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299. Culpable homicide.

300. Murder.
When culpable homicide is not murder.
301. Culpable homicide by causing death of person other than person whose death was
302. Punishment for murder. – death/life/fine
303. Punishment for murder by life-convict. - death
304. Punishment for culpable homicide not amounting to murder. – life/10/fine 10 if no inte.
304A. Causing death by negligence. - 2
304B. Dowry death. 7/life
305. Abetment of suicide of child or insane person. – 10/life/death
306. Abetment of suicide. - 10
307. Attempt to murder. – 10/life if hurt
Attempts by life-convicts. - death
308. Attempt to commit culpable homicide. – 7/fine
309. Attempt to commit suicide. 1/fine
310. Thug.
311. Punishment. - life
319. Hurt.
320. Grievous hurt.
321. Voluntarily causing hurt.
322. Voluntarily causing grievous hurt.
323. Punishment for voluntarily causing hurt. 1/1000 fine
325. Punishment for voluntarily causing grievous hurt. – 7/fine
339. Wrongful restraint.
340. Wrongful confinement.
341. Punishment for wrongful restraint. – one month/500
342. Punishment for wrongful confinement. – 1/1000
343. Wrongful confinement for three or more days. - 2
344. Wrongful confinement for ten or more days. - 3
345. Wrongful confinement of person for whose liberation writ has been issued. - 2
346. Wrongful confinement in secret. - 2
347. Wrongful confinement to extort property, or constrain to illegal act. - 3
348. Wrongful confinement to extort confession, or compel restoration of property. - 3
349. Force.
350. Criminal force.
351. Assault.
352. Punishment for assault or criminal force otherwise than on grave provocation. – 3m/500
354. Assault of criminal force to woman with intent to outrage her modesty. – 1-5
354A. Sexual harassment and punishment for sexual harassment. – 3-3-3-1
354B. Assault or use of criminal force to woman with intent to disrobe. 3-7
354C. Voyeurism. – 1-3 & 3-7
354D. Stalking. – 3 & 5
359. Kidnapping.
360. Kidnapping from India.
361. Kidnapping from lawful guardianship.
362. Abduction.
363. Punishment for kidnapping. - 7
363A. Kidnapping or maiming a minor for purposes of begging. – 10/life
364. Kidnapping or abducting in order to murder. - 10
364A. Kidnapping for ransom, etc. – death/life
365. Kidnapping or abducting with intent secretly and wrongfully to confine person. - 7
366. Kidnapping, abducting or inducing woman to compel her marriage, etc.- 10
366A. Procuration of minor girl. - 10
366B. Importation of girl from foreign country. - 10
370. Trafficking of person. – 7-10/life
370A. Exploitation of a trafficked person. – 5-7, 3-5
371. Habitual dealing in slaves. - 10
372. Selling minor for purposes of prostitution, etc. - 10
373. Buying minor for purposes of prostitution, etc. – 10
375. Rape.
376. Punishment for rape. – life/10, 10/death/life, 20/life
376A. Punishment for causing death or resulting in persistent vegetative state of victim. - 20
376B. Sexual intercourse by husband upon his wife during separation. 2-7
376C. Sexual intercourse by a person in authority. 5-10
376D. Gang rape. 20/life
376DA.Punishment for gang rape on woman under sixteen years of age. - life
376DB.Punishment for gang rape on woman under twelve years of age. – life/death
376E. Punishment for repeat offenders. – death/life
377. Unnatural offences. – life
378. Theft.
379. Punishment for theft. – 3
383. Extortion.
384. Punishment for extortion. – 3
390. Robbery. - When theft is robbery. - When extortion is robbery.
391. Dacoity.
392. Punishment for robbery – 10-14
395. Punishment for dacoity. – 10

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