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TP HỒ CHÍ MINH KHÓA NGÀY: 30/3/2022 – NĂM HỌC 2021 – 2022


Thời gian làm bài: 120 phút


(Đề này gồm 4 trang)

LISTENING (20 PTS). There are 2 recordings. You will listen to each recording twice.

SECTION 1: Listening to the recording. For questions 1 – 10 write the word you hear in each of the numbered blanks.

Wembley Stadium is a sports station in London, England. It opened in 2007 and was built to replace the (1) ________
Wembley Stadium, which was built in (2) ________. With a (3) ________ of 50,000, it’s the second largest stadium in
Europe. The (4) ______ features of the stadium are its (5) ________ retractable roof and the arch, which is 133
meters high and (6) ______ meters wide. Wembley Station (7) _________the matches of the English national football
team as well as the (8) _____ of several important football competitions, such as the FA club and the UEFA (9)
_________ League. This stadium is also a concert (10) _________ for many well-known musicians.
SECTION 2: Listen to the recording. Complete each statement with the missing information. You have to write 3-5
words for each statement.

1. This is Kathy’s brother’s ____________ outside

2. They brought lots of stuffs – clothes, buckets and ___________.

3. They had to put ___________ of the car.

4. Cars were driving __________ that had fallen on the road.

5. Their dog Toby got __________ after a rabbit.


Choose the word or phrase (A, B, C or D) that best completes the sentence.

1. To prepare for the TOEFL, _________ 30 minutes every day for several months.

A. must study B. studying C. study D. have to study

2. Kate _____ glasses when she reads and writes

A. has to wear B. must be wearing C. needs wearing D. must wear

3. Promise me _________ lies again.

A. that you will never tell B. you never should tell

C. that you will never have told D. you shouldn’t have told
4. Only 20 excellent students __________ into this department last year.

A. could be admitted B. were admitted C. must have admitted D. were admitting

5. Such ______________ that all the judges gave them maximum points

A. was the perfection of the dancers’ performance B. a perfect performance the dancers gave
C. perfect dancers they performed D. a performed perfection did the dancers had

6. I wish youngsters __________ their bikes more slowly.

A. had ridden B. could ride C. ride D. would ride

7. __________ anyone agreed with his opinion

A. Almost B. Mostly C. Nearly most D. Hardly

8. The meat was good, it was a little tough, _________
A. however B. therefore C. then D. although
9. Without the computer, getting information ____ so easy as it is today.

A. will not be B. hasn’t been C. wouldn’t be D. is not

10. I’m sorry to hear that Peter and Dick have ________. They were such good friends

A. fallen out B. broken off C. dropped out D. driven away

11. These cars originally had 2 doors but the latest ____ has four.

A. make B. brand C. model D. pattern

12. The police were baffled by the attack as there seemed to be his apparent _______.

A. design B. principle C. motive D. plot

13. For a few seconds, I was at a(n)___________ to know what to say.

A. loss B. incapability C. blank D. ignorance

14. The runner got a huge blister on his heel where his new shoes _______
A. scratched B. rubbed C. scrubbed D. gripped

15. I ________ to think what will happen if I turn up late again.

A. bear B. loathe C. despair D. dread

Choose the word or phrase (A, B, C or D) that is incorrect

16. Since rats are destructive and may carry disease, so a great number of cities try to exterminate them.


17. Due to bad weather, the village carnival held on yearly basis had to be put off until the weekend.


18. Realistic novels, in trying to present life as it actually is, have written many works that are notable for their artistry


of style.
19. After a fortnight in the jungle, we failed to keep track of Mr Truck, the expedition leader, in whom we were very


much dependent.
20. Both the girls are trying to win the scholarship, and Yun seems to be the one to get the highest score.

WORD FORMS (40 pts)

Fill in the blank with the appropriate form of the word given in brackets.

1. Kate always shows her ________ by clearing her throats. (present)

2. We were pleased with their service, but the food was just ________. (tolerate)
3. His interest in saving the environment is so great that he decided to quit his ______ job. (pay)

4. Peter Wilson was given a medal in recognition of his ________ in rescuing the victims in the fire. (brave)

5. Millitary service is not ________ for women in most nations. (compel)

6. We always provide our students with suitable _________. (guide)

7. We were ________ when the lightning struck the house next door. (terror)

8. He left the room __________ because everybody else was busy eating and chatting. (notice)
9. Quang Hai is _________ the most valuable player of the Vietnamese team. (doubt)

10. They agreed to show him to live in the apartment __________. (rent)

Put the words given in the correct blanks. You have to use their correct forms to make a meaningful passage.
There are 2 extra words that you cannot use.

harm imagine act issue ordinary change

day enormity world youth upset sell

Public (11) ____ to the Disney film “Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs” when it was first issued in 1937 was (12) ____.
It was received with great excitement and it immediately became (13) ____ popular throughout the world. Good
advertising was not the only reason for this (14) ____ popularity; the film and its characters captured the (15) ____ of
people all over the world like no film before it.
In Britain there were (16) ____ a articles about the film and how the film was made. Snow white toys and books were
on (17) ____ everywhere. Some people thought that it might be (18) ____ for children but most people saw it as (19)
____ entertainment. Sine 1937, it has been (20) ____ every few years, giving enjoyment to many generations of children.

Read the passage and choose the best option (A, B, C or D) for each blank space.

(1) ________ to the European Pizza Makers' Association, making a good pizza is not a straightforward skill to (2)
_________. The ingredients seem very simple: flower, yeast, water and a bit of salt. (3) ________, water and flour can
easily (4) _______ a rather unappetizing gluey mix, and anyone who has eaten a (5) ________quality pizza will know
how bad it can make your stomach (6) ______.

"In Italy, 70% of pizza makers could improve (7) ________ their products, not to (8) _______ all the pizza makers
around the world who (9) _______ uneatable meals," says Antonio Primiceri, the association's (10) _________. He has
now started a pizza school in an attempt to (11) ________ the reputation of this tradition dish. As part of an (12) ______
course, the students at Mr. Primiceri school are taught to avoid common mistakes, produce a good basic moisture, add
a tasty topping and cook the pizza properly. "Test the finished pizza by breaking the crust," advises Mr. Primiceri. "If the
soft (13) _______ inside the pizza is white, clean and dry, it's a good pizza. If it's not like this the pizza will (14) ________
your stomach. You will feel (15) _______ full and also thirsty.

1. A. Comparing B. Referring C. According D. Conforming

2. A. take B. retain C. distribute D. acquire

3. A. However B. Despite C. Although D. Conversely

4. A. make out B. take up C. put out D. turn into

5. A. sad B. poor C. short D. weak

6. A. sense B. do C. feel D. be

7. A. on B. in C. with D. for

8. A. state B. mention C. remark D. tell

9. A. submit B. give C. provide D. deal

10. A. finder B. founder C. beginner D. starter

11. A. save B. hold C. deliver D. return

12. A. extensive B. extreme C. intensive D. intentional

13. A. spot B. part C. side D. slice

14. A. worry B. upset C. ache D. depress

15. A. discouragingly B. tightly C. uncomfortably D. heavily


Choose the item (A, B, C or D) that best completes the unfinished statement about the passage.
The Beatles became the most popular group in rock music history. This quartet of extraordinarily talented musicians
generated a phenomenal number of pieces that won gold records. They inspired a frenzy that transcended countries
and economic strata. While all of them sang, John Lennon and Paul McCartney wrote the majority of their songs.
Originally, Lennon and five others formed a group called the Quarrymen in 1956, with McCartney joining them later
that year. George Harrison, John Lennon, and Paul McCartney, together with Stuart Sutcliffe, who played the bass
guitar, and Pete Best on the drums, performed together in several bands for a few years, until they finally settled on
the Silver Beatles in 1960. American rock musicians, such as Chuck Berry and Elvis Presley, influenced Lennon’s and
McCartney’s music, whose first hits consisted of simple tunes and lyrics about young love, “Love Me Do” and “Please,
Please Me” The Beatles’ U.S. tour propelled them to stardom and led to two movies A Hard Day’s Night and Help!,
filmed in 1964 and 1965. The so-called British invasion of the United States was in full swing when they took the top
five spots on the singles charts, followed by the release of their first film.
During the 1960s, their music matured and acquired a sense of melody. The lyrics of their songs became deeper
and gained in both imagination and meaning. Their popularity continued to grow as the Beatles turned their attention
to social problems and political issues in “Nowhere Man” and “Eleanor Rigby.” Loneliness and nostalgia come through
in their ballads “Michelle” and “Yesterday,” which fully displayed the group’s professional development and
sophistication. Lennon’s sardonic music with lyrics written in the first person, and McCartney’s songs that
created scenarios with off beat individuals, contributed to the character of the music produced by the group. In
addition to their music, the Beatles set a social trend that popularized long hair, Indian music, and mod dress.
For a variety of reasons, the musicians began to drift apart, and their last concert took place in San Francisco in
1966. The newspapers and tabloids publicized their quarrels and lawsuits, and the much idolized group
finally disbanded in 1970. However, their albums had outsold those of any other band in history. Although all of the
Beatles continued to perform solo or form new rock groups, alone, none could achieve the recognition and success
that they had been able to win together.

1. What does the passage mainly discuss?

A. The history and music of the Beatles.
B. The history and milestones of rock music.
C. The fashion and music popular in the 1960s.
D. The creation and history of a music group.
2. According to the passage, how many members were in the band,formed n 1956?
A. Four B. Five C. Six D. Seven
3. According to the passage, which of the Beatles had the greatest musical talents?
A. John Lennon and Paul McCartney
B. George Harrison and John Lennon
C. Stuart Sutcliffe and Pete Best
D. John Lennon, Paul Mcartney and George Harrison.
4. The author of the passage implies that the Beatles ...
A. Competed with American Musicians.
B. Wrote their music as a group
C. Became popular relatively quickly
D. Were active in social movements
5. According to the passage, the Beatles’ fame grew as a result of
A. Chuck Berry’s involvement
B. Their American tour
C. Two movies made in the US
D. Their first two hits
6. The author of the passage implies that over time, the music and lyrics by the Beatles
A. Became more complex than at the beginning of their career
B. Declined in quality and political significance
C. Were dedicated to women named Eleanor nd Michelle
D. Made them the richest musicians in the world.
7. The word ‘acquired’ is closest in meaning to
A. Imparted B. attached C. imprinted D. attained
8. According to the passage, when did the Beatles experience their greatest success?
A. In the late 1950s
C. After his break-up in 1970
B. During the early and mid - 1960s
D. throughout their lifetime
9. The word “scenario” is closest in meaning to
A. Sceneries B. situations C. life stories D. love themes
10. According to the passage, how did Lennon and McCccartney enhance the music of the group?
A. They struggled to reach the stardom of the United State.
B. They composed lyrics to scornful songs and ballads
C. Their music added distinctiveness to the Beatles repertoire
D. Their loneliness and sadness made their music popular.
Fill in each blank with ONE suitable word to make a meaningful passage.


Before you begin to think of specific projects, (1) ______ your imagination fly beyond the here and now and think
about what, in an ideal world, you (2) ______ really love to do. This should help you to get in touch with the real you
(3) _______ the daily worries that drag you down. Don't let lack of money, time, qualifications or any (4) ______
negative reasons why you cannot do what you want (5) ______ in the way of your fantasies. The time for assessing
real possibilities will come later, when the various options can be considered in the (6) _______ systematic way.

Imagine the impossible need not be a (7) _______ of time. Such flights of fancy can provide clues as to (8) ______
you would like to be, or what you might want to work towards. Try the following exercise. Imagine for a time that there
are no (9) _______ for you of time, money, age, status, ties, etc. Then select one of the (10) ________ My Fantasy
Job; My Fantasy Day, My Fantasy Life.


Playing music all the time may be an attempt to (11) _______ customers at supermarkets -- so they will enjoy
shopping more -- or a (12) _______ of projecting an image. One supermarket plays 1960s music to go with its décor.
(13) _______ sets out simply to please - playing 1950s and 1960s music in the morning when (14) ________
customers do most of their shopping, pop music in the evenings and on Saturdays for a younger (15) _______ and
music that appeals to the (16) ______ family on a Sunday. Some stores use music to increase their (17) ________ by
playing slow waltzes or light classics on quiet days, like Mondays, to keep customers browsing and buying. At (18)
________ times like Saturdays, they'll increase the tempo to encourage customers to move quickly through the store.

A recent supermarket study reported a 38% increase in sales when the store played slow music (19) ______ to fast
music. However, you can shop in (20) _______ at some supermarkets which never play music - their customers say it
puts them off.

Rewrite each sentence in such a way that it means almost the same as the one printed before it. Use the word
in brackets without making any change to it.

1. I suppose it’s possible that she didn’t understand my message. (may)

-> It is my ______________________________

2. Our car is in the garage for repairs (by)

-> We ______________________________

3. “Why don’t you relax for a while?” she said to me (easy)

-> She suggested ______________________

4. He succeeded in the project, which caused my amazement. (amazed)

-> So __________________________________

5. You could be arrested for not giving a breath sample to the police (result)

-> Your refusal_______________________

6. I really like her voice but not her choice of songs (choices)

-> Much _____________________________

7. Don’t go to lunch until you have typed all these letters. (hour)

-> Don’t forget ________________________

8. If student numbers fall again, we’ll have to cancel the class (reduction)

-> If there _______________________

9. I’d prefer a salad to your cooked meal. (you)
-> I’d rather _______________________

10. They ran and ran until they were exhausted. (out)

-> They went _____________________


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