Academic Stress

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Session 2019-2022

Department of Education

Govt. College of Education, Afzalpur

Mirpur University of Science and Technology (MUST), Mirpur

AJK Pakistan

It is certified that the synopsis for research project entitled “Relationship

between Academic Stress and Academic Achievements of University Students”

proposed by Name Registration No. FA18-Y02_______ is appropriate for

conducting educational research in partial fulfilment of the degree of __________.


Supervisor: ______________________________________

Co-Supervisor: ______________________________________

Member: ______________________________________


APPROVAL CERTIFICATE .....................................................................................ii

TABLE OF CONTENTS ...........................................................................................iii

LIST OF TABLES ..................................................................................................... iv

INTRODUCTION ...................................................................................................... 1

1.1. Statement of the Problem ............................................................................. 2

1.2. Objectives of the Study ................................................................................ 2

1.3. Significance of study .................................................................................... 3

1.4. Research question ......................................................................................... 3

1.5. Hypotheses ................................................................................................... 3

1.6. Delimitation of study.................................................................................... 4

3. RESEARCH METHODOLOGY ............................................................................ 5

3.1. Research Design ....................................................................................... 5

3.2. Population ................................................................................................. 5

3.3. Sample ...................................................................................................... 5

3.4. Research Instrument ..................................................................................... 5

3.4.2. Academic Achievements........................................................................... 6

3.5. Data Collection ......................................................................................... 6

3.6. Data Analysis ............................................................................................ 6

REFERENCES............................................................................................................ 7

ANNEXURES ............................................................................................................ 8


Table No. Title Page

Table No 1. Population of the study 14

Table No 2. Sample of the study 14


Academic stress has been identified as the primary cause of these alarming
figures. Lee & Larson (2000) explain this stress as an interaction between
environmental stressors, students’ appraisal, and reactions for the same. It has now
become a grave reality that is termed as a “career stopper” (Kadapatti & Vijayalaxmi,
2012). It, therefore, becomes a significant cause of concern as it is symptomatic of
rising mental health concerns in India (Nadamuri & Ch,2011).

Depression, anxiety, behavioural problems, irritability, etc. are few of the many
problems reported in students with high academic stress (Deb, Strodl & Sun, 2015;
Verma, Sharma & Larson, 2002). Incidences of depression were also found among
stressful adolescents as it is linked with inability to concentrate, fear of failure,
negative evaluation of future, etc. (Busari, 2012). Adolescents were also reported to
be indulging in various risky behaviours such as increased consumption of alcohol
and drugs, unprotected sexual activities, physical inactivity, poor eating and sleeping
patterns (American College Health Association, 2009; Bennet & Holloway, 2014;
King, Vidourek & Singh, 2014). The pressure these students face to perform is so
severe resulting in five-fold increase in suicide attempts.

It becomes imperative to also understand that low stress does not necessarily
ascertain that student will perform better, but in fact under these circumstances, they
would perceive the task as unchallenging and may also get easily bored (Uchil,
2017). Though certain levels of stress push students towards optimum performance,
when it is not managed efficiently due to inadequate resources to cope with the stress,
it can have dismal consequences for the student as well as the institution.

According to Smythe & Hess (2005) academic achievement, student success, and
student grades are commonly used indicators in educational research. Pascarella &
Terenzini (2005) presented latest research stream consists of several studies on
academic achievement at higher level of education. In modern era, higher education
is vital for every individual to achieve prominent position in society and success in
life. Hence, the attitude and performance of a learner in explanations behind the
significance graduating in a degree from university. Some of these causes are being
the part of civilized society, being financially stable and being emotionally stable.
Pascarella & Terenzini, (2005) identified better achievement in higher education

could led to the brighter future of the individual. There is significant relation between
the higher education achievement and better occupation. Prevatt et al. (2011)
specified the fact that civilian with high school certificate earns about half as
compared to the person graduated from university. According to Eunhee, Newton,
Downey& Benton (2010) the average income of the university graduate is higher
than the average income of the high school certificate holder, this difference remains
unceasing, because university graduate is more educated. Furthermore, the
university graduates are more satisfied and have more job-related benefits as
compared to the diploma holder or the higher secondary school certificate holder.
Schnittker (2004) suggested that higher education of an individual have its effects
on economic level as well as the physical wellbeing. More definitely, the person who
attain graduate degree from university exhibit healthier physique and improved
fitness. Mirowsky & Ross (2008) conducted research in higher education has
revealed that education could help in reducing the disease aggregates around the
world. be improved through accomplished level in education. This is the hypothesis
used by several researchers as educational advantage. The proper attention towards
the health-related issues and problems could only be brought through attaining the
higher level of education which could result in improved carefulness about health

1.1. Statement of the Problem

The present study was conducted to determine the relationship between

academic stress and academic achievement of the University students.

1.2. Objectives of the Study

Objectives of the study will be:

1. To measure the level of academic stress among male and female students at
the university

2. To determine the academic achievements of male and female students at the


3. To find out the difference between the level of academic stress among male
and female students at the university.

4. To determine the Relationship between academic stress and academic
achievements of male and female students at the university.

1.3. Significance of study

In today’s highly competitive world, students face various academic

problems. This study will be valuable for university teachers and students. The
researcher will analyze the academic stress and academic achievement among
university students. The results of the study will be helpful for administration and
policy makers to run the teaching and learning process smoothly. It will also be
helpful for the students to improve there be academic achievement. The study will
be helpful and guide the future researchers in this area.

1.4. Research question

The study will answer the following research question

1. What is the level of academic stress among male and female students
at the university level?
2. What are the academic achievements of male and female students at
the university level?

1.5. Hypotheses

1.5.1. Relationship between academic stress and academic achievement

H0: There is no significant relationship between academic stress and academic
achievement of male and female students.

H1: There is significant relationship between academic stress and academic

achievement of male and female students.

1.5.2. Difference between level of academic stress of male and female student
H0: There is no significant difference between level of academic stress and
academic achievement of male and female students.
H1: There is a significant difference between level of academic stress and
academic achievement of male and female students.

1.6. Delimitation of study

Due to the availability of limited time and resources, the current study was
delimited to the students studying in the University of Mirpur University of Science
and Technology (MUST).


3.1. Research Design

In this research quantitative research method will be used. Research will be
conducted by applying correlation design to describe the relationship between
academic stress and academic achievement of university students.

3.2. Population
Population of the study will be the students who are studying in Mirpur
University of Science and Technology.

Table 1 below shows the population

Table No 1

Population of the study

Students Total

14656 14656
3.3. Sample
A sample of 224 male and 150 female students will be taken from the
population. Keeping the limitation of resources and time in sight, the researcher used
stratified sampling technique to draw the sample.

Table No. 2 below shows the distribution of sample

Table No 2

Sample of the study

Male Female Total

224 150 374

3.4. Research Instrument

3.4.1. Academic stress

A predesigned questionnaire (Academic stress scale‟ designed by Noreen et. Al

(2021) was used to determine the students’ academic stress. The questionnaire
contained 26 items in Urdu language five points Likert will be used to determine the
students’ responses.

3.4.2. Academic Achievements

Academic achievement of the students was measured by CGPA.

3.5. Data Collection

The data will be collected through questionnaire. Researcher will visit the
university to collect the data by using questionnaire. Informed consent will be
acquired from the head of department and participants prior to the data collection.
During the process of data collection, the question will be explained in local language
to make it easy for the respondents.

3.6. Data Analysis

After the data collected by questionnaire it will be tabulated in the form of
percentage and frequencies. Each item will be analyzed through statistical tools
based on the response of the respondents. Correlation and mean difference tests will
be applied to the data.


Lee M & Larson R. The Korean „Examination Hell‟ Long Hours of Studying
Distress and Depression. 2000.

Kadapatti M.G & Vijayalaxmi A. H. M. Stressors of Academic Stress- A Study

on Pre-University Students. Indian Journal of Scientific Research.

Nandamur P. P & Ch G. Sources of Academic Stress, A Study on

Management Students. Journal of Management and Science. 2011; 1:31-42.

Deb S., Strodl E & Sun J. Academic stress, parental pressure, anxiety, and
mental health among Indian high school students. International Journal of
Psychology and Behavioral Sciences. 2015;5(1):26-34.

Busari A. O. Evaluating the Relationship between Gender Age Depression and

Academic Performance among Adolescents. Scholarly Journal of
Education. 2012;1(1):6-12.

Bennett T. H & Holloway K. R. Drug misuse among university students in the

UK Implications for prevention. Substance use & misuse.


Relationship Between Academic Stress and Academic

Achievements of University Students.
Name: Gender:

Degree Program: Department:


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