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Compiled by Helen

(Skype: helenrozv81)
How to write a letter of application: structure

Break your letter into these sections

● First paragraph : The opening statement should set out why you're writing the letter.
Begin by stating the position you're applying for and where you saw it advertised.
● Second paragraph: Highlight relevant experience , qualifications and skills, and
demonstrate how they match the requirements of the job and could benefit the
● Third paragraph: Say why you're suitable for the job, what attracted you to this type
of work, why you're interested in working for the company and what you can offer the
● Last paragraph: Give practical details (interview availability, resume and references if
appropriate). Finish by thanking the employer and say how you are looking forward to
receiving a response.

How to write a letter of application: key elements

1. Dear Sir/Madam or Dear Mr/Mrs Jones

2. Job details
● I would like to apply for the position of (Head Chef) which was advertised on LinkedIn
on Friday 10th February 2020.
● I am writing with regard to your advertisement for the position of (Head Chef) which
was published in The Guardian newspaper yesterday.
● I am writing to express an interest in the position of (Head Chef ) as advertised on the website this morning.

3. Qualifications
● I am a (teacher) with more than 30 years of experience in/of (teaching EFL).
● I am a recent graduate ( of Essex University) and I have a significant background in
(online learning).
● I graduated from ( Reading University) in 1989 with a degree in (English/French).

4. Present status
● At present, I am employed as a (lecturer) by (Kaplan)/ at (Essex University).

5. Experience
● As you can see from my CV, I am a (teacher) with 30 years of experience.
● I completed a one-year internship/apprenticeship ( with the British Council) and…
● ...for the past two years I have worked/ have been working as (a tutor) .
● I spent 5 years work ing ( in a private school) ( for the British Council).
● I was responsible for (the Young Learner Department).
6. Skills and personal qualities
● I consider myself to be ( reliable, hard-working, enthusiastic, motivated, ambitious ).
● I am used to working (under pressure/at a fast pace to meet deadlines).
● I have (strong communication skills and an excellent knowledge of IT).

7. Why are you interested?

● I believe the position you offer will give me the opportunity to …
● I feel that my experience ( in ….) makes me well suited for this position.
● I am confident that my ability to (manage teams) would be an asset to your company.

8. References and CV/resume

● I enclose my references and resume.
● I would be grateful if you would consider my application.
● I would be happy to send you references from my previous employers if you require

9. Endings
● I look forward to hearing from you at your earliest convenience.
● Thank you for your time and consideration.

10. Signing off

● Yours sincerely, ... (you know the name of the person you are writing to)
● Yours faithfully, . .. (you don't know the name)
When you write a letter of application you are trying to sell yourself! You should
emphasize your strengths, abilities and experience but not your weak points.

I am writing in response to the advertisement you placed in the Manchester Evening News
for a librarian.
I write to submit my application for the PH.D. scholarship in strategic management.

The main body should be divided in three paragraphs.

Paragraph One
Give brief details about your background. However, you shouldn’t give details such as
dates and places where you’ve worked (except your latest job) because this information is
included in your resume.

Paragraph Two
Outline your achievements, giving brief details or promotions or special projects you’ve
worked on, including brief details of your responsibilities.

Paragraph Three
Give your reasons for applying for the job. This is important because the reader will want to
know the reason why you want to leave your present company or job.

I have enclosed my resume that outlines in details my qualifications and experience as well
as an open letter of recommendation from London Central Library.
I hope you find my experience satisfactory and look forward to receiving your reply.
I look forward to hearing from you soon.

Useful Expressions:
I am writing in response to your advertisement in ___ of August 8.
Your advertisement for a news reporter in today’s People Daily interested me.
I’d like to apply for the position of operator you advertised in….
I’m writing in response to the advertisement you placed in the Manchester Evening News
for a librarian.
I have enclosed my resume that outline in details my qualifications and experience.
I’m quite content with my present job; however, I have to leave to further my career.
Due to economic adversity, I have to leave my present job.
Job application

During a recent plane journey, you sat next to a business person who owns a chain of
restaurants. You talked to him/her and he/she suggested that you should contact him/her
about a possible job in oneof his/her restaurants.

Write a letter to this person. In your letter

- Remind him/her when and where you met
- Tell him/her what kind of job you are interested in
- Say why you think you would be suitable for the job

Dear Ms Jones

I am not sure whether you will remember me, but we met last Saturday on a flight from
Dubai to the UK and you kindly gave me your business card.

During the flight we discussed the imminent opening of a branch of Burger Queen in my
hometown and you mentioned that you were looking to recruit a restaurant manager.

I would like to apply for this position as I believe I am ideally suited to the role. Over the
past 10 years, I have managed a number of fast-food outlets, working my way up from the
shop floor to a managerial position. This variety of experience has equipped me with all
the skills necessary for the job. I am hard-working, ambitious and self-motivated, with
excellent interpersonal and organisational skills.

It was a pleasure chatting with you on the flight and I hope you will consider my
application favourably. I enclose my CV and am available to come for an interview any
time at your convenience .

I look forward to hearing from you,

Yours sincerely ,
Write a letter to a friend expressing your interest to seek employment in a different country.

Your letter should include:

 Why you want to work in a different country
 What type of work you will be looking for
 Questions you have about working in a different country that your friend may be able to answer

Dear Praveen,

I hope this letter finds you well. I am writing to let you know that I have decided to follow in your
footsteps and seek employment abroad. Like you, I’m very curious about the world and want to use my
career as a tool to help open up some opportunities for travel.

You will be happy to hear that I finally finished my Political Science degree. If possible, I want to use this
educational base to find work in an embassy somewhere. However, I am still unsure exactly which country
I would like to venture to. I was hoping your experience working in Germany, France and Russia could
help guide me to a suitable place. If you don’t mind my asking, which of those three countries would you
most recommend living in? Do you think the fact that I only speak English will prove a problem?

As you can probably guess, I am beside myself with excitement at the prospect of having a totally new
living experience. Thus, I am really looking forward to reading your reply.

Until then,


Write a letter to a teacher asking for a reference letter for a job and explain:
 Why you have chosen him to write the reference letter.
 What kind of job you are applying for.
 Why you think you are suitable for this job.
Dear Mr. Moloisa,

As you are aware, this month marks my foray into the working world, having graduated my studies with
you at Watson’s Photographer College. I am writing to you to request your aid in my transition from
student to employed professional.

As your top scholar last year, I am sure you will be happy to hear my chosen career path is photography.
Thanks to your grueling courses, I feel I am completely prepared to take on a professional challenge and
am excited to tell you I have been offered to attend the initial employment screening at National
Geographic Magazine. As part of this process, I am required to submit a reference letter written by a third
party of notable acclaim among the global photography community. Of course, I was hoping I could ask
you to be this person.

I would be very grateful for any kind words you could compose on my behalf to help make this
opportunity at National Geographic Magazine possible for me.

Thanking you in advance,

You are applying for a job and need a reference.
Write a letter to the boss in your former job.
In your letter:

• Give details of the job
• Explain why it is important to you
• Suggest what information your ex boss could put in the reference.

Model answer

Dear Mr. Smith,

I am writing this letter to request a reference from my time at your company.

The company I am planning to join is connected to NASA and develops

software for the international space station. I am going to develop software for
the computers that control the air flow system in the international space station.
I will have to use my previous skills with Unix to write programs, In addition, I
will be working in a team with 20 colleagues to resolve the problems with the
software issues in the filtration systems in the capsules.

The job which I am applying for is my dream job. As you know, I have always
wanted to get a position related to space development and computer systems, so
it is a very important for my future.

I would like to request that you include information about my previous duties
related to what I am going to be responsible for in my new company.
Additionally, would it be possible to mention my previous success with
software development? I would be very grateful if you could put these in the

I look forward to hearing from you soon.

Yours Sincerely,

Edward Scissorhands

(200 words)
Sample Job Application Letter

You have recently found a job vacancy in the local newspaper.

Write a letter to the company and say
 what position you are applying to and
 where it was advertised.
 include some information about your skills, education and experience.
 Explain why you are interested in this job.

Sample Answer

Dear Sir/Madam,

I would like to apply for the position of flight attendant, advertised in “The Wings” issue of October

As you can see from my CV, I am a flight attendant with 5 years of experience.
I had a one-year apprenticeship with United Airways, and the following 3 years I worked for Sky-High
Airlines. The last year I was working for Air Comfort Airlines, providing customer service to first class

I have a pleasant personality and good communication skills. I am familiar with service and emergency
instructions, and used to working unsupervised. My experience includes administering first aid to ill
passengers and dealing with unusual incidents. I am available to work weekends, holydays and overtime.

If you find my skills and experience suitable, please contact me to schedule an interview. I am looking
forward to discussing my credentials with you personally.

Thanks you for your time and consideration.

Yours faithfully,
Mr. Smith

(155 words)
You have seen an advertisement looking for volunteers to teach English
overseas. Write to the recruitment office. In your letter
Tell them where you saw the advertisement
Explain why you would like to go
Describe the skills that you have that you think would help
You do NOT need to write any addresses.

Sample Answer:
Dear Sir or Madam,

I am writing with regards the voluntary position advertised recently in The Herald newspaper, looking for
people able and willing to teach overseas.

I have recently graduated from university, and I am looking for rewarding and fulfilling temporary work
before I apply for positions related to my studies, and I think the vacancy you have would be ideal for me.

I feel that I would be able to contribute to the position as I have some teaching experience already and I
am a native English speaker. I have also worked with various different levels and abilities of student so
would have no difficulty adapting to the requirements of the job.

I would be very interested in putting my name forward, and would like some additional information
regarding the role, specifically the exact dates and any additional costs that I may need to pay.

I look forward to hearing from you.

Yours faithfully,
J. Massey
(156 words)
You have an advertisement for a part time job welcoming visitors to your town.
Write to the recruiters. In your letter
Explain why you want the job
Describe why you would be a good person for the role
Describe any relevant experience you may have

Dear Sir / Madam,

I noted with interest that you are currently looking for someone to act as a guide to new arrivals
to our local area, and I would like to put myself forward for the position.

As a local resident of some 25 years, I am very familiar with the location, and have actually spent
some time in researching the history of the town. As you may know, the house I live in is one of
the oldest buildings in the area and dates back over 100 years, so I feel I am perhaps in a unique
position to give visitors an interesting and informative perspective of where we live.

I have a background in lecturing, so I feel that I would be able to address groups of people clearly
and confidently, and my experience with students from overseas would certainly help, given the
multinational nature of visitors that we have here.

I look forward to hearing from you.

Peter Carlisle (163 words)
You are applying for membership at a local sports club. Write to the club. In your
Explain why you would like to join
Describe how you heard / know about the place
Describe some of the sports or activities you would be interested in

Dear Sir or Madam,

I am writing with regards enrolling in your sports facilities, as I am keen to improve my level of
fitness and have always enjoyed football and swimming, two of the options you have available.

A friend of mine joined about 6 weeks back, and he has been very positive in his feedback of your
club and has recommend it to myself and a number of friends.

I understand that there are amateur football competitions that run in the evenings, and I would
be very keen to join a team as it has been one of my passions for many years. As I mentioned, I
enjoy swimming, but am also interested in finding out more about your indoor climbing wall.

As far as I understand, this is the highest of its kind in the area, and I would be very keen to try it
even though I have never done anything like that before.
I would be grateful if you could let me know about membership options or arrange a time for me
to come and see you.
Yours faithfully,
Mark Hughes
(185 words)
Applying for a job

Writing task 1 (a letter)

You would like to apply for a full-time position at an international company.
Write to the human resources department and say
 What job are you interested in?
 Explain what are you currently doing.
 Why do you think you are best candidate for the job?

Writing task 1 (a letter)

You have decided to apply for a job as a Spanish instructor that was advertised in the April
edition of the magazine Teaching Professional. This ad was posted by Mr John Sullivan,
director of the Spanish department at The Language Institute of Great Britain in London,
England. In your letter to Mr Sullivan:
 explain why you are writing
 describe your qualifications and experience
 explain how they can contact you

Writing task 1 (a letter)

You are looking for a part-time job. Write a letter to an employment agency. In your letter:
 introduce yourself
 explain what sort of job you would like
 say what experience and skills you have

Writing task 1 (a letter)

You have seen an advertisement for part-time work in a hotel for three months over the
summer. Write a letter to the manager. In your letter:
 say what experience you have
 ask what the work involves
 enquire about conditions

Writing task 1 (a letter)

You would like a temporary job working in the summer camp which runs sports and
outdoor activities for children and young people next summer.
Write a letter to the organizers of the summer camp. In your letter:
 explain what sort of job you would like to do
 describe your personality
 say what experience and skills you have
Writing task 1 (a letter)
Write a letter to a friend who is looking for a part-time job to support his studies. In your
 Describe the job you found for him/her. (as a waiter / a job in a cafe
 Explain why this job is good for him/her. (free time, is not difficult, location,…
 Say what he/she needs to do to get the job.(interview, resume, employer)

Writing task 1 (a letter)

Write a letter to a friend who is looking for a part time job to support his studies. In your
 Describe the job you found for him/her.
 Explain why this job is good for him/her.
 Say what he/she needs to do to get the job.

Writing task 1 (a letter)

You read an article in a magazine recently which might be useful for you and your friend’s
job. Write a letter to your friend and say
 Describe an article and its content to your friend.
 Explain why it is good for you.
 Why would it be helpful for your friend?

Writing task 1 (a letter)

You saw a job ad in the newspaper. Write a letter to the company manager and say
 Express your interest in this job.
 Explain why you are a good candidate for it.
 Explain what you are doing now.

Writing task 1 (a letter)

Write a letter to a friend expressing your interest to seek employment in a different
country. Your letter should include:
 Why you want to work in a different country.
 What type of work you will be looking for.
 Questions you have about working in a different country that your friend may be
able to answer.

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