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Information and Technology changed the ways people live, work and learn.

It enrich and
transform education by making and distribution of knowledge. Through ICT school use diverse
tools to communicate, create, spread, store and manage information such as productivity tool,
instructional tool, technology tool and internet. It became integral to the teaching-learning
interaction, through such approaches as replacing chalkboards with interactive digital
whiteboards. ICT is currently used in education especially now that the world is facing a
pandemic, social distancing is strictly implemented and to make learning possible and continue
to happen, ICT paved its way.

Occurrence of ICT greatly affects the learning process of students, it assist the learners to
learn more effectively and efficiently by providing teachers a wide range of new pedagogy. We
can’t deny the usefulness and benefits of ICT in education, students as well as the teacher are all
benefiting from the rise of ICT. Students can become more engaged in instruction and achieve a
more substantive learning experience.

As a student, I firmly believe that ICT helps a lot especially nowadays. But even though it
helps a lot, there are still negative things that technology brings. I hope they use ICT in a good
way, it has great potential especially in our time. I realized that with the advent of ICT it opened
up the opportunity for education to continue even with the pandemic. I also realize that
technology cannot replace teachers when it comes to education because there are things that only
a teacher can do. Yes, technology helps a lot but the teacher still needs to guide and supervise the
student. Students still need the teacher even though a lot of technology can help his learning.

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