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The Training Needs Analysis/Identification/Assessment is a critical activity for the training and development function.

Designing a training and development program involves a sequence of steps that can be grouped into five phases: needs assessment, design, development, implementation and evaluation. To be effective and efficient, all training programs must start with a needs assessment. Training needs analysis/ Training Need Assessment are all terms found in
the literature. For the purposes of this study the term Training Needs Analysis will be used and taken to mean the process of gathering, assessing and analyzing data to determine the training needs for an organization. Later on in this study, the term Development Needs Analysis has been adopted, although this term is not generally found in the literature. This term was decided upon within the organization that is the subject of this study. It was deliberately chosen as part of a strategy, to broaden the focus of training and development in the organisation beyond the traditional training courses.

Training Need Analysis is a systematic method for determining what caused performance to be less than expected. Performance improvement is the focus of training. The trigger for doing needs analysis occurs when actual organizational performance (AOP) is less than expected organizational performance (EOP). TNA differentiates between the need for training & organisational issues & bring about a match between individual aspirations & organisational goals. From an organisational point of view TNA is important as it has objectives to achieve the benefit of all the stakeholders & from an individual point of view the overall development of individual so as to enhance the performance. After the application of entire process, the organisation as a whole & the employees will get to see a step ahead & this is the motto of the organisation.

DNA helps & supports the newly born organisation to reach up to the next level of growth. Once the DNA is done, organisation will get the path forward to add the required KSA to the employees & hence taking the organisation to the next level. Thus, there was a great need for Needs Analysis to be performed. MTS-India wants its employees to perform better then what they have been doing. Its values of Delivering excellence, Inspiration to be a doer, Mutuality & Entrepreneurial spirit can be applied through the Competency framework that has been provided by Hay Group. These frame work consists of 9 Competencies which is associated with the values of the organisation. Competencies are the attributes that when applied helps employees to perform their role in a better way. DNA would help the employees & the organisation to derive at the conclusion as to where they need to tune to get the right melody. The 9 Competencies are: Creating Impact, Conceptual Thinking, Collaboration, Ethical Self Confidence, Team Leadership, Action Orientation, Customer Centricity, Drive for Excellence & Building Capability. The Alternative Development Approaches are Diagnose, Envision, Practice, Exchange, Compensate, Use & Market, Feedbacks, Training, Coaching & Transfer. This project aimed at analyzing Level-1 employees of MTS-India in Bihar region lacked which of the 9 Competencies mentioned above. Its aim was also to study about employee perception about the development approaches initiated by MTS-India for the development of its employees. Our motive was to learn the process & procedure of DNA at MTS-India & to support the organization in delivering the TNA/DNA for the development of MTS-Bihar employees. After the needs were known, the other phases of training & development were to be performed & hence provide training accordingly. Thus, develop the Level-1 employees with various

developmental approaches with proper KSA in that particular competency where they lacked. The scope of the project was to make their employees perform better than what they have been performing & thus improve the performance of MTS. For this purpose, we did DNA in 3 phases as: Organisational Analysis, Operational Analysis & Person Analysis. In the organisational analysis, we first understood about the vision & mission of the organisation. Also we studied about the internal resources of the organisation & the factor which affects the employees performance. Then for operational analysis we were provided a chart where in everything about the particular employee was mentioned. This chart was used in the self assessment report. Lastly for Person analysis, the method we applied was quantitative. In quantitative process, we made a close ended-questionnaire based on the 9-competencies of level1 employees & distributed them to their corresponding supervisor. Here, Supervisors ranked the level-1 employees as well as Level-1 employees ranked self on the scale 1-5 as mentioned in the questionnaire. We collected the sheets after two days of the distribution & fed the data on excel. T-test was performed in order to know where the employees lacked. From t-test, I found that Ethical self Confidence, Collaboration, Team Leadership & Action Orientation were significantly different Thus, these competencies needed to improve through various developmental approaches that MTS-India has. I also did a self assessment report of 177 employees wherein their feedbacks & grievances were noted down. The whole process took a month & 6 days to get completed in the organisation. We followed the process of TNA mentioned in the book Blanchard & Thacker as first we did the organisational analysis, operational analysis & then the individual analysis. But we had some limitations as; the

sample i.e questionnaire filled by supervisors may be biased, time constraints, huge space between what people say & what they did.

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