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SHPLE PARP E—0 ABER R-BMR-AKEIMS EAP RRMA E BARRON) (A) ae: AR RIRL A aaR H MSM White » (5%) ae 2 ¢ as ac (C) (2)\ SAMS: ABB ONS Rh HOS HBB HA + (5%) 1.) CA) Lwashed it with my dad (B) Lashed it with a towel (C) I washed it the day before yesterday ) CA) Yes, [hated the days so much, (B) Not really. There were too many tests. (C) Yes, I was junior high schoo! student then, ) CA) Because I woke up too late. (.B ) Because it was the Moon Festival. CC) Pm not sure. ) CA) It’s my sister's. (B ) My hat is on the sofa. (CC) It’s a beautiful hat. ) CA) He gave her a coat. (B) He visited the place before. (CC) He donated some money to them. + FRE ARON S RE -RB EMER + 2 ¢ 3 ¢ 4 ( 5. (10%) 1. ( ) CA) Picking flowers. (B) Playing card games. (C) Chatting under tree. 2. () CA) He painted a picture, (B) He talked to Irene. (C) He visited a museum. 3 0) CA) Meg looked down because she didn’t do homework (B) Meg was sad because her puppy died. (C) Meg was not happy because her friends didn't play with her. ) CA) He drove the old woman home. (B) He read the story on the Net. (CC) He was late for school ) CA) There was alot of rain last week, (B) She told her classmates to do something for the poor people. (CC) She and her classmates are very young; they can't do much for others. => REF ROG) 1. Sally is a w__ful mother. She is always there for her kids 4 ¢ 5 but never spoils ( #£38) them. 2. Tewas sunny yesterday afternoon, so we had ap___e at the park, 3. Kerry: Do Will and Anna go to the same junior high school? Lina: No, They go to d t schools. 4. Our English teacher is i . We are happy in her class. 5. Lisa: Look! The orange juice is only NTS19 a bottle. Emma: Yeah, its ch___p. Let's buy some. 6. These pants (7##-F-) are alittle too big for me. I need a but. ShP rs P ARP S—0ASERR-BMB—R 7. Michael is ap__1 boy because his parents died in an accident( 94). 8. Kerry: How was your summer v 2 Hugo: It was great! I went to Japan and Korea with my mom. 9. Today is Mom's fortieth birthday. Thave ase for her. 10. Mr. and Mrs. White n__ed their baby girl “Snow” E> REM + SS ALAER(IS%) 1. () Kevin ___ the comie books before, but his brother (A) reads; doesn’t (B) reads; don’t (C) read: didn’t (D) read; did 2. (_) Ineeded the dictionary very much, Can you. 2 (A) bring itofme — (B) bring me it (C) bring itme —D) bring it to me 3.) Mia: What__Angel_this morning? Grace: She made breakfast for her family. CA) does; make (B) did; made (C) did; did (D) aid; do ) My aunt___her od cellphone _me, (A) gavesto— (B) showed: for (C) made; for CD) bought; for ) George studied hard yesterday he has a big test today. (A) because (B) so (C) ,because (D) .s0 ) Our parents are tall, but are short. (A) your (B) their (EY her (D) his ) Lowrote a love letter my gilfriend. I would like to let her know how much [love her. (A) about (B) of (C) to (D) for ) The TV show yesterday fun, My friends and 1 lots of fun waiching it. CA) was; had (BY was; was (C) had; had CD) had was ____you, we got everything we wanted. (A) Thanks for (B) Thanks to (C) Because (D) Because with ) Emily: id you like the movie “Real” ? Bric: I didn't like it very much. (A) Why (B) How (C) What (D) Where ) We didn’t walk outside because of (A) take; the rain (B) took; rainy (C) took; the rin (D) take; i staining ) Bella: Was there anything special at the Ocean Park? Darbie: (A) Yes, there are so many people there, (B) Ofcourse, we saw the sea lion show. (C) Yes, wedid. (D) Sure, Taipei Zoo is fun ) ina: Monica is sad Betty: Her mother is sick. (A) Poor she! (B) What happened? (C) Are youkidding? (D) Excuse me. 14. (Willy : Who made the song 4 Litile Happiness? Steve: (A) Jey C does (B) Terry C was (C) Jerry C made (D) Jerry C did ) Helen: [like to do something at the children’s home ‘with my family on weekends. Family (A) Thank youso much. (B) Let me guess (C) That’ 5 very kind of you. (D) I don't know. Let’s ask him. 9 ) 10. ¢ 15; € RMA BAF BREA BE ws Ri FAI%) (a) Kevin: Let’s_1__ dodge ball, Kitty. Kitty: 1_2___dodge ball, but Iam very tired now. Kevin: What happened? Kitty: My parents went out last night. My two litte sisters, were naughty. Jean shouted and Jessica__3__. Finally, everything __4__quiet after 11 p.m. Then I studied for the tests all night. Kevin; __5 Well, my mom and dad_6_ home, either. watched movies on TY all night. Kitty: How cool! I envy you. Kevin: But I didn’t prepare for the tests and failed them. tk naughty ek envy AH 1. C) (A) play (B) plays (C) played (D) playing 2. () (A) liking (B) Tiked (C) likes (1D) like 3. ( ) (A) cries (B) cried (C) sleeps (D) slept 4. () (A)is (B) was (C) are (D) were 5. ( ) (A) Good for yout (B) Poor you! (C) You bet! (D) Let me guess. 6 ( ) (A) awe (B) aren't (C) were (D) weren't ®) Jean: Look! Here is a new pair of shoes! Are they __7_, Lina? Lina: No, it’s not mine. Ask Kitty. Maybe they're 8 Jean: Hi, Kitty. Are they your shoes? They look new and nice Kitty: Ye, they are mine. They're birthday presents __9 my aunt, ean: Don’t you like them? __10 are you donating them? Kitty: Of course I like them. But I read many African family have no money to buy shoes __L1__ their children, so I want to donate them to the poor children in Africa. Jean and Lina: How nice! 7 ( ) (A) my (B) your (C) yours (D) mine 8 ( ) CA) her CB) hers (C) she (D) she's 9. ( ) CA) for (B) from (C) to (D) in 10. ( ) CA) Why (B) How (C) What (D) When 1. C) (A)X (B) for (C) to (D) of & Aftica 45M Es RRA EO) 1. Twatched the movie again because it is funny. (Risoze 3) 2. Ann didn’t go out last Sunday because it rained. (Ema RMD) 3. This is Young’s bieycle (Lmao) 4, Newton chats with his son on the Net. (ho Alast weekend ) 5, Did you send Woody the book? FERRI ORG ARE 4) 2 f8F10%) 1. BRP ARAB A Ret A 81 OAD 2. SallysE RR + RAndy LAIR AAT « 3. RAAT AME T — tat at ob saa « A, AIAR BA A A RAR A LR A 5. RA TARDE ORR RB AE SHPLEP ARP E—OALERR—-BMR—KREMS BAF BRAM EE e+ Ma RI(24%) @ Why donate your blood? It feels great to donate. ‘You get fiee juice and delicious cookies. ‘You can be someone's hero. ‘You are saving someone's life. ‘Who can donate blood? ‘Ages from 17 t0 75 yrs old. Healthy. No fever, ‘More than 45 kg. Don’t hesitate! People need your help. %& blood ii yw save TREK He hesitate HP Ie fever HR 1.) Who can donate their blood? (A) A 19 year-old student and 55 kg. (B) Two junior high school students. (C) An 80-year-old lady. (D) A strong young man with fever. 2. ( _) Which is not the reason to donate blood? (A) You can feel great. (8) You can get some free food. (C) You can help someone. (D) You can save the whole world. i) ‘Teacher: How old is your father? Will: He is 6 years old ‘Teacher: What? How is this possible? Will: He became father only when I was bom, GOOOGOOOSOO9OOOOD ‘Teacher: Donald, what is the chemical formula for water? Donald: HII KLMN 0. ‘Teacher: What are you talking about? Donald: Yesterday you said i's H to O. SOOOOHOSS9OOOOSO ‘Teacher: Maria, go to the map and find North America Maria: Here itis. ‘Teacher: Correct. Now class, who discovered America ? Class: Maria. 2k born ik 4k chemical formula 448% Hk discover #38, 3. (_) What is the chemical formula for water? (A) HISKLMNO (B) HtoO (€) HO (D) Coz 4.) Which is true? (A) Will i six years old, (B) Maria discovered America. (C) Donald knows the chemical formula for water. (D) Will's father is six years ol. © twas a winter night. [saw a small eat near our house. It ‘was hungry and cold. I gave it some food and took it to the vet. The vet said it was nota stray cat. The vet helped me call the owner. I was so surprised when I knew it was my classmate, Tina. ‘Tina said the cat was a gift from her boyftiend, Her parents didn't like it because they thought cats were evil. So they threw ‘itaway. The cat then became skinny, dirty, and sick. Tina felt so som. 1 asked Tina for the eat. I could take care of it, Now it rows up and becomes a beautiful big cat. I am really happy. did the right thing Ak stray FUR) ke evil HEH ke threw ok skinny R09 S.C) Why didn't Tina's parents like the cat ? (A) They didn’t like Tina’s boyfriend. (B) The cat are ugly and ditty. (C) They thought the cat was evi (D) The cat was sick 6. (__) Isita good idea to give people pets as(#F) a gif? (A) Yes. Pets are always cute when they are little, (B) Yes. Pets are easy to buy. (C) No. Pets like to live on the street. (D) No. Not everyone can take care of pets. 7. () Whichis NOT true? CA) The eat was skinny, dirty, and sick before. (B) The cat was Tina’s. (C) The author(¢ 4) did the right thing because helshe took good care ofthe eat. (D) Tina’s mom gave the cat to her for her birthday. © This was Patty’s three-day trip last weekend, Day_1 Day 2 Day ‘At Unele Ray's birthday party Atthe beach At the farm, “Enjoyed good food | -Looked atthe blue | -Fed the pigs -Chatted with friends | sea -Brushed a horse -Cut the cake with Ray_| -Played volleyball_] - Watched a show 8. (_) What didn't Paty do at her uncle's party? (A) Sang asong. (B) Enjoyed good food. (C) Chatted with friends. (D) Cut the cake. 9. (_) Which of the following is not right? (A) Patty fed the pigs at the farm. (B) Patty brushed a horse and watched a show. (C) Patty’ friends chatted with her. (D) Patty watched the moon atthe beach, Shp rs FARPE—OASFERR-BHR-KEMABAF RRM EE © ‘Andy was poor at seeing things in the past 1wo 2017 OCTOBER ‘months. He satin the back of the classroom and he couldn’t see ee the words on the blackboard, He knew there was something. ‘wrong with his eyes, and then he went to an eye doctor. Dr. Li, a the eye doctor can always help him, | Dr. Li was very kind to Andy. He asked Andy some ef PF P PF questions and asked Andy to fil out the form. le fas aa jase | ‘oes mNo Do you play online games? | = mes No Is there enough light when you read pe pet or using computers? aes aNo Do you take a ten-minute break afer Notalways! | reading or use computers? mes No Do you play games in a dark place? coYes mNo Do you get a good sleep every night? ‘Andy filed inthe form. Then the doctor read it and showed some exercises to him. He said to Andy, “There are many good ‘ways to take care of your eyes, but you need to listen to me. First, get more rests and more sleep. Do not use computers s0 often. Your eyes are ok, and you need to be nice to your eyes.” 1k take a ten-minute break 1.8248 2 fill out the form 344 10.) Why did Andy go to see the doctor? (A) He needs a pair of glasses. (B) His eyes can't see anything. (C) His mom asked him to go there. (D) His eyes need an eye doctor’s help. 11. (-_.) What ean we leam from this form? (A) Andy loves to play online games. (B) Andy takes a ten-minute break every time. (C) Andy always reads books without light (1D) Andy doesn't get a sound sleep every night. © A Tm So TT Taiwanese Home-cooked Food Different Dishes Every Day Your Second Home in Tainan 11:00 a.m, ~ 8:00 a.m. Mon. ~ Fa, 11:00 a.m. ~ 7:00 a.m. sat, TEL: 2611-9621 Closed on the third Monday of every ‘month, poster i ok dish 0H 12. () Lu Pa Pa wants to take a trip (#47 ) for two days. He wants to go when ( #10448 ) his restaurant isnot open, Look atthe calendar. When isthe best (84444 ) time for him? CA) October 1 and 2. (B) October 15 and 16. (C) October 22 and 23, (D) October 29 and 30. ShPLE PARP E—-OASERR—- PWR —ALMFGEAFMREA SER BER: BERR: A: — + HB 71 BIRR: 20% (=) > GS + AAI 8g YS + Bh HG Sa ay BR ALAS BH Ob Haw o (BAB > ESD) © a 2: a 4 3 (=) > BARS | ARIE EAS Eh AA SO) SOY Ao (AR > HES) is 2. a 4 os > SRE UA AS Bh MRMSOSR (BM2F K10 FH) 13 2 3. 4 3. =) XREFR'10% 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 2 + RiRWEE + PE RAER 5 15% 1 > 15 ) 1. 2. 4. 5. 6. 3. in 12. 1B. 14. 15. 09 > iF MMe S11 MAAR 1 > 3K 11 GP) 1. 2. 3, 4. EA 6. 7. 8. d 10. H. BARRA HEB: 10 (EAB 2 > $10 HP) pew A > GATE: 10 YEA 2 > 34 10 37) veers “E+ BU SR + 24 (HEAR 2 oP > He 24 gp) L. 2. 3. a 3. 12. i.

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