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综合训练(项少峰/Ted 张佳程)

Lesson8 A famous monastery

PartⅠ Key Structures and Special difficulties

There are four choices marked [A] [B] [C] and [D] for each
sentence below, choose the one
answer that best completes the sentence.
1. People may have different opinion about Karen, but I
admire her. __________, she is a great musician.
[A ]After all [B] As a result
[C] In other words [D] As usual
2. The famous basketball star, _________ tried to make a
comeback, attracted a lot of attention.
[A] where [B] when [C] which [D] who
3. _________, he is always patient with the patients.
[A] For a doctor [B] With a doctor
[C] As a doctor [D] To a doctor
4. At the age of 29, Dave was a worker ______ in a small
apartment near Boston and ______ what to do about his

[A] living; wondering [B] lived; wondering

[C] lived; wondered [D] living; wondered

综合训练(项少峰/Ted 张佳程)

5. The traditional approach _________ with complex

problems is to break them down into smaller, more easily
managed problems. (2019 武外期中)

[A] to dealing [B] in dealing

[C] dealing [D] to deal
6. _________ the soup was very salty, we were thirsty
[A] However [B] Although [C] If [D] As
7. ________that my head had cleared, my brain was also
beginning to work much better. (2021 天外)

[A] For [B] Now [C] Since [D] Despite

8. _________I met her, which was fairly often, she greeted

me with a sweet smile. (2020,山东)

[A] Wherever [B] Whatever [C] Whenever [D]

9. You know she was popular _________ when she was a
child. (2020 成外)

[A] ever [B] even [C] hardly [D]


综合训练(项少峰/Ted 张佳程)

PartⅡ Translation

1. 起先他反对这门亲事,但最后同意了。

2. 我小时候就发觉没有什么比读书对我更有吸引力。


3. 我是这里的老师中最没有经验的。


4.你能想到一个以 C 开头的花名吗?



综合训练(项少峰/Ted 张佳程)








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