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Analysis of VCT (Value Clarification Technique)

Learning Model Through Pilot Methods in Learning

to Improve Affective Intelligence
Ryan Dwi Puspita Rahman
Elementary Education, STKIP Sebelas April Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia
Sumedang, Indonesia Bandung, Indonesia

Anggi Citra Apriliana Cep Yudi Nugraha

Elementary Education, STKIP Sebelas April SDN Cipatat
Sumedang, Indonesia Sumedang, Indonesia

Abstract— This study discusses the VCT (Value Clarification expected to prepare students to become citizens who have a
Technique) learning model through the pilot method of Civics strong and consistent commitment to defend the Unitary
Education learning to improve the affective intelligence of Republic of Indonesia.
students in class III of SDN Cipatat, Buahdua Subdistrict,
Sumedang District, 2018/2019 Academic Year. The purpose of Basically civics is education that directs students to form
this study is to describe the results of a comprehensive analysis of good and responsible citizens based on the values and
the VCT (Value Clarification Technique) learning model through foundations of the Pancasila State. Thus it can be said that the
a pilot method in Civics Learning. This research uses descriptive characteristics and approaches of Civics are values and moral
qualitative analysis method. Data were collected through
education. Value education is a process of providing education
observation, interviews with classroom teachers filled by all
grade III teachers of SDN Cipatat, rubric of individual and in which the development that is more emphasized is the
group students, field notes which were then processed into affective aspect, no longer cognitive and is manifested in the
coding. Subjects of this study were class III of SDN Cipatat and form of daily life behavior of students as individuals.
teachers class III SDN Cipatat. This study shows that the VCT Therefore, PKn learning in elementary schools should be
(Value Clarification Technique) learning model through the pilot directed to instill the values and moral values of Pancasila into
method of Civics Education can improve students' affective students. The target of learning is more on the affective
intelligence in class III SDN Cipatat, Buahdua Subdistrict, aspect, so students are expected to not only be limited to
Sumedang Regency. The implication of this study is that teachers
understanding, but also to be able to apply these values and
must be fair in learning and avoid the element of coercion
whether students are willing to participate or not. In addition, norms into daily life (Tyas & Mawardi, 2016).
teachers must also be proficient in asking questions concerning A strong and consistent commitment to the principles and
social issues related to student morals. spirit of nationalism in the life of society, nation and state
Keywords— Affective Intelligence , Pilot Methods, Value
based on the Pancasila and the 1945 Constitution, needs to be
Clarification Technique. improved continuously to provide a deep understanding of
the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia. The
Constitution of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia
needs to be implanted in all components of the Indonesian
Education is a conscious and planned effort to create an nation early on, especially the younger generation as the
atmosphere of learning and learning process so that students nation's next generation.
actively develop their potential, to have spiritual spiritual
strength, self-control, personality, intelligence, noble Education cannot be separated from learning. Education
character, and skills needed in society, nation and country. and learning are like two sides of a coin that cannot be
Therefore education is very influential and has an important separated, so the key to improving education is to improve
role for human life because with human education can be learning that takes place in it. The learning problem faced in
efficient and independent. primary schools is the ongoing learning that is less meaningful
for the personal development and character of students, so as
Citizenship Education (Civics) is an important subject in to eliminate student awareness of the intrinsic meaning of life.
elementary schools. This is because Civics is education that The low ability of students is caused by factors both from
concerns the formal status of citizens. Through Civics is within students as students and from environmental factors.
In the process of student learning, there is no denying that values that exist in a person; seventh, leading and motivating
Civics learning in primary schools is not as expected. a decent and moral life.
Elementary school teachers have not yet found the right
VCT learning is an innovative approach that emphasizes
learning model in Civics learning especially to enhance
social, cultural, personal, and community values / attitudes.
affective abilities that include values and attitudes and how to
Adisusilo (2012); Sari, et.all. (2018) stated that "VCT is a value
have Civics learning conducted in a pleasant atmosphere.
education approach where students are trained to find,
Various kinds of complaints in Civics learning in elementary
choose, analyze, decide, and take their own attitude to the
schools such as difficulty working on problems, difficult to
values of life they want to strive for." Students are helped to
understand the material, lazy learning, lack of enthusiasm, but
clarify, clarify or clarify their life values through value problem
the main thing is the low learning outcomes, and other
solving, discussion, dialogue and presentation. For example
complaints from students are fundamental problems that
students are helped to realize which life values should be
must be addressed immediately.
prioritized and implemented.
Based on the results of preliminary observations explains
The learning model is a guide for teachers and students in
that the learning process in the conventional way in the Civics
the implementation of the teaching-learning process
subjects in Class 3 Cipatat SDN has gotten unsatisfactory
(Rahman, 2017). In the learning model VCT (Value Clarification
results. Formative and non-formative test results are very far
Technique) has several conditions that must be met.
from the teacher's expectations. Especially related to the
Educators or teachers must be fair to the choice of students
learning outcomes of affective abilities related to attitudes and
where the teacher does not make an impression like
values, the results so far are far from expectations.
patronizing as if more than students. The teacher must avoid
To overcome the above problems, researchers will try to the element of coercion whether students are willing to
use the Value Clarification Technique (VCT) model. Because participate or not. In addition, teachers must also be proficient
researchers argue that the use of various learning models will in asking questions relating to personal and social problems.
affect the success of both aspects of student learning success
The steps of the VCT (Value Clarification Technique)
from cognitive aspects, affective aspects and aspects of
learning model through the pilot method are as follows:
success and psychomotor. Choosing and using an inaccurate
learning model will result in failure to achieve learning 1) Creating and looking for stimulus media in the form of
objectives. For example, to develop discipline, it is not enough instances / actions that contain contrast values in accordance
to only use pure learning methods, but need to be varied with with learning material about self-esteem. The aim is to
methods that can express values, such as value analysis, stimulate, invite, and involve the potential of the intellectual
simulation, games. that is affordable by the knowledge of students and contains a
number of contrasting moral values.
In addition, teaching is needed in the affective domain to
facilitate the development of values, ethics, aesthetics, and 2) The teacher launches the stimulus by reading stories or
feelings of social work for students (Allen, 2010). Previous events and can also display images or photos that are varied
research by Puspita (2014) illustrates that changes in social with students.
attitudes and social science learning achievements of students
3) Give students some time to have a dialogue on their
who learn through value clarification techniques (VCT) with
own or with fellow friends in connection with the stimulus
contextual problem content and students who learn through
conventional teaching. Teaching through VCT with contextual
problem content has a comparative advantage in improving 4) Carry out guided dialogue through teacher questions,
students 'social attitudes and students' social learning both individually, in groups, and classically.
achievements, so it is recommended to elementary school
social science teachers use teaching through VCT with 5) The opinion determination phase determines the
argument or clarification of the establishment.
contextual problem content to improve social attitudes and
student achievement 6) The discussion or proving phase of the argument by
simulating, discussing, and playing a role. In this phase the
VCT learning patterns according to Djahiri (1992), are
target values and concepts begin to be embedded in
considered superior to affective learning because: first, they
accordance with learning material.
are able to develop and personify values and morals;
secondly, being able to clarify and express the message 7) The conclusion, evaluation, and feedback phase for the
content of the material presented; the third is able to clarify teacher himself and the students.
and assess the quality of students' moral values and moral
values in real life; fourth, able to invite, get involved, nurture
and develop the potential of students, especially the potential
of the intellectual; fifth, able to provide learning experiences
in various lives; sixth, able to ward off, negate, intervene and
various naive moral values that exist in the system and moral
II. METHODOLOGY This interview took the form of a conversation conducted
by two parties namely the observer as the interviewer and the
A. Research Design respondent as the resource person. Data obtained by
The approach used in this research is qualitative. In researchers through interviews provides answers to questions
qualitative research, researchers themselves or with the help about the objective conditions of the Model (VCT) Value
of others are the main data collection tools. This was done Clarification Technique through a pilot method.
because if using non-human tools and preparing themselves in 2. Field Notes
advance as commonly used in classical research, it would be
impossible to make adjustments to the realities in the field. Researchers rely on observations and interviews in
collecting data in the field. Then the researcher makes or
B. Locations and Subjects Research compiles notes. This note is in the form of graffiti as needed
which is very shortened. Data recorded according to the
This research was conducted in the area of West Java
results of observations and observations in the field.
Province precisely in SDN Cipatat jln. Tarumanegara
Sekarwangi Village, Buah Dua District, Sumedang Regency. The 3. Data Validity Test
subjects in this study were students in grade 3 at SDN Cipatat,
a. Triangulation
namely 9 students with a sample of 8 students. Besides that to
strengthen the results of the study, the subjects in this study Triangulation is a data validity checking technique that
were supplemented by grade 3 teachers at Cipatat Elementary utilizes something else. Outside the data is for checking
School. purposes or as a comparison of the data. The most widely
used triangulation technique is checking through other
C. Data Collection Techniques and Data Analysis
sources. Denzin, 1978 (Moleong, 2017) distinguishes four
The techniques and data analysis carried out in this study types of triangulation as an examination technique that
are explained in follow table 1 . utilizes the use of sources, methods, investigators and
Table 1: Data Collection Techniques and Data Analysis
Data Collection Techniques and Data Analysis b. Negative Case Analysis
No Data Collection Data
Data The negative case analysis technique is done by collecting
Techniques Analysis
Data analysis of the VCT samples and cases that do not fit the pattern and tendency of
(Value Clarification the information that has been collected and used as a
Interview and Qualitative
Technique) learning model
1 through the Pilot Method on
observation Analysis comparison. In a corporate leadership exercise, the
Civics Learning to improve participants have succeeded well and have held a good
students' affective position. Participants who did not complete the program and
intelligence. left the exercise prematurely were taken as a case to examine
Negative and positive impact
data from the VCT (Value
the shortcomings of the exercise program. Such a negative
Qualitative case is used as a negative case to explain alternative working
Clarification Technique)
Student Analysis
2 learning model through the
hypotheses in an effort to improve the argument of discovery.
Pilot Method on Civics
Learning to improve students' In this study, negative cases were taken from several
affective intelligence. examples listed in the two short stories which were used as
Data on the level of affective material for learning activities during the observation.
intelligence of students and
class teachers according to c. Detailed Description
the VCT (Value Clarification
3 Technique) learning model Observation This technique is used by researchers to report the results
through the Pilot Method on
Civics Learning to improve
of research so that the description is carried out as thoroughly
students' affective and accurately as possible which illustrates the context in
intelligence. which the research is conducted. This report refers to the
research focus. The description is specifically expressed with
everything that is needed by the reader so that the findings
Data regarding the objective conditions of the Model (VCT)
during the study can be understood.
Value Clarification Technique through the pilot method were
obtained through interviews, observations and filling in rubrics
for class teachers and students of SDN Cipatat Class 3. For
interviews with teachers and students, the data were
processed qualitatively. The steps in qualitative data
processing are carried out as follows.
1. Interview
III. FINDINGS B. Barriers to the Application of the VCT Model in Civics
Learning through the Pilot Method
A. A. Description of Civics Learning and Affective Intelligence
of Class 3 Students of Ciput Elementary School Before Obstacles encountered during the research can be divided
Learning Is Done Using the Value Clarification Technique into two namely obstacles that originate from within and
VCT Model through the Pilot Method from outside. Barriers that come from within the barriers that
At first the teacher did not really understand the Value come from within students. Once observed, students tend to
Clarification Technique (VCT) model. After the researchers find it difficult to express their opinions verbally. Class
conducted the research, finally the third grade teacher at teachers repeatedly try to lure students into wanting to
Cipatat Elementary School was able to use the Value express their opinions. In addition, there were also some
Clarification Technique (VCT) model in learning activities. students who were less active in learning in class, both in
group discussion activities and other learning activities.
Researchers make observations, it appears that teachers
do not have the ability to elaborate to improve students' Students who are less active, sometimes like to disturb
affective abilities in Civics learning. The teacher also has not their friends so that often triggers a commotion in the
been able to choose contextual problems that are in classroom. Barriers that come from outside the student also
accordance with the complete learning material. The teacher
occur during the study. First, facilities such as textbooks and
has not been able to direct students to improve affective
supporting books for students are minimal. One package
intelligence completely and convincingly according to the
book is distributed to two students, so students cannot freely
Value Clarification model
review the contents of the book. Second, teachers who teach
Technique (VCT) through a pilot method with the help of do not really understand the VCT model so learning is a little
short story text media with the theme "self-esteem". The hampered. With these obstacles learning activities are
learning model that is applied is still dominated by lectures somewhat disrupted. However, with the good cooperation of
and focuses learning on the teacher. The conventional model the schools, these obstacles can be overcome well.
learning step starts from giving information from the teacher,
asking questions, giving assignments and carrying out the
assignment by students until finally the teacher feels that C. Rubric Results
what has been taught can be understood by students.
Conventional learning makes students only act as passive The rubric results used by researchers to examine the
morale of students in class 3 at SDN Cipatat individually
listeners, causing boredom in students to learn.
generated data as follows:
Passivity of students makes communication that exists
only one-way communication that is communication between Alya has a very high honesty. He is also a student who has
very high integrity. In addition, Alya has a very high sense of
the teacher and students. Students are not given the
justice. Anisa has a very high honesty. He is also a student who
opportunity to explore a problem in their own way of thinking.
has very high integrity. In addition, Anisa has a very high sense
The difference in learning steps between the VCT learning
of justice. Delima Rahma Disty did not take part in the study
model and the conventional learning model will certainly have
when this research was conducted because she was sick. Early
a different impact on learning achievement in Civics. VCT
have very high honesty. He is also a student who has very high
learning models provide more opportunities for students to
integrity. In addition, Dini has a very high sense of justice. Fadli
explore a problem with their own thinkers. Thus, student
has very high honesty. He is also a student who has very high
achievement on Civics subjects taught with the VCT learning
integrity. In addition, Fadli has a very high sense of justice.
Fahmi has a very high honesty. He is also a student who has
The affective abilities of students still look weak, this is very high integrity. In addition, Fahmi has a very high sense of
seen from the factors of attitude, responsibility, cooperation. justice.
There are still some students who are seen behaving decently
when participating in learning, are still lacking in cooperation Kiki has a very high honesty. He is also a student who has
very high integrity. In addition, Kiki has a very high sense of
and less responsible when working on assignments.
justice. Radea has a very high honesty. He is also a student
who has very high integrity. In addition, Radea has a very high
sense of justice. Raisha has very high honesty. He is also a
student who has very high integrity. In addition, Raisha has a
very high sense of justice.
From the explanation above, the researcher can conclude work well as a Civics teacher must be an example in Civics by
that each student can have the character of honesty, integrity showing examples of behavior that are expected to be
and fairness of each. Not all students often lie, not all students replicated and implemented by students in school life and
like cheating. It all depends on the people in their daily life in the community.
environment who shape their character.

Adisusilo, Sutarjo. 2012. Pembelajaran Nilai Karakter
Citizenship learning using the VCT model was made for
Konstruktivisme dan VCT Sebagai Inovasi Pendekatan
students in grade 3 at SDN Cipatat with 9 students after being
Pembelajaran Afektif. Jakarta: Rajagrafindo Persada
considered successful. Because after listening to the story
Allen, K Eileen &Marotz, Lynn R. (2010). Profil
about "Determining Self-Esteem Not Always with Muscles"
Perkembangan Anak: Pra Kelahiran hingga Usia 12
children listen well and after the completion of the story, the
Tahun. Jakarta: PT. Indeks.
teacher asks questions related to the story and children can
Djahiri, Kosasih. (1992). Pengajaran Studi Sosial/IPS, Dasar-
bring back what they heard at the same time can tell people
Dasar Metodologi Model Belajar Mengajar Ilmu
which who behaves badly and well, who is a bad thing and
Pengetahuan Sosial. Bandung: LPPP-Ips IKIP Bandung.
both. The learning steps are as follows: the teacher makes
Moleong, L.J. (2017). Metodologi Penelitian Kualitatif Edisi
stimuli in the form of examples by way of telling stories. This
Revisi. Bandung: PT Remaja Rosdakarya.
story is adapted to the theme. This story must be able to
Puspita, Ryan Dwi. (2014). Application of VCT (Value
stimulate, involve and develop students' intellectual potential.
Clarification Tecnique) Learning Model Through The Pilot
What is highlighted here is the teacher's ability to read stories
Method on Civics Study To Increase Intelligence Effective
so I am interested in students. Second, it provides an
Low Grade Students. Proceeding International PGPAUD
opportunity for students to engage in dialogue or prior
stimulus, conducting guided dialogue that questions have been
Rahman. (2017). Model Mengajar dan Pembelajaran.
prepared posted by the teacher's stimulus with new media that
Sumedang: Alqaprint.
are related beforehand, both individually and collectively.
Sari, Diana Novita, Reinita, Lubis, Mansur . (2018). Pengaruh
With learning patterns using VCT it is expected that students
Pendekatan Value Clarification Technique (VCT) Metode
can apply the value of clarification in everyday life.
Percontohan Terhadap Hasil Belajar PKn Siswa SD. e-
One of the features of the new paradigm in the teaching
Jurnal Inovasi Pembelajaran SD. 1(1), 1-9.
of Civics is that they no longer focus on teaching Civics, but
Tyas, S. P., & Mawardi, M. (2016). Keefektifan Model
are more oriented towards learning Civics or attempts to
Pembelajaran Value Clarification Technique dalam
mobilize teacher Civics. Therefore, in teaching citizenship,
Mengembangkan Sikap Siswa. Satya Widya, 32(2), 103-
students are fostered to familiarize themselves or dive into the
material content of the Civic message. In order for the goals to

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