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this hypnotic recording will help you to

clear up your skin help you to reduce

the effects of aging and to help you

express through your body your vitality

and energy naturally and all that I

would like you to do right now is just

to find a nice comfortable position

perhaps sitting in a chair or lying down

in your bed and I'd like you to take a

nice deep breath in through your nose

breathing in 1 2 3 and then breathing

out 1 2 3

breathing in 1 2 3 and then breathing

out 1 2 3 and I'd like you to continue

this process as I continue to speak with

you and deepen your relaxation

and I'd like to tell you a little bit

more about your cells the cells within

your body are always active and

throughout the life of your body it is

constantly being recreated and adjusted

to suit your current state of being

when you are involved in things that

nourish you the cells reflect your body

in a pleasing way when you are stressed

they have less ability to keep you

looking and feeling the way you want

therefore if you can spend more time

focused happily then the cells will

contribute to more and more peace and

harmony in your physical body the cells

constantly recreate that good health and

vital energy in your body and skin that

makes you radiate your pure energy even

if there have been issues from the past

that have caused your body to not

display its full beauty the body can

regain the essence of beauty back in

your skin and your physical features the

cells are working behind the scenes to

improve this situation for you if you

would only give permission now

for that to happen the cells will make

it so and then more and more the cells

inside your body and inside your skin

will begin to express themselves with

more energy and vitality clearing up any

noticeable issues from the past and

recreating clear healthy skin on the


it is being recreated every day so

gradually over time the epidermis and

the dermis layers of the skin on all

parts of the body refresh themselves

enabling the skin to reflect the piece

that is being felt internally by you

every day and as this sinks into the

subconscious it might help to remember

that it is possible to relax and let it

happen the cells work just fine

when you are relaxed and at peace let

them have a time to relax and regenerate

the skin and body just the way nature

intended the creases and bumps are

allowed to take the natural form to

express your natural beauty

breathe in and out and allow this to

happen naturally whenever you are

stressed out or worried

these subconscious remembers to release

a wave of relaxation over you so that

you can relax and release the stress

allowing the dermis and epidermis to

clean tightly and restore its natural

glow and firmness restoring its youth

and vitality to match the state of being

inside you allow the cells to do the

work and feel the healing take place

everyday and all that I have said here

in this recording will embed itself

deeply into the subconscious mind

allowing the skin and the body to

restore its natural health becoming more


more vibrant more youthful every day

while you sleep restoring returning

refreshing the body allowing the skin to

express itself naturally clearly without

radiating your pure peaceful energy from

within restoring perfect health


and you can continue to listen to this

music as your wrists peacefully or you

can get up any time you choose


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