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Society plays a vital role on how gender, sex, gender identity is viewed and it also influence

gender norms and gender development. Society learn their culture through enculturation.
Enculturation is the process where an individual learn their group culture either through
experience, observation or as we know from history through force. The intriguing aspects of
enculturation is how we humans learn or acquire knowledge. Society creates their norms and if
you don’t follow them you become a castaway or outcast. Gender is the range of
characteristics/behaviors that society or cultures portray as masculine or feminine. Gender has
nothing to do with your sexual organ which is your sex, your chromosomes, or your…show
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My mother even told me, I need to learn to cook so that my husband don’t leave me and I
responded can he cook for me. Why is the stigma that women should cook and clean and if
they don’t do these things they are not “womanly” or if a man love to cook they will see him a
feminine or gay. Can a person just choose to cook and not have society already assigning roles
or making false assumptions. Things like these play a major role in how kids think, think which
makes them accustomed to a particular way they should behave or act in public because of the
kind of environment they are brought up…show more content…
Color and clothing are great examples of such things, a male that likes or wears anything in the
color pink is seen or thought to be feminine-like simply because the society has attributed the
color ‘pink’ to the females. This wasnt alway the case because their are records stating that
blue was associated with women while pink was for men. According to Infants ' Department
from 1918 that said “pink, being a more decided and stronger color, is more suitable for the
boy, while blue, which is more delicate and dainty, is prettier for the girl.” this prove how
society actively change gender norms as time goes by. Now If a nursery is painted pink, a
person immediately assumes it’s a girl even without seeing the child. The society has also
placed gender norms when choosing career, careers such as nursing has been attributed to the
females making it difficult for males who are interested in such field to go into it for fear of
being called a sissy, but in this present generation more men are beginning to go into this field
which to me is a progress in permanently removing gender norms of our
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