Medicinal Herbs

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Nutritional breakdown of chives

Chives are a nutrient-dense food, meaning that while they are low in calories they are
high in beneficial nutrients like vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. One tablespoon of
chopped chives contains 1 calorie and 0 grams of fat, 0 grams protein and 0 grams of
carbohydrate while providing 3% of the daily value of both vitamins A and C. One serving of
chives also contains a small amount vitamin K, folate, choline, calcium, magnesium,
phosphorus and potassium.

Possible health benefits of consuming chives

Chives are a nutrient-dense food, meaning that while they are low in calories they are high in
beneficial nutrients like vitamins, minerals and antioxidants.
Cancer: Allium vegetables have been studied extensively in relation to cancer, especially
stomach and colorectal cancers. Their beneficial and preventative effects are likely due in
part to their rich organosulfur compounds. Although the exact mechanism by which these
compounds inhibit cancer is unknown, possible hypothesis include the inhibition of tumor
growth and mutagenesis and prevention of free radical formation. 5

Prostate cancer: In a study published by the Journal of the National Cancer Institute,
researchers used a population-based, case-controlled study to investigate the relationship
between allium vegetable intake and prostate cancer. They found that men with the highest
intake of allium vegetables had the lowest risk for prostate cancer. 2

Esophageal and stomach cancer: Frequent intake of allium vegetables such as chives
has been inversely related with the risk of esophageal and stomach cancer. Several

survey-based human studies have demonstrated the potential protective effects of

consuming alliums, as well as reports of tumor inhibition following administration of allium
compounds in experimental animals.

Sleep and mood: The choline in chives is an important nutrient that helps with sleep,
muscle movement, learning and memory. Choline also helps to maintain the structure of
cellular membranes, aids in the transmission of nerve impulses, assists in the absorption of
fat and reduces chronic inflammation. Folate, also found in chives, may help with

depression by preventing an excess of homocysteine from forming in the body, which can
prevent blood and other nutrients from reaching the brain. Excess homocysteine interferes
with the production of the feel-good hormones serotonin, dopamine, and norepinephrine,
which regulate not only mood, but also sleep and appetite as well. 7

How to incorporate more chives into your diet

Chives pair well with many dishes, especially those with eggs and cheese such as omelets,
scrambles, quiches and frittatas.

Adding chives is a great way to add flavor to a dish without adding extra calories, fat or
sodium. Chives are a tender herb (along with cilantro, mint and basil) that have gentle
stems and are best to add either raw or near the end of cooking in order to maintain their
delicate flavor and texture. Chives are easy to grow and can even be grown in small pots on
a sunny windowsill.

When preparing chives, use a sharp knife and cut gently. Using a dull knife or over-
chopping will bruise the herb and much of the flavor will be misplaced onto the cutting board
surface. 1

Chives pair well with many dishes, especially those with eggs and cheese such as omelets,
scrambles, quiches and frittatas. They're also great with creamy vegetable dips and as a
topping for soups and salads
Health benefits of Rosemary herb
 Rosemary leaves contain certain phyto-chemical (plant derived) compounds that are known to
have disease preventing and health promoting properties.
 The herb parts, especially flower tops contain phenolic anti-oxidant rosmarinic acid as well as
numerous health benefiting volatile essential oils such as cineol, camphene, borneol, bornyl
acetate, a-pinene, etc. These compounds are known to have rubefacient (counterirritant), anti-
inflammatory, anti-allergic, anti-fungal and anti-septic properties.
 Rosemary leaves provide just 131 calories per 100 g and contain no cholesterol. Apart from
nutrients, this humble herb contains many noteworthy non-nutrient components such as dietary
fiber (37% of RDA).
 The herb is exceptionally rich in many B-complex groups of vitamin, such as folic acid,
pantothenic acid, pyridoxine, riboflavin. It is one of the herbs containing high levels of folates;
providing about 109 µg per 100 g (about 27% of RDA). Folates are important in DNA synthesis
and when given during the peri-conception period can help prevent neural tube defects in the
newborn babies.
 Rosemary herb carry very good amounts of vitamin A, 2924 IU per 100 g; about 97% of RDA.
A few leaves a day in the diet, would contribute enough of this vitamin. Vitamin A is known to
have antioxidant properties and is essential for vision. It is also required for maintaining healthy
mucusa and skin. Consumption of natural foods rich in vitamin A is known to help the body
protect from lung and oral cavity cancers.
 Fresh rosemary leaves are a good source of antioxidant vitamin; vitamin-C containing about
22 mg per 100 g, about 37% of RDA. The vitamin is required for the collagen synthesis in the
body. Collagen is the main structural protein in the body required for maintaining the integrity of
blood vessels, skin, organs, and bones. Regular consumption of foods rich in vitamin C helps
the body protect from scurvy; develop resistance against infectious agents (boosts immunity)
and help scavenge harmful, pro-inflammatory free radicals from the body.
 Rosemary herb parts, whether fresh or dried, are rich source of minerals like potassium,
calcium, iron, manganese, copper, and magnesium. Potassium is an important component of
cell and body fluids, which helps control heart rate and blood pressure. Manganese is used by
the body as a co-factor for the antioxidant enzyme, superoxide dismutase.
 This herb is an excellent source of iron, contains 6.65 mg/100 g of fresh leaves (about 83% of
RDA). Iron, being a component of hemoglobin inside the red blood cells, determines the
oxygen-carrying capacity of the blood.
Culinary uses
Wash fresh leaves in cold running water or rinse for few minutes to remove any dirt or pesticide
residues. In order to keep the fragrance and flavor intact, the herb is generally added to cooking
recipes at the last moments, since prolonged cooking would result in the evaporation of its essential

Here are some serving tips:

Rosemary herb bread.
Photo courtesy: norwichnuts

 Fresh or dried rosemary leaves are part of Mediterranean cooking, employd in the
preparation of variety of recipes.
 The herb is used to flavor in salads, soups, baked vegetables, and meat dishes.
 Rosemary goes well with tomatoes, aubergine, potato, zucchinis (courgettes). Finely
chopped fresh leaves are used in the preparation of delicious sautéed rosemary potatoes.
 Rosemary tea is a popular flavor drink in Mediterranean region.

Medicinal uses of Rosemary

 Rosmarinic acid, a natural polyphenolic antioxidant found in rosemary, has been found to
have anti-bacterial, anti-inflammatory, and anti-oxidant functions. Apart from the rosemary,
other popular herbs like Sage, peppermint, oregano, thyme herbs also contain appreciable
levels of rosmarinic acid.
 Rosemary oil which is distilled from the flowering tops contains volatile essential oil such as
camphene, cineol, borneol, bornyl acetate and other esters. These compounds are known to
have tonic, astringent, diaphoretic, and stimulant properties.
 Its herbal oil is also being used externally as a rubefacient to soothe painful ailments in gout,
rheumatism and neuralgic conditions.
 Rosemary herb extractions when applied over the scalp known to stimulate the hair-bulbs
and help prevent premature baldness. It forms an effectual remedy for the prevention of
scurf and dandruff.
 Rosemary tea is a natural remedy for nervous headache, colds, and depression. (Medical
10 Most Popular Online Scams in the
The internet provides us with anonymity. Though this is a good thing in terms of voicing
out your opinion, it is also the main reason why a number of scams exist. People use
the internet to hide their identities. If you have been using the internet for quite some
time, you may be aware of some shady practices that can get you into trouble. In fact,
some scams online are so intricately planned that they may even look legitimate at

Here are some of those scams that you might want to avoid.

Sulit Laptop Scam

Sulit has long been a household name for those trying to sell. If you are selling pre-
loved items, you can place it on Sulit to get a potential buyer. For those selling their
laptop, they may get an unusual email from Nigeria or South Africa.

It Happens When: The scam goes where the seller will receive an email that he needs
to ship the laptop to Nigeria. They then let tell you that the payment will be coming once
you sent the laptop to a certain address that they will provide.
How to Avoid It: If you are selling an item, everything should be shouldered by the
buyer. Do not send your item without receiving payment first. If possible, conduct your
transactions face-to-face.

PayPal Conversion Scam

PayPal’s partner in the Philippines is Union Bank. For those with no EON card, it is
impossible to get your money with minimal charge. What’s the alternative to getting your
money from PayPal?  You may not be able to get it with the most reasonable price.

It Happens When: There are some people who will claim that they will give you cash in
exchange of your PayPal funds. With those ads posted on Sulit, they claim to buy your
PayPal funds with a given exchange rate. They usually ask you to buy from them online,
and in exchange you get the conversion of your PayPal funds. Once you’ve purchased
an item for them online, they will deactivate their Sulit Account, along with your line of

How to Avoid It: Just go get an EON card. It is the simplest and most convenient way
of getting your cash from PayPal.
Dating Scams Online

Thanks to the internet, it is possible to find someone special through dating sites.
Though there are people who actually met their significant other through this channel,
there are also those who just met a scammer.

It Happens When: Those who are lonely go to dating sites, hoping to meet new people
they can fall in love with. There are some scammers who are taking advantage of this,
asking money from these users. Some  ask money from the victims in order to buy a
webcam or for them to pay for some sick relative. This goes on until by the end of it all,
these scammers would ask their victim to send money via Western Union, and other
money transfer means.

How to Avoid It: Do not send money to whomever you are dating online, especially if
you’ve never met.
MLM/Networking Scams

MLM/Networking scams happen most of the time outside the house. However, they
most often establish rapport through online means or through texts. They invite people
to a business meeting, oftentimes asking them to dress in smart casual attire. Sounds
legit? Some perform their “business meetings” in fast food restaurants from Jollibee to
KFC for hours.

It Happens When: They usually won’t say what their product is about in the email but
rather, they state that they are looking for a business partner who they can share their
“blessings” with. Once you are there, you will be offered products with exorbitant prices
that you then have to sell.  It is also common that they use “legit” testimonials or even
name drop celebrities to attest to their product’s effectiveness. Also, it is common that
they show off success stories of people who stayed with them, who now drive a nice

How to Avoid It: Be reasonable. Who do you think would buy overpriced items? Also,
can you stomach going to your loved ones selling them with goods that you know are
overpriced? Also, remember that there is no shortcut to success. These networking
businesses typically offer fast financial security with minimal sweat, under the guise of
“working smart”.
Work-At-Home Scam

The internet allowed us to stay connected with each other. Because of this, there are
businesses that are now operating solely online. Lowering the overhead cost, this paved
way for outsourcing and real opportunities. However, there are some scams disguised
as work-at-home opportunities.

It Happens When: Who wants to earn money while sitting comfortably at home? Well,
everyone would love that. The problem with this, is that they don’t say that you will be
the one buying the supplies, paying for the newspaper ads, and doing all the trouble for
a minimal pay. There are a number of legitimate work-at-home opportunities though.
Web designers, developers, copywriters and even some call center agents now enjoy
the perks of the internet working for legit stay-at-home jobs.  Just keep in mind that if
you are going to have to pay, then maybe there is a problem.

How to Avoid It: Do a bit of research. You may want to go to sites such as Freelancer,
and oDesk to get some work at home gigs.
Auction Scams

One of the best ways on how you can get precious items is via auction. Through
auction, collectible items are typically sold. This is the best way to get an item that is
rare. In fact, designer bags and other similar items are sold on this platform.

It Happens When:  When you get an item that is not exactly what is described,  that is
already a scam. There are cases in the US where an $18,000 Louis Vuitton bag turned
out to be a knock off item.

How to Avoid It: You need to make sure that you look at the comments and feedback
of a seller, especially on eBay, Sulit or any other e-commerce site.
Phishing Emails

People are sometimes eager to click on links that they see on their emails. What they
don’t know is that this could lead towards identity theft. People sometimes forget that
they should also not enter their bank or credit card information on sites that look

It Happens When:  Ever received an email where you are told that something went
wrong with your bank account? If you will look at the email, everything looks legit from
the logos to the way the sentences were constructed; everything seemed to come from
legitimate sources. However, when you get to the link, you will be asked to enter your
information data. This is how they get your money.

How to Avoid It: Just ignore the emails. Banks will call you if ever it involves your
security. Also, you can always verify with your bank first when you receive these emails.
Make sure you are on a secured website.
Fund Transfer Scam

People can be greedy. When people are faced with large figures, they sometimes throw
their logic out of the window. This is where the fund transfer scam happens.

It Happens When: Ever received an email, more commonly, from Nigeria that tells you
about a story that he needs an accomplice in order to launder huge amounts of money?
According to the email, it is worth millions. Of course, the greedy person in you may
actually consider it. The catch, you need to come up with an initial fee that will be used
to finalize the transaction, such as bribe people who needs to be bribed. Paying upfront,
you will never get the money that you thought you were going to get.

How to Avoid It: Do not send money to anyone you do not know.
Congratulations Scam

There are a lot of contests where you could win online. When you are offered free
items, it’s hard to no. This is the whole principle why this scam is also successful.
People love free stuff.

It Happens When:  Ever get an email telling you you’ve won an item? It could be an
iPod, Xbox, or a PS4. You will be told that you won via electronic raffle and your email
has been picked. What do you need to do to claim your prize? Well, you just have to go
to a certain website where you have to fill in your debit card or bank information in your
address. Now, do you get an item in your mailbox? Not really. You just get unexplained
charges from different parts of the world. There is a chance that you have to pay for all
of this, unless you dispute the charges.

How to Avoid It: You will never win if you didn’t join anything. Also, do not ever give
your bank details to anyone, especially to dubious websites.
Wi-Fi Hot Spot Scam
People use the internet most of the time. They go online in order to check their emails
or to even buy a number of things. What if you suddenly have your information stolen
because of these connections?

It Happens When:  People love to connect to a free Wi-Fi connection. What most
people do not know is that these connections leave you vulnerable to hackers. They
could be mining your credit card information when you log on to those Wi-Fi

How to Avoid It: What you want to make sure is to only use legitimate connections
from a coffee shop or from the establishment.

There are a lot of online scams today. In fact, they keep on adapting in order to get
more victims. What you want to do is to always be vigilant. Is it easy money? Does it
involve you paying upfront? Lastly, is it too good to be true? These are some questions
that you may want to ask first before ever considering a gig or an offer. Think before

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