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Marketing Plan of Nutri Merienda

A marketing plan in partial fulfillment

of Grade 12/ABM-St. Luke in the requirements

for Principle of Marketing

Submitted by:

Jhoevelyn Mae C. Nuelan

Crissel C. Taday

Jastinne Nicole O. Ilao

Aliann Nicole E. Espaldon

Gerlie Mae D. Magtibay

Submitted to:

Tr. Chloe P. Alday

April 2022
Executive Summary

Nutri Merienda is a partnership business that offers

highly popular food, and we will be the first to sell corndog in

San Jose, Batangas, which might be an advantage or

disadvantage for our business. We intend to make a corndog

that will complement the clients' expectations in terms of

crispness and juiciness. Our main establishment is through the

use of food trucks. This will be cooked on the spot so we can

attract and build the trust of our customers if they can see how we produce our product since

corndog is the best to eat especially if it’s hot and freshly gotten from the hot pan.

Our Corndog is food entertainment, that will satisfy the appetite of the masses while

having entertainment through movies and sports, an environment and atmosphere we want to

develop. Furthermore, our food truck will signify a Filipino flair to show patriotism to our

customers. They will be more comfortable since they see familiarity with images and color

marks on our cart and truck as a Filipino citizen. The food truck is transformed into a jeepney

truck to depict the Filipino culture. Thus, our business is market-orientated, centralized on

customer needs rather than our own. Our opening time start from 9:30 AM to 8:30 PM.

Our company's mission is to provide customer satisfaction by providing excellent

customer service, a high-quality product, and making it affordable to our target market. We also

aim to satisfy and comprehend our product's delectability through the eyes of our customers. Our

vision is to stand out among San Jose's food enterprises and establish a relationship with

customers by consistently providing excellent service and high-quality products. The table below

will illustrate our specific product:

Corn Dog Drinks Sauce

Meaty Corndog (95) Melony Juice 16oz (25), 22oz (30) Bebeq Sauce

Eggy Corndog (75) Cucumber Lemonade 16oz (20), 22oz Mayo Spicy Sauce


Chicky Dog (80)

These tables illustrate our product line and the product under those categories which

shows the variation of the product we offer to them. If you notice the corn dog that may be new

to everyone since we typically used a hotdog in creating Corndog. However, we have

competitors surrounding us and as new entrants, in selected places, we need to be innovative and

differentiate ourselves from others. For the customer to distinguish our uniqueness over

competitors by increasing our point of difference. We emphasize the use of egg, chicken, and

meat since San Jose is one of the biggest suppliers of eggs and chicken which is the main

inspiration for combining flavors and dishes to develop a new concept.

The Meaty Corndog is a healthy corn dog that is homemade mixed with ground meat and

shaped into a hotdog before coating into a batter mixture. Then the eggy corn dog is a scramble

that is molded into the shape of a hotdog before being coated into the batter while the chicky

corndog is a ground chicken-shaped also in a hotdog. The spices used are one of the important

ingredients to convey new flavors to enrich the flavor of egg and chicken. We also have drinks

that are fresh and healthy which would cleanse the palate after eating the juiciness and grease of

Corndog. Then we added two sauces that would complement the flavor of Corndog. Hence, our

product is for health-conscious people. Offering a variety of products is important to give options
for customers because most of the time people like to try many things before they purchase their

chosen one and prove that they are different from them. It is pointless to compare us to others.

For the reason that we are the first business that will build food trucks there. But we still face


Marketing Team Members

Crissel C. Taday is the Market Director of the Nutri Merienda and she will be the one

who will make an annual marketing plan, create a calendar of campaigns and events, set the

marketing budget, analyze the market, and competitors. She is responsible for the company's

marketing and communications strategies, as well as overall branding and image. She will also

be the one who will oversee all of the marketing managers and check if they are doing well in the

company. So, they can develop a pricing strategy that will help them maximize profits and

market share of the company.

Jastinne Nicole O Ilao is a graphic designer responsible for visualizing, developing

concepts, artwork, and layouts for digital projects based on creative requirements and client

meetings. She works hard to communicate a specific message to customers. Also, she can help

the company to gain attention, which can lead to increased sales. Attractive aesthetics, effective

concept transmission, enhanced visibility, and credibility all drive traffic to our brand.

Jhoevelyn Mae C. Nuelan is the Data Analyst. She is the backbone of the marketing

department. She is responsible for conducting systematic research in formulating effective

marketing strategies. Using mathematical and statistical analysis to evaluate and predict the

performance of the business. This helps to draw conclusions and decision-making of higher

management for the future improvement of businesses by offering factual data on the impact of

our marketing strategies and the possible alternatives to it.

Gerlie Mae Magtibay is the PR of our group. She is the one who will carry out the

campaign and strategies of our business. Monitoring the opinion of our employers or customers.

Build and manage our business's reputation and the relation to our customers.

Aliann Nicole E. Espaldon is a writer/editor/content marketer who is responsible for

conveying stories as well as analyzing statistics. She is the one who will create the company's

vision for blogs, emails, and social media postings. She will provide exceptional writing abilities

and the ability to persuade the audience without selling blatantly to create quality written

material. She will accomplish this by gaining a thorough understanding of the company's target

market's requirements. She is also responsible for generating, managing, and tracking content on

Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter, among other channels. She must establish and maintain a

relationship with the company's target audience.

The Challenges

● Filipinos transform into health-conscious but unable to control themselves against

delicious food. In this challenge, the first problem that people will describe towards Corn

Dog is its unhealthy food which will make the customer decide whether to eat it or not as

all of us value our health condition. Thus, to address the problem it inspires us to replace

hotdogs with eggs since it's much richer in protein than a hotdog.

● All of us are concerned with the environment and most big companies of the massive

producer of plastic which takes hundreds of years to decompose. Along with this, we

decided to replace plastic with paper packaging for corn dogs while glass for drinks and

stainless steel for sauce. Additionally, because we want to have a delivery service we will

use paper cardboard for corndog, drinks, sauce, and straws.

● We are a new launch business in San Jose, Batangas, and the first one to establish a food

truck. This could be a difficult challenge in captivating the attention of customers since

we are still starting to create a reputation within the community. But this is an

opportunity not only to have a good impression but to be better than our competitors.

● Our location could also be a challenge if it cannot easily be noticed by our target

customers and is highly attractive. A mistake placement of our food truck might cause a

huge decrease in our sales. In this problem, we have to do thorough research on a place

that is marketable and can be easily spotted by locals and tourists.

Situation Analysis


As we begin our business, we must ensure that it is safe and clean so that we may apply

for the Mayor's Permit and other necessary permits. Also, we won't be able to operate our

business unless we follow the rules, protocols, and seek permission from our

municipality. We intend to produce meals that will not only satisfy our customers but will

also be healthy for their health.


Plastic usage in the business is a major issue in our society, and we all understand how

important it is to protect and save our environment, so our company can contribute to its

improvement. Instead of using plastic utensils, we plan to utilize a disposable paper box

and cup. Paper cups and boxes, unlike plastic, are biodegradable and may decompose

naturally. Also, properly disposing of the waste and usage of water is important to

minimize pollution in our community.


The lifestyle of our generations can always change and some of them become health

conscious since they want to achieve a healthy lifestyle. So that’s why we created a

product that is suited for health-conscious people and we also don’t want to encourage

people to eat processed food because it’s not also good for our health. This factor can

affect our attitudes, opinions, and interests. So, it can impact the sales of products and

revenues earned.


Nowadays, technology has become an important role in our life and also in the business

environment. Technology becomes important to support the success of the business and it

has been used by everyone, thus knowing how to use it strategically to brand our

business. Through the use of social media platforms, it will be easy for us to promote and

give awareness to our customers.


Inflation is becoming more frequent given that most of the raw material prices and wages

are rising. Since the cost of the materials used to make our products is rising, this will

affect our product prices but we still ensure that the pricing of our foods remains

affordable and budget-friendly for our target market.


As a result of the pandemic, the government established different regulations and

guidelines since they want to protect the citizens for health & safety. They don't want

people to leave their houses all the time, which is why we want to establish a food truck
so we don't have to sell our products in one location. We will be the ones to go after our

target customers to assure their safety.

Company Analysis

Nutri Merienda will be the first company that will use a food truck to sell and distribute

their products. We also offer a unique product because aside from using processed food in our

products we will use nutritious ingredients so it can lead to benefits for our customers. It can also

be advantageous for us since there’s no other business that offers the same product and it can

lead to a positive start for our company. To achieve that we will also find a good supplier for the

ingredients so it will not be hard for us to find where we can get the things that we need. Our

suppliers will come from the public market since most of our team members have known a

reliable supplier.

Market Analysis

No. of Customer Period/Quarterly

150 1st

200 2nd

245 3rd

290 4th

885 1 year

Market A

Our target market is the food lover but a health-conscious consumer since Filipinos are

foodie people but as the pandemic began, they are becoming concerned with their health. The
reason why we replace hotdog processed meat with much healthier alternatives such as healthy

meat mixture, egg, and chicken. These people value the food and drinks they consume.

Specifically, the self-realization consumer who is emotionally driven in making decisions as long

as it feels right to them. Additionally, we also target the ethical consumer who views greater

importance on nature and climate change. The reason why we aimed to use a sustainable

approach is through paper or reusable materials rather than plastic.

Market B

Our next target audience is the Gen Z and Millennials who might not be health conscious

but love corn dogs and are open-minded to it. For the reason that these generations are active in

updating themselves for what is the latest trend and exploring foods as well as great critiques. By

expressing their opinions about certain products through the social media pages of that product.

This is a great opportunity for us, to prove our product's worth and benefits to them as they are

considered to be a more loyal generation toward certain brands especially the Gen Z based on a

loyalty program research study (2021).

Market C

We also aim to attract our potential customers, to people who like watching sports since

in every game people always want a snack they can munch while eating their food. As we love

and inspire by sports some play online games while some of us are more engaged in physical

sports like basketball. We have our idols and inspiration through sports, sometimes we consider

them as our leisure time. It’s our strategy for encouraging sportsmanship and shared values

among players and fans together. The reason why we were located in front of the basketball

court. A place that can easily be noticed by adolescents and adults. This is also a chance to attract

and be highly demanded during sports events. Similarly, we are located near schools which can
be accessed by students. Although, there’s no current face-to-face but a great opportunity in the


Competitor Analysis

These are the following competitors of Nutri Merienda, the products which our target

market would use as a reference point during their decision-making stage on whether to order to

use or not. As there’s no business selling corn dogs near the Bulwagan area, we decided to

choose the competitors based on the distance.

Major Competitor

Daddy’s Burger is a food business that offers different flavors and combination burgers.

He is our major competitor as they are popular among the locals. For the reason of their strategy

of offering variations of the burger like aloha, bacon, cheese, and hawaiian, etc. They even offer

chicken wings, pizza, and nachos, they also make a combo of their menus. Their bundles and

combination of foods make them more competitive than our other competitors. On the other

hand, they still have shortcomings such as too many calories which can affect the health

condition of people. Perhaps, the visual of their food is attractive but damaging to people's

health. The reason why we assure the healthy benefits which our product would provide not only

the taste. This is an opportunity for us to prove that healthy food is beyond boring food. They can

still be exciting and mouth-watering for locals. Furthermore, they said that good taste will bring

you a good life. But not a longer and healthy life, this is what Nutri Merienda will provide.

Second Competitor

Senorito’s is known for its unlimited offering of samgyup and they also offer different

foods like the previous competitor such as chicken wings and burgers. Their unlimited offering

may be their strength but their weaknesses too. For the reason that people cannot finish their
foods since they offer many side dishes which taste not liked by others. While some tend to

finish their food by force as they would pay an extra if not. This affects the experience of the

customer. They quoted that “nothing brings people together like good food” but it’s better if

people unite not only for good food but aim to live healthily.

Third Competitor

Titan’s burger also offers burgers, spaghetti, nachos, etc unlike Daddy’s they are not

well-known and highly demanded by locals.


Some companies tend to overlook the critical threat of substitution. In our case, this may

be the street food like tusok-tusok and the hotdog or footlong from convenience stores as they

are cheaper and easy to buy. This might damage our company if they perceive our product as not

affordable and good-quality.

The following competitors are located in the same place as our food truck. This requires a

great effort to divert and captivate to take some portion of their market share as some individuals

already went and bought in two out of these businesses. Hence, this will be a great opportunity to

aim at taking the loyalty of our potential customers. Additionally, we are new open stores which

are highly attractive because of the creativity and Filipino flair it possesses, we will make a great

impression on them. Most importantly the experience we will provide to assure they come back

to us.

Current Positioning
Position Map: Price and Quality

Position Map: Price and Health

We conduct a marketing survey to know the perception of our target market towards our

product. We have understood that they perceive our brand as medium price but high quality as

well as a healthy product. These perceptions form both from Gen Z, Millennials, Sporty, and

Healthy consumers. It will be in high demand since we promote food entertainment that is

healthy because 90 percent prefer having food while watching entertainment and 53 percent is a

healthy consumer. Although only half of the respondents considered themselves to be healthy

still 43 percent are open-minded to become one.

They think it is a great idea to convert the corn dog into a healthy one. Also, they express

their enthusiasm on how this product values and prioritizes their health not only on prioritizing

earning a profit. Most of them stated that it is budget-friendly and affordable. However, some are

unsure of what benefits it can contribute to them as well as some perceived it’s pricey compared

to our competitors. On the other hand, the distance or gap of our brand over the competitors

would show how unique and healthy it is. Few of them express the reason why they give a lower

rate than others are that they haven’t tasted our product. Hence, this is just an initial reaction and
awareness that our product exists as well as a high brand equity based on their primary

assessment. This is an initial position of occupied space in our customer's minds. There’s a high

possibility of downfall or decrease in brand equity by disappointment if we didn’t meet their

expectations after they taste the actual product.

SWOT Analysis

Strength Weaknesses

Uniqueness Lack of Funds

Strong Management The new variant of the product
Healthy Product New entrant

Opportunities Threats

Business Model Competitors

Attractiveness for Customers First impression of our product
Target Market Growth The rising cost of raw materials

Communication Strategy

Positioning Statement

Nutri Merienda in San Jose, Batangas, offers a high-quality Corn Dog for health-

conscious consumers. Nutri Merienda products do not contain any chemicals or preservatives,

unlike its competitors. Nutri Merienda’s corn dog has the best taste and is also guilt-free, so you

can stay in control of your health.

Target Market

We chose Gen Z and Millennials that are health conscious or open-minded to it as our

target markets since they are more inclined to purchase fast food. We're also taking advantage of

places where Gen Z and Millennials have easier access, such as campuses, religious centers, and
San Jose's marketplace. Our target market responds positively to low-cost meals created using

local and organic ingredients. We anticipate that consumers aged 10 to 41 years are within the

middle class (Php 43, 828 to Php 76, 669), Lower middle class (Php 21, 194 to Php 43, 828), and

lower-income but not poor (Php 9,520 to Php 21, 194) based on their monthly or family income.

Nutri Merienda will be the first to sell corn dogs in San Jose, Batangas, therefore we anticipate

high demand.

Product Strategy

Our brand name is “Nutri Merienda”. We choose this brand name because it's simple but

unique. We think this brand name can attract our customers once they hear about it and be able

to purchase our product. So, our product offered some benefits for our customers because our

product is nutritious which is beneficial for the customer's health. These refreshing drinks can

refresh their mind and body on this hot day. For the packaging, we decided to have simple but

eye-catching packaging. We decided to use paper bags if our customer wants to take out the food

so it's no hassle for them to carry the product as well as to minimize the destruction to the

ecosystem. If they want to dine in, we will provide some utensils like plates or other utensils to

help them eat properly. Additionally, we want to execute a customer salesforce strategy because

we want to establish a good relationship with our customers through great services and quality of

products with them.

Price Strategy

We use mark-up pricing by computing the cost of producing the product and then use our

standard mark-up percentage which is 100 %. Additionally, the emotions of the market played an

important role for them in deciding whether a product is worth it or not. We decided to end our

prices into odd numbers because the customer will perceive it more as affordable. Furthermore,
we offer coupons and discounts but for a limited time, it can only occur during the holidays and

when the dates are the same month and day.

Place Strategy

We decided not to have a specific location since our business is in a food truck. For our

distribution system, since we are doing direct selling. Additionally, we are offering delivery

services when the customers don't want to go outside because of the fear of the transmissible

virus. Our product still goes in their hands safe and clean as we assure the proper process and

sanitation of our equipment and materials used in preparing it. We are traveling and we go

through the places where there are programs like sports event and are congested by our target

market within San Jose, Batangas. Direct selling is important, to assure our objective of customer

experience will be achieved. If our customers are happy when they receive the product or not, we

will see if the other product is damaged or not in a good position.

Promotional Strategy

Since the pandemic began, most of the individuals in our generation have been active

online. It will be simple for us to increase our sales and promote our product by using different

social media platforms. Facebook and TikTok will serve as a platform to showcase our product

to them as well as interact with their opinions and feedback. Instagram is used for posting

aesthetic pictures or images of our product. Twitter can able to use campaigns and increase the

engagement with our customers as well as check out our market competitors. While YouTube

can be used to Vlog about our daily operations, it is an effective platform for communicating

with our potential customers indirectly. It will show our genuineness by disclosing to them the

process and how we socialize with our customers. It is important to have an extensive platform
for the advertisement since people are active on the following social media sites. It will increase

the chances of people encountering us and recognizing our existence.

Communication Objectives

Above the Line Strategies

Radio or Television since we can't apply this yet, we decided to have an estimate of

2-5 years in this strategy. We intend to acquire these strategies because we want to reach out to

potential customers and communicate with them to inform everyone about the products we offer.

Additionally, we will use print ads through posters.

Below the Line Strategies

For this strategy, we decided to have a Buy 1 take 1 but it has a limited hour within 5 PM

to 8 PM only. We also provide free taste, so our customers become aware and create an initial

assessment of the quality of our product. Coupons and discounts are also an effective strategy for

an immediate response to customers by the desire of gaining something if they will purchase it.

But it has limited time, by availing it only on an occasional basis like holidays and when the

dates are the same of the month and say such as 7/7/2022, or 8/8/2022 while coupon rates for

being loyal customers to us.

Metrics and Targets

Key Result Areas Key Performance Targets Targets


Increased quarterly The number of likes on 450 likes of netizens by the first
social media Facebook and Instagram. quarter
The number of followers on our 1,500 increases of followers in
Twitter and TikTok. the 2nd quarter.

Number of feedback or reviews 500 number of reviews in the

on our Facebook and YouTube 3rd quarter

Improve customer Percentage of time company 10 percent increase in

service quality delivers the product to the customers served per day
customer on schedule

Percentage of customers satisfaction 12 percent increase in

and loyalty scores customer satisfaction and
loyalty survey rating by the
end of 1 year period.

Improve product Improved the production of 10 percent increase in

quality goods maintaining the quality of production of goods
the product maintaining the quality of the
product at the end of 1 year
Improving the employee’s period.
productivity and performances
5 percent increase of
employee’s appraisal at the
3rd quarter of operation

Increase company Growth in revenue for the current 10 percent increase in the
revenue over the period compared to the previous growth of revenue each
previous period period. quarter

Growth in marketing revenue after 5 percent increase in

1 year marketing revenue at the end
of 1 year period

Efficiently and Average time to answer email or 3 percent increase in

appropriately other concerns of the customers answering email and other
handle customers’ concerns on customers per
complaints day

Expanding Additional branch of Nutri Building another branch of a

Businesses for Merienda food truck within San food truck in Mall of Lipa
future growth Jose, Batangas City, Batangas after 4 years
of operation.
Financial Statement

Statement of Profit/Loss
Nutri Merienda
For the Quarterly Period
1st Quarter (June- 2nd Quarter 3rd Quarter 4th Quarter
August) (Sept-Nov) (Dec-Feb) (March-May)
Revenue 10% 10% 10%
Sales ₱35,030.00 ₱38,533.00 ₱42,386.30 ₱46,624.93
Delivery Income ₱3,000.00 ₱3,300.00 ₱3,795.00 ₱4,174.50
Total ₱38,030.00 ₱41,833.00 ₱46,181.30 ₱50,799.43
Variable Cost
Raw Materials ₱7,312.50 ₱8,043.75 ₱9,250.31 ₱10,175.34
Delivery Cost ₱2,500.00 ₱2,750.00 ₱3,162.50 ₱3,478.75
Packaging Supplies ₱2,500.00 ₱2,750.00 ₱3,162.50 ₱3,478.75
Advertising Expense ₱2,000.00 ₱2,200.00 ₱2,100.00 ₱2,500.00
Total ₱12,312.50 ₱15,743.75 ₱17,675.31 ₱13,654.09

Fixed Cost
Rent ₱1,500.00 ₱1,500.00 ₱1,500.00 ₱1,500.00
Salaries ₱13,500.00 ₱14,850.00 ₱17,077.50 ₱18,785.25
Utility Bills ₱3,000.00 ₱3,300.00 ₱3,795.00 ₱4,174.50
Research and
Development ₱2,000.00 ₱2,000.00 ₱2,000.00 ₱2,000.00
Total ₱20,000.00 ₱21,650.00 ₱24,372.50 ₱26,459.75
Net Income ₱5,717.50 ₱4,439.25 ₱4,133.49 ₱10,685.59

Net Income (1st Year) ₱24,975.82

Resources: Value
Food Truck (10 yrs) ₱185,000.00
Furniture (5 yrs) ₱8,500.00
Inventory (Raw Material) ₱30,000.00
Additional Inventory ₱10,000.00
Kitchen Equipment (5 yrs) ₱50,000.00
Motorcycle (8 yrs) ₱32,000.00
Total ₱315,500.00

Marketing Funds/per year ₱16,800.00

Research and Development ₱8,000.00
Business Cards ₱1,600.00
Branding ₱3,000.00
Product Testing ₱2,200.00
Travel Expenses ₱2,000.00

Marketing Funds (2nd year) ₱21,000.00

Marketing Expenses
Research and Development ₱8,000.00
Business Cards ₱1,500.00
Branding ₱3,500.00
Product Testing ₱3,000.00
Travel Expenses ₱1,500.00
Digital Advertising ₱3,500.00

Capital Distribution
Gerlie Mae Magtibay ₱55,000.00
Jhoevelyn Mae C. Nuelan ₱55,000.00
Crissel Taday ₱55,000.00
Jastinne Nicole O. Ilao ₱55,000.00
Aliann Nicole Espaldon ₱55,000.00
Total ₱275,000.00
Other Investor
Family Member ₱45,000.00
Total ₱320,000.00

Working Capital
Capital ₱320,000.00
Assets ₱283,500.00
Total ₱36,500.00
Net Income ₱24,975.82
Total ₱61,475.82

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