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Along with the rise of technology is also the rise of the quality of education because of its ability to make

teaching more effective. Many of us especially in today's age when young people are aware of
technology some even know how to use technology more than teachers. They are more advanced in
how they use technology and they are more aware of it than the teachers. They are the ones who know
better because they use it more often and also because of the influence of other youths so they are
exposed to different technologies. Others are exposed to technology because they are able to study in a
good school where there is enough equipment. And others are exposed to technology because of what
they see around them.

Technology has a good influence on children's learning because other studies show that they learn
better when using technology in teaching. They see pictures and videos that help them better
understand the discussion. The use of technology in education will also prepare students for the future.
The 21st century is based on technology and it will only improve further by allowing students to get a
feel of technology early, they will be prepared to solve any problems that may occur.

Technology will be an important tool for my classroom if I want to be an effective foundation and
facilitator to pass on the knowledge to my students. I will need to incorporate it into my classroom to
find ways to allow it to compliment the knowledge, and ensure that it improves my student’s
accessibility to that information. I believe that a teacher’s role is to be a foundation, a facilitator, and a
role model that helps students reach a goal of learning content and skills that are important to success
in various aspects of our modern and ever changing society.

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