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Compare and contrast the implications of

varied online platforms, sites and content; to

best achieve specific needs, objectives; or to
best address the challenges in the classroom
or that of your community. write down your
insight in 300 words.
There are nine separate online platforms, each with its own purpose and
Let us compare and contrast each online platform beginning
with Assistive Media, which was designed to help people
with disabilities navigate computers from the term
"assistive," they direct individuals with disabilities such as
blind people by using audio recordings of literary works.
Another option is the Collaborative Platform, which is
classified as business software and is ideal for business-
minded individuals with similar interests. Convergent
Technologies, on the other hand, is concerned with
technologies that are converging or merging to form another

 Scanning technology, printing technology, and communication

technology, for example, can allow people to live happier lives. In
comparison, information and communication technology (ICT) are
interactive means of communication. This portal encompasses any
contact system or program that assists people in gathering information
and communicating effectively, such as cellular phones, computer
networks, hardware and software, blogging, and email. Mobile Media,
on the other hand, refers to media services such as mobile phones as
the primary source of digital communication from which we can quickly
obtain content and interact with one another. Smartphones are also the
most popular social media devices due to their features and ease for
consumers. Web Applications, on the other hand, are online
implementations of information systems used for data sharing,
management, and collaboration. This information system is web-based,
so we must connect to the internet in order to access it. Furthermore,
the Web 3.0, also known as the “Intelligent Web,” is designed to be
more personalized than the Web 2.0. Web 3.0 is like a personal
assistant to customers when it meets the most of their needs. By merely
tapping and entering sentences, Web 3.0 can complete the mission and
deliver results automatically. While it is an insightful web, it also has
many flaws, which is why it is not well popular or available.

 Eventhough this online platforms are different, they still share the same
goal and that is to help individuals gather information, communicate and
interact with each other for a better living. In terms of effectiveness in
the classroom, I think ICT is the best because of its computer software
like Microsoft PowerPoint and Word, ideal for students creating reports
and files. For the community, Social Media is the one to use since most
of us have our own social media account that we can use and access
easily to interact, communicate and learn latest news in our society.  

 And finally, web 2.0 is the most powerful internet portal for me because
all we need to know is here. We can visit various pages, track things,
engage in articles and vote on them, connect, collaborate and explore
free software.

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