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Voltage specifica on:

1) What is HT?
Answer: HT is high tension its range is 11Kilo volts to 33KV.

2) What is LT? Specify its rage?

Answer: Low tension its range is 220 to 440 Volts.

3) What is S T? Its range?

Answer: S T is supper tension its range is above 33 Kilo volts.

4) What is transformer? State its func ons?
Answer: transformer is sta c device it transforms the voltage from primary to secondary
without changing the frequency. It works on the principle of Faraday’s Law of
Electromagne c induc on.

5) What are types of transformers?

1) According to usage a) Power transformer b) distribu on transformer.
2) According to construc on a) Core type b) Shell type c) Berry type.
3) According to voltage level a) Step down b) Step up.

6) Which transformer is commonly used for power distribu on?

Answer: distribu on transformer of A/C commonly use over power distribu on (primary
delta type and secondary star type).

7) What is safety measures controlled in transformer? Explain them?

a) Check oil level in the conservator tank
b) Check the oil temperature (should be less than 50 ‘C)
c) Check winding temperature (it should be less than 60 ‘C)
d) Check oil leakage
e) Check abnormal sound or noise
f) Avoid vibra on
g) Check the silica gel condi on

8) How many earthing is required for commencing a transformer?

Answer: 4 Earthing pit required in which 2 is for body earthing and 2 for neutral earthing.
9) What is the reason for earthing the transformer neutral?
1. It keeps the load balance.
2. It provides single phase line.
3. The line can be tested easily at any point with its help.
4. It protects the machines.
5. without a neutral, under unbalanced load condi on, a phase can return the power to the

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source (alternator, transformer etc) and damage the same.

10) What is OLTC?

Answer: ON LOAD TAP CHANGER or CHANGEOVER, it is used to change the tap of transformer
on load depending on the voltage varia on. OLTC is always connected to primary side

11) What is breather?

Answer: breather is used to absorb the moisture entering in the transformer tank along with air.
Or Breathing of transformer is called Breather, Its func on is to suck air from atmosphere and
pass through silica gel according to the oil level varia on in conservator tank. Or

Breather is fi ed to top of the conservator tank through a pipe. Temperature of transformer oil
raise as winding temperature raises at the same me air in the transformer also expands, when
temperature of the winding reduces, Oil temperature also reduces and air in the transformer
depresses, this expansion is called breathing.

When atmospheric air come in to transformer through breather, moisture contents in the air
observed by the silica gel in the breather for maintaining the insula ng property of the
Transformer oil. By observing the moisture contents in the air it slowly loses its blue colour and
turn in to white.

12) What is silica gel?

Answer: silica gel is used to absorb the moisture a in the transformer oil tank.

13) What is good condi on colour and bad condi on colour of silica gel?
Answer: silica gel is blue in good condi on and pink colour in bad condi on.

14) What is bucholz relay? State its func ons?

Answer: bucholz relay is a protec ve device it protects it protects the transformer against over
load and short circuit in the winding and it has two float a) top float and b) bo om float

Top float is used for alarm circuit and bo om float used for tripping the breaker in case of
service faults. Or

It is a protec on relay of the transformer. This relay operates on the excessive forma on of the
oil vapors or gas inside the transformer tank due to any internal fault of the transformer. It is
fi ed between the tank and conservator.

When a heavy internal fault like short circuit, earth leakage or failure of insula on occurs in the
system, it rapidly increases the temperature of the oil.

Due to this to abnormal increase of temperature, the oil expands quickly and rushes firstly to the
conservator through the relay. On the way it trip the tripping coil of Bucholz relay, thus the
transformer is saved from possible damage. Bucholz relay: This is a transformer sta c device. It has
two switches or relay such as Alarm switch and Trip switch.

Buchholz relay defined as Iden fica on and significance of gas the nature of the fault could be
judge with the help of gas collected in bucholz relay.

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Colour iden fica on of gas:

1. Colour less gas: Air

2. White : gas due to decomposi on paper insula on
3. Yellow : gas due to decomposed wooden insula on
4. Gray : gas due to decomposed oil due to hea ng of core
5. Black : gas due to decomposed oil due to electric arc

15) What is the normal oil level in the conservator tank?

Half of the transformer oil maintained in the conservator tank and remaining half of the area
provide to expansion or contrac on of oil in the conservator tank.

16) What is normal oil level of transformer?

Answer: normal oil level of transformer is approximately 75% of the conservator.

17) What is VCB? Where it is installed?

Answer: VCB means vacuum circuit breaker

It is used up to 33KV, the fixed and moving contacts housed in the vacuum contacts to
quench the arc produced when the opening and closing of contacts. VCB is used for low
currents and high voltage side.

18) What is meter cubical? What is its use?

Answer: Meter cubical is a energy meter it consist of CT and PT. It is moun ng the load of KW,
KVA, PF, MD, Volts, etc and it is used to measure the energy consumed by the consumer.

19) What is PF? Formula for calcula on PF in H T side?

Answer: The ra o of real power (KW) to the apparent power (KVR). PF=(KWH/KVA)

20) What is the acceptable current for human?

Answer: It is 30milli amps.

21) What are the safety seals?

Answer: It is a tag and seal. It is a safety to handle with authorized person only.

22) What is the procedure followed during transformer oil filtra on?
Answer: Check oil level in transformer, Check & remove silica gel and replace if required,
Check HV test before and a er oil filtra on.

23) What is the normal oil level in conservator tank?

Answer: Normal oil level in conservator tank is in between L (low) and H (high).

24) What is the minimum dielectric strength of transformer oil?

Answer: It is 30KV. Transformer oil goes to low dielectric strength at 20 KV. Max 60kv.

25) What is dielectric strength?

Answer: Dielectric strength of dielectric material is defined as the ability of that material to

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withstand the voltage per unit thickness of that material, without breaking down. Or
Dielectric strength of dielectric material is defined as the maximum voltage, which the
material can withstand per unit thickness, without being rupturing.

26) What are the safety relays and alarms provided for Transformer?
Answer: Over current relay, Earth fault relay, Bucholz alarm, Bucholz trip, Winding temperature
alarm, winding temperature trip, Tripping relay.
27) What are the safety measures in transformer?
Answer: Oil level, Oil temperature, Winding temperature, Winding tap posi on, Silica gel
colour, Bucholz relay, Input & Output voltage & current.
28) What is the acceptable current for human?
Answer: Human acceptable current is 30 milli Amps.
29) What is meter cubical? What is it using?
Answer: Meter cubical is a energy meter it consist of C.T & P.T It is moun ng the load of
KW,KVA,PF,MD,VOLTS, etc and it is used to measure the energy consumed by the consumer.
30) In star connec on: the phase current and line current will be same, but the line voltage is
equal to √3 mes of phase voltage.
31) In delta connec on: the phase voltage and line voltage will be same, but the line current is
equal to √3 mes of phase current.
32) OT = Oil Temperature Acceptable range as = 65°C to 80° C in maximum range Alarm starts at
33) WT = winding Temperature Acceptable range as = 65°C to 85°C in maximum range, Alarm
starts at 90°C.
DG set(Diesel Generator) :

Generator Parts name and uses:

1) Permanent magnet generator: used to supply the magne c power.

2) AVR: used to keep the voltage within the limit.
3) 1/2 moon coupling plate: used to couple the exhaust with the engine.
4) 2no.s self starter: used to supply the star ng torque to the engine.
5) Ba ery charging alternator(Dynamo): used to charge the ba ery while the generator
in running condi on.
6) 2nos super by pass filter: used to filter the engine oil.
7) Priming pump(2hp): used to supply the oil to engine parts.
8) 4nos Coolant filter: used to filter the coolant.
9) Turbo charger(2nos): used to supply the air to the engine.
10) Exhaust bellow(2nos): used to dispose the smoke from engine to outside.
11) Oil filter: used to filter the engine oil.
12) Air filter(2nos): used to filter the air from outside.
13) Engine oil s ck(Dip s ck): used to find out the engine oil level.
14) Heat exchanger tank: used to transfer the heat from the water.
15) Water pipe coupling assembly: used to flow the water near to the eingine.
16) Fly wheel-1500 rpm: used to run the engine.

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17) Coolant glass indicator: used to find out the water level in the expansion coolant
18) Fuel pump: used to supply the fuel to the engine.
19) Ac vator and fuel supply: used to control the fuel to the engine.
20) Lube oil filter(4nos): used to filter the lube oil.
21) Fuel water separator (2nos): used to filter the water in the fuel.
22) Engine oil pump: used to supply the oil to the engine.
23) Oil pressure sensing: used to find out the pressure of the oil.
24) Water temperature sensor: used to find out the temperature of water.
25) Low coolant water level sensor: used to find out the water level in the expansion
coolant tank.
26) Magne c pickup: used to find out the speed of flywheel.
27) Vacuum indicator: used to find out the amount of dust par cles in the air filter.
28) Cooling towers: used to supply the chilled water to the eingine.

34) Diesel generator or diesel engine.

Answer: engine is device which converts fuel energy in to mechanical energy.

35) What is an engine?

Answer: Mechanical energy genera ng machine is called engine.

36) What is an Alternator?

Answer: An AC genera ng machine is called alternator, It converts mechanical energy into
electrical energy.

37) What is EFC governor? State its func on?

Answer: The electric fuel controller is called governor. It is used on engine for controlling its
speed either in a synchronous mode or with adjustable droop. EFC governor is used to PT fuel

38) What is turbo charger? State its func on?

Answer: It is a device which sucks the air from outside through the air filter and supplies with
full force to the engine for burning process and generator breathing purpose. Its speed is
more than lakhs RPM. Or Turbo charger sucks atmospheric air through air filter by the
rota on of compression wheel, the sucked air is supplied to engine to combus on of fuel.
The compression wheel is mounted on same sha of turbine which driven by exhaust gas
have the RPM OF 10150. (Or) Turbo charger is used to exhaust in tank air by using the energy
of the exhaust gas there for improve the efficiency of the engine.

39) What is breathing? State its func on?

Answer: Breathing of engine is called breathing; its func on is to supply pure air to engine for
combus on.
40) What is breather? State its function.

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At the me of load or any other unnatural condi on quan ty of fuel burnt is high, there by
high quan ty of exhaust gas relese, at this me exhaust gases. Along with unburnt fuel comes
out through the breather.
41) What is Thermostat? State its func on?
Ans- It is a thermal switch. It is a switching device depending on the temperature of oil and
42) What is thermostat? State its func on?
Answer: Thermostat is a coil which is placed inside the heat exchanger tank to reduce heat
of water.

43) What is ba ery charger? State its func on?

Answer: A ba ery charger is a rec fier unit which can usually supply 3 to 12 A of current at
6, 13, & 24 Volts. It is used to charge the ba ery.

44) What is priming pump? State its func on?

Answer: Priming pump is an AC three phase motor which is used to regulate the engine
lube oil of generator before it start.

45) What is self starter? State its func on?

Answer: A self starter is 24 volts operated DC series motor which is used to supply the
star ng torque to an automobile engine.

46) What type of ba ery to be used for DG Star ng? State its func on?
Answer: Lead acid cell ba ery to be used for DG Star ng, It is used to supply the 24V DC
supply to the self starter.

47) What are the Earthing’s required for commissioning the DG?
Ans- Four Earth pits required for commissioning of DG.
Two earth pits required for the body earth and both are interlinked together.
Another two earth pits required for the neutral and both are interlinked together.
48) If AVR fails in Dg sets what will be the effect?
Ans- If AVR fails in generator the output voltage of the generator will have more
fluctua ons, that means the output voltage is increased and decreased. Which affects the
speed of DG?

49) What is mechanical interlock? Explain the use?

Ans- The interlock system provided for two switches by mechanically is called mechanical
interlock. In this type of interlocking system we cannot switch ON or OFF the switches which
is providing interlock without the Key. In this type one Switch is in ON posi on another one
is in OFF posi on, we cannot switch ON or OFF the both switches at the same me.

50) What do you mean by GCP?

Ans- Generator Control Panel
51) Write the ba ery capacity for 500 & 600 KVA Generator?
Ans- (12V & 120Ah to 180Ah)*2
52) What is the low level of diesel in DG tank for 500 & 600 KVA?
Ans- 150 to200 Ltrs.

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53) What are the materials replacing in B-check of DG set and on what period basis B-chech will
be carried out?
Ans- Engine Oil, Oil Filter, Fuel Filter, By-pass Filter. B-check is performed for every 300hrs.

54) What are the meters provide in DG-set?

Ans- Power meter- Measuring of KW, %KW, KVAR,MWH,PF
A/C Meter- Measuring of line voltage, phase voltage, phase current, frequency, average
voltage and 3phase total amps.
Engine meter- measuring of ba er voltage, oil temperature, water temperature, oil
pressure, fuel pressure, RPM and running hours.
55) What is the pH value of radiator coolant water?
Ans- it should be below 9ppm.
56) What is AVR and state its func on?
Ans- Automa c Voltage Regulator(AVR). It balance the voltage according to the se ng
57) What is primary pump? State its func on?
Ans- It is oil circula ng pump. It is used to lubricate the engine before star ng.
58) What are the condi ons for DG synchroniza on?
Ans- Voltage, Phase sequence & phase angle, Frequency all these should be same.
59) What are the safety measures in Alternator?
Ans- Check the ba ery charger voltage and current, Check exciter voltage, output voltage,
current and frequency.
60) What is E.C.U? State its function.
Electronic Control Unit, It displays the parameters like water temperature, ba ery Voltage
low oil pressure, RPM

61) What is pressure relif value? State its function.

When very high pressure builds in an engine to maintain the pressure, Excessive pressure
release through the pressure relif valve to the sump of the engine.

Main parts of DG:

1. Governor:
Answer: It is used to control the speed of the engine by regula ng the fuel supply
turbocharger is used to exhaust intake air by using the energy of the exhaust gas there for
improve the efficiency of the engine.

2. Engine :
Answer: Radiator, Radiator pump, Exhaust pipe, Turbo charger, Air filter, Crank sha , Piston,
Starter, Governor, Fuel tank, & fuel pump.
3. Alternator :
Answer: Stator, Armature, Rotor, Magne c field.

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DG Maintenance:
Types of check

a) A- check =Everyday
b) B- check =Every six months or 250 hours
c) C- check =Every year or 1500 hours
A- Check

a) Oil level
b) Fuel level
c) Water level in radiator
d) Ba ery voltage & terminal voltage more than 26 volts for (range of 24v)
e) Tension of drive belts.
f) Dis lled water level in ba eries.
g) Check all fuel connec ons for leakages and damages.
h) Check all panel meters are working
i) Cleaning of DG Set.

a) Air filter replace

b) Fuel filter replace
c) Oil filter replace
d) Oil replace
e) Radiator coolant replace
C-Check- Over all maintenance

Protec ons:
Engine side
a) Low lube oil pressure
b) High water temperature
c) Ba ery voltage
d) Low fuel alarm
e) Thermosta c opera on and trip relay

Alternator side
a) Earth fault relay
b) Earth leakage relay
c) AVR Relay
d) Over current relay
e) Under and Over voltage relay

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DG parallel opera on:
Engine Oil = SAE = 15W = 40W
12V Ba ery = 6 No Cell.
1 Cell—2 VOLT Charging voltage =13 or 13.5
Ba ery- Series Connec on
Dis lled water check =Hydrometer
Specifica on =1.2 or 1.24

DG Set synchronizing Time

Each DG Voltage it is same

RPM it is same
Frequency it is same
That any one difference increase or Decrease push bu on pressed.

a) Voltage level
b) Phase Sequence
c) Frequency
Synchroniza on notes
When mains are healthy, then both the D.G. Sets remain in the standby mode.

• When mains fail, Line Voltage Monitor (L.V.M.) senses it. Star ng pulses are given to the Master
D.G. Set. (Master D.G. Set is automa cally selected by program.)

• A er sa sfactory star ng of the D.G. Set 1, voltage is sensed by Generator Voltage Monitor
(G.V.M.). If voltage is healthy, then closing signal is given to D.G.1 breaker and it is closed.

• Giving corresponding pulses from the Synchronizing Panel can then automa cally start load.

• The load is then sensed by KW transducer in the panel & con nuously monitored by
Programmable Logic Controller (P.L.C.)

• Engine & Alternator parameters are also con nuously monitored by P.L.C. in the Panel. In case of
any fault (e.g. Low Lube Oil Pressure, High Cooling Water Temperature etc.), breaker is tripped &
engine is stopped.

• If the load reaches & crosses 80 % of the rated capacity of the D.G. 1, then star ng pulses are
given to the second D.G. set from P.L.C.

• When D.G.2 starts, then again G.V.M. checks the voltage, and if voltage is healthy, then breaker 2
is closed.

• A er closing of the second breaker, Auto load sharing func on starts sharing the load between
the two D.G. Sets. The percentage of sharing is directly propor onal to their individual capaci es.

• Since sharing is propor onal to their respec ve capaci es, even D.G. sets of different capaci es
can be synchronized successfully.

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• D.G. sets con nue to run in Synchroniza on un l the load is above 80 % of any one D.G. set.

• When load comes down below 80 % of any one D.G. set, then the automa c signal is given to that
D.G. & then it starts taking the full load.

• A er transferring the total load to one D.G. (on which 80 % load is to be connected), the breaker
of the second opened. Now one D.G. is taking the load, which is less than 80 % of its rated

• The second D.G. is then stopped a er its cooling period.

• The programmed is repeated automa cally for any varia on of the load.

• When mains are resumed, then load is transferred to the mains & both the D.G. sets are stopped
a er their cooling period.

• The percentage se ng is programmable which can be set at any value up to say 90 %

• For stable opera on even for sudden varia ons in the load, programmed mers in PLC are used,
which take ac on only a er stabiliza on of the load.
• The total Automa c opera on has a manual override. In manual mode, the total opera on can
be performed manually.

• Auto load shedding facility can be incorporated by suitable programming of PLC. With this facility,
various loads can be brought in or switched off at par cular me or for various intervals.

• With the same logic, 3, 4 or 5 sets of equal or different capaci es can be synchronized with Auto
load sharing facility.


• the total program is based on load in KW. Hence the actual sharing, star ng, stopping & transfers
are actual load dependent & not on any other unrealis c parameter like voltage, current. Etc.

• Changing of scheme becomes very easy because of changes are made through so ware only.
There is no changing of wires, adding of components like relays, contactors, which is very me
consuming, cumbersome & requiring addi onal space.

• Along with KW sharing, KVAR sharing & PF sharing is very accurate, because of PLC programming.
There is no possibility of any unequal sharing as regards KW, KVAR & PF.

• For any type of load addi on or reduc on, manual interven on as regards D.G. set opera on is
not required. However, in case of emergency manual override is possible.

• Special programmers using Real Time Clock (RTC) are possible. With this facility, along with KW
dependent programs; day, date & me dependent programmers are possible.

• Because of KW dependent load sharing, op mum u liza on of D.G. sets are possible. This
increases D.G. sets efficiency & saves lot of fuel.

• D. G. sets are always tried to run with 80 % to 90 % load factor, where we get maximum efficiency

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of D.G. sets. This is easily possible with our system.

• Because of PLC opera on, hardware like relays, contactors, wiring etc is reduced dras cally. This
reduces fault points & increases the MTBF of the system.

• If any changes are required to be made in future, then there is no need of addi onal hardware
like relays, contactors etc. There is also no need to make new wiring or changes in the wiring. All the
changes / modifica ons can be easily made through so ware only.
Due to unbalanced loading of the phases you will get neutral current. I hope you know this. When
the voltages and currents of supply system are balanced the neutral current will be zero and the
voltage between the neutral to the earth (ground) will be zero too. but in prac ce there will always
be some amount of unbalance in the phases due to this current will be available in neutral and
further to this there will be voltage between the earth to neutral. The neutral to ground voltage can
also occur in case there is any leakage from one of the phases to the neutral connec on line.
Further to the above there could be induced voltages due to harmonics.
With above I think you got idea how to avoid it too. Normally the allowed neutral to earth voltage
maximum in India is 5 Volts.

Power Factor: Cosine angle between current and voltage is called Power Factor.

a) Improved efficiency of the equipment
b) Less Line losses
c) Voltage regula on
d) Reduced KVA demand.

UPS (Uninterrupted power supply):

1) What is UPS?
Ans- UPS means Uninterrup ble Power Supply. It supplies the uninterrupted power to
the output connected system.
2) What is dedicated neutral earth? Why its required?
Ans: Separate earthing only for neutral that’s called dedicated earthing. Using for single phase load
neutral is required.

Off online UPS:

3) What is off line UPS?

Ans: The off line UPS is works as when the raw power failure happened in the period power
is given by ba ery that is called as off line UPS.
It is used for Emergency ligh ng in the building.
4) What is ba ery charger? State its func on?
Ans: Its a machine step down the voltage and converts AC to DC supply. It is used for charging
the ba ery.

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5) What are the safety measures in UPS? Explain them
Ans: UPS input and output voltage, current, frequency ba ery voltage and current and all LED

Main By Pass (switch)

Main Charger DC Inverter


AC Transfer Switch

Ba ery

backup mode ON Line UPS

normal mode

Bypass mode

On line UPS:

6) What is the on line UPS?

Ans: The on lie UPS is works as the power is resumed or failure happened in the power system
it will not effect to the any system which is connected to the UPS that is called as on line UPS.

It is used for cri cal load like Data centre.

Main Charger DC Inverter


AC Transfer Switch

Ba ery

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Normal mode Off Line UPS

Backup mode

7) What are the main parts of UPS? Explain the func ons of each stage?
Ans-The main parts of UPS are Rec fier, Inverter, Sta c Switch, and Sta c by pass switch,
Main by Pass switch & Ba ery.
Rec fier: This is a unidirec onal device which converts AC to DC and it is used to charge
ba eries.

Inverter: This device is used to convert the DC into AC and it is used as output supply of UPS
through sta c switch.

Sta c Switch: This is used to trip the circuit if any fault is occurred.

Sta c by-pass switch- At normal working condi on the main supply goes through this sta c
by-pass switch.

Main by-pass switch: If any maintenance work is to be done the sta c by pass switch is
turned ON and main supply goes through this main by-pass switch.

Ba ery- Ba ery is used to give the supply to the UPS when the raw power is failed.

8) What is the range temperature should be maintained in UPS room?

Ans- UPS room temperature should be maintained in between 20 C to 22 C.
9) What are the different types of UPS system and what are the parameters to be noted in
Ans- ON Line UPS, OFF Line UPS & Line Interac ve UPS
Parameters noted are Input & Output Voltage, Input & Output Current, Input & Output
Frequency, Ba ery Voltage & Current, and Percentage of Load.
10) What are the different types of Power Interrup on?
Ans- Harmonics, Spikes, High Voltages, Low voltages/ sags, Power Break Down/ Blackout.
11) What are the different types of Ba eries?
Ans- Automo ve Ba eries, Tubular Ba eries, Sealed Maintenance Free Ba eries (SMF).
12) Write the steps you will take when UPS is tripped in your site.
a. Check the Alarm of UPS.
b. If we can reset the UPS, Rest it.
c. Inform to Supervisor
d. Inform to facility Engineer/managers
e. Inform to Vendor
13) Safety steps of UPS
a) Prevent overload
b) Do not connect induc on load, motor load & heater
c) UPS is supplied only for fans, lights and computers
d) UPS should be kept in cold condi on

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Summary of UPS Types:

Prac cal Power Voltage cost per KVA Inverter always

Range In KVA condi oning Efficiency opera ng
Standby 0-0.5 low Low Very High NO
Line interac ve 0.5-5 Design Medium Very High Design
dependent Dependent
Standby Ferro 3-15 High High Low - No
Doubleconversion 5-5000 High Medium Low - Yes
on line medium
Delta conversion 5-5000 High Medium High Yes
on line

HVAC (Heat ven la on air condi oning):

❖ Define Air-circulation System!

Once the supply air passes through the (GI) duc ng, then the return air is collected by the
return air grilles / diffuser installed in the condi oned area travels above the false ceiling and
reaches the AHUs. The filtered clean air is sucked by the AHU fan and impinges on the cooling coil
(chilled water) installed in the AHU chamber during which air gets cooled and passes into the
condi oned space.

The main parts to complete a refrigeration cycle are;

To complete a full cycle of refrigera on : 1, Compressor 2, Condenser coil 3, Liquid line

filter 4, Thro ling valve (or Expansion Valve or Metering device) and 5, Evaporator coil are

❖ Description of Expansion valve;

The pressure of the liquid refrigerant from the condenser / receiver has to be reduced so
that it can vaporize at the desired temperature in the evaporator. Also, sufficient liquid has to be fed
into the evaporator to meet the refrigera on load. These func ons are taken care of by the
Expansion valve.

❖ Thermostatic Expansion Valve (TEV).

The name "thermosta c - expansion valve" may give the impression that it is a temperature
control device. It is not a temperature control device and it cannot be adjusted and used to vary
evaporator temperature. Actually TEV is a thro ling device which works automa cally. maintaining

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proper and correct liquid flow as per the dictates of load on the evaporator. Because of its
adaptability to any type of expansion applica on, automa c opera on, high efficiency and ability to
prevent liquid flood backs, this valve is extensively used.

The functions of the TEV are:

1. To reduce the pressure of the liquid from the condenser pressure to evaporator pressure.
2. To keep the evaporator fully ac ve and,
3. To modulate the flow of liquid to the evaporator according to the load requirements of the
evaporator so as to prevent flood back of liquid refrigerant to the evaporator.

The important parts of the valve are:

4. Power Element with a feeler / sensor Bulb. (The power element is charged with a refrigerant.
For air-condi oning jobs the same refrigerant as the system is used.)
5. Valve seats and needle. And ,
6. Super heat adjustment spring
8. The opera on of valve i.e., the closing and opening of the valve is controlled by three basic
forces / pressure.
9. Pressure in the power element acts to open valve, i.e.,., to move the valve needle away from its
10. The evaporator pressure acts on the bo om side of the diaphragm of the power element
tending to close the valve and,
11. The pressure of the super heat spring also assist in the closing ac on.
12. Therefore, if the power element pressure is greater than the combine pressure of evaporator
pressure plus super heat spring pressure the valve will open.

Temperature Conversion Table:

14. °C = (°F - 32) 5/9

15. °F = (°C x 9/5) + 32
The important Refrigeration Gases are;

17. R11 - trichloro fluoro methane CCL3 F ( its uses for flushing purpose )
18. R12 - Dichloro-difluoro-methane CCL2 F2 ( mostly uses for mobile A/c , and for domes c and
commercial refrigerator systems)
19. R22 - Mono chloro difluoro Methane CH CL F2 ( extensively uses at Air-condi oning systems)
20. R717 - Ammonia NH3 ( highly toxic gas )
21. R502 - it’s a 48.8% mixture of R22 and 51.2% of R115 gas ( extensively uses at highly low
temperature control purpose)
22. R115 - chloropentafluoroethane.
1. Operation & Maintenance :
Daily check - leak detec on, loose connec on in electrical installa on, abnormal sound,
vibra on, sensi ve component, voltage and ampere are in proper regulariza on, control on

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desired temperature and pressures (i.e., HP / LP / OP), mechanical and electrical controllers,
records maintenance.

Weekly Check - Along with above ac vity, filter cleaning, drain water flow check, V-belt
condi on, and prepara on of weekly report.

Quarterly Maintenance - Along with above , carry-out pressure test, service CW- pumps, check
condi on of expansion tank, fill clean oil or glycerin to the sensor wells, clean magne c
contactors, apply grease to the all hand operated mechanical valve glands / motor bearings,
checking of earth points to the all related equipment and prepara on of quarterly maintenance

Annual Maintenance - A er carrying out all the above men oned ac vi es, clean make up
water tank, flush out chilled water (if contaminated) and refilled the clean water in it, check the
condi on of air-filters and replace for damaged ones, check the VCD / diffuser for both supply
and return air ducts, check the air leaks and fresh air vent posi on.

General Information:

1. Leak detection: a) Soap solu on method, b) Electronic leak detector method, c) Halide torch

2. About refrigerant :
3. It’s colourless
4. It’s almost odourless
5. It’s non toxic
6. It’s non corrosive
7. It’s non flammable
8. It’s non irrita ng
9. It’s safe gas
10. It’s mixes well with oil
11. It has low boiling point
12. It has low freezing point

13. Best Temperature Maintenance at critical areas / rooms

Sr.No Location Min °C / °F Max °C / °F Humidity

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1. Data Centre 18 / 68.5 22 / 72 40% to 52%

2. U P S Room 20 / 71.2 24 / 75.8 45% to 55%

Epabx / Definite
3. Communica on 18 / 68.5 22 / 72 40% to 52%

4. Office Area 22 / 72 23.5 / 75 Op onal

1. What do you mean by HVAC and PAC?

Ans- Hea ng Ven la on Air Condi oning (HVAC)
Precision Air Condi oning (PAC)
1Ton of Refrigera on= 3.517 kilowa s
1Ton of Refrigera on= 1200 BTU/hour
1Ton of Refrigera on= 400 CFM(cubic feet per meter)
1Ton of Refrigera on= 4.73 Amps
1Ton of Refrigera on= 680 CMH ( CFM*1.7=CMH)
1Bar = 14.5 PSI(parts Per square inch)
1 PSI = 6.89 KPa(kilo pascal)
1bar = 100 Kpa
1TR = 50 Kilo Calorie per minute / 3000 kilo calorie per hour/ 72000 kilo calorie per day
HP = Horse power
1HP =746wa s
1HP = 0.75kw
1HP = 1.5A
1KW= 1.33 HP
1Amps= 0.67 HP
1 Amps= 0.50 KW
1 Pound = 0.453 Kg

P = KVA* COSQ = 725*0.8 = 580Kw

1KVA = 1.396 AMPS

1KW = 1.732 AMPS.

The ranges of temperature should be maintained in the following areas

1. UPS room- 19± 2°C

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2. Work Sta on 22±1°C
3. Server room- 18±2°C
4. AHU inlet and outlet temp- 7°C and 11°C
5. Chiller outlet- 6 or 7°C

1. What is AHU? What are the content in AHU?

Ans- Air Handling Unit( AHU).
Content in AHU are Filter, Cooling coil, Cabinet, Blower, Blower Sha , Motor, Motor Pulley,
Belt, Drainage tray & Drainage line etc.
2. Write the Refrigera on Cycle?
Ans- In a Refrigera on Cycle, Compressor sucks the low temperature and low pressure gas
from evaporator and discharges the high temperature and high pressure gas to Condenser,
the Condenser convert the high temperature and high pressure gas to low temperature and
high pressure liquid by using the atmospheric air, before entering the liquid to evaporator
RCD controls the flow of refrigerant. In evaporator low pressure and low temperature liquid
sucks the heat from outside the evaporator and it converts to low pressure and low
temperature gas.
3. Write the SOP (Standard Opera ng Procedure) of chillers?
1. Switch ON the AHU’s
2. Open the inlet and outlet valve of chilled water line.
3. Switch ON the chilled water pump.
4. Check the water pressure.
5. Switch ON the chillers
Types of cooling mode in split A/C.

Cooling mode, fan mode, dry mode, warm mode.

Refrigerant cycle:

In compressor: input refrigerant is in Low pressure, low temperature in the form of vapours &
output refrigerant is high pressure, high temperature in the form of gas.

In condenser: input refrigerant is high pressure, high temperature in the form of gas & output
refrigerant is high pressure, high temperature in the form of liquid.

In expansion valve: input refrigerant is high pressure, high temperature in the form of liquid &
output refrigerant is low pressure, low temperature in the form of liquid.

In Evaporator: input refrigerant is low pressure, low temperature in the form of liquid & output
refrigerant is low pressure, low temperature in the form of vapour

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Condenser Evaporator


The basic working of air condi oner is based on the Refrigerant cycle.

Five basic components of Refrigerant cycle.

1. Condensing coil/ condenser.

2. Expansion Valve
3. Evaporator
4. Compressor
5. Refrigerant
The refrigerant cycle begins with evaporator. The refrigerant is first passed through the evaporator
in the liquid form and it absorbs heat. The refrigerant from the evaporator comes in the form of
vapour with low temperature and pressure. From evaporator refrigerant vapour is drawn by
compressor and the vapour is compressed to high temperature and pressure and is then pumped
to the condenser. In condenser the vapour is cooled and condensed into liquid by air or water. This
liquid refrigerant is passed through the expansion valve where the pressure reduces. This low
pressure and low temperature liquid again flows through evaporator and the cycle repeats.

Name the types of Compressor in an air condi oning?

1.Reciproca ng,
3.Screw, 4.Rotary,
Name the types of Expansion Valves?
Ans: Capillaries, Thermosta c, Hand Expansion Valves
Name the types of gas used in Air condi oning?
Ans: R12 ( for refrigerator or fridges)
R-22 (Freon) for Split/Central AC’s
R-134A (Freon) for Split/Central AC’s
Ammonia 604 Eco friendly gas.

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What is the inlet and outlet temperature of chilled water in an chiller plant?
Ans: outlet temperature is 6.5 deg with 2.4 kg/sqcm and inlet temperature is 10.5 deg with
1.8 kg/sqcm pressure, chilled water differen al temperature should be minimum 4 deg.
Name the stages and methods of Gas charging for the split unit?
1. Fill Nitrogen gas with 300 PSI and check for 24 hrs.
2. Vacuuma on upto- 28 PSI.
3. Gas charging (R-22) upto 65 PSI ( running) or 130/140 PSI ( idle charge).
What is the load current for the below said AC units?
1 TR, 2 TR.
Ans- 1 TR ACunit for reciproca ng 1.37 amps and for rotary 5 amps
2 TR ACunit for reciproca ng 2.612 amps and for rotary 10 amps.
What is the recommended stabilizers for the below said AC units?
1, 1.5, 2 TR’s
Ans: 1TR ACunit-3KVA
2TR ACunit-5 KVA
What is the recommended room temperature of server room and work sta on?
Ans: Server/Hub room temperature approximately-
Work Sta on temperature approximately-
What is the permissible rela ve humidity level in server room and worksta on?

Name the parts of the comfort AC?

Ans: Compressor, condensers, Evaporator coil, Expansion valves/capillaries, Filters/Mufflers,
High pressure valves and Low pressure valves.
Name the types of Air condi oning systems?
Ans: Comfort AC’s and Central AC’s
What is the frequency of cleaning the AHU filters and Evaporator coil?
Ans: Cleaning of AHU filters are once in three months or whenever it is chocked which ever
comes first. Whereas Evaporator coils are cleaned every year by cleaning agent called Shiny
side(make KEMP SEARCH).
Method of minimizing heat radia on from the glass window?
1. Double glazing (double glass wall air insula on between the glass)
2. Using nted glass.

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3. Providing ven la on blind.
4. Using sun film on the glass.
What is the func on of the bypass valve?
Ans: Manually chilled water can be regulated incase of thermostat and actuator fails to

What are the safety seals?

There are two types of safety seals.

1. Upper safety seal 2. Lower safety seal

(OR) Safety seals are provided in all electrical equipments to protect from any changes made
by unauthorized person.
What are the documents to be maintained as per ISO standard in an so ware company?
1. Standard opera ng procedure for all the equipments/ installa ons.
2. History card for all the equipments/ installa ons.
3. Complete asset list of the facility.
4. 5s( Five S) policy.
5. Escala on matrix.
6. Periodical preven ve maintenance schedule.
7. Incident reports and etc
8. Document related to vendor review mee ng.
What are the applicable ISO policies for a so ware company?
1. ISO-9000 for Quality.
2. ISO-1400 1 for Environmental management system.
3. ISO-18000 for Safety.
What are the indoor and outdoor plants used in so ware company?
Ans: Indoor plants: Kind palms, Xanada, Aglinomino, Mus c these plants are kept in air
condi oning otherwise it will feather out.
Out door: Fitus, Spchessaera these plants either kept indoor or outdoor on rota on
What are the safety controls provided in the Li s/Elevator?
Ans: ARD it is called as Automa c Rescue Device. It is integrated in the li opera on
whenever both DG and EB fails to take the load, ARD will ac vate and brings down the li to

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the nearest floor with ba ery backup.
Speaker phone/ Intercom, Emergency light and Cau on board.
What are the ac vi es to be performed in property management?
1. Should be aware of distribu on of electrical bill to all the mul tenants of the
What is the different kinds of belts used in the air condi oning?
Ans: A-16, A-31, B-32 etc.
What is the func on of the Actuator?
Ans: It automa cally regulates the chilled water to the set temperature at the thermostat.
Why chilled water inlet is given in the bo om of the AHU unit?
Ans: This is to control the air pockets in the chilled water line. If chilled water line is given at
the top of the AHU, flow of chilled water will increase due to gravita on resul ng in
forma on of air pockets in between the chilled water lines.
What is the difference between the Air condi oning and Refrigera on?
Ans: Refrigera on: It is a science of producing and maintain temperature below that of the
surrounding atmosphere. This means removing of heat from the substance to be cooled.
Air Condi oning: It is defined as a process which cools (or heats), cleans, circulates and
freshens air and controls its moisture contents simultaneously.
What is the func on of AHU?
Ans: It transforms heat load from the office floor to the chilled water with fresh air addi on
What is the func on of the filters in the AHU?
Ans: It filters the return air in the AHU room.
What is the Air condi oning required for the 1000 cubic feet space?
Ans: One ton of AC with 400 CFM of air through. 1KW= 860 Lcal/hr, 1 ton =3040 Kcal/hr or
12,000 BTU.
Which is the instrument used to measure the CFM?
Ans: Anemometer.
What are the steps to be taken for the power conserva on?
Ans: Switching ON ligh ng as per need basis, Switching ON AHU’s as per need basis,
Maintaining PF approximately 0.98, if not achieved increase the capacitor bank.
Why compressor in a AC unit will set to start a er three minutes when ever power
interrup on in the line?
Ans: Compressor is set to start a er three minutes when ever there is power interrup on
because Freon is in the form of vapour stage in the condenser coil, if it is allowed to cool it
will change into liquid form. So that compressor will get sufficient gas to func on effec vely.
Other wise compressor draws more current due to starva on of gas, Low pressure valve will

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tend to trip the compressor.
What is the permissible distance to install outdoor unit of the Split unit?
Ans: Five meters.
Name the types of comfort AC’s with its func ons and applica ons?
1. Split AC’s :Evaporator coil and blower in the indoor unit and compressor, condenser
with cooling fan in the outdoor unit.
2. Package AC’s: Evaporator coil, blower fan and compressor in the indoor unit and
condenser coil and cooling fan in the out door unit.
3. Window AC’s : All the parts are integrated in one unit with double end sha motor.
One end of the sha is mounted with blower fan for evaporator coil whereas the
other end of the sha is for cooling fan for condenser coil.
4. Precession AC’s: This units are used in the cri cal areas like Server rooms and Hub
room. Normally air through from the floor, it can be adjusted up to 18 deg. Whether
compensator is incorporated in the system to ac vate heaters, incase of rela ve
humidity (RH) crosses its upper limits.

Current: The flow of electrons through a conductor is called current.

Voltage: The poten al difference between two points is called Voltage.

Resistance: It opposes the flow of electrons. Current is inversely propor onal to the voltage.

What is the approved PF at which you can run your electrical systems without having
penal es imposed?
Ans: 0.98
What are the stages of laisioning(commissioning) work of of KSPCB & Electrical Inspectorate?
1. Every year we have to obtain consent for water and air a er submi ng required fees
and requisite documents.
2. Proper discharging of waste water a er proper treatment.
3. Disposal of waste lube oil of DG sets to the KSPCB authorized agencies.

Electrical Inspectorate
1. Every year electrical inspector inspect our facility with prior informa on.
2. He will inspect the installa on and rise NCR if any.
3. We have to set right the non conformi es and get it cer fied from the class I
electrical contractor.
4. We have to obtain renewal from electrical inspectorate a er paying required fees

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along with the required documents like calibra on cer ficates of ACB’s, VCB’s,
Electrical instruments, Earth pits recondi oning and etc,.
What is the required illumina on level at the work sta on?
Ans: 360 -400 Lux
What is the approximate power consump on in the IT Company?
Ans: Air condi oning 4%, UPS 4% & other (ligh ng, desktop & u li es) 1%
What is the difference between MCB & MCCB?
Ans: MCB is miniature circuit breaker where thermal protec on for tripping
MCCB is moulded case circuit breaker with protec on of OIC & SIC relays
Which is the instrument used to measure rela ve humidity?
Ans: Hygrometer.
What is the difference between MCB & Isolator?
Ans: MCB is a circuit breaker with protec on upto 60 Amps, where as Isolator is switch
for more that 60 amps without any protec on.
What are the scope of ac vi es in BMS room?
Ans: Access control, CCTV, Fire alarm, UPS audio alarm, AC control (BTU meter), Li
integrated, Fire alarm integrated.

ACB (Air Circuit Breaker)

It is used for high current and low voltage capaci es. And ACB’s are found in the low
tension side only.
Range 400A to 6300A

Prats: Shunt coil, Tripping coil, Universal motor AC or DC, Arc hunt(D-ion plates), Slide
contactor, Pole assembly, Auxiliary contact, Closing coil.
Abbreva ons

1. CT – current transformer.
2. AS- Ammeter selector Switch.
3. VS- Voltemeter Selector switch.
4. CBCT- Core Balance Current Transformer.
5. ELR- Earth Leakage Relay.
6. FM- Fuel maintain.
7. LOP- Low Lube Oil Pressure.
8. LDB- Ligh ng Distribu ons Board
9. PDB- Power Distribu ons Board.
10. VCB- Vacuum Circuit Breaker

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11. RMU- Ring Master Unit.
12. MPCP- Motor Protec on Circuit Breaker
13. PLC- Program Logic Control
14. LED- Light Emi ng Diode
15. AMF- Auto Main Failure
16. MA- milli amps
17. UPS- Uninterrup ble Power Supply
18. AVR- Auto Voltage Regulator
19. MES- Mul Pulse Electronics Switch Gear
20. L&T- Larsen and Turbo Limited
21. MCC- Motor Control Center
22. KPA- Kilo Pascal
23. PSIG- Pound Square Inch Gauge
Why starter ad choke required for flourcent tube?
Ans: Choke: It gives high voltage for star ng the lamp( 1000V while starter open), it gives low
uniform voltage while running the lamp.
Starter: Starter has two metal strips as electrodes it completes in series circuit of tube,
choke at given supply fast then it open immediately and interrupt the current in the circuit
and their induced high voltage surge of 1000V to start the tube.

PVC CABLE Standards

PVC Cable in Sqmm Current ra ng in Amps PVC Cable in Sqmm Current ra ng in Amps
0.5 4 95 210
0.75 7 120 235
1 11 150 295
1.5 14 185 330
2.5 19 240 400
4 26 300 475
6 33 400 550
10 45 500 635
16 60 630 725
25 75 800 840
35 95 1000 950
50 125 70 170

250 hours of running whichever is earlier.

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1. Replace all filters.
2. Change lubrica ng oil.
3. Check for the hardness of radiator water and take correc ve ac on if required.
4. Draw out the circuit breaker and check ghtness of all the connec ons.
5. Lubricate the fresh Air blower fans.
6. Check for the insula on level of all cables.

1. What is fire?

Fire is a chemical reac ons of two element normally fuel and oxygen at igni on
temperature of the fuel.

2. What are the types? Fire ex nguishers

a. Foam type,
b. Dry Chemical Powder,
c. Co2 Type.

3. Different type of fire

1. Fire on wood, paper, co on etc
2. Fire on Diesel, petrol etc
3. Fire on LPG
4. Fire on metal such is magnesium potassium etc

What is the func on of fire alarm system?

Ans: FAS func on is, in case of fire in the building, it detects and give the alarm .
What are the types of Detectors? State the loca on of using these detectors.
1. Heat detectors- used at cooking area, pantry, UPS and electrical room.
2. Smoke detectors- used at work sta on, server room, UPS and electrical room and
store room.
3. VESDA- used at Lab, server room and UPS room.
What is FAP?

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Ans: FAP means Fire Alarm Panel.
What are the main parts of fire alarm system? State the func on of each.
1. Control Panel: control the en re fire alarm system.
2. Smoke detector: in case of smoke in the working area it detects and passes message/
signal to panel.
3. Heat detector: in case of fire or heat in the working area, it detects and passes
message/ signal to panel.
4. MCP: Manual Call Point- if person find fire inside the building, MCP can be operated
manually to send message to panel or through hooter.
5. Wires: Connec ng the panel to detectors.
If there is fire what is your ac vity?
Ans: Switch OFF AHU, Switch OFF Li and search where the fire and ex nguish the fire and
in mate to the superior persons.

What is a Li ?
Ans: Li is a machine which li s the weight ( Equipment, material and persons) from one
floor to another florr.
What are the important safety measures to be considered when there is opera on?
Ans: For li opera ng get permission le er from li manufacturer/agency and electrical
inspector, display these le er in li . Check emergency switch, door, telephone working
condi on.
What is li car?
Ans: It is a chamber like mini room having li opera ng switches, light and fresh air fan that
is move floor to floor is called li car.
In case of li struck in between what is your ac on?
Ans: Switch OFF li power supply, Remove the people from li car by using manual door
open key, Call vendor for Li service.
What is the equipment associated with this system? Explain the func on of equipment.
Ans: Li control panel with VFD, it controls the li opera ng.
Motor with gearbox assembled, li run smoothly.
Li break – to control the speed when li need to stop and hold the li in posi on.
Li car- to travel very safely to floor to floor.
High mechanical strength spring- this spring will avoid to direct hit to the ground in
case of li car falling down.
Rope and counter weight- it holds the li car and help for the movement and to
balance the car weight.

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PPC- Programmable Power Control
PT- Poten al Transformer
PVC- Poly Vinly Chloride
RCC- Reinforced Cement Concrete
RCCB- Residual Current Circuit Breaker
RMS- Root Mean Square
RMU- Ring Main Unit
RO- Reverse Osmosis
RPM- Revolu on Per Minute
RTCC- Remote Tap Changeover Control
SCR- Silicon Controlled Rec fier
SLD- Single Line Diagram
SP- Single Pole
SPM- Suspended Par cular Ma er
ST- Super Tension
STP- Sewage Treatment Plant
SWG- Standard Wire Gauge
TP- Triple Pole
TPN- Triple Pole with Neutral
UGC- Under Ground Cable
UJT- Unit Junc on Transistor
UPS- Uninterrup ble Power Supply
V- Voltage
VCB- Vacuum Circuit Breaker
VESDA-Very Early Smoke Detector Alarm system
VFD- Variable Frequency Drive
WT- Winding Temperature/Water Temperature
WTP- Water Treatment Plant
XLPE- Cross linked poly ethylene
Air condi on Abbrevia on
AC- Air Condi on
AHU- Air Handling Unit
AFT- An Freezing Thermostat
BTU- Bri sh Thermal Unit
CFC- Cloro Fluro Carbon
CFM- Cubic Feet per Minute
CHWT- Chilled Water Temperature
Electrical Abbrevia on

ELDB- Emergency Ligh ng Distribu on Board

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DPIC- Double Pole Iron Clad
HRC- High Rupturing Capacity Fuse
HT- High Tension
HOC- Hold On Coil
I/C- Incoming
IGBT- Insulate Gate Bipolar Transistor
KV- Kilo Volt
KVA- Kilo Volt Ampere
KVAH- Kilo Volt Ampere Hour
KVAR- Kilo Volt Ampere Reac ve
KW- Kilo Wa
KWH- Kilo Wa Hour
LCD- Liquid Crystal Display
LDR- Light Dependent Display
LT- Low Tension
MCB- Miniature Circuit Breaker
MCCB- Moulded Case Circuit Breaker
MGE- Merlin Gerin Electronics
MH- Metal Hallde
MMF- Magne c Mo ve Force
MOCB-Minimum Oil Circuit Breaker
MOSFET-Metal Oxide Semiconductor Field Effec ve Transistor
MPCB- Motor Protec ve Circuit Breaker
MW- Mega Wa
NC- Normally Close
NE- Neutral Earth
NO- Normally Open
OCB- Oil Circuit Breaker
O/G- Outgoing
OLR- Over Load Relay
OLTC- On Load Tap changeover
OT- Oil Temperature
OP- Oil Pressure
PC- Pressure Coil
PF- Power Factor
PILC- Paper Insulated Lead Covered Cable
PLC- Programmable Logic Control

Basic abbrevia ons

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EPABX =Electronic Private Automa c Branch Exchange

BMS = Building Management System

BAS = Building Automa on Systems

UPS = Uninterrup ble power supply

RTCC = Remote Tap Charger Cubical

OLTC = on load Tap Changer

VCB = Vacuum Circuit Breaker

ACB = Air circuit Breaker

OCB = Oil circuit Breaker

MCB = Miniature circuit Breaker

ELCB = Earth leakage circuit Breaker

RCCB = Residual Current circuit Breaker

MCC = Motor Cubical centre

PDB = Power Distribu on Board

LDB = Ligh ng Distribu on Board

PCC = Programmable Control Circuit

PMCC = Power motor Control Circuit

ST = Super High Tension

CT = Current Transformer

PT =Poten al Transformer

GUC = Generator control Unit

CCTV = Closed Circuit Televisions

ATS = Auto Transfer Switch

MVP = Medium Voltage Panel

ELR = Earth Leakage Relay

MLRP = Main Ligh ng Raw Power panel

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IDF = Intermediate Data Frame

VAV = Variable Air Volume

VFD = Variable Frequency Drive

PF = Power Factor

AVR = Automa c Voltage Regulator

FCU = Fan Coil Unit

GOS = Gang Opera ng Switch

ACSR = Aluminum Conductor Steel Reinforced

KVAR = Kilo Volt Ampere Reactance

ABCB = Air Blast Circuit Breaker

UGC = Under Ground Cable

MOC = Main Oil Circuit Breaker

HRC = High Rupturing Capacity

LCD = Liquid Crystal Display

SFU = Switch Fuse Unit

ESG = Enterprise system Group

PCB = Printed Circuit Board

PLC = Programmable Logic Control

CFS = Cubic feet per seconds

BTU = Bri sh thermal unit

TR = Tone of Refrigera on

PSIG = Pascal per Square Inch of Gauge

STP = Sewage Treatment Plant

ETP = Effluent Treatment Plant

HSD = High Speed Diesel

CFL = Compact Fluorescent Lamp

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UV = Under Voltage / Ultra – Violet

HVAC = High Voltage Alterna ng Current / Heat Ven lad Air-Condi on

ICTP = Iron

KWH =Kilo Wa Hours

KVAR =Kilo volt Ampere Reactance

Rec fier = SCR Silicon Controlled Rec fier

Inverter = IGBT Integrated Bipolar Transistor













ACCP =Automa c Capacitor Control Panel

OCR = Over Current Relay

RPDB = Raw Power Distribu on Board



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Dielectric Strength = Mega ohm

Insula ons resistance = Mega ohm

Wire Conductor Resistance = Ohm

Light Level = Lumens

Oil Pressure = Kg Km2

Torque =Newton meter

Capacitance =Micro farad

Transformer parts:

1) Primary Winding
2) Secondary winding
3) Bucholz relay
4) Tap changer
5) Breather relay
6) Conservator
7) Cooling tubes
Primary winding is the input voltage side.(11kV), The output voltage side is Secondary
Bucholz relay: This is a transformer sta c device. It has two switches or relay such as Alarm
switch and Trip switch.
Buchholz relay defined as Iden fica on and significance of gas the nature of the fault could
be judge with the help of gas collected in bucholz relay.
Colour iden fica on of gas :

6. Colour less gas: Air

7. White : gas due to decomposi on paper insula on
8. Yellow : gas due to decomposed wooden insula on
9. Gray : gas due to decomposed oil due to hea ng of core
10. Black : gas due to decomposed oil due to electric arc
Tap changer: This is used for voltage varia on, increase or decrease the voltage(voltage
adjustment device).
What is OLTC? And specify its func on?

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Ans: OLTC means On Load Tap Changer, it is used to change the output voltage of the
transformer even the in the working condi on of transformer.
State the func on of silica gel breather? And where it is placed?
Ans: Silica gel is used to remove moisture content in air . Its original colour is blue, wet
condi on pink. It is placed in pipe line from conservator.
What is bucholz relay? And specify the func on?
Ans: It is a gas operated relay and it is used to disconnect the transformer from the load in
case of any fault. It is placed in the pipe connec ng the transformer tank to conservator.
What is flash point of transformer oil?
Ans: The igni on temperature of the oil is called the flash point and same should be above
What is AVR? State its func on?
Ans: Automa c Voltage Regulator is a power supply unit which provides stable output
voltage irrespec ve of the input voltage fluctua ons within a specified limit.
What is the daily observa on of transformer?
1) Check the temperature of oil.
2) Check the temperature of windings.
3) Check the dielectric strength of oil.
4) Check the working and posi on of tapchanger.
5) Check the colour of silica gel in breather.
6) Check the valid seals in electrical equipments.
What are the earthing required for commissioning the transformer?
Ans: totally five earth pits are provided for commissioning the transformer. Two earth pits
required for body earthing, both are interlinked together. Other two earth pits required for
neutral, both are interlinked together, and separately one earth pit required for lightning
arrester, it should not be linked to others.
What is VCB? Where it is installed?
Ans: VCB means vacuum circuit breaker. It is an on/off switch meant for controlling very high
power circuits of above 2000A.
What is PF? How is it calculated?
Ans: Cosine angle between current and voltage is called power factor. It is calculated
PF= √3 VI.
What is RTCC? State its func on.
Ans: RTCC means remote through control circuit or remote through tap changing circuit. It is
used to control the output voltage of transformer.
What is safety seal?

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Ans: Safety seals are provided in all electrical equipment to protect from any changes made
by unauthorized persons.
What is power transformer and distribu on transformer?
Ans: The transformer used at a genera ng sta ons for stepping up the generated voltage are
called power transformers. Usually berry type transformer used for this purpose. The
transformers used to distribute the power to the industries or domes c are called
Distribu on transformers. Usually core type and shell type transformers are used for this
1. The Electromagne c Sta c machine which transfers electrical energy from one circuit
to another circuit at same frequency is called Transformer.
2. Transformer works on the principle of Mutual Induc on.
3. The transformer, which takes power at a lower voltage and delivers power at higher
voltage is called Step-up Transformer. For step up transformer N1<N2 where N1 &N2
is number of turns in the primary and secondary winding.
4. The transformer which takes power at higher voltage and delivers power at lower
voltage is called Step down transformer. In Step down transformer N1>N2, E11>E2
where E1 & E2 is the voltage of primary and secondary side, I1>I2 where I1 & I2 is the
current in primary and secondary side.
5. The transformer which transfers power from primary to secondary at the same
voltage is called 1: 1 transformer. In one to one (1:1) transformer N1=N2, E1=E2 &
6. According to core construc on transformer are classified into Core type and Shell
type transformers
7. Based on the primary and secondary voltages transformers are classified as Step
down, Step Up and 1:1 transformers
8. The main parts of transformer are Core, Windings, Transformer tank
9. The EMF equa on of transformer is E=4.44fфmN volts
10. Voltage transforma on ra o is given by E2/E1=K
11. The ra o of secondary voltage to primary voltage is known as Voltage transforma on
ra on.
12. The ra o of secondary turns to primary turns is called Turns Ra o.
13. The ra on of secondary current to primary current is called Current ra o.
14. The transformer which has only one winding common to both primary and
secondary is called Auto Transformer.
15. The applica ons of Auto Transformer are Starters for 3phase induc on motors &
voltage stabilizers for TV and fridge.
16. Auto Transformer works on principle of Self Induc on.
17. The losses of transformers are copper loss and iron loss
18. The two kinds of iron losses are Eddy currents and Hysteresis loss
19. The efficiency of transformer is 90-95%
20. The voltage regula on of transformer is given by
%VR=[(Secondary v/g at no load)- (secondary v/g at full load)*100]/(secondary

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voltage at no load)
21. Based on core material used, transformer are classified as
1. Air core transformers
2. Iron cored transformers
3. Ferrite cored transformers
22. Based on func on, transformers are classified as
Instrument Transformers
Impedance Transformers
Isola on Transformers
Triggering Pulse Transformers
23. Based on Frequency transformers are classified as AFT & IFT
24. The transformer designed to operate at audio frequency is called as Audio Frequency
25. The transformer designed to operate at radio frequency is called as Radio Frequency
26. The transformer designed to operate at Intermediate frequency is called as
Intermediate Frequency transformer.
27. The special type of wide band transformer designed to transmit voltage or current
pulses from one circuit to another circuit is called Pulse transformer.
28. The device which converts DC power to AC power is called Inverter.
29. Transformer works on AC.
30. The winding to which supply is given is called primary winding.
31. The winding to which load is connected is called secondary winding.
32. Inverter transformer is used in SMPS(Switch Mode Power Supply).
33. The acronym of IFT is Intermediate Frequency Transformer.
34. Radio frequency range is 550kHz to 1650 kHz.
35. Audio Frequency range is 20Hz to 20kHz.
36. The applica ons of transformers are Step up or step down supply voltage, As a
booster to boost the receiving end voltage of a transmission line
37. In step up transformer N1<N2, E<E2 & I1>I2.
38. The ra o of output power to input power is called Efficiency of a transformer.
39. The electrical device which consumes electrical power is called electrical load.
Example of electrical load is motor, fan etc
40. IFT is a narrow band frequency transformer.
41. For power transformer silicon steel core is used.
42. The ra o of resistance to impedance give PF
43. Capaci ve reactance is given by Xc=1/(2∏fc)
44. Unit of reactance is Ohm.
45. In RFT secondary is tuned.
DC Motor (Direct Current):
1. Electrical machine which converts DC electrical energy to mechanical energy is
called DC motor.

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2. Whenever a current carrying conductor is placed in a magne c field, it experiences a
force and tends to move at right angle to the direc on of main field.” Is the principle
of DC motor
3. In Flemings le hand rule, fore finger indicated the direc on of flux, middle finger
indicated the direc on of current flowing through the conductor, thumb indicates
the direc on of mo on of the conductor.
4. DC motors are classified into Series motor, Shunt motor & Compound motor.
5. The DC motor in which the field is connected in series with armature winding is
called as Series Motor.
6. The DC motor in which the field winding is connected in parallel with armature
winding is called Shunt motor.
7. Compound motor is one in which it has both series and shunt fields connected.
8. Direc on of DC motor is given by Flemings le hand rule.
9. DC series motor has high star ng torque.
10. Series motor should not be started without load.
11. The main parts of DC motor are Stator and Rotor.
12. Actual speed is measured in RPM.
13. The difference between the synchronous speed and the actual speed is called Slip.
14. Slip is given by S= (Ns-N)/Ns*100.
15. The characteris cs of Squirrel cage induc on motor are low star ng torque and good
running torque.
16. The applica ons of squirrel cage induc on motor are Lathers & Drilling machines.
17. The characteris cs of wound rotor induc on motor are good running torque & high
power factor.
18. The applica ons of wound rotor induc on motor are Li s & Cranes.
19. The different types of single phase inductors are classified as Split Phase motors and
Repulsion motors.
20. The characteris cs of capacitor motors are high star ng torque and quick star ng.
21. The characteris cs of Universal motors are good star ng torque and speed falls with
increase in load.
22. The motor, which rotates in steps is called stepper motor.
23. The angle through which motor rotates for each direc onal input pulse is called Step
24. Step angle can be adjusted by changing number of poles on rotor and changing
number of phases on Stator.
25. The applica ons of Stepper motor are X-ray plo ers & process control system
26. The two types of stepper motors are Variable reluctance stepper motor(VRSM) &
permanent magnet stepper motor(PMSM).
27. The advantages of stepper motors are suitable for digital controls and simple to
28. The disadvantages of stepper motor are low efficiency and low output power.
29. Rotor resistance should be high to get good star ng torque.
30. Rotor resistance should be low to get good running torque.

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31. Capacitor motor is used in Ceiling fan.
32. Stepper motor is used in computer.
33. Stepper motor is a brushless DC motor, which rotates in steps.
34. Whenever a closed conductor is placed in a magne c field it experiences a torque,
this is the principle on which induc on motor works.
35. Induc on motor can never run at synchronous speed because at this speed no
induc on takes place and no torque is developed.
36. Induc on motors that run on single phase AC supple are called single phase
induc on motor.
AC Motors (Alterna ng Current):
1. Induc on motor converts alterna ng current electrical energy in to mechanical
2. Induc on motor works on Electromagne c Induc on principle.
3. Based on number of phases induc on motor are classified into single phase motor
and three phase motor.
4. The two types of three phase induc on motors are squirrel cage induc on motor and
wound rotor induc on motor.
5. Induc on motor consists of Stator and Rotor.
6. The speed at which the stator magne c field rotates is called Synchronous speed.
7. Synchronous speed is represented by Ns.
8. Synchronous speed is measured in r.p.m
9. The synchronous speed Ns is given by Ns =120f/P where f is frequency, P in no. Of
10. The speed at which rotor rotates is called the actual speed.
11. Actual speed is denoted by N.
12. When armature rotates, armature conductors cut the main field flux and hence and
EMF is induced in armature. This is in opposi on to applied voltage and it is called
Back EMF.
13. The magnitude of force experienced by the conductor is given by F=BI1N
14. SLD(Single Line Diagram) of the DOL Starter:


Auxiliary contact Energising coli

15. Power circuit of the DOL starter:

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Fuse No OFF

Over load Relay

SLD (Single Line Diagram) of the Star Delta Starter:


Fuse NO T1 NO T2 NC

Aux Contact
Star Delta

Working Principal of the Star Delta Starter:

When On push bu on is pressed then the main contactor and the star contactor are
closed at a me and then a er some me (specified me which is set by Manufacturer)
the star contactor will open and delta contactor will close then the motor is in delta
mode of opera on.

Power Circuit of the Star Delta Starter:

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Main contact K1

Star Contact K2

Delta Contact

Basics of Electricity:
1. Con nuous flow of electrons in a conductor is called Electric current.
2. Current(I) is given by I= V/R.
3. The electric pressure, which circulates electric current in an electrical circuit is called
Electro mo ve force(EMF)
4. The sources of EMF are chemicals and solar cells.
5. The capacity of a charged body to do the work is called Electric poten al.
6. Unit of poten al is Volt.
7. The difference in electric pressure between any two of an electrical circuit points is
called poten al difference.
8. Unit of poten al difference is Volt.
9. The resistance is the opposi on offered by a material to the flow of current through
10. The resistance offered between two opposite faces of unit cube is called as specific
11. Resistance of a conductor is given by R=V/I
12. Magic triangle gives I=V/R; V=IR; R=V/T;
13. Ohms law is applicable for both DC and AC circuits & for simple circuits.
14. The total (effec ve) resistance of a series circuit is given by R= R1+R2+...+Rn.
15. The total (effec ve) resistance of a parallel circuit is given by 1/R=1/R1+1/R2+...1/Rn.

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16. The algebraic sum of all the currents mee ng at a junc on of an electrical network is
17. In any closed circuit of an electrical network algebraic sum of all emf sources and
poten al drops taken with proper signs is equal to zero.
18. KVL states that incoming currents is equal to outgoing currents.
19. The total amount of work done during a certain period of me is called Energy.
20. Unit of energy is joule.
21. Electrical power is given by: electrical power= Electrical energy/ me.
22. Ohms law is true only at constant temperature.
23. The total resistance of series circuit is the sum of all the individual resistances
connected in series fashion.
24. Reciprocal of effec ve resistance is equal to sum of reciprocal of individual resistance
connected in parallel.
25. Ohms law does not hold good in case of semi conductors and electrolytes.
26. Electricity at rest is known as sta c electricity.
27. Electricity in mo on is known as dynamic electricity.
28. SI units of specific resistance is Ohm.
29. Current always flow from higher poten al to lower poten al.
30. Prac cal unit of electrical energy is Kwh.
31. If a poten al of A is 20V and B is 12V then poten al difference of A & B is 20-12= 8V.
32. Specific resistance of a conductor is inversely propor onal to area of cross sec on.
33. Unit of electric power is Kilowa .
34. The resistance of resistor which takes 5A when connected to 110V supply is R=V/I
35. The resistance of conductor of 1 sqmm in cross sec on and 20 m long is 0.346ohm
then the specific resistance is given by R=ρl/A therefore ρ=RA/l=(0.3468*1*10^-6)/2.
36. Unit of EMF is volts.
37. One ampere is the amount of current which flows through a circuit when on
coulomb of charge per second is transferred through a point in the circuit.
38. Rela on between power and energy is E=PT.
39. Electron flows from nega ve terminal to posi ve terminal but conven onal current is
always assumed to flow from posi ve terminal to nega ve terminal of ba ery or
40. If a body is capable of sending charges to earth, the body is said to be at posi ve
poten al.
41. If a body is capable of reac ng charges from the earth when connected to it is called
nega ve poten al.
42. Unit of resistance is ohms
43. Provided temperature is kept constant, the ohms law states that the current flowing
through conductor is
a) directly propor onal to voltage applied at the ends of the conductor.
b) inversely propor onal to resistance of the conductor.
44. When circuit elements (resistance) are connected end to end as to form a chain

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cons tutes series circuit.
45. If a circuit takes a current of 58 Amps at 100 V, supplied to limit the current to 2 amps.
The resistance to be added in series with circuit is 30 Ohm
46. If 10 amp is to be circulated through circuit of 100 ohm resistance the voltage to
applied is V= IR=10*100=1000V
47. The ra o of power output to power input is called efficiency.
48. In series circuit the voltage across each resistance is different.
49. In parallel circuit the current across each resistance is different
50. Electrical power is given by P=E^2/R.

Ba eries & Relays:

1) Devices that produce electricity are called as Power sources.

2) The commonly used power sources are Ba ery and Generator.
3) A device which converts chemical energy to electrical energy is called CELL.
4) The various types of cells are Primary cells and Secondary cells.
5) The cells which can’t be recharged and reused are called primary cell.
6) Primary cells deliver current as soon as their components are assembled.
7) The examples of primary cells are Dry cells & Voltaic cells.
8) The cells, which can be recharged & reused, are called Secondary cell.
9) The examples of secondary cells are Lead acid cell & Nickel-iron cell.
10) Combina on of two or more cells to get higher voltage is called Ba eries.
11) The two types of secondary cells are Acid cell and alkaline cell.
12) The example for acid cells are Lead acid ba eries.
13) The examples for alkaline cells are Nickel cadmium cell and Nickel iron cell.
14) The main parts of lead acid ba ery are Anode, Cathode, Electrolyte solu on,
Container & Terminal post.
15) The resistance offered by a electrolyte of a cell to flow of electric current through it is
called Internal resistance of cell.
16) Internal resistance of a cell is denoted by r.
17) The ampere hour efficiency is given by
efficiency=(Ampere hour output on discharge)/(Ampere hour input on charge) *100.
18) The ra o of output ampere hours to input ampere hours of ba ery are called ampere
hour efficiency.

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19) The ra o of wa -hour output on discharge to wa -hour input on charge is called
wa -hour efficiency.
20) The product of rated discharge current and number of hours of discharge is called
Capacity of ba ery.
21) If a ba ery is designed to give 5 amperes for 10 hrs, then the capacity of ba ery is
22) The factors on which capacity of ba ery depends are temperature, Area of plates and
specific gravity
23) The different types of grouping of cells are series combina on, parallel combina on
and series-parallel combina on.
24) In a series combina on of cells current I is given by I=ne/(R+nr) amps
25) In parallel grouping of cells current I is given by I=ne/(nR+r) amps
26) In series-parallel connec on the current I is given by I=mne/(Rm+rn) amps
27) Relay is a Electromagne c switching device.
28) Depending upon principle of working relays are classified into electromagne c relay,
Electro dynamic relay, Thermal relay.
29) Based on applica on relays are classified in to Polarised relay & Non polarised relay.
30) The instrument used to provide constant output voltage irrespec ve of a varia on in
input voltage is called stabilizer.
31) The applica ons of relays are counters and automa c switching device.
32) The specifica on of relays are opera on voltage, opera ng current and opera ng
33) The electrolyte of Lead acid ba ery is dilute H2SO4(sulphuric acid).
34) The advantages of relays are operate at high speed and requires small power for
opera on to control high power circuit.
35) Polarised relay is used in DC circuits.
36) The example of Reed type relay is mercury switch.
37) Lead acid ba ery should not be discharged beyond 1.8 volts.
38) Primary cell is one in which chemical ac on is irreversible.
39) Secondary cell is one in which chemical ac on is reversible.
40) 100 ba eries of 9V each are connected in parallel then the voltage across
combina on is 9Volts.
41) If primary and secondary voltage of transformer are 10V and 250V and if primary
current is 5mA then secondary current should be 2mA.
42) Capacity of cell is measured in Ampere-Hour.
43) Lead and metal are commonly used in storage ba eries.
44) The ac ve material for the posi ve plate in lead acid cell is lead peroxide and sponge
45) The materials which ac vely take part in chemical reac on of cell, are called Ac ve
46) Ampere hour efficiency of lead acid ba ery is 90 to 95%
47) Wa hour efficiency is between 60 to 80 % of lead acid ba ery.
48) For a fully charged ba ery voltage of each cell will be 2.3 V to 2.4 V

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49) Specific gravity of fully discharged Lead Acid cell is 1230
50) In high speed relays silver cadmium contacts are used.
51) Thermal relay is operated as an over current relay.
Kirchoff’s current law states that the algebraic sum of all the current mee ng at the node is equal to

Kirchoff’s voltage law states that the algebraic sum of all the branch voltages is equal to zero.

Electrical Formulas

P= V*I

KVA= (V*I)/1000 for 1 phase

KVA = (V*I*2)/1000 for 2 phase

KVA= (V*I*√3)/1000 for 3 phase

KW = (V*I*cosф)/1000 for 1 phase

KW = (2*V*I*cosф)/1000 for 2 phase

KW =(√3* V*I*cosф)/1000 for 3 phase


KVA to KW- KW = KVA * PF


This informa on page provides formulas and documenta on to take certain electrical values
and convert them into other electrical values. The formulas below are known and used

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universally in the Generator Industry but you can use them for computer, network, telecom
and powered equipment


WATTS (W) I X E X PF I X E X 1.73 X PF

E X L X PF E X I X 1.73 X PF

KILOWATTS (kW) 1000 1000

kW X 1000 kW X 1000


IXE I X E X 1.73


Rotor Poles X RPM Rotor Poles X RPM

FREQUENCY (Hertz or f) 120 120

Hertz X 120 Hertz X 120

RPM (n) Rotor Poles Rotor Poles

Hertz X 120 Hertz X 120


Actual Wa s Actual Wa s
IXE I X 1.73 X E

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I v E X PF I X E X 1.73 X PF


kW X 1000 kW X 1000
AMPERES (when kW is
E X PF E X 1.73 X PF

kVA X 1000 kVA X 1000

AMPERES (when kVA is
E E X 1.73

I = current in amperes

E = voltage in volts

W = wa s

kW = power in kilowa s

kVA = apparent power in kilo-volt-amperes

HP = output power in horsepower

RPM (n) = motor speed in revolu ons per minute (RPM)

ns = synchronous speed in revolu ons per minute (RPM)

Rotor Poles (P) = number of poles

Hertz (f) = frequency in cycles per second (CPS)

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T = torque in pound-feet

EFF = efficiency as a decimal

PF = power factor as a decimal

HP = horsepower


It is o en necessary to turn voltage, amperage and electrical "nameplate" values from

computer, network and telecom equipment into kW, KVA and BTU informa on that can be
used to calculate overall power and HVAC loads for IT spaces. The following describes how to
take basic electrical values and convert them into other types of electrical values.
NOTE #1:
The informa onal nameplates on most pieces of equipment usually display electrical values.
These values can be expressed in volts, amperes, kilovolt-amperes, wa s or some
combina on of the foregoing.
NOTE #2:
If you are using equipment nameplate informa on to develop a power profile for use in
selec ng a generator, the total power values will exceed the actual output of the equipment.
Reason: the nameplate value is designed to ensure that the equipment will energize and run
safely. Manufacturers build in a "safety factor" when developing their nameplate data. Some
nameplates display informa on that is higher than the equipment will ever need - o en up
to 20% higher. The result is that, in total, your profile will "over engineer" the power
requirements of the equipment. This is not generally bad, you should just be aware of it.
NOTE #3:
We advise: Develop the power profile using the nameplate informa on and the formulas
below and use the resultant documenta on as your baseline. Why? Because it's the best
informa on available without doing extensive electrical tests on each piece of equipment. If
you must lower your es mates, make sure you have a good reason. In years to come you will
want every wa you can get. Be er to be "oversized" then "undersized".

The Formulas

To Find Wa s

1. When Volts and Amperes are Known

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We have a appliance with a nameplate shows 2.5 amps. Given a normal 120 Volt, 60 hz
power source and the ampere reading from equipment, make the following calcula on:
POWER (WATTS) = 120 * 2.5 ANSWER: 300 WATTS

To Find Volt-Amperes (VA)

1. Same as above. VOLT-AMPERES (VA) = VOLTS x AMPERES ANS: 300 VA

To Find kilovolt-Amperes (kVA)



Using the previous example: 120 * 2.5 = 300 VA 300 VA / 1000 = .300 kVA


Given: We have a Sun server with an amp ra ng of 4.7 and requiring a 208-240 power source.
We'll use 220 volts for our calcula ons.
220 x 4.7 x 2 = 2068 2068 / 1000 = 2.068 kVA


Given: We have a large appliance with nameplate data of 50-amp 208 VAC receptacle. For
this calcula on, we will use 21 amps. Do not calculate the value of the plug or receptacle.
Use the value on nameplate.
208 x 20.5 x 1.73 = 7,376.72 7,376.72 / 1000 = 7.377 kVA

To Find Kilowa s

Finding Kilowa s is a bit more complicated in that the formula includes a value for the
"power factor". The power factor is a nebulous but required value that is different for each
electrical device. It involves the efficiency in the use of the electricity supplied to the system.
This factor can vary widely from 60% to 95% and is never published on the equipment
nameplate and further, is not o en supplied with product informa on. For purposes of these
calcula ons, we use a power factor of .85. Most generators have a power factor of .80.

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Whatever the number, it places a slight inaccuracy into the numbers. Its OK and it gets us
very close for the work you need to do.

Given: We have a medium-sized appliance that draws 6.0 amps.


120 * 6.0 = 720 VA 720 VA * .85 = 612 612 / 1000 = .612 kW


Given: We have a larger appliance with a running amp ra ng of 4.7 and requiring a 208-240
power source. We'll use 220 volts for our calcula ons.
220 x 4.7 x 2 = 2068 2068 x .85 = 1757.8 1757.8 / 1000 = 1.76 kW


Given: We have a very large appliance that shows a requirement for a 50-amp 208 VAC
receptacle. For this calcula on, we will use 21 amps. Do not calculate the value of the plug or
receptacle. Use the value on nameplate.
208x20.5x1.73 = 7,376.72 7,376.72 * .85 = 6,720.21 6,720.21/1000=6.27 kW

To Convert Between kW and kVA

The only difference between kW and kVA is the power factor. Once again, the power factor,
unless known, is an approxima on. For purposes of our calcula ons, we use a power factor
of .80 which most generators use. The kVA value is always higher than the value for kW.
To Find BTUs From Electrical Values

Known and Given: 1 kW = 3413 BTUs (or 3.413 kBTUs)

The above is a generally known value for conver ng electrical values to BTUs. Many
manufacturers publish kW, kVA and BTU in their equipment specifica ons.

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