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Vocabulary words: Mayans Noble Farmer Slave WA Identify the daily life of the Mayans. (5 Describe the daily life of the Mayan: 2 Explain the daily life of noble, farmer or slave. GZ Identify the daily life of the Mayan: (GE) Describe the daily life of the Mayans. Explain the daily life of noble, farmer or slav Mayan Noble ‘The Maya king and his nobles ved an easy Ife. They had their every need provided for by the commoners. ‘The wealthy wore colorful clothing made from animal skins. They also wore feather headdress and fancy jewsrg, The nobles and Kings lived inside the city i large palaces made from sone Mayan Commoner Lijeas a Maya commoner was fll of hard work. They usually worked as a farmer. Commoners wore Seoplr cating. Tw run spent esronga working on eof sch oa tots, wate the women wows doth, ‘mate doting. The commoners lived in huts outside the city near their forms. The huts wore usually made {fom mud, but were sometimes made from stone. Mayan Food The most portant fod thatthe Maya ate was maize, which ia vegetable ke corn. They made all types of fod from matze Incudng tors, porage, and even rinks ‘Other Sapa crops ued beans, squash, and chiles. Fr mest the Maya aa fia deer, ducks ae tke. Mayan Entertainment Although mach of the Mayo lfe was spent doing hard work, they did enjoy entertainment as well Alo of thar entertainment than centered around relggouscaremarie, They played rani, danced, aed Plage gamer such ax the Maj ball game ‘Adults worked as farmers, warriors, hunters, bullders, teachers and many other things. Children from noble famules ould learn maths, since, writing and astronomy, but poorer chilren were ony taught ther parents Jos. ie Identify the dally life of the Mayans. S Describe the daily life of the Mayans. armer or slave. some |sseerrmarmagee SSRIS ner GO Identify the daily life of the Mayans. (jE. Describe the daily life of the Mayans. © Explain the daily life of noble, farmer or slave. Identify the daily life of the Mayans. Describe the daily life of the Mayan: 7 Expl in the daily life of noble, farmer or slave. TASK 3 oa cata] Cercle Fount ee foecneys eee eens em ced erent Rete en fe pe ce i fap pea wt Pa es Identify the daily life of the Mayans (4 Describe the daily life of the Mayan: NS Explain the daily life of noble, farmer or slave. ag Mentify the dally Uf of the Mayan ife of the Mayar © explain the aly life of noble, farmer or slav gg ae) ae ee aa] CUCL Sea a Ce favre eum cd Pn em rela ca Ree ees] acon Identify the daily life of the Mayans. Describe the daily life of the Mayan: © explain the daily life of noble, farmer or slave. de et ip rang i ne spp. Identify the daily life of the Mayans. Describe the daily life of the Mayans. Explain the daily life of noble, farmer or slave.

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