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Кошарний Іван, 11-Б

Test 2 A
1 should have invited him
2 to carry on working while
3 it been since you started
4 may be working
5 has come down with

1 had 2 to 3 after 4 being 5 the

1 musician 2 successfully 3 respectable 4 combination 5 graduation

1 I am afraid
2 what's happened
3 must be
4 I am not sure of course
5 I think

1 B, 2 A, 3 B, 4 D, 5 B, 6 C
One of my dreams was a trip to Alaska to try cold-water surfing there. And
recently it’s come true! I’ve been in Alaska for two weeks. But only three days ago
I tried cold-water surfing.
Firstly, I had several lessons and trainings of cold-water surfing, as it is
necessary to understand how to behave and what to do in risky situations. After
that, I was allowed to go to the sea.
Being for the first time in Alaska on the shore, I was amazed by the raging
Pacific and the forest-covered mountains. The whole landscape was so
breathtakingly beautiful!
My first attempt was terrible. Although I rented a special wetsuit for surfing, I
was very hypothermic. The cold turned out to be really difficult to cope with, so
when I got home, I had to sit in a hot bath for an hour drinking hot tea cup after
cup to warm up.
During my next attempt I almost drowned several times. Luckily, there were
several experienced cold-water surfers surfing near me and they could help me.
My third try was the best out of all of them. Finally, I could surf really well.
That time I really enjoyed cold-water surfing. I was surfing on the waves feeling
myself as a fish and eagles were soaring overhead. It was amazing! It was a trip I
will always remember!

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