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Business Model Innovation: The Organizational

1 Dimension
This book is an interesting source for making business because there
are many companies that want to innovate their business models, not
only for competition but also because of changes that they face
everyday in global markets. It contains information about
organizational change processes that question existing processes,
structures and control methods.

Read the text: Foss, N. & Saebi, T. (2015).

Business Model Innovation: The Organizational
Dimension. Oxford.

The Business Model: How to Develop New

2 Products, Create Market Value and Make the
Competition Irrelevant
This book emphasizes that intuition is one aspect of business, but the
most important element of success is having a business model,
because with it your products can create market value. Here you will
find ways to identify opportunities and how to develop a business
model through the key principles and a set of practical tools to create
a meaningful value to achieve a great success in your business, such
as: startups, ventures, online, manufacturers, service providers and
so on. It is a helpful guide for entrepreneurs, managers, senior
executives and others who are in charge of a company.

Read the text: : Chernev, A. (2017).

The Business Model: How to Develop New Products,
Create Market Value and Make the Competition
Irrelevant. Cerebellum Press.

Module 01: Business model concept and types. the entrepreneurial mindset. p. 1

The Entrepreneurial Mindset: Strategies for

3 Continuously Creating Opportunity in an Age of
The authors offer a practical and detailed plan for thinking and
acting. This book provides you a guide to find some opportunities
and a set of entrepreneurial principles used to transform the arenas
in which you can compete, through redesigning existing products,
finding new sources and resegmenting existing markets, so in this
way you can move your organization toward future challenges with

Read the text: : McGrath, R. & MacMillan, I. (2000).

The Entrepreneurial Mindset: Strategies for
Continuously Creating Opportunity in an Age of
Uncertainty. Harvard Business School Press.

Module 01: Business model concept and types. the entrepreneurial mindset. p. 2

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