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On February 22, 2004, I finally turned 18. I was an adult.

I was supposed to be
responsible. I had rights I never had before. And I was old enough to make my own
decisions. Although I passed up buying cigarettes, joining the military, and getting a
tattoo, I did embrace the chance to vote. I remember walking into the town hall for the
first time, filling out my voting card, and feeling the sense of adulthood. When I was
sitting there voting I realized how little I actually knew about the candidates. I soon
learned these new freedoms and privileges I had should not be taken lightly.

Wallace proposal

In the essay, “Give children the vote,” (1998) the author, Vita Wallace argues for the
rights of children. Basing her argument on opinion, Wallace presents her own life to
explain the gist of her argument. Being a 16 year old, Wallace shares her points of view
from this stage in her life, the stage where she is not quite an adult, but feels like she is.
Wallace is upset with the lack of freedom given to children, and her claim is focused on
children voting. “What I suggest is that children be allowed to grow into their own right
to vote at whatever rate suits them individually,” Wallace states (1998, p.145). In fact,
Wallace believes she would have been ready to vote when she was 8 or 9, maybe even

Problems with the proposal

Wallace’s voting proposal will not work for several reasons. My own personal story is a
prime example why this freedom should not be taken lightly. Even at age 18 I did not
realize what voting entailed and the importance in responsibility carried with the
freedom to vote. Watching the news, reading the newspapers, and keeping updated on
the latest debates was not my cup of tea. Research needs to be done to have adequate
knowledge to vote. By voting, we are literally choosing who will run our country, our
state, and our city. I was scared to think of this responsibility when I was 18. I could not
imagine an eight year old making those decisions. Putting the future into the hands of
children 17 years old and younger will not make the situation better.
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