Rizal100 - Philippines A Century Hence

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ESSAY of Jose Rizal: 2. Recourse to impoverishment also failed.

❖ Keeping the people in poverty created
CENTURY HENCE in the Filipinos the desire to change
3. Extermination of the people as an alternative
FILIPINAS DENTRO DE CIEN AÑOS to hindering progress was an impossibility
according to Rizal. Why?
• This essay, published in La Solidaridad ❖ The people had survived in spite of the
starts by analyzing the various causes of the wars they had engaged in and the
miseries suffered by the Filipino people. epidemics that had plagued society.
• Dr. Jose Rizal wrote this to forecast the 4. Can the divide et impera or divide and rule
future of the country within a hundred years. policy still work to foster enmity between and
• Rizal had a prediction, he tried to respond to among the natives?
the ff. questions: ❖ To Rizal, this would no longer be effective
o What would be the situation of the owing to the ease of movement in the
Philippines within 100 years? archipelago brought about by improved
o Would the Philippines remain a colony means of transportation.
of Spain?
o Would it become independent? ➢ Therefore, Spain has no way of blocking the
o Would it be a colony of another reforms and progress of the Philippines.
• Rizal’s essay centered on the reforms and
THE PHILIPPINES A CENTURY HENCE political changes needed for the Philippines to
remain under Spanish rule. Nevertheless, he
✓ This essay starts with an analysis of the
stressed that reforms have to be initiated by
causes of the miseries of the people.
the government for them to be peaceful and
✓ One of the causes identified in this article was
Spain’s implementation of her military
• These reforms were the following:
o Freedom of press in the country;
✓ A second cause of the misery was the
o Representation of the Filipinos in the
deterioration and disappearance of Filipino
Spanish Cortes;
indigenous culture.
o Granting of Spanish citizenship to the
✓ The third cause of this miserable condition of
the people was their passivity and
o Filling of government positions through
submissiveness to the Spanish colonizers.
competitive examinations;
✓ What then had made the people realize their
o And reforms in commerce, agriculture
sad situation under Spanish rule?
and education; and
✓ Could Spain prevent the progress of the
o Greater security for the individual and
Philippines? If Spain decides to do so, what
could she possibly do: other reforms.
o Keep the people ignorant? • Which colonizing power will replace Spain?
o Keep the people in poverty? Will it be a European power or an Asian
o Exterminate the Filipino race? power?
o If Spain will not be replaced either by a
1. Keeping the people ignorant failed. Why?
European or an Asian power, which
❖ Awakening of national consciousness country then will be interested in what
among the people united them. Spain has to give up? To Rizal, this
❖ With the spread of enlightenment, the country is none other than the United
States of America. What Rizal
ilustrado class arose. envisioned in this essay came true.
The American entered the Philippines
and wrestled from Spain the control of
the Philippines.

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