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Hasan Kalyoncu University

Home › Universities › Turkey › Hasan Kalyoncu University

In view of the importance of education and

scientific research in a globalising world,
Hasan Kalyoncu University was founded as a
result of the vision, efforts, resources and
spiritual backing of a foundation that believes
in the abilities of young people. We trust that
our university will find its place with you in the
scientific and research world, as a learning-
based response to the cultural and social
transformation sweeping our world.

Our objective is not only to be a university that

possesses international brand value but also
to make vital contributions to our people and
country. Though universities are said to have
similar features, the solutions that a university
offers, as well as its approach to students, can
differ markedly. Therefore, we have adopted a
new university model; one that presents
alternatives for an independent and free
education via an educational system that
caters for the needs of all our students. We
believe that in this way students will
successfully establish their careers.

Test Preparation
Discover various courses to make sure you are best
prepared for your tests, to get the top grades you are
able to.

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Student Tests
Discover student tests for higher education

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Master in Advanced European and

International Studies – Mediterranean Studies
– Nice-Tunis-Istanbul
Centre international de formation européenne (CIFE)

Nice, France; Istanbul, Turkey; Tunis, Tunisia

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Master in Advanced European and

International Studies – European Integration &
Global Studies – Berlin-Nice-Rome/Istanbul
Centre international de formation européenne (CIFE)

Berlin, Germany; Nice, France; Rome, Italy; Istanbul,


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Master in English Language and Literature

(with/without thesis)
Istanbul Aydin University

Istanbul, Turkey

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Hasan Kalyoncu University
27100 Gaziantep, Gaziantep,

Keystone Scholarship
Discover the options our scholarship can give

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Student Loans
Discover various options for student loans and
financing to help you support your studies.

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Student Housing
Discover various options for student accommodation
all over the world.

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Master in Civil Engineering 

Master in Computer Engineering 

Master in Electrical and Electronic


This school also offers:




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General Information
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Program Dates
When is the application deadline for this
What is the start date for this program?

Tuition & Fees

How much does this program cost?
Can I pay for this program in installments?

Program Type & Duration

Is this program available online?
What is the duration of this program?
Is this program offered part-time or full-time?

Study Place
Where is this school located?
Where is the campus located?

What other funding options do you have for
this program?

How to Apply
What documents are required to apply to this
What is the admission process for this

In what language is this program taught?


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