the ATM machine to transfer money. So, the contribution

is make customer so easier to get done their online payment in fast and this concept to make

customer loyalty to the Lazada Company.

figure 2

 Customer relationship management

Customer relationship management is procedures knowledge management to create a

cross -functional originality system that integrates and automates many of the customer (serving

methods in sales, customer services and marketing that interact with a company’s customer’s

services and marketing that interact with a company’s customers. Customer relationship

management is to improve the customer focus. Lazada Company there has captured the

information from all customer touch points, such as by fax, e-mail, contact and the

site. The contribution of the customer relationship management in Lazada Company is for to

create or keep in interaction with the customer by sending promotion and discount by e-mail.

Other that this contribution of the customer relationship management is gaining customer

loyalty in Lazada Company and also associated with an excellent tool ensures Lazada Company

to have a good outlook over the list of customers and there provide better customer service.

The aims of these tools and techniques are to ensure that the company creates, shares, and

organizes its knowledge base in order to fulfil its goals. Some of the technology tools include

document libraries, document management systems, intranet and extranet, and decision support

tools. There are also content management systems, social network services, collaborative virtual

workspace, knowledge portals, and video sharing. Non-IT tools and techniques include

brainstorming, knowledge worker competency, collaborative physical workspace, and mentor

programs. The company has created new knowledge of new products. As a result, the company has

competitive advantages over its competitors in the region. KM allows Lazada to respond quickly to

competitors and demands in the market. Hence, it has been able to develop online products and

services, which many consumers require. KM has ensured that Alibaba has an edge against its

competitors. The company considers its products and services as solutions to customers, which

create great customer delights and high retention. KM has been able to make the company

productive in several ways.

3.2 SWOT Analysis of Lazada Knowledge Management Tools

Strengths in the SWOT Analysis of Lazada SWOT

 Offer a very wide range of products

 Site is very responsive, easy to use, interesting and space for ad arranged neatly Fast

product delivery system

 Transactions between buyers and sellers are done quickly, easily and cheaply.

 There Are Numerous Suppliers and Thousands of Commodities

 Wide array of choices.

 Lazada offers over 20,000 products for its customers, ranging from electronics, gadgets,

accessories, sports and automotive to health and beauty products, as well as home

appliances from local to international brands.

Weaknesses in the SWOT Analysis of Lazada SWOT

 Items can not be held direct

 Products sometimes do not match with what consumer want / different from that shown

 Limit time of ordered product payment is too short (1x24 hour)

 The Seller shall take effective control of illegal packing list measures against the seller

 Failure to fully control intellectual property issues related to branded products

 Impossibility of physical examination. Almost every products sold cannot be touched or

hold and customers are only relyingon the pictures and description of the products before

they can proceed with the order

Opportunities in the SWOT Analysis of Lazada SWOT

 Visitor Lazada is a loyal customer, where the average time spent to visit this website is

about 7 minutes which is SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is high enough, thus not

impossible Lazada will be as strong as Amazon

 Customer Loyalty Is Not High

 Cross-Border E-Commerce Market Is Not Fierce

 Can be accessed any where and any time. Customers are able to access Lazada using its

mobile app to buy any desired products or even to sell and run business from any where.

Threats in the SWOT Analysis of Lazada SWOT

 There is no guarantee that e-commerce transactions free from destruction / data

manipulation and will certainly impact on the development of economic activity.

 More online shops are emerging as competitors

 Low Number of Cross-Border E-Commerce

 Security and fraud. Since Lazada is one of the biggest E-Commerce sitesin Malaysia and

with that popularity comes scammers taking advantage ofit. Besides that, Lazada system

doesnot need the owner of old email to verify any changes, which made it is easier for

people to exploit it.

 Competitors. Competition is increasing day by day. Though Lazada leads in terms of

website traffic, but Shopee over took Lazada to rank as the best app on both Google Play

and iOS App Stores.


4.1 Challenges

The KM tools are categorized according to Dalkir (2011) as knowledge capture an

4.2 Achievements



In conclusion, Knowledge acquisition is becoming more of an important than a gain in

sustaining a competitive advantage in any sector. The review of previous studyidentifies key factors

to inform the successful implementation of knowledge management. Resources are presented that

advise the discussions of specific obstacles that the organization can encounter when adopting

knowledge management systems, best practices to be used and main performance factors to

maximize implementation and knowledge management in small and medium-sized businesses. This

article review has mentioned about the concept of the knowledge management, benefits of the

knowledge management in the Lazada, the famous knowledge management that being used by the

Lazada, the development of knowledge management in the Lazada, the challenges of implementing

the knowledge management and also had discussed about the best practices and key factors in

implementing knowledge management.

Many organizations are trying to apply knowledge management in order to improve their

organizational performance. This research has reviewed the positive impact of knowledge

management and some of its practices on Lazada organizational performance. Many studies have

concluded that knowledge management is the main reason to business growth. Thus, it is good to

invest in knowledge management resources to attain organizational performance improvement,

since knowledge management resources and practices are related directly and indirectly to it when

they are implemented effectively. All the information is gained from the previous study and being

discussed and give some perspective and opinion about the topic that had been mentioned. Lastly,

the implementation of knowledge management in Lazada is very vital to increase business



1. (January 2, 2022) SWOT Analysis of Coca Cola [Step by Step SWOT]. Retrieved from


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