1 Cardio Previous Year

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1) The external jugular vein is formed by the union of veins

a. Facial and posterior division of the retromandibular

b. Posterior auricular and the posterior division of the retromandibular
c. Facial and anterior division of the retromandibular
d. Occipital and superficial temporal

2) Cholesterol synthesis
a. can be made from acetyl CoA as the sole carbon source.
b. is activated by glucagon
c. occurs in mitochondria.
d. uses NADH as the source of reducing equivalents.

3) Mitral valve is present between

a. Left ventricle and aorta b. Left atrium and left ventricle
c. Right and left ventricle d. Right atrium and left ventricle

4) What is the outcome of the accumulation of acetyl-CoA in the mitochondria of the

a. It is used as an energy source
b. It forms ketone bodies
c. It has broken down in to free fatty acids
d. It gets converted to oxaloacetate

5) At which of the following levels of laryngeal cartilages the trachea begins?!

a. Lower border of thyroid b. Upper border of cricoid
c. Lower border of cricoid d. Upper border of thyroid

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6) Coronary artery is characterized by all these features EXCEPT:
a. Thick tunica intima and media.
b. The intima contains longitudinal smooth muscle fibers!
c. The external elastic membrane is splitted to withstand the external forces.
d. Musculo-elastic thickening in the intima.

7) If the radius of the blood vessel is doubled and the driving pressure (P) remains
a. Blood flow will be increased by 16 times.
b. The mean velocity will become 74th of the previous value.
c. Blood flow will become / 6th of the control value.
d. Mean velocity of blood will be increased by 4

8) Which of the following best reflects the systemic peripheral resistance?

a. Central venous pressure. b. Mean arterial pressure.
c. Arterial diastolic pressure. d. Arterial systolic pressure.

9) Which of the following forms the anterior boundary of the laryngeal inlet?
a. Aryepiglottic folds b. Upper edge of the epiglottis
c. Vocal folds d. Mucous fold between the arytenoids

10) Cardiac output:

a. Is increased by increased arterial blood pressure.
b. Is decreased in anemia
c. Is increased during expiration.
d. Per square meter of body surface area equals the cardiac index.

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11) Absence of spiral septum gives rise to:
a. Narrowing of the aorta b. Persistence of Truncus arteriosus
c. Coarctation of the aorta d. Tetralogy of Fallot

12) Which of the following is a characteristic of high-density lipoprotein?

a. It carries cholesterol that is converted to cholesterol esters in the blood by lecithin:
cholesterol acyltransferase (LCAT) reaction.
b. It is produced by the reaction of hormone sensitive lipase on very low density
lipoprotein (VLDL)
c. It carries apoprotein E, an activator of lipoprotein lipase.
d. It is digested by muscle lysosome.

13) SA ode is located in

a. Lower lateral wall of right atrium b. Lower lateral wall of left atrium
c. Upper lateral wall of left atrium d. Upper lateral wall of right atrium

14) Which of the following hormone is not used in the hydrolysis of triacylglycerol into the
fatty acids in adipose tissues?
a. Norepinephrine b. Glucagon. c. Insulin d. Epinephrine

15) Fatty liver is due to a buildup of which of the following in liver?

a. Chylomicrans b. Triacylglycerols. c. HDL d. VLDL

16) All of the following synthetic processes occur in the liver EXCEPT:
a. VLDL b. Ketone bodies. c. Chylomicrons d. Cholesterol

17) The sequence of the redox carrier in respiratory chain is:

a. FMN-Q-NAD-cyt b-cyt aa3---cyt c1-cyt c➡02

b NAD-FMN-Q-cyt cl -cytc- Cyt b- cyt aa3➡02

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c. NAD-FMN-Q-cyt b- cyt aa3-cyt c-cyt cl ➡02

d. NAD-FMN-Q-cyt b-cyt c1- cyt c –cyt aa3 ➡02

18) The presence of numerous pinocytotic vesicles involved in the transport is a

characteristic of
a. continuous capillaries. b. sinusoidal capillaries
c. AV anastomosis d. fenestrated capillaries

19) Bradycardia and systemic vascular vasodilatation may be caused by:

a. Cutting the carotid sinus nerve.
b. Stimulating the carotid sinus nerve.
c. Decreasing pressure in the carotid sinus
d. Cutting the vagus nerve

20) Concerning the Hering-Breuer inflation reflex

a. It results in further inspiratory efforts if the lung is maintained inflated
b. It is seen in adults at small tidal volume
c. It is seen in adults at tidal volume > 1.5 L
d. The impulses travel to the brain via the carotid sinus nerve.
21) Which part of the ECG corresponds to ventricular repolarization?
a. QRS complex b. P wave c. T wave d. P- R interval
22) The larynx ends at the level of which of the following vertebrae?
A. C5 b. C6 c. C3 d. C4

23) The arterioles offer more resistance to blood flow than other vessels due to the
following features, EXCEPT:
a. They have thick muscular walls.
b. They have a rich sympathetic Innervation

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c. They have smallest internal diameters
d. They have sphincters.
24) Which of the following intercostal nerves is atypical?
a. 2nd b.5th c. 4th d.3 rd

25) The left horn of sinus venosus gives the

a. Oblique vein of left atrium b. Smooth part of left atrium
c. coronary sinus d. Smooth part of the right atrium

26) The parasympathetic root of sphenopalatine ganglion is from greater petrosal nerve
a. False b. True

27) Dinitrophenol (DNP) affects mitochondrial electron transport by

a. binding irreversibly to ubiquinone
b. dissociating oxidation in the respiratory chain from phosphorylation
c. blocking the ATP/ADP carrier
d. inhibiting cytochrome oxidase

28) The anterior jugular vein drains into vein.

a. Brachiocephalic b. External jugular c. Subclavian d. Internal jugular

29) Renin angiotensin system is activated in case of

a. Hypovolemic shock b. All answers are correct
c. Hypotension d. Stenosis of the renal artery

30) The large sized artery is characterized by:

a. Presence of longitudinal smooth muscle fibers in the advantitia
b. More smooth-muscles than elastic fibers within the media
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c. Numerous vasa vasorum
d. Well developed and prominent elastic laminae.

31) The alveolar pressure at the end of expiration (in cm H20)?

a. +5 b. – 5 c. 0 d. -1

32) Which of the following veins drains the trachea?

a. Subclavian b. Internal jugular c. Anterior jugular d. Inferior thyroid

33) Which statement about lecithin-cholesterol-acyitransferase (LCAT) is not correct?

a. It is synthesized in intestinal cells and transferred to HDL
b. LCAT is synthesized in liver and secreted in bile
c. It is activated by apolipoprotein A1
d. LCAT is associated with the LDL-complex

34) Despite a three to four fold increase in cardiac output, mean pulmonary artery pressure
was observed to increase only 20% during dynamic exercise. This is most likely due to
a. Increase in sympathetic outflow
b. Increase in heart rate
c. Recruitment of collapsed pulmonary capillaries
d. Increase in left atrial pressure

35) The structure present inside the left ventricle is:

a. Crista terminalis. b. Fossa ovalis. c. Trabeculae carnae. d. Musculi pectinati

36) The higher percentage lipid present in chylomicrons is

a. Endogenous triglycerides. b. Cholesterol
c. Exogenous triglycerides d. Phospholipids.

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37) Increased blood flow to the contracting muscles during exercise is called:
a. Triple response b. Cushing's reflex
c. Active hyperemia. d. Reactive hyperemia.
38) Which muscle does not contract during forced expiration?
a. Transversus abdominis b. Rectus abdominis
C. External intercostal d. Internal intercostal

39) One hundred percent O2 administration will reverse hypoxemia in all of the following
a. Hypoventilation b. V/Q mismatch
c. Decreased diffusion capacity d. Arterial venous shunt

40) When the vasomotor center increases its activity all of the following occur, EXCEPT
a. The arterioles are constricted b. Widespread vasodilatation in the body
c. The heart rate accelerates d. The cardiac output is increased

41) Free fatty acids are transported in the blood stream:

a. Bound to acyl carrier protein b. Bound to carnitine
c. Bound to albumin d. As part of LDLS.

42) The total work done by the heart during rest is about:
a. 6 kg meter/minute. b. 10.25 kg meter/minute.
c. 12.4 kg meter/minute. d. 7 14 kg meter/minute

43) Which of the following best describes lipoproteins?

a. Is an intracellular enzyme
b. is stimulated by one of the apoproteins present in VLDL
c. Readily hydrolyzes three fatty acids from triacylglycerols.

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d. Functions to mobilize stores triacylglycerols from adipose tissue

44) The ----- part of the parietal pleura projects into the thoracic inlet
a. costo-vertebral b. cervical
c. diaphragmatic d. mediastinal

45) Pulmonary surfactant

a. Increases the work required to expand the lung
b. Is secreted by type1 alveolar epithelial cells.
c. is a protein
d. Helps to prevent transudation of fluid from capillaries into alveolar spaces

46) Right crus of the diaphragm arises from upper three lumbar vertebrae
a. False b. True

47) All the following are true about respiratory bronchioles Except:
a. They are lined by cuboidal ciliated epithelium
b. They contain submucosal glands
c. Their bifurcations give rise to alveolar duct
d. They participate in blood air gas exchange

48) Which of the following nerves curves around the arch of aorta?
a. Left recurrent laryngeal nerve b. Left phrenic nerve
c. Right recurrent laryngeal nerve d. Right phrenic nerve

49) Olfactory epithelium is restricted to the roof of the nasal cavity.

a. True b. False

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50) The capillaries
a. Have a higher pressure than that in the arterioles.
b. Contain about 25% of the total blood volume.
c. Are all opened at rest
d. Have a very slow flow rate

50) Factors ensuring that ventricular muscle has an adequate oxygen supply
a. High oxygen extraction ratio from blood in the coronary are
b. Good functional anastomoses that exist between adjacent main coronary arteries
c. vagal vasodilator nerve supply to the coronary arteries
d. Structural arrangements that prevent vascular compression during systole

51) In a healthy subject, running is usually associated with a decrease in the end-systolic
volume of the right and left ventricles and with an increase in their stroke volume. The
mechanism for this response is probably the following:
a. Starling's law of the heart.
b. An increase in pulmonary and systemic resistance.
c. An increase in sympathetic tone to the ventricles.
d. A decrease in venous return of blood to the heart

52) Which of the following statements is true?

a. The work of breathing decreases in restrictive lung diseases
b. The compliance of normal lungs is 5 liters/ cm water pressure
c. The main cause of lung's recoil tendency is the intermolecular attraction between the
molecules of fluid lining the alveoli
d. The surfactant is a glycoprotein secreted by the pulmonary capillary endothelium

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53) If the radius of the blood vessel is doubled and the driving pressure (P) remains
a. Blood flow will be increased by 16 times
b. Blood flow will become 1/16th of the control value.
c. The mean velocity will become 1/4th of the previous value
d. Mean velocity of blood will be increased by 4

54) Which of the following coenzymes is not required by Beta-oxidation of fatty acids?
a. COA-SH b. NADP c. NAD d. FAD

55) NADPH for fatty acid synthesis comes from the pentose phosphate pathway and
a. Succinate thiokinase b. Citrate synthase
c. Succinate dehydrogenase d. Malic enzyme

56) Under basal aerobic conditions, MOST of the energy for the cardiac muscle comes from
a. Lactate b. FFA and triglycerides c. Carbohydrates d. ketone bodies

57) The absolute refractory period (ARP) in the ventricle

a. Coincides with the phase of delayed rapid repolarization
b. Is shorter than the ARP of skeletal muscle
c. Corresponds with the whole duration of action potential
d. Is long enough to prevent tetanic contraction

58) End diastolic volume is increased by all of the following EXCEPT

a. Increased venous return b. Venoconstriction
c. Changing posture from supine to standing d. increased blood volume

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59) Concerning the respiratory centers
a. During forced breathing, expiratory neurons do not fire actively.
b. The normal rhythmic pattern of breathing originates from neurons in the motor area
of the cortex.
c. The cerebral cortex can temporarily override the function of the respiratory centers
d. Impulses from the pneumotaxic center can stimulate inspiratory activity.

60) Which chamber receives oxygenated blood from the lungs?

a. Left atrium b. Right ventricle c. Right atrium d. Left ventricle
61) Of the following parts of the circulation, which receives the smallest percentage of
cardiac output at rest?
a. Liver and gastrointestinal tract. b. Skeletal muscle.
c. Kidneys. d. Coronary circulation.
62) In the fetus, blood bypasses the liver by traveling through ---
a. Ductus venosus b. Umbilical artery
c. Ductus arteriosus d. Hepatic portal vein

63) From the left ventricle, where does blood pass?

a. Pulmonary trunk b. Mitral valve c. Left atrium d. Aortic semilunar valve

64) Which of the following is the motor nerve supply to the diaphragm
a. Intercostal b. Vagus c. Recurrent laryngeal d. Phrenic

65) Which of the following is a branch from 2ndpart subclavian artery?

a. Dorsal scapular b. Internal mammary c. Posterior auricular d. Costocervical

66) Currents caused by opening of which of the following channels contribute to the
repolarization phase of the action potential of ventricular muscle fibers?
a. Ca2+ channels b. k+ channels c. HCO3 channels d. Na+ channels
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67) Blood pressure increases and heart rate decreases in response to
a. Exposure to high altitude b. Increased intracranial pressure.
c. Hemorrhage d. Increased body temperature

68) All of the following factors can cause an increase in cardiac output, Except
a. Pregnancy b. Prolonged standing c . Severe exercise d. Emotions

69) All the following cartilages of larynx are single EXCEPT

a. Cricoid b. Corniculate c. Epiglottis d. Thyroid
70) Arterial PO2 is reduced in:
a. Pulmonary hypoventilation b. Anemia
C. Cyanide poisoning d. Co poisoning
71) SVC terminates at the level of costal cartilage
a. First b. Second c. Third d. Fourth

72) A person with a ventilation/perfusion (V/Q) defect has hypoxemia and is treated with
supplemental 02. The supplemental O2 will be most helpful if the person's predominant
V/Q defect is
a. Dead space b. High V/Q c. Shunt d. Low V/Q

73) Which of the following best describes the effect of decreasing ventilation perfusion
ratio on the alveolar Po2 and Pco2
a. Carbon dioxide tension Decrease / Oxygen tension Decrease
b. Carbon dioxide tension increase / Oxygen tension Increase
c. Carbon dioxide tension Increase / Oxygen tension Decrease
d. Carbon dioxide tension Decrease / Oxygen tension Increase

74) The following vasoactive substances are secreted by the endothelium, EXCEPT
a. Thromboxane A2 b. Nitric oxide c. Endothelins d. Prostacyclin
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75) Which of the following in FALSE concerning CO2 uptake?
a. Oxygenation moves the CO2 uptake curve downward.
b. if PO2 = PCO2, then there will be more total CO2 in the blood
c. The CO2 uptake is increased in deoxygenated blood
d. Deoxygenated blood carries less CO2 than oxygenated

76) All of the following synthetic processes occur in the liver EXCEPT
a. Cholesterol b. Chylomicrons C. VLDL d. Ketone bodies
77) Origin of endothelium& glands of the lung is
a. Endoderm of foregut b. Ectoderm
c. Endoderm of midgut d. Endoderm of hindgut
78) In regional ventilation and perfusion of the lung:
a. Via ratio increases down the
b. Upper regions of the lung ventilate better than the lower regions
c. The highest alveolar PO2 is at the base on the ju
d. When supine the apical and basal Ventil

79) The right common carotid artery is a branch of which of the following arteries?
a. Right subclavian b. Aortic arch c. Ascending aorta d. Brachiocephalic

80) Phase 3 of cardiac myocytes action potential is mainly associated with

a. Inactivation of Na+ channels
b. Opening of voltage-sensitive slow L-type Ca2+ channels
c. Opening of Na+ channels
d. Activation of k+ channels

81) The absolute refractory period (ARP) in the ventricle

a. is long enough to prevent tetanic contraction
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b. Corresponds with the whole duration of action paten
c. Coincides with the phase of delayed rapid repolarization
d. is shorter than the ARP of skeletal muscle

82) Alveolar ventilation increases several-fold during exercise. Which of the following
factors is most likely to stimulate ventilation during exercise?
a. Decreased mean arterial pH b. Increased mean arterial PCO2
c. Collateral impulses from higher brain centers d. Decreased mean arterial Po2

83) In zone 2 of the vertical lung

a. Venous pressure exceeds arterial pressure.
b. Venous pressure exceeds alveolar pressure
c. Alveolar pressure exceeds arterial pressure
d. blood flow is determined by arterial pressure minus alveolar pressure

84) Which of the following statements about glycerophospholipid biosynthesis in mammals

a. Phosphatidytinositol is made from CDP-diacylglycerol and Inositol
b. Phosphatidylethanolamine is made from CDP- ethanamine and diacylglycerol
c. Phosphatidylserine is made from one Serine and diacylglycerol
d. Phosphatidylcholines m e from CDP choline and diacylglycerol

85) Which part of the ECG corresponds to ventricular repolarization?

a. P-wave. b. P-R interval c. QRS complex d.--
I wave

86) Compared to arterial red blood cells, which of the following best describes venous red
blood cells?
a. Decreased intracellular chloride concentration / Decreased Cell volume
b. Increased Intracellular chloride concentration / Decreased Cell volume
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C. Increased intracellular chloride concentration / Increased Cell volume
d. Decreased intracellular chloride concentration / Decreased Cell volume

87) Which of the following steps in the biosynthesis of cholesterol is the key regulator?
a. The reduction of HMG-CoA to mevalonate
b. The condensation of acetoacetyl-CoA with a molecule of acetyl-CoA to yield HMC-CoA
c. The conversion of mevalonate to cholesterol
d. The condensation of two molecules of acetyl-CoA to yield acetoacetyl-CoA

88) Which of the following veins IS NOT a tributary of the internal jugular vein?
a. Inferior petrosal sinus b. Pharyngeal
c. Posterior auricular d. Lingual
89) Which is TRUE for this part of the conducting portion?
a. It is continuous with the alveolar ducts.
b. Its mucosa is lined with goblet cells and Clara cells. where is the
c. Has muco-serous glands between the cartilage plates photo?

d. Has cartilage plates beneath the mucosa

90) Which of the following structures prevents regurgitation of the mitral valve cusps into
the left atrium during systole?
a. Crista terminalis b. Chordae tendineae
c. Pectinate muscles d. Trabeculae carnae

91) The cardiac output during severe exercise in professional athletes may increase up to
a. 35 L/min b. 25 L/min. c. 45 L/min d.13 min

92) Degeneration of cells of dorsal mesocardium is responsible for development of:

a. Oblique sinus of pericardium b. Transverse sinus of pericardium

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c. Ductusvenosus d. Ductusarteriosus

93) These metabolic fuels are preferably used by the cardiac muscle in the following order
a. Fatty acids, carbohydrates and ketone bodies
b. Carbohydrates, Fatty acids and lactate
c. Ketone bodies, carbohydrates and lactate
d. Fatty acids, carbohydrates and lactate

94) Activation of the sympathetic nervous system will produce

a. Constriction of veins b. Arterial vasoconstriction
c. Increased heart rate d. All are correct
95) The ------ part of the parietal pleura projects into the thoracic inlet
a. cervical b. diaphragmatic c. costo-vertebral d. mediastinal

96) What are the bundle of longitudinal contractile elements arts within a cardiac muscle
a. Myofibrils b. Muscle fibers c. Myofilaments d. Myosin

97) A 59 year-old man is admitted to the hospital with severe chest pain. During
examination a slight rhythmic pulsation on the chest wall at the fifth intercostal space is
noted in the midclavicular line. What part of the heart is responsible for this pulsation
a. Apex of heart b. Aortic arch c. Left atrium d. Right atrium

98) Which of the following is correct?
a. An increase in capillary osmotic pressure favors filtration,
b. An increase in interstitial osmotic pressure favors reabsorption.
c. An increase in capillary osmotic pressure favors reabsorption.
d. An increase in capillary osmotic pressure may lead to edema.

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99) Which of the following sites is the location of the deep cardiac plexus?
a. On right side of ligamentum arteriosum b. In front of tracheal bifurcation
c. Anterior to lung hilum d. below the aortic arch

100) All the following is true for capillaries EXCEPT

a. have smooth muscles in their walls to constrict
b. the diameter is 9-12
c. there are pinocytotic vesicles
d. the endothelial cells are held by occluding junctions

101) Which of the following best describes the effect of decreasing ventilation perfusion
ratio on the alveolar Po2 and Pco2?
a. Carbon dioxide tension Decrease / Oxygen tension Decrease
b. Carbon dioxide tension Increase / Oxygen tension Decrease
c. Carbon dioxide tension Increase / Oxygen tension Increase

102) in the heart:

a. Closure of the Atrio-Ventricular (A-V) valves causes the 2nd heart sound.
b. No blood is pumped during the isometric phase of contraction
c. Atrial and ventricular muscle contracts simultaneously
d. Systolic contraction normally begins in the left ventricle

103) The "c" wave of the Jugular Pulse occurs

a. During opening of atrio-ventricular valves b. During ventricular systole.
c. Due to decreased pressure by atrial diastole d. During atrial systole.

104) Inferior vena cava is characterized by all these features EXCEPT

a. Tunica adventitia is the thickest layer.

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b. Tunica media contains circumferentially fenestrated elastic laminae.
c. Tunica adventitia contains longitudinal smooth muscle fibers.
d. Tunica media forms 30% of the wall

105) Which of the following is FALSE concerning the relationships of the variables in
diffusion of O2 across a membrane?
a. If the alveolar concentration of O2 increased, the total flow of 02 across the alveolar
membrane would increase.
b. The lower the diffusion coefficient, the higher the total flow.
c. Doubling the area of the membrane would double the total flow of 02.

106) Hardening of the arterial walls tends to raise.

a. Diastolic arterial pressure. b. Arterial compliance.
c. Peripheral resistance d. Systolic arterial pressure

107) At which of the following levels of laryngeal cartilages the trachea begins?
a. Lower border of cricoid b. Upper border of thyroid
c. Upper border of cricoid d. Lower border of thyroid

108) Greater splachnic nerve arises from which of the following thoracic sympathetic
a. 9-10 b. 1-5 c. 5-9 d. 3-5

109) The class of lipoproteins that is beneficial to atherosclerosis is...

a. Very low-density lipoproteins b. Low-density of lipoproteins
c. High-density lipoproteins d. Chylomicrons

110) The....are an invagination of the muscle cell's sarcolemma.

a. Microtubules b. Transverse (T) tubules c. Sarcoplasmic reticulum d. Cisternae
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111) All the followings regarding the intercostal nerve are true, EXCEPT
a. The lower 5 intercostal nerves supply the diaphragm
b. The first intercostal nerve has a small lateral cutaneous branch.
c. The lateral cutaneous branch of the second intercostal nerve divides into anterior and
posterior branch
d. The intercosto-brachial nerve is the lateral cutaneous branch of the second intercostal

112) Which of the following shifts the oxyhemoglobin curve to the right?
a. Increased 2, 3-DPG b. Decreased tissue PH
c. Increased CO2 d. All are correct

113) Which of the following is correct regarding coronary circulation?

a. Sympathetic stimulation directly dilates the coronaries
b. Left coronary artery is mainly filled during diastole
C. Coronary blood flow averages approximately 500 ml/min at rest
d. CO2 is more effective in dilating the coronaries than hypoxia,

114) The intercalated discs are:

a. Site of attachment between cardiac muscle cells
b. Part of the sarcomere
c. Regions where electrical impulses stimulate de cells
d. Regions where blood vessels enter cardiac muscle calls

﴾‫س ِلِّ ُموا تَ ْس ِلي ًما‬

َ ‫صلُّوا َعلَ ْي ِه َو‬
َ ‫ي َيا أَيُّ َها الَّذِينَ آَ َمنُوا‬ِِّ ‫صلُّونَ َعلَى النَّ ِب‬
َ ُ‫َّللا َو َم ََلئِ َكتَهُ ي‬
َ َّ ‫﴿ ِإ َّن‬

,, Aneurysm ‫ ومسويلي‬، Aorta ‫يا ساكن في الـ‬

*-*‫مش حارمينكم من حاجة يارب نحل بقي‬ .. Rhythm ‫ والـ‬Rate ‫ وخربلي الـ‬، ‫حبك جابلي جلطه‬

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