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3 hat is fu et celr

Demhe the workinq of Puel ceLt

ample of H,0 Puel ce D arhe faki
ecatrie cellS ohith oreDeigned td Conuert the
Communaran of fuel Suh hydro eneg q from te
methon Diretly Converted qen, Carbonmero I1
Puel Ce into
etiel enenq 1s o ed
one o the must
Tae jornof
impostont fuR coa uye The
t s cel eoeh
idoqen with ouqe n to Fom ater fn
letode. js ma de of poy

CntainiN ond s a l (omporse d Cosbon

amou nt of pla kiníumn Ag.fd ane

u ed
as Catalys} n ths ceu,
Converted thvouh pos hytog pe 0nd onngen a r e
S ouutr eleat ode into Gonuroted
an of nla oh or koH aquenu

fuel ceel
at ano de } 2 CH
A Ca tho lo N }2e v 2
o: t2H, Ct yoe

Unad0 aatibn celu 22 to2

(9 (9 (a)
This e un
Supplíed toit at frue to Prve long os as the
veat tant a e
posaeAs Paes cei Convet negyventof ond fue
Ceeey the g e Podei¢slly mone ePriend
Di re4ly to
Convenron 0t meed o,gnua ktr tha tha
el er'a j on langelange sale

narzo rhya
Scae by Woskinq hydoqe ,(orbon
n Puels a l Cokol theoqstiG|1y
loo eRfru'eneq ' s exptk but a
cfual ePfio'enoy 727. F4s1.
as heen a glwed Puel celU are. r P Fom 1otlutron Fu el ( e l
Kaye bten wtd for qenenaing o eleettric CUDnent 1n appollo
in tte-
Space. skip t 1S+ 7 is wed The coster apou/
Ceu reotron wese ondens ed ond add eå ko
the Drinkinq

uoatersupplied Por tho. astonoid.

5 h a t is leod sloraqe botteny or ce ll and eaplain
AnT is a Seonda ay c l whith i s sephange able belause the
Poduet of ceu déoetion Stricls to Fhe eretrode I t is also Colled
a lead Stoaage cell t Corsist of#six Cel (onneated in seru eaho
Ce! Consist of sponqy lead onDde and a qra de of lewe
Paeke f uwith leod -di owie (Pvoi) ach ab Cothode An aqeou
Solution of H2So4 t t s eletolye The Teakron whith take
Place and electro de. Con be vepreuented as

Disckanging of cau
At anode - Pb3 Pb" +2e oxidising)
P tSoy
Pbso 4
Pbt soy2
Phstde *
At Cathad. Pb o, t 41H+de"s Pb° tRh, 6s
b So t PhSo 2

Pbot4' t 50+Re"- Ph5°, t4 H20

ANDde- PbtSo Pb Soq tAe
Cathde- Phoz+4H't So4 Hde Phso t H2o
Pbt Pho2 t4 H t H04 3 a PhYo t
0eAa (ED dathon Pbt Pbo, t H5 PbSo 4 t H26
1o1s g
Conentration of H2 So is peortase) as Sulpka fte
C nsumed to Fomm phs oa n n tho woi nq o Fke cel
C u y t of theje Th DenJi hyof soution o peoaJ
Reckang ing of ceu botter_
Ead Stonaq e. cel be
cohang ed by onnes ing H to end
entennal Jounte of diset CwnentThiS sewsed the flow
oF eohon witb preo'p? ta iorn o Ph on Fe ande o nd
Pboz on tha. Cothode, thaut is Dumg re kange d.
the ce behave a eleroty fic ce
fotlowinq deaehion OCCud

Dui rctkong ing

At onvde!- pbsoq t*z H,o 3 Pbo, t1 H+5o4 +2e
A Cotode Pbsoq tae Pht So4
OUA atl CeL
Deouk on -2 pbS t 2 Ho Pb +Pbo02 t 91H

Ph s t2ld, o Pb+PH t HS

Kea shovoge batft

narzo veq
QU 4oka Is Corross fon of mt Bal wnte tha eeo tothemio theoy
o oTsbs fon
AN Codrosion 1s on eleatrochemica pheromengno
CwsoSon isthe procels in Ohith a metau Deieri ogolte As
a suwt
of i{S wnveU r'on into (ompocinds
T Gnd watt 0n-eNP0sure to
almost all mekas undert o CoTsOSon Fhe
erpeehon are AV, bd, pd , Thus yting of ion, tuniskin
of sitven1 Deve
lopment o qroem (oe tina on Coppe and b0T2e
erc Gor Some o} the
eaample f (oToSion Due to CooS (on
me foams its oaide ortosjon af (mn Fal1es plaue i'n
PTOerek of ony tn o nd a t tr Due fo oros '>n thene s
Chang e to builgs,u0n kchee, Ships at mon other artit [RS
holde ok iron.
Elee too chernia 7Aeo ofTastingThe impu ve ron Su 1fa c e
beRawe a a
elewcAemCal CeL n prepents af valu
Contas'nio DiSowe ovqen and oz Suah as CeUs Caled
Cosos ton ceu (omos
or fon Coaple Tn thes e ceUs puP 0D
act a
ano de and impare, Sus foce a Catkode Gleto
the fill o? moistone Vowi'nq DisSolwed yte s .

An oqy1fn and G2 in iéE

ano Le
orlda tr'on o} aos oRus The fe 10ns passes
n to the SolusOn leaoing bekind the, eltto n he
ma Fte which ane pwhed into the Cahodie a reg
Te f e t fae
A Catho de Ht ions p/ckup the eluton these HT ions ae rdmd
ei ther fom H, o of zCos
0 to2 H,lo l4 11Co3 Crbonit avd)

The H ator fomed in the atkodic 0duu t a d s sow ed onyqn

in 2o

hile the oveasl 7aio) o} Sion cele

Fe t 47 %0
+ f e t H2o
The Fe ion flou) water ond me fo tHo sun fare, of í0n ob)
uhesetheeose furthe ond's ed f o fe3t o s Mee#ed
aD atmosp hen e.
oygen The fe ^on thon fom u h
uhch 's Ay daat ed 'on 1 0zide
t4H" ion
0 , , 6 e,Os
e Os +
xH,o fe,Os zH,°(aut)
Q33 conte tho lae tor afluticg (oos/on 9
Haufot a P4irq Corostdn or cas fotlows
airond moisture-Air and moisturre ase quwet hetpfd
In Cprosfo n Becauwe thay a o as med'um thel
OF elehon on ouun in eneptanak
Cértaj n positlye ion
poe 3eroe of imp oum #i -Tmpurtics hetp in of
settir9 a
Coosfon cell hetp in coTÍOSion OCeu 7epidely
3. Reaet toity of meta Reautiue met al Corsoid

ThiS IS appen Due to the fomakt'on o C os(on t

cel ur kh les goe tioity metal ir ootaf with it
4 SkTain in mtkuu-Tt abo hetp in
in be ao een þeg0 nes uDe k
Coras ton belaue pemi-

S Te pmutre of emolh The presense of elee olyte

also nolke tho- ComSos/on oyfen Becauwe t aut. a medium
in Ohrt h e)eaton
a ceephmg spwe o
% corte the pruent1on b f (orosan
Swuo metknd are applica
ble for
Cortogbn. Some imnpThant oteu tin meals o)
Belo me4o da re
N e Df
Díss (ALDSed

. Basies otation-Sasr6na
Seonreia protutron

4 wing aofi us6 Sotutron/ fum


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