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Fonce 9reld onalqsts CFoa Wejqht Loss)

Fonces 3oa chan

Fonce qainst chonge

Pppe cunencc Loc 6 me

Love on anhea lthy

. Poo seld m o qc

Lo o seld est. eem

Lacl o mon o
> (Louo) sel con 6t Jancc e pment.
oNo ndenest o
Heal th ssue nea
Relactant sa chang
Cloth doon'k 6. h l o ne Ou

> Embanbs em ent Neaalive atlude

towundo ecnist.

Amount o sqan în

an Pae paned Sood

Foaee Ftlonaly.. Foa Honp? tal eq p ment Opaoade

Fence 9on chanq Foace oqainst. ch anar

The emenqence 09 neu Ex pen > C

Ond conton
Lach o9nainino
Nao equipment. to tneaks. O80entnq nn

dse asc.
Hosptdal mau be
Neo machio s mau ncae aC impaov?nq e
e 94cency
otven ve od Canc

old equpment ona No opening ap )

Jonqen adks
wo a
99endly Ci ondoqy uni

a possble. The b qget actog

ausIl be he amound

os moneu needed to

pqadc eqsi p

Opposie S nom Hhe
shake holda
Digstcalt to nae

Fonce 9teJeongpts Son inplemen dhionqe Leoches
Feace Sen chonq Fonce 6 a gqeias t
Desine ho enpaoveucoktan Rest los bLo chang
ne m eachen
Suppont 3 the painepal Busy schrale o
Hshlymokt oled Leoches tachea
Destne o boeut ohale tent Relocelonre to eak
bcon t h qoven men

Tme Lakrs o

Gretheri nq
ech oot tals
may need

Etna ooh 6oa

he nes badininq o ct
9 DD mea sune o euce.
o bain q the chanq
he unk do0d
habtt o o cakng
Redace thee

&un heal thy Oood

ollootn q he
CLL Uen eo
ConeaConealinq the

styde and ollousnq healthy ood

health 9
Molvote people
Join q m mmbtn ship

skA heah
Folloo hea 1ths futine qulanly


he health cane woae
>Cneo ng C L Cn en chb

usin eqaipmns
'abeut he adaantaqes o
otohe hoVJens ko abou the
adv anhoqt

he heathne akeu he

eqpmend e e p on updatlnq hem.

Fon mplemen tinq 69 week cochos tna ning

Lcache o mplemtnt chanqt &make

Nottva tioq
aboudhe adeant.rqt o9 he dbanqt
hem CLLL an e

Aeoches to nd ontqnate
state.t objrcio hdion cing plony
edoations Lo stsdunde
h Can pnowiede qood

Suppo ne m e princ?pala

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